PMath Member List

This is the complete list of members for PMath, including all inherited members.

AngleBetweenPlanes(const Vector3 &p1, const Vector3 &p2, const Vector3 &p3, const Vector3 &p4)PMath [static]
ArbitraryNonParallel(const Vector3 &v)PMath [static]
ComputePos(const Vector3 &prev, const Vector3 &cur, Real angle, Real bondLength)PMath [static]
ConvertToQuaternion(double **input, Vector4 *output, vector< int > sign)PMath [static]
DeltaQuaterToDeltaVel(Vector4 qi, Vector4 qf, Vector3 *delatV)PMath [static]
Find2PtTransform(Vector3 s1, Vector3 s2, Vector3 e1, Vector3 e2)PMath [static]
FindRotationMatrix(const Vector3 &axis, Real angle)PMath [static]
getAngle(const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2)PMath [static]
InterpolateQuaternion(Vector4 qi, Vector4 qf, Vector4 *qu, double u)PMath [static]
LocalToGlobalCoord(const vector< Vector3 > definedRelativeCoordinates, const vector< Vector3 > definedGlobalCoordinates)PMath [static]
normalize(vector< double > &v)PMath [static]
signum(double a)PMath [static]
sphereIntersectsCube(const Vector3 &sphereCenter, Real sphereRadius, const Vector3 &cubeVertex1, const Vector3 &cubeVertex2)PMath [static]
TorsionAngle(Vector3 u, Vector3 v, Vector3 w)PMath [static]

Generated on Wed May 16 20:22:14 2007 for LoopTK: Protein Loop Kinematic Toolkit by  doxygen 1.5.1