The comment period on the CS2013 Ironman v1.0 draft is now closed.

Commenting on CS2013 Ironman Draft

The CS2013 Ironman v1.0 draft represents a full revision of the CS2013 Body of Knowledge based on community comments on the CS2013 Strawman draft. The Ironman draft also includes additional chapters as well as over 50 course exemplars, showing how the CS2013 Body of Knowledge may be covered in a variety of courses.

We welcome community comment on the current CS2013 draft. The comment period on the Ironman draft will be open until June 1, 2013.

How to Submit Comments

Comments on the CS2013 Ironman draft can be submitted via the CS2013 Group in the Ensemble Computing Portal at:

In the CS2013 group in Ensemble, you will find a series of Forums -- one for each Knowledge Area in the CS2013 Body of Knowledge as well as one Forum for Chapters 1-6 of the Ironman report. We request that comments be posted in the Forum specific to the comment (e.g., comments on a particular Knowledge Area should be posted in the Forum for that Knowledge Area; comments on the text of Chapters 1-6 should be posted in that respective Forum). Comments related to specific text in the report should please specify the page number and/or line number(s) of the text being commented on. Line numbers are provided on the far left-hand side of the each page in the Ironman report.

In order to post comments, you will need to have a Ensemble login. You can register for a new login by clicking the "register" link in the upper left-hand corner of the Ensemble page, or login with an existing Ensemble account by clicking on the "login" link (also located in the upper left-hand corner of the page).

Please note that posts are not allowed by non-logged-in users in order to prevent spam.

Step-by-Step Process to Post a Comment

The step-by-step process for posting comments is:
  1. Go to the CS2013 Group in the Ensemble Computing Portal at:

  2. Login to Ensemble by either creating a new account or logging-in to an existing account. Links to either "register" a new account or "login" to an existing account can be found in the upper left-hand corner of the Ensemble page.

  3. Navigate to the Forum to which your comment pertains (e.g., one of the Knowledge Areas or the text of Chapters 1-6 in the Ironman Report).

  4. Click the "Add new comment" link. Fill out the subject and body of your comment. In the body of the comment, please include the page number and/or line number of the specific text being commented on. Line numbers are provided on the far left-hand side of the each page in the Ironman report.

    Click the "PREVIEW" button to see a preview of you comment. To post your comment, click the "SAVE" button. Note that you may edit or delete your comment after you have posted it.

If You Encounter Problems While Attempting to Post Comments

If you encounter any issues while attempting to post comments at the Ensemble Computing Portal, please do the following:
  1. Email Mehran Sahami ( right away and describe the problem you're having. We will notify the Ensemble Computing Portal to see if we can get the problem resolved quickly.

  2. Since we'd still very much like to have your comments, please email your comments to the CS2013 Steering Committee at the address: CS2013-COMMITTEE@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG. We will then post your comments on the Ensemble Computing Portal.