Online Word Games

12/03/07: The word games are back up.

Free Association

Free Assocation is similar to the game of Taboo. In this game, you are randomly assigned a partner and are given a word. You and your partner must then type words associated with the given one, without using any of the words on the "taboo" list. The goal is to type the same word as your partner; you are then awarded points and move on to the next word.


Categorilla is similar to the real-life game Scattergories. Again, you are assigned a random partner. You and your partner are given a letter and a set of ten categories. You then type words that match each category; as soon as you type the same thing as your partner, you are awarded points for that category.


Categodzilla. Categorilla on steroids.


Stay tuned! Currently pre-alpha.


For all those times you've spent countless hours playing one of those little online games or watching stupid videos on the web, and stopped for a second to think to yourself, "Man, I really should do something more useful with my time...," then kept wasting time anyways...

Now you can help us collect data about language AND play a fun game! We currently have three games: Free Association, Categorilla, and Categodzilla.

Playing the games is helpful to us in two ways.

  • They adapt and improve based on what people have typed. Taboo words, for example, are generated based on popular past guesses for each word.
  • We collect your guesses to derive information about relationships between words. For example, if you are playing Categorilla and type "George Washington" under the category "President," we will have learned that George Washington is a president. This is very useful linguistics data.

This project is part of DAGS at Stanford CS.

Games require Java 1.4+.
They may take up to 30 seconds to load.

Version History

Version 3.0 -- July 20, 2007

  • Created a statistics system to keep track of your longest matched words, shortest match times, and your best game scores. Statistics are kept as of July 20, 2007. Let us know about any other records you would like to see!
  • The word games now feature a user ranking system. Work your way up to "Linguistic Legend" by proving your semantic skill and earning high scores!
  • If you can believe it, even more major bug-fixes.

Version 2.0 -- June 29, 2007

  • Added sounds, icons, and a useful color scheme.
  • Added new words and categories.
  • Major bug-fixes.

Version 1.0

  • Initial release.

Contact Us

Please email comments, suggestions, questions, problems, and anything else to

Credit is due to Mark James for his icons.

© Daphne's Approximate Group of Students. All Rights Reserved. Stanford, CA 94305.