Robotic Mapping with Polygonal Random Fields
Mark A. Paskin
A coloring is a function that classifies all points in the plane as black or white; a polygonal coloring has the added property that the boundaries between black and white regions are made of line segments. A polygonal random field is a probability distribution over polygonal colorings.

This movie gives a quick demonstration of inference with polygonal random fields. The first image is a noisy version of a bitmap image; each pixel has been flipped with probability 0.25. The following images are samples from a Markov chain over polygonal reconstructions of the image. The final image is a visualization of the average color of each pixel across all samples.
application to robotic mapping

Polygonal random fields are a natural model for robotic mapping problems where we must classify each point in the environment as free space or as occupied by some object. In these problems we typically get observations from laser or sonar rangefinders. An example is shown below.

localized laser data
(a) localized laser data
occupancy grid
(b) occupancy grid
polygonal random field posterior
(c) polygonal random field posterior
Figure: an example of robotic mapping with polygonal random fields. (a) A data set of 5,500 localized laser observations. (b) An occupancy grid computed from the data. (c) A visualization of the posterior distribution of a polygonal random field. In (b) and (c) hotter colors indicate more likely occupied, and cooler colors indicate more likely free space. (Using colors rather than shades of gray makes it easier to see subtle differences in probability.)

The traditional technique for mapping with rangefinder data is occupancy grids, which treat the environment as a grid of independent cells that are either occupied or free. Polygonal random fields yield improved maps because they have spatial correlation—nearby points are likely to have the same colors—and they are biased towards colorings with planar boundaries, which are prevalent in many mapping problems. This bias leads to useful extrapolation, as at the bottom of the map, where the set of collinear laser impacts has provided evidence for a wall; the polygonal random field extrapolates that this wall extends for some unknown distance.

Another example is shown below, this time with sonar data. Sonar data are far more difficult to interpret than laser data; while a laser impact indicates a point of contact, a sonar impact yields an arc which contains a point of impact. Because sonar data is more ambiguous, occupancy grids perform poorly with sonar data. Many of the walls are missing due to specular reflections, and the walls that remain are indistinct. In this context, polygonal random fields yield far better maps: the boundaries are crisp, and the free space is clearly marked. Surprisingly, the technique also correctly identifies a number of rooms using a combination of subtle cues: a small number of longer range readings that enter the room, and corner impacts at the door frame.

localized sonar data
(a) localized sonar data
occupancy grid
(b) occupancy grid
polygonal random field posterior
(c) polygonal random field posterior
Figure: an example of sonar mapping with polygonal random fields. (a) A data set of 29,120 localized sonar observations. (b) An occupancy grid computed from the data. (c) A visualization of the posterior distribution of a polygonal random field. In (b) and (c) hotter colors indicate more likely occupied, and cooler colors indicate more likely free space. (Using colors rather than shades of gray makes it easier to see subtle differences in probability.)

A movie (6MB) that shows some samples drawn from the posterior is also available. Note how in the regions with dense observations, the posterior is very peaked; in regions without many measurements the sampler explores alternative structures for the environment.


The paper is available for download in PDF format.

  author =       {Mark A. Paskin and Sebastian Thrun},
  title =        {Robotic Mapping with Polygonal Random Fields},
  booktitle =    {Proceedings of the 21st Conference on
                  Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
  pages =        {??--??},
  year =         {2005},
  editor =       {Faheim Bacchus and Tommi Jaakkola},
  month =        {July},
  publisher =    {AUAU Press, Arlington, Virginia}


This implementation is © Mark A. Paskin 2005. I am distributing my implementation as open-source software under the GNU Public License.

This distribution should build on *nix systems without a problem, and porting it to Windows should not be difficult. I developed it on Linux and Mac OS X.


I am making this code available so that the experiments in the paper are reproducible, and to facilitate research on applications of polygonal random fields. (This implementation took me months to develop, and I'd like other researchers to be able to avoid this startup cost.) However, the code is not supported, so if you plan to use it please prepare to get your hands dirty. If you have trouble with my software (but not with CGAL or Qt) I am happy to answer questions via e-mail.


Below are the steps to installing this distribution:

  1. Install the GNU Scientific Library (GSL).

  2. Install Qt with support for multi-threading. Qt is a library for developing C++ graphical user interfaces, and it is used by the visualization software. An open-source distribution of Qt is available. My distribution requires multiple threads to simultaneously perform sampler computations and visualize the state of the sampler.

  3. Install CGAL with support for Qt. CGAL is a wonderful open-source library for geometric computation, and it is used extensively in my implementation for geometric primitives like points and line segments, and algorithms like intersection testing.

  4. Download my distribution, MB), and unzip it.

  5. Make sure that the environment variable CGAL_MAKEFILE is defined; this should have been taken care of when you installed CGAL.

  6. cd into the directory arak and type make.

  7. To make the documentation:

    1. Install Doxygen, an open-source source code documentation program.
    2. Type make doc.

getting started

The main program is bin/sampler, which uses MCMC to sample from several types of Arak processes. Below I'll step through an example of sampling from an Arak process with Gaussian observations.

  1. Take a look at the file data/gaussian.props. This file contains a number of properties that govern how the sampler operates. There are parameters which govern:
    • the boundary of the observation window;
    • the scale parameter of the Arak process;
    • the type of observations (Gaussian in this case);
    • the parameters of the observation model;
    • a path to the file containing the observed data;
    • parameters of the Clifford & Nicholls (1994) proposal distribution;
    • parameters of the Markov chain, including burn-in, stride, and annealing;
    • parameters of the color estimates to compute; and
    • paths to where the results are written, including the final coloring, the color estimates, the most likely coloring found, and a subset of the samples from the Markov chain.
  2. Run the sample using these properties by typing

    bin/sampler -v -t -p data/gaussian.props
    The -v flag requests visualization of the sampler's state, and the -t flag requests a navigation toolbar in the GUI. The -p option takes a path to a file containing the parameters of the simulation. These parameters can be specified explicitly (or overridden) on the command line using the -D option, as in
    bin/sampler -v -t -p data/gaussian.props -D arak.scale=2.0
    which overrides the Arak process scale parameter to be 2.0.

    The first thing you will see is the sampler write out the parameter values of the simulation. Then a window should pop up, showing the current state of the sampler. It will look something like this:

    The toolbar at the top allows you to zoom and pan the display. It also stores a history of these actions, which can be reversed using the left and right arrows (on the left side of the toolbar).

    Pressing the right mouse button will cycle through this view and three other views:
    The color estimates for a grid of point locations. Each color estimate is the probability a point is colored black; this probability is visualized on a color scale (identical to the Matlab "JET" colormap) where dark blue corresponds to zero and dark red corresponds to one. The current colors of the sampler's query points. These are the points whose colors are maintained explicitly by the sampler for efficiency; in this example, the points correspond to the locations of observations so likelihoods can be evaluated quickly. A visualization of the observed data, with the current discontinuity graph overlaid.

  3. Quit the sampler by closing the visualization window. The result files are written out and some statistics about the Markov chain (like acceptance ratios for different move types) are written to the shell. When the visualization is not requested (by omitting the -v flag), the sampler can be stopped by typing Control-C (or signalling INT).

  4. Run the sampler using other types of observations by changing the property file you use:

    data/gaussian.props The Gaussian data used in the original Clifford & Nicholls (1994) paper.
    data/gaussian-circle.props Some Gaussian data generated by a black circle in an otherwise white plane. It is interesting to see how averaging over polygonal colorings can yield a smooth circular image.
    data/bernoulli.props Some boolean data corrupted by bit-flipping noise. This shows how Arak processes could be used to perform anisotropic smoothing of bitmap images.
    data/prf-demo.props Another anisotropic smoothing example; this was used to generate the movie at the top of this page.
    data/range.propsThis is some simulated range data generated using Player/Stage. For range data the data set is visualized by drawing each range measurement as a line segment from the sensor location to the impact point; the color of this line segment indicates its likelihood under given the current coloring.
    data/gates-laser.10.lobby.propsThis is 1/10th of a laser data gathered in the lobby of the Gates Building at Stanford. It consists of around 5,500 localized laser rangefinder measurements. This is the laser rangefinder data set reported in the UAI paper.
    data/gates-laser.100.propsThis is 1/100th of the complete laser dataset from the A wing of the Gates Building at Stanford. It consists of around 3,300 localized laser rangefinder measurements.
    data/gates-sonar.propsThis is sonar dataset from the A wing of the Gates Building at Stanford. It consists of around 29,000 localized sonar rangefinder measurements. This is the sonar rangefinder data set reported in the UAI paper.

    Note that for the more complex data sets, the computation required for visualization can be quite large. To get faster sampling, turn visualization off.

digging deeper...

The sampler program is the main program in this distribution, but there are others which you may find useful.

  • bin/sampler writes out colorings using a simple (self-documenting) text format. For example, if the property file requests it, the sampler writes out the last state of the Markov chain and/or the most likely state visited. You can use bin/coloringtofig to convert this format to FIG format, so that you can use xfig to view the coloring. bin/coloringtofig reads the coloring from standard input and writes the fig file to standard output. You can also use the shell script bin/coloringtopdf (which uses bin/coloringtofig internally) to create a PDF rendering of the coloring. Finally, the script vc is a quick way to take a look at a coloring: it invokes coloringtopdf to create a temporary PDF rendering, and then invokes ggv to show it.

  • bin/sampler also writes out colorings in a more compressed binary format to record a subset of samples from a Markov chain simulation. To visualize these samples, you can use the program bin/samplestofigs to convert the file of binary samples to FIG files using

    bin/samplestofigs --prefix sample- < samples.bin
    This will create sample-1.fig, sample-2.fig, and so on. I used fig2dev to convert these FIG files to PNG files, and then used Quicktime to generate movies depicting the evolution of the Markov chain. (You can also use the --stride option to skip samples.)

  • Besides colorings, bin/sampler also writes out point color estimates. (ogrid, described below, also does this.) To visualized these point color estimates, there are programs which create PGM images (where grayscale is used to visualize the probability each point is black) and PPM images (which use the JET colormap to map black probabilities to colors). The main programs to use for this purpose are gesttopgm and gesttoppm (gest = grid of color estimates). For example, if you run bin/sampler and it writes out color estimates to estimates.out.gz, you can run

    bin/gesttoppm estimates.out.gz
    to create a PPM visualization called estimates.ppm. gesttopgm and gesttoppm are shell scripts that wrap two programs called gridtopgm and gridtoppm which do all the work. (There are also two programs, surftopgm and esttopgm which use interpolation to generate PGM renderings from point estimates that are at arbitrary locations, rather than on a grid. They do not operate on estimates generated by bin/sampler; I've included them because I used them at an earlier stage of development, and they might be useful to others.)

  • bin/sonar_viz is a program that can be used to visualize the sonar observation model described in the UAI paper. I used it to design the sonar model and to choose reasonable parameters for it. The program requires a properties file specified with a -p option, and a fixed coloring, read from standard input. For example, if coloring.out is a coloring generated from bin/sampler using the properties file data/gates-sonar.props, then you can run

    bin/sonar_viz -p data/gates-sonar.props < coloring.out
    to visualize the sonar observation model described by the parameters in data/gates-sonar.props. When the window comes up, it should show the coloring supplied as input. (If not, resize the window and it will show up.) Click on a point in free space, and then click on another to define a ray; this ray gives the location and orientation of a hypothetical sonar sensor. At the bottom of the screen you will see the likelihood function associated with range measurements from that sensor, given the coloring is the true map. An example is shown below (I zoomed in on a part of the map):

    The visible faces and corners are drawn into the map, and color is used to indicate the probability that a return would be generated by each such feature. In the example above, there are two faces visible to the sensor, and the closer one is more likely to generate the return (the colormap used here is jet, as above). At the bottom you can see the likelihood function (which has two strong modes, one for each feature visible to the sonar sensor.

  • ogrid is a program which computes occupancy grid estimates associated with laser and sonar range data. Like sampler, ogrid uses property files to determine the input data and model parameters; see data/gates-sonar.occupancy.props for an example which can generate occupancy grids for the same data set as used in data/gates-sonar.props. There are parameters which govern:

    • the boundary of the occupancy grid and its resolution;
    • the parameters of the inverse sensor model; and
    • a path to the file containing the observed data.
    The program writes out the result to standard output in the same "grid"; format that sampler uses to write the grid of point color estimates (although it is not gzipped). You can therefore run
    bin/ogrid -p data/gates-sonar.occupancy.props | gzip >! ogrid-estimates.out.gz
    to get the same kind of estimates written out by sampler. Then you can run gridtoppm as above to generate a visualization.


I have tried to keep the code clean and well-documented. The auto-generated documentation is available here, thanks to Doxygen.


Thanks go to

  • Brian Gerkey, who helped me collect the laser and sonar data from Gates Hall
  • Andrew Howard, whose pmap library was used to localize these range measurements.
Also, thanks go to the developers of the following pieces of software, which are included (in whole or in part) in this distribution: And finally, thanks to the developers of CGAL for writing a wonderful library!