class mpkRobotCollection

Extracts all robots (nodes of type mpkRobot) from an Inventor scene graph and builds PQP collision models for them.

Public Fields

ovector<mpkBaseRobot*> rob
Pointers to the robots in the collection.
ovector<double> param_weights
weights for parameters (useful for animation discretization etc.).

Public Methods

[more] mpkRobotCollection (SoGroup* scenegraph)
[more]mpkBaseRobot* operator[] (int i)
[more]int num_robots () const
[more]int num_params () const
[more]int first_param_idx (int robidx) const
[more]void set_config (const vector<double>& conf)
[more]void get_config (vector<double>& conf) const
[more]void compute_forward_kinematics (int rob_idx=-1)
[more]void update_iv_transf (int rob_idx=-1)


Extracts all robots (nodes of type mpkRobot) from an Inventor scene graph and builds PQP collision models for them.
o mpkRobotCollection(SoGroup* scenegraph)
scenegraph is the inventor scene graph which will be parsed for mpkRobot nodes.

ompkBaseRobot* operator[](int i)

oint num_robots() const
Returns the number of robots in the collection.

oint num_params() const
Returns the total number of parameters (DOFs) of all robots together (the dimension of the cross-product c-space of all robots).

oint first_param_idx(int robidx) const
Returns for robot with index robidx where its parameters start in the joint configuration of all robots in the collection. For robidx this value is always 0 and for subsequent robots it equals the sum of the numbers of parameters of all robots with smaller indices.

ovoid set_config(const vector<double>& conf)
Sets the joint configuration of the robots to conf. Note: subsequent explicit calls to compute_forward_kinematics and update_iv_transf necessary to update the collision model and Inventor scene graph transforms of the robots.

ovoid get_config(vector<double>& conf) const
Copies the joint configuration of the robots to conf.

ovoid compute_forward_kinematics(int rob_idx=-1)
Computes the forward kinematics for robot with index rob_idx or all robots (if rob_idx==-1).

ovoid update_iv_transf(int rob_idx=-1)
Updates the Inventor scene graph transfors for robot with index rob_idx or all robots (if rob_idx==-1). Note: compute_forward_kinematics must have been called before to update the kinematics of the robot.

This class has no child classes.
See Also:

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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