class sblBin

Class sblBin is used to keep record on the distribution of the nodes on C-space. Each bin containts an identifier, given by i, a counter where the number of nodes in the bin is kept (count), and a space to store a certain number of nodes per bin. There are also some auxiliary functions.

Public Fields

ovector<int> data
To store the indexes of the nodes on the bin

Public Methods

[more] sblBin ()
[more] sblBin (const sblMilestone& m)
[more]void add_node (const sblMilestone& node)
[more]void del_node (const sblMilestone& node)
[more]int getSize ()
[more]int getData (int i)
[more]void print ()


Class sblBin is used to keep record on the distribution of the nodes on C-space. Each bin containts an identifier, given by i, a counter where the number of nodes in the bin is kept (count), and a space to store a certain number of nodes per bin. There are also some auxiliary functions.
o sblBin()

o sblBin(const sblMilestone& m)

ovoid add_node(const sblMilestone& node)
For adding a milestone in the bin

ovoid del_node(const sblMilestone& node)
For deleting a node from the bin

oint getSize()
Returns the size of the bin

oint getData(int i)
Retrieves an entry

ovoid print()
Prints the bin list

This class has no child classes.

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