class mpkConfig

Contains the parameters of a normalized configuration (a point in the c-space ).
The operators ==,+,-,*,/ are defined for this class.


Public Methods

[more] mpkConfig (int dim = 0)
odouble norm2 () const
Euclidean norm squared.
odouble norm () const
Euclidean norm.
odouble dist2 (const mpkConfig& y) const
Euclidean distance squared.
odouble dist (const mpkConfig& y) const
Euclidean distance.
odouble Linf () const
Linf norm.
odouble Linf_dist (const mpkConfig& y) const
Linf distance.
odouble Linf_dist (const mpkConfig& y, const vector<double>& weights) const
weighted Linf distance.
ovoid lin_interpol (double t, const mpkConfig& q0, const mpkConfig& q1)
Set to t*q0 + (1-t)*q1.
ovoid print (ostream& out = cout) const
Print to output stream.


Contains the parameters of a normalized configuration (a point in the c-space ).
The operators ==,+,-,*,/ are defined for this class.
o mpkConfig(int dim = 0)
dim - number of parameters (dimension of c-space).

This class has no child classes.

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