class mpkCollPair

Represents a candidate pair of rigid objects to be tested for collisions or for which a minimum workspace clearance is desired. A list or vector of all pairs that could potentially collide defines the necessary collision checks for the entire scenario (see mpkCollPairSet).

Public Fields

ocoll_obj o1
Information about the first candidate object of the pair.
ocoll_obj o2
Information about the other candidate object of the pair.
odouble delta
Minimum workspace clearance (delta) for this pair.

Public Methods

[more] mpkCollPair (mpkBaseRobot* rob1, int first_param_idx1, int joint_idx1, PQP_Model* obst_pqp, mpkTransform* obst_transf, const char obst_name[], double delta = 1e-3)
[more] mpkCollPair (mpkBaseRobot* rob1, int first_param_idx1, int joint_idx1, mpkBaseRobot* rob2, int first_param_idx2, int joint_idx2, double delta = 1e-3)
[more]void compute_transf (const mpkConfig& q) const

Public Members

ostruct coll_obj
Structure storing information about a single collision candidate object (rigid body).


To distinguish robot links in a scenario with multiple identical robots, the object identifiers (names) created by this class concatenate the robot name and the link name to get a unique name for each link.

o mpkCollPair(mpkBaseRobot* rob1, int first_param_idx1, int joint_idx1, PQP_Model* obst_pqp, mpkTransform* obst_transf, const char obst_name[], double delta = 1e-3)
Creates a collision test pair (robot link, obstacle). The robot and obstacle information can be taken from mpkRobotCollection and mpkObstacleCollection, respectively.
rob1 - pointer to robot
first_param_idx1 - position of first parameter of rob in the c-space (see first_param_idx in mpkRobotCollection). Equals 0 if only one robot.
joint_idx1 - index of the joint with which the candidate link is associated
obst_pqp - PQP model of the obstacle
obst_transf - mpkTransform of the obstacle
obst_name - Name of the obstacle
- delta Minimum workspace clearance
See Also:

o mpkCollPair(mpkBaseRobot* rob1, int first_param_idx1, int joint_idx1, mpkBaseRobot* rob2, int first_param_idx2, int joint_idx2, double delta = 1e-3)
Creates a collision test pair (robot link, robot link) from one or two different robots. For notes on parameters, see above constructor for pair (robot link, obstacle).

ovoid compute_transf(const mpkConfig& q) const
Computes the transforms for both objects (or for the first object only if the second object is a fixed obstacle). Note that this modifies the robot transforms in the robot(s) that were passed in the constructor.

This class has no child classes.
See Also:

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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