Module 559

Jump to: General properties | Gene sets | Enriched clinical annotations | Enriched Go annotations | Visual display
General Properties
Below we list the number of gene sets from which the module was composed was originally composed, and the number of genes and experiments that it contains. Clicking on the number of genes will display a detailed list of all the genes in the module. Clicking on the number of experiments will display a detailed list of all the experiments in the module.
Num gene sets: 2
Num genes: 32 (see 2 additional genes for this module)
Num experiments: 30 (24 induced, 6 repressed)

Jump to: General properties | Gene sets | Enriched clinical annotations | Enriched Go annotations | Visual display
Gene sets
Below we list the gene sets from which the module was originally composed. Clicking on a gene set will display all the genes associated with that gene set. Also listed are all the other modules in which the gene set participates.
microtubule organizing center 559 578
Perou00 23 559 578

Jump to: General properties | Gene sets | Enriched clinical annotations | Enriched Go annotations | Visual display
Enriched clinical annotations
For each of the clinical annotations, we tested whether it was enriched in the set of experiments in which the module is significantly induced (or repressed). Below we list all such annotations that were enriched in this module with an FDR corrected p-value of 0.05 ('P-value' column), along with the number ('Hits' column) of induced (or repressed) experiments in which they appear. We also show the fraction of experiments with the given annotation that are included in this module ('Hits (%)' column). Rows that correspond to annotations that were enriched in the induced experiments of the module have a red background, while rows corresponding to annotations enriched in the repressed experiments have a green background. For each annotation, we also list the other modules in which it was enriched.
Clinical annotation P-value Hits Hits(%) Modules
Stage T3 - breast 1.19e-05 6 25 26 67 139 180 206 207 258 285 325 389 559 567 578
Breat cancer 3.99e-05 8 33.333 1 2 6 11 12 23 24 26 27 33 44 46 47 55 63 64 66 67 75 84 88 99 100 112 117 122 137 139 147 154 161 166 171 172 180 192 195 205 206 207 208 209 211 213 220 234 256 258 262 279 285 292 297 324 325 333 334 342 345 356 357 389 427 467 480 481 503 513 544 559 561 567 576 578
ER or DC pos BC 5.68e-05 6 25 26 67 117 139 180 205 206 207 234 258 285 342 389 443 559 567 578
Female hormonal cancer 7.31e-05 8 33.333 6 11 12 23 24 26 27 33 44 46 47 55 63 66 67 75 84 88 99 100 112 117 122 137 139 147 154 161 166 172 180 192 195 205 206 207 209 213 220 234 256 258 279 285 297 324 325 333 334 342 356 357 389 427 480 481 503 513 559 567 576 578
Breast tissue or cancer 7.74e-05 8 33.333 1 2 5 6 11 12 19 23 24 26 27 33 44 46 47 55 60 63 64 66 67 75 84 88 99 100 112 117 122 129 137 139 147 154 161 166 171 172 176 180 192 195 205 206 207 208 209 213 220 234 256 258 279 285 297 324 325 333 334 342 345 356 357 385 389 427 480 481 503 513 559 567 576 578
wt p53 breast 0.00012 5 20.833 11 26 67 139 180 192 205 206 207 279 285 334 342 389 427 443 480 559 567 578
Grade 1-breast 0.00013 3 12.5 26 139 207 389 443 549 559 567 578
Female hormonal cancer and cell line 0.00015 9 37.5 0 6 11 12 23 24 26 33 46 47 55 63 66 67 75 88 99 100 112 117 122 129 134 137 139 147 154 166 172 176 180 192 195 206 207 209 213 220 234 256 258 279 285 297 324 325 333 334 342 356 357 389 411 418 427 433 465 480 485 503 511 513 544 559 561 567 576 578
Female hormonal tissue and cancer 0.00016 8 33.333 1 2 6 11 12 19 23 24 26 27 33 44 46 47 55 63 64 66 67 75 84 88 99 100 112 117 122 137 139 147 154 161 166 172 176 180 192 195 206 207 209 213 220 234 256 258 279 285 297 324 333 334 342 356 357 385 389 427 480 503 513 559 567 576 578
Grade 1 0.00018 3 12.5 26 139 207 389 443 559 567 578
Ref CRD BC 0.00018 3 12.5 26 207 389 485 559 578
Stage T3 0.00027 6 25 26 159 206 207 258 285 321 389 443 460 497 559 567
Stage M0-breast 0.00037 6 25 11 26 67 117 139 147 166 180 192 195 205 206 207 234 256 279 285 333 334 342 356 389 427 480 503 559 567 576 578
Breast cancer or cell line 0.00038 8 33.333 0 6 11 12 23 24 26 27 30 33 44 46 47 55 63 66 67 71 75 88 99 100 112 117 122 129 134 137 139 147 154 156 161 166 172 176 180 186 187 192 193 195 205 206 207 209 213 220 234 240 256 258 279 285 288 297 324 325 331 333 334 342 356 357 389 397 411 418 427 433 443 461 465 480 481 482 485 503 509 511 513 544 559 561 567 576 578
Female hormonal tissue, cancer or cell line 0.00038 9 37.5 0 1 2 6 11 12 23 24 26 33 47 55 63 66 67 80 88 99 100 112 117 122 129 134 137 139 147 154 161 166 176 180 192 195 201 206 207 209 213 220 234 256 258 279 285 297 324 325 329 330 333 334 342 356 357 385 389 411 418 427 433 465 480 503 511 513 559 561 567 576 578

Jump to: General properties | Gene sets | Enriched clinical annotations | Enriched Go annotations | Visual display
Enriched GO annotations
For each GO annotation, we tested whether it was enriched in the set of genes of the module. Below we list all such annotations that were enriched in this module with an FDR corrected p-value of 0.05 ('P-value' column), along with the number ('Hits' column) of genes in which they appear. We also show the fraction of genes with the given GO annotation that are included in this module ('Hits (%)' column).

Jump to: General properties | Gene sets | Enriched clinical annotations | Enriched Go annotations | Visual display
Visual display
Below is a visual display of the module. Shown are those arrays in which the module's genes significantly change, and the direction of change (induction/repression) in each array is indicated (middle, labeled 'Module changes'; red/green row). The arrays that correspond to the significant clinical attributes are also shown (top; brown rows). The gene sets that compose the module are also shown (left) along with an indication of the membership of the module genes in these gene sets.
You can also view the images within GeneXPress by loading the module gxp file file.
