LocusLink | Name | P-value | Description |
1087 | CEACAM7 | 0.00436285 | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 7.CGM2.carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 7. |
2139 | EYA2 | 0.00436285 | eyes absent homolog 2 (Drosophila).EAB1; MGC10614.eyes absent 2 isoform c. |
2287 | FKBP3 | 0.00436285 | FK506 binding protein 3, 25kDa.PPIase; FKBP-25.FK506-binding protein 3. |
2706 | GJB2 | 0.00436285 | gap junction protein, beta 2, 26kDa (connexin 26).HID; KID; PPK; CX26; DFNA3; DFNB1; junction protein, beta 2, 26kDa (connexin 26). |
2770 | GNAI1 | 0.00436285 | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide 1.Gi.guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide 1. |
3339 | HSPG2 | 0.00436285 | heparan sulfate proteoglycan 2 (perlecan).PLC; SJA; SJS; SJS1.heparan sulfate proteoglycan 2. |
3570 | IL6R | 0.00436285 | interleukin 6 receptor.CD126; IL6RA; IL-6R-1; IL-6R-alpha.interleukin 6 receptor isoform 2 precursor. |
3760 | KCNJ3 | 0.00436285 | potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 3.GIRK1; KIR3.1.potassium inwardly-rectifying channel J3. |
3821 | KLRC1 | 0.00436285 | killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily C, member 1.NKG2; NKG2A; CD159A; NKG2-A; NKG2-B.killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily C, member 1 isoform NKG2-B. |
419 | ART3 | 0.00436285 | ADP-ribosyltransferase 3..ADP-ribosyltransferase 3. |
4842 | NOS1 | 0.00436285 | nitric oxide synthase 1 (neuronal).NOS.nitric oxide synthase 1 (neuronal). |
5132 | PDC | 0.00436285 | phosducin.PHD; MEKA; PhLP; PhLOP.phosducin isoform b. |
5596 | MAPK4 | 0.00436285 | mitogen-activated protein kinase 4.ERK3; PRKM4; p63MAPK; ERK3-RELATED.mitogen-activated protein kinase 4. |
5644 | PRSS1 | 0.00436285 | protease, serine, 1 (trypsin 1).TRP1; TRY1; TRY4; TRYP1.protease, serine, 1 preproprotein. |
5675 | PSG6 | 0.00436285 | pregnancy specific beta-1-glycoprotein 6.PSG10.pregnancy specific beta-1-glycoprotein 6. |
5793 | PTPRG | 0.00436285 | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, G.PTPG; HPTPG; RPTPG; R-PTP-GAMMA.protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, G precursor. |
7039 | TGFA | 0.00436285 | transforming growth factor, alpha..transforming growth factor, alpha. |
8091 | HMGA2 | 0.00436285 | high mobility group AT-hook 2.BABL; LIPO; HMGIC.high mobility group AT-hook 2. |
10002 | NR2E3 | 0.00738326 | nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group E, member 3.PNR; RNR; ESCS; MGC49976.photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor isoform b. |
10103 | | 0.00738326 | NET-1.tetraspan 1. |
10150 | MBNL2 | 0.00738326 | muscleblind-like 2 (Drosophila).MBLL; MBLL39; PRO2032.muscleblind-like protein 2 isoform 2. |
10193 | RNF41 | 0.00738326 | ring finger protein 41.SBBI03; MGC45228.ring finger protein 41 isoform 2. |
10205 | EVA1 | 0.00738326 | epithelial V-like antigen 1.EVA; MPZL2.epithelial V-like antigen 1 precursor. |
10217 | CTDSPL | 0.00738326 | CTD (carboxy-terminal domain, RNA polymerase II, polypeptide A) small phosphatase-like.SCP3; HYA22; C3orf8.small CTD phosphatase 3. |
10220 | GDF11 | 0.00738326 | growth differentiation factor 11.BMP11; BMP-11.growth differentiation factor 11. |
10253 | SPRY2 | 0.00738326 | sprouty homolog 2 (Drosophila).hSPRY2; MGC23039.sprouty 2. |
10257 | ABCC4 | 0.00738326 | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTRMRP), member 4.MRP4; MOATB; MOAT-B; EST170205.ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C, member 4. |
10266 | RAMP2 | 0.00738326 | receptor (calcitonin) activity modifying protein 2..receptor (calcitonin) activity modifying protein 2 precursor. |
10267 | RAMP1 | 0.00738326 | receptor (calcitonin) activity modifying protein 1..receptor (calcitonin) activity modifying protein 1 precursor. |
10309 | UNG2 | 0.00738326 | uracil-DNA glycosylase 2..uracil-DNA glycosylase 2. |
10333 | TLR6 | 0.00738326 | toll-like receptor 6..toll-like receptor 6. |
10368 | CACNG3 | 0.00738326 | calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma subunit 3..voltage-dependent calcium channel gamma-3 subunit. |
10395 | DLC1 | 0.00738326 | deleted in liver cancer 1.HP; ARHGAP7; STARD12; FLJ21120; p122-RhoGAP.deleted in liver cancer 1 isoform 3. |
10413 | YAP1 | 0.00738326 | Yes-associated protein 1, 65kDa.YAP; YAP2; YAP65.Yes-associated protein 1, 65 kD. |
10443 | | 0.00738326 | hypothetical protein from BCRA2 region. |
10497 | UNC13B | 0.00738326 | unc-13 homolog B (C. elegans).UNC13; MUNC13; Unc13h2; hmunc13.UNC13 (C. elegans)-like. |
10516 | FBLN5 | 0.00738326 | fibulin 5.EVEC; UP50; DANCE.fibulin 5 precursor. |
10529 | | 0.00738326 | nebulette. |
10550 | | 0.00738326 | jmx; DERP11; HSPC127; GTRAP3-18.cytoskeleton related vitamin A responsive protein. |
10551 | AGR2 | 0.00738326 | anterior gradient 2 homolog (Xenopus laevis).AG2; GOB-4; HAG-2; XAG-2.anterior gradient 2 homolog. |
10562 | | 0.00738326 | GC1.differentially expressed in hematopoietic lineages precursor. |
10564 | ARFGEF2 | 0.00738326 | ADP-ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide-exchange factor 2 (brefeldin A-inhibited).BIG2; dJ1164I10.1.ADP-ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide-exchange factor 2. |
10571 | | 0.00738326 | b55C20.2.SMA3. |
10590 | SCGN | 0.00738326 | secretagogin, EF-hand calcium binding protein.SEGN; SECRET; DJ501N12.8.secretagogin precursor. |
10602 | CDC42EP3 | 0.00738326 | CDC42 effector protein (Rho GTPase binding) 3.UB1; CEP3; BORG2.Cdc42 effector protein 3. |
10632 | ATP5L | 0.00738326 | ATP synthase, H transporting, mitochondrial F0 complex, subunit g.ATP5JG.ATP synthase, H transporting, mitochondrial F0 complex, subunit g. |
10637 | LEFTB | 0.00738326 | left-right determination, factor B.LEFTY1; LEFTYB.left-right determination, factor B preproprotein. |
10656 | KHDRBS3 | 0.00738326 | KH domain containing, RNA binding, signal transduction associated 3.Etle; SALP; SLM2; SLM-2; T-STAR; etoile.KH domain containing, RNA binding, signal transduction associated 3. |
10667 | FARS1 | 0.00738326 | phenylalanine-tRNA synthetase 1 (mitochondrial).dJ236A3.1.phenylalanine-tRNA synthetase. |
10724 | MGEA5 | 0.00738326 | meningioma expressed antigen 5 (hyaluronidase).MEA5; KIAA0679; O-GLCNACASE.meningioma expressed antigen 5 (hyaluronidase).Hyaluronidase; immunogenic antigen in a group of meningioma patients|Proteome |
10752 | CHL1 | 0.00738326 | cell adhesion molecule with homology to L1CAM (close homolog of L1).CALL; L1CAM2.cell adhesion molecule with homology to L1CAM precursor. |
10786 | SLC17A3 | 0.00738326 | solute carrier family 17 (sodium phosphate), member 3.NPT4.solute carrier family 17 (sodium phosphate), member 3. |
1081 | CGA | 0.00738326 | glycoprotein hormones, alpha polypeptide.HCG; LHA; FSHA; GPHa; TSHA; GPHA1; CG-ALPHA.glycoprotein hormones, alpha polypeptide precursor. |
10878 | | 0.00738326 | FHR3; HLF4; DOWN16.complement factor H related 3. |
10912 | GADD45G | 0.00738326 | growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible, gamma.CR6; DDIT2; GRP17; GADD45gamma; GADD45-GAMMA.growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible, gamma. |
10917 | BTNL3 | 0.00738326 | butyrophilin-like 3.BTNLR.butyrophilin-like 3 isoform b. |
11005 | SPINK5 | 0.00738326 | serine protease inhibitor, Kazal type, 5.LEKTI; LETKI; VAKTI.serine protease inhibitor, Kazal type, 5. |
11026 | LILRA3 | 0.00738326 | leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily A (without TM domain), member 3.HM31; HM43; ILT6; LIR4; CD85E; LIR-4.leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily A (without TM domain), member 3. |
1104 | CHC1 | 0.00738326 | chromosome condensation 1.RCC1.chromosome condensation 1. |
11059 | | 0.00738326 | AIP5; Tiul1; hSDRP1; DKFZp434D2111.WW domain-containing protein 1. |
11061 | LECT1 | 0.00738326 | leukocyte cell derived chemotaxin 1.CHM1; CHM-I; BRICD3.chondromodulin I precursor. |
11097 | NUPL2 | 0.00738326 | nucleoporin like 2.CG1; hCG1; NLP-1; NLP_1.nucleoporin like 2.Similar to nucleoporins; interacts with proteins involved in nuclear export|Proteome |
11127 | KIF3A | 0.00738326 | kinesin family member 3A..kinesin family member 3A. |
11138 | TBC1D8 | 0.00738326 | TBC1 domain family, member 8 (with GRAM domain).1; AD3; VRP; HBLP1.TBC1 domain family, member 8 (with GRAM domain). |
11170 | | 0.00738326 | DRR1.downregulated in renal cell carcinoma. |
11196 | SEC23IP | 0.00738326 | SEC23 interacting protein.P125; MSTP053.Sec23-interacting protein p125. |
11197 | WIF1 | 0.00738326 | WNT inhibitory factor 1.WIF-1.Wnt inhibitory factor-1 precursor. |
11199 | ANXA10 | 0.00738326 | annexin A10.ANX14.annexin A10. |
1120 | CHKL | 0.00738326 | choline kinase-like.CHETK.cholineethanolamine kinase isoform b. |
11221 | DUSP10 | 0.00738326 | dual specificity phosphatase 10.MKP5; MKP-5.dual specificity phosphatase 10 isoform b. |
11252 | PACSIN2 | 0.00738326 | protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 2..protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 2. |
11319 | | 0.00738326 | suppressor of S. cerevisiae gcr2. |
11334 | PDAP2 | 0.00738326 | PDGFA associated protein 2.PAP; FUS1; C3orf11.lung cancer candidate. |
115 | ADCY9 | 0.00738326 | adenylate cyclase 9..adenylate cyclase 9. |
1158 | CKM | 0.00738326 | creatine kinase, muscle.CKMM; M-CK.muscle creatine kinase. |
1193 | CLIC2 | 0.00738326 | chloride intracellular channel 2.XAP121.chloride intracellular channel 2. |
12 | SERPINA3 | 0.00738326 | serine (or cysteine) proteinase inhibitor, clade A (alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin), member 3.ACT; AACT.alpha-1-antichymotrypsin, precursor. |
126 | ADH1C | 0.00738326 | alcohol dehydrogenase 1C (class I), gamma polypeptide.ADH3.class I alcohol dehydrogenase, gamma subunit. |
131 | ADH7 | 0.00738326 | alcohol dehydrogenase 7 (class IV), mu or sigma polypeptide.ADH-4.class IV alcohol dehydrogenase 7 mu or sigma subunit. |
1359 | CPA3 | 0.00738326 | carboxypeptidase A3 (mast cell)..mast cell carboxypeptidase A3 precursor. |
1365 | CLDN3 | 0.00738326 | claudin 3.RVP1; HRVP1; CPE-R2; CPETR2.claudin 3. |
1366 | CLDN7 | 0.00738326 | claudin 7.CPETRL2; Hs.84359.claudin 7. |
1382 | CRABP2 | 0.00738326 | cellular retinoic acid binding protein 2.RBP6; CRABP-II.cellular retinoic acid binding protein 2. |
1389 | CREBL2 | 0.00738326 | cAMP responsive element binding protein-like 2..cAMP responsive element binding protein-like 2. |
1463 | CSPG3 | 0.00738326 | chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 3 (neurocan).NCAN.chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 3 (neurocan). |
1469 | CST1 | 0.00738326 | cystatin SN..cystatin SN precursor. |
147 | ADRA1B | 0.00738326 | adrenergic, alpha-1B-, receptor.ADRA1.alpha-1B-adrenergic receptor. |
1475 | CSTA | 0.00738326 | cystatin A (stefin A).STF1; STFA.cystatin A. |
1497 | CTNS | 0.00738326 | cystinosis, nephropathic.CTNS-LSB.cystinosis, nephropathic. |
1534 | CYB561 | 0.00738326 | cytochrome b-561..cytochrome b-561. |
154796 | AMOT | 0.00738326 | angiomotin.FLJ14282; KIAA1071.angiomotin. |
1557 | CYP2C19 | 0.00738326 | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, polypeptide 19.CPCJ; CYP2C; P450C2C; P450IIC19.cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, polypeptide 19. |
1577 | CYP3A5 | 0.00738326 | cytochrome P450, family 3, subfamily A, polypeptide 5.CP35; PCN3; P450PCN3.cytochrome P450, family 3, subfamily A, polypeptide 5. |
158427 | | 0.00738326 | PP4189. |
159 | ADSS | 0.00738326 | adenylosuccinate synthase.ADEH; MGC20404.adenylosuccinate synthase. |
1594 | CYP27B1 | 0.00738326 | cytochrome P450, family 27, subfamily B, polypeptide 1.VDR; CP2B; CYP1; PDDR; VDD1; VDDR; VDDRI; CYP27B; P450c1; VDDR I.cytochrome P450, family 27, subfamily B, polypeptide 1. |
1628 | DBP | 0.00738326 | D site of albumin promoter (albumin D-box) binding protein.DABP.D site of albumin promoter (albumin D-box) binding protein. |
1641 | DCX | 0.00738326 | doublecortex; lissencephaly, X-linked (doublecortin).DC; DBCN; LISX; SCLH; XLIS.doublecortin isoform c. |
1670 | DEFA5 | 0.00738326 | defensin, alpha 5, Paneth cell-specific.DEF5; HD-5.defensin, alpha 5, preproprotein. |
1743 | DLST | 0.00738326 | dihydrolipoamide S-succinyltransferase (E2 component of 2-oxo-glutarate complex).DLTS.dihydrolipoamide S-succinyltransferase (E2 component of 2-oxo-glutarate complex).Dihydrolipoamide S-succinyltransferase E2; component of the alpha-ketoglutarate complex|Proteome |
1755 | DMBT1 | 0.00738326 | deleted in malignant brain tumors 1.GP340.deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 isoform c precursor. |
1757 | SARDH | 0.00738326 | sarcosine dehydrogenase.SAR; SDH; SARD; DMGDHL1.sarcosine dehydrogenase.Sarcosine dehydrogenase; flavoenzyme that oxidatively degrades choline to glycine|Proteome |
177 | AGER | 0.00738326 | advanced glycosylation end product-specific receptor.RAGE; MGC22357.advanced glycosylation end product-specific receptor isoform 2 precursor. |
1780 | DNCI1 | 0.00738326 | dynein, cytoplasmic, intermediate polypeptide 1.DNCIC1.dynein, cytoplasmic, intermediate polypeptide 1. |
1783 | DNCLI2 | 0.00738326 | dynein, cytoplasmic, light intermediate polypeptide 2.LIC2.dynein, cytoplasmic, light intermediate polypeptide 2. |
1842 | ECM2 | 0.00738326 | extracellular matrix protein 2, female organ and adipocyte specific..extracellular matrix protein 2. |
1951 | CELSR3 | 0.00738326 | cadherin, EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3 (flamingo homolog, Drosophila).FMI1; EGFL1; HFMI1; MEGF2; CDHF11.cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3. |
2039 | EPB49 | 0.00738326 | erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.9 (dematin).DMT; DEMATIN.erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.9 (dematin). |
213 | ALB | 0.00738326 | albumin.PRO0883.albumin precursor. |
2159 | F10 | 0.00738326 | coagulation factor X.FX; FXA.coagulation factor X precursor. |
2173 | FABP7 | 0.00738326 | fatty acid binding protein 7, brain.FABPB; B-FABP.fatty acid binding protein 7, brain. |
2203 | FBP1 | 0.00738326 | fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1.FBP.fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1. |
2239 | GPC4 | 0.00738326 | glypican 4..glypican 4. |
2243 | FGA | 0.00738326 | fibrinogen, A alpha polypeptide..fibrinogen, alpha chain isoform alpha-E preproprotein. |
2266 | FGG | 0.00738326 | fibrinogen, gamma polypeptide..fibrinogen, gamma chain isoform gamma-B precursor. |
22844 | FRMPD1 | 0.00738326 | FERM and PDZ domain containing 1.KIAA0967.FERM and PDZ domain containing 1. |
22858 | ICK | 0.00738326 | intestinal cell (MAK-like) kinase.MRK; LCK2; KIAA0936; MGC46090.intestinal cell kinase. |
22869 | ZNF510 | 0.00738326 | zinc finger protein 510.KIAA0972.zinc finger protein 510. |
22871 | NLGN1 | 0.00738326 | neuroligin 1.KIAA1070; MGC45115.neuroligin 1. |
22874 | | 0.00738326 | KIAA0969.phosphoinositol 3-phosphate-binding protein-3. |
22882 | | 0.00738326 | KIAA0854.transcription factor ZHX2. |
22884 | | 0.00738326 | KIAA0982 protein. |
22885 | | 0.00738326 | KIAA0843 protein. |
22899 | ARHGEF15 | 0.00738326 | Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 15.FLJ13791; KIAA0915; MGC44868.Rho guanine exchange factor 15. |
229 | ALDOB | 0.00738326 | aldolase B, fructose-bisphosphate..aldolase B. |
22903 | BTBD3 | 0.00738326 | BTB (POZ) domain containing 3.KIAA0952; dJ742J24.1.BTBPOZ domain containing protein 3 isoform b. |
22904 | | 0.00738326 | FLJ00173.KIAA0963 protein. |
22936 | ELL2 | 0.00738326 | elongation factor, RNA polymerase II, 2..elongation factor, RNA polymerase II, 2. |
22941 | SHANK2 | 0.00738326 | SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2.SHANK; CORTBP1; ProSAP1; SPANK-3; KIAA1022.SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 isoform 2. |
22977 | AKR7A3 | 0.00738326 | aldo-keto reductase family 7, member A3 (aflatoxin aldehyde reductase).AFAR2.aldo-keto reductase family 7, member A3. |
23002 | DAAM1 | 0.00738326 | dishevelled associated activator of morphogenesis 1.KIAA0666.dishevelled-associated activator of morphogenesis 1. |
23014 | FBXO21 | 0.00738326 | F-box only protein 21.FBX21; KIAA0875; DKFZp434G058.F-box only protein 21 isoform 2. |
23089 | PEG10 | 0.00738326 | paternally expressed 10.Edr; HB-1; MEF3L; KIAA1051.paternally expressed 10. |
23111 | SPG20 | 0.00738326 | spastic paraplegia 20, spartin (Troyer syndrome).SPARTIN; TAHCCP1; KIAA0610.spartin. |
23140 | | 0.00738326 | FLJ10821.KIAA0399 protein. |
23221 | RHOBTB2 | 0.00738326 | Rho-related BTB domain containing 2.DBC2; KIAA0717.Rho-related BTB domain containing 2. |
23224 | SYNE2 | 0.00738326 | spectrin repeat containing, nuclear envelope 2.NUA; NUANCE; SYNE-2; KIAA1011; Nesprin-2; DKFZP434H2235.synaptic nuclei expressed gene 2 isoform e. |
23230 | CHAC | 0.00738326 | chorea acanthocytosis.KIAA0986.chorein isoform B. |
23284 | LPHN3 | 0.00738326 | latrophilin 3.LEC3; KIAA0768.latrophilin 3. |
23300 | | 0.00738326 | KIAA0431 protein. |
23303 | KIF13B | 0.00738326 | kinesin family member 13B.GAKIN; KIAA0639.kinesin family member 13B. |
23321 | TRIM2 | 0.00738326 | tripartite motif-containing 2.RNF86; KIAA0517.tripartite motif-containing 2. |
23327 | NEDD4L | 0.00738326 | neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 4-like.RSP5; KIAA0439; hNedd4-2.ubiquitin-protein ligase NEDD4-like. |
23335 | WDR7 | 0.00738326 | WD repeat domain 7.TRAG; KIAA0541.WD repeat domain 7 protein isoform 2. |
23345 | SYNE1 | 0.00738326 | spectrin repeat containing, nuclear envelope 1.8B; CPG2; MYNE1; MYNE-1; SYNE-1; SYNE-1B; KIAA0796; KIAA1262; KIAA1756; nesprin-1.nesprin 1 isoform longer. |
23463 | ICMT | 0.00738326 | isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase.PCMT; PPMT; PCCMT; HSTE14; MST098; MSTP098; MGC39955.isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase isoform 2. |
23483 | TGDS | 0.00738326 | TDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase.TDPGD.TDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase. |
23495 | TNFRSF13B | 0.00738326 | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 13B.TACI.tumor necrosis factor receptor 13B. |
23544 | SEZ6L | 0.00738326 | seizure related 6 homolog (mouse)-like.KIAA0927.seizure related 6 homolog (mouse)-like. |
23562 | CLDN14 | 0.00738326 | claudin 14.DFNB29.claudin 14. |
23598 | ZNF278 | 0.00738326 | zinc finger protein 278.ZSG; MAZR; PATZ; RIAZ; dJ400N23.zinc finger protein 278 short isoform. |
23705 | IGSF4 | 0.00738326 | immunoglobulin superfamily, member 4.BL2; ST17; NECL2; TSLC1; SYNCAM.immunoglobulin superfamily, member 4.Low similarity to viral receptors and adhesion molecules; contains immunoglobulin (Ig) domains|Proteome |
23774 | BRD1 | 0.00738326 | bromodomain containing 1.BRL; BRPF1; BRPF2; DKFZP434B094.bromodomain containing protein 1. |
23779 | ARHGAP8 | 0.00738326 | Rho GTPase activating protein 8.BPGAP1; FLJ20185.Rho GTPase activating protein 8 isoform 5. |
24148 | C20orf14 | 0.00738326 | chromosome 20 open reading frame 14.TOM; ANT-1.U5 snRNP-associated 102 kDa protein. |
247 | ALOX15B | 0.00738326 | arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase, second type..arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase, second type. |
249 | ALPL | 0.00738326 | alkaline phosphatase, liverbonekidney.HOPS; TNAP; TNSALP; AP-TNAP.tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase precursor. |
2561 | GABRB2 | 0.00738326 | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, beta 2..gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, beta 2 isoform 2. |
2568 | GABRP | 0.00738326 | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, pi..gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, pi. |
25799 | ZNF324 | 0.00738326 | zinc finger protein 324.ZF5128.zinc finger protein 324. |
25834 | | 0.00738326 | GNTIVH.UDP-N-acetylglucosamine:a-1,3-D-mannoside beta-1,4-N-acetylgluco. |
25849 | | 0.00738326 | DKFZP564O0823 protein.Highly similar to rat Castration Induced Prostatic Apoptosis Related protein-1|Proteome |
25859 | | 0.00738326 | DKFZP586D0823.prostate androgen-regulated transcript 1 protein. |
259 | AMBP | 0.00738326 | alpha-1-microglobulinbikunin precursor.HCP; ITI; UTI; ITIL.alpha-1-microglobulinbikunin precursor. |
25977 | | 0.00738326 | DKFZP566B183 protein. |
25999 | | 0.00738326 | CLIPR59; DKFZp586N1922.CLIP-170-related protein.May be a cytoskeleton-associated protein; contains a CAP-Gly domain|Proteome |
26019 | UPF2 | 0.00738326 | UPF2 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog (yeast).HUPF2; RENT2; KIAA1408; DKFZP434D222.UPF2 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog. |
26040 | SETBP1 | 0.00738326 | SET binding protein 1.SEB; KIAA0437.SET binding protein 1. |
26047 | CNTNAP2 | 0.00738326 | contactin associated protein-like 2.NRXN4; CASPR2; KIAA0868.cell recognition molecule Caspr2 precursor. |
26085 | KLK13 | 0.00738326 | kallikrein 13.KLKL4; KLK-L4; DKFZP586J1923.kallikrein 13 precursor. |
26138 | | 0.00738326 | DKFZP434F122 protein. |
26257 | NKX2-8 | 0.00738326 | NK2 transcription factor related, locus 8 (Drosophila).NKX2H; NKX2.8; Nkx2-9.NK2 transcription factor related, locus 8. |
2638 | GC | 0.00738326 | group-specific component (vitamin D binding protein).DBP; VDBG; VDBP.vitamin D-binding protein precursor. |
26576 | STK23 | 0.00738326 | serinethreonine kinase 23.MSSK1.serinethreonine kinase 23. |
26751 | SH3YL1 | 0.00738326 | SH3 domain containing, Ysc84-like 1 (S. cerevisiae).Ray; DKFZP586F1318.SH3 domain containing, Ysc84-like 1.Highly similar to murine Sh3 domain YSC-like 1; may function in hair follicle development during the anagen phase|Proteome |
27065 | D4S234E | 0.00738326 | DNA segment on chromosome 4 (unique) 234 expressed sequence.Carp; Crap; P21; NSG1; D4S234.DNA segment on chromosome 4 (unique) 234 expressed sequence. |
27067 | STAU2 | 0.00738326 | staufen, RNA binding protein, homolog 2 (Drosophila).39K2; 39K3.staufen homolog 2. |
27134 | TJP3 | 0.00738326 | tight junction protein 3 (zona occludens 3).ZO-3.tight junction protein 3 (zona occludens 3). |
27232 | GNMT | 0.00738326 | glycine N-methyltransferase..glycine N-methyltransferase. |
27252 | | 0.00738326 | Kelch motif containing protein. |
27253 | PCDH17 | 0.00738326 | protocadherin 17.PCH68; PCDH68.protocadherin 17. |
27288 | | 0.00738326 | HNRPGT.testes-specific heterogenous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G-T. |
27289 | | 0.00738326 | RND1.GTP-binding protein RHO6. |
27295 | | 0.00738326 | alpha-actinin-2-associated LIM protein.Highly similar to murine Ril; contains a PDZ (DHR, GLGF) domain and a LIM domain|Proteome |
27303 | RBMS3 | 0.00738326 | RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein..RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein. |
27309 | ZNF330 | 0.00738326 | zinc finger protein 330.NOA36; HSA6591.zinc finger protein 330. |
27334 | P2RY10 | 0.00738326 | purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 10.P2Y10.G-protein coupled purinergic receptor P2Y10. |
27347 | STK39 | 0.00738326 | serine threonine kinase 39 (STE20SPS1 homolog, yeast).DCHT; SPAK.serine threonine kinase 39 (STE20SPS1 homolog, yeast). |
2744 | GLS | 0.00738326 | glutaminase.GLS1; KIAA0838.glutaminase C. |
275 | AMT | 0.00738326 | aminomethyltransferase (glycine cleavage system protein T).GCE; NKH; GCST.aminomethyltransferase (glycine cleavage system protein T). |
2762 | GMDS | 0.00738326 | GDP-mannose 4,6-dehydratase.GMD.GDP-mannose 4,6-dehydratase. |
2775 | GNAO1 | 0.00738326 | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha activating activity polypeptide O.GNAO; G-ALPHA-o.guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha activating activity polypeptide O.G-protein alpha subunit o1; subunit of pertussis toxin-sensitive heterotrimeric G-protein complexes|Proteome |
2788 | GNG7 | 0.00738326 | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 7..guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 7. |
2794 | GNL1 | 0.00738326 | guanine nucleotide binding protein-like 1.HSR1.guanine nucleotide binding protein-like 1. |
280 | AMY2B | 0.00738326 | amylase, alpha 2B; pancreatic.AMY2.amylase, alpha 2B; pancreatic. |
28952 | | 0.00738326 | JM1 protein. |
29114 | | 0.00738326 | NP22.neuronal protein. |
2952 | GSTT1 | 0.00738326 | glutathione S-transferase theta 1..glutathione S-transferase theta 1. |
2981 | GUCA2B | 0.00738326 | guanylate cyclase activator 2B (uroguanylin).UGN; GCAP-II.guanylate cyclase activator 2B (uroguanylin). |
29907 | SNX15 | 0.00738326 | sorting nexin 15.HSAF001435.sorting nexin 15 isoform B. |
29937 | | 0.00738326 | secreted protein of unknown function. |
29984 | ARHD | 0.00738326 | ras homolog gene family, member D.Rho; RHOM; RhoD; RHOHP1.ras homolog D. |
3017 | HIST1H2BD | 0.00738326 | histone 1, H2bd.H2Bb; H2BFB; H2B.1B; HIRIP2; dJ221C16.6.H2B histone family, member B. |
3045 | HBD | 0.00738326 | hemoglobin, globin. |
3046 | HBE1 | 0.00738326 | hemoglobin, epsilon 1..epsilon globin. |
306 | ANXA3 | 0.00738326 | annexin A3.ANX3.annexin A3. |
3062 | HCRTR2 | 0.00738326 | hypocretin (orexin) receptor 2.OX2R.orexin receptor 2. |
3081 | HGD | 0.00738326 | homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase (homogentisate oxidase).AKU; HGO.homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase. |
3149 | HMGB3 | 0.00738326 | high-mobility group box 3.HMG4; HMG2A.high-mobility group box 3. |
3170 | FOXA2 | 0.00738326 | forkhead box A2.HNF3B; TCF3B; MGC19807.forkhead box A2. |
32 | ACACB | 0.00738326 | acetyl-Coenzyme A carboxylase beta.ACC2; ACCB; HACC275.acetyl-Coenzyme A carboxylase beta. |
3204 | HOXA7 | 0.00738326 | homeo box A7.ANTP; HOX1A; HOX1.1.homeobox protein A7. |
3240 | HP | 0.00738326 | haptoglobin..haptoglobin. |
3250 | HPR | 0.00738326 | haptoglobin-related protein..haptoglobin-related protein. |
3290 | HSD11B1 | 0.00738326 | hydroxysteroid (11-beta) dehydrogenase 1.HDL; 11-DH; HSD11L; MGC13539; 11-beta-HSD1.11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1. |
3300 | DNAJB2 | 0.00738326 | DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 2.HSJ1; HSPF3.DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 2. |
3306 | HSPA2 | 0.00738326 | heat shock 70kDa protein 2..heat shock 70kDa protein 2. |
3384 | ICAM2 | 0.00738326 | intercellular adhesion molecule 2.CD102.intercellular adhesion molecule 2 precursor. |
3386 | ICAM4 | 0.00738326 | intercellular adhesion molecule 4, Landsteiner-Wiener blood group.LW.intercellular adhesion molecule 4 isoform 2 precursor. |
3426 | IF | 0.00738326 | I factor (complement).FI.I factor (complement). |
344 | APOC2 | 0.00738326 | apolipoprotein C-II..apolipoprotein C-II precursor. |
346 | APOC4 | 0.00738326 | apolipoprotein C-IV..apolipoprotein C-IV. |
3547 | IGSF1 | 0.00738326 | immunoglobulin superfamily, member 1.IGCD1; IGDC1; INHBP; KIAA0364.immunoglobulin superfamily, member 1. |
366 | AQP9 | 0.00738326 | aquaporin 9..aquaporin 9. |
374 | AREG | 0.00738326 | amphiregulin (schwannoma-derived growth factor).AR; SDGF; CRDGF; MGC13647.amphiregulin preproprotein. |
3748 | KCNC3 | 0.00738326 | potassium voltage-gated channel, Shaw-related subfamily, member 3.KV3.3; KSHIIID.Shaw-related voltage-gated potassium channel protein 3. |
3783 | KCNN4 | 0.00738326 | potassium intermediatesmall conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily N, member 4.IK1; SK4; KCA4; hSK4; IKCA1; hKCa4; KCa3.1; hIKCa1.intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 1. |
3784 | KCNQ1 | 0.00738326 | potassium voltage-gated channel, KQT-like subfamily, member 1.LQT; RWS; WRS; LQT1; KCNA8; KCNA9; Kv1.9; Kv7.1; KVLQT1.potassium voltage-gated channel, KQT-like subfamily, member 1 isoform 3. |
3786 | KCNQ3 | 0.00738326 | potassium voltage-gated channel, KQT-like subfamily, member 3.EBN2; BFNC2; KV7.3.potassium voltage-gated channel KQT-like protein 3. |
3790 | KCNS3 | 0.00738326 | potassium voltage-gated channel, delayed-rectifier, subfamily S, member 3.KV9.3; MGC9481.potassium voltage-gated channel delayed-rectifier protein S3. |
3897 | L1CAM | 0.00738326 | L1 cell adhesion molecule (hydrocephalus, stenosis of aqueduct of Sylvius 1, MASA (mental retardation, aphasia, shuffling gait and adducted thumbs) syndrome, spastic paraplegia 1).S10; HSAS; MASA; MIC5; SPG1; CAML1; CD171; HSAS1; N-CAML1.L1 cell adhesion molecule isoform 2 precursor. |
3918 | LAMC2 | 0.00738326 | laminin, gamma 2.EBR2; BM600; EBR2A; LAMB2T; LAMNB2; KALININ.laminin, gamma 2 isoform a precursor. |
3972 | LHB | 0.00738326 | luteinizing hormone beta polypeptide.CGB4; LSH-B.luteinizing hormone beta subunit precursor. |
4008 | LMO7 | 0.00738326 | LIM domain only 7.LOMP; FBX20; FBXO20; KIAA0858.LIM domain only 7. |
4034 | LRRN4 | 0.00738326 | leucine rich repeat neuronal 4.LRN; LRRN1.leucine-rich repeat protein, neuronal 1. |
4045 | LSAMP | 0.00738326 | limbic system-associated membrane protein.LAMP.limbic system-associated membrane protein. |
4062 | LY6H | 0.00738326 | lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus H.NMLY6.lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus H. |
4101 | MAGEA2 | 0.00738326 | melanoma antigen, family A, 2.MAGE2; MAGEA2A.melanoma antigen, family A, 2. |
4102 | MAGEA3 | 0.00738326 | melanoma antigen, family A, 3.HIP8; HYPD; MAGE3; MGC14613.melanoma antigen, family A, 3. |
4152 | MBD1 | 0.00738326 | methyl-CpG binding domain protein 1.PCM1.methyl-CpG binding domain protein 1 isoform PCM1. |
4212 | MEIS2 | 0.00738326 | Meis1, myeloid ecotropic viral integration site 1 homolog 2 (mouse).MRG1; MGC2820.homeobox protein Meis2 isoform h. |
4610 | MYCL1 | 0.00738326 | v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog 1, lung carcinoma derived (avian).LMYC; MYCL.v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog 1, lung carcinoma derived. |
4629 | MYH11 | 0.00738326 | myosin, heavy polypeptide 11, smooth muscle.SMHC; SMMHC.smooth muscle myosin heavy chain 11 isoform SM2. |
4646 | MYO6 | 0.00738326 | myosin VI.DFNA22; DFNB37; KIAA0389.. |
4660 | PPP1R12B | 0.00738326 | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 12B.MYPT2.protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 12B isoform d. |
4680 | CEACAM6 | 0.00738326 | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 6 (non-specific cross reacting antigen).NCA; CEAL; CD66c.carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 6 (non-specific cross reacting antigen). |
4741 | NEF3 | 0.00738326 | neurofilament 3 (150kDa medium).NFM; NEFM; NF-M.neurofilament 3 (150kDa medium). |
4747 | NEFL | 0.00738326 | neurofilament, light polypeptide 68kDa.NFL; NF68; CMT1F; CMT2E.neurofilament, light polypeptide 68kDa.Light subunit of neurofilament; intermediate filament|Proteome |
4820 | NKTR | 0.00738326 | natural killer-tumor recognition sequence..natural killer-tumor recognition sequence. |
4828 | NMB | 0.00738326 | neuromedin B..neuromedin B. |
4843 | NOS2A | 0.00738326 | nitric oxide synthase 2A (inducible, hepatocytes).NOS; INOS; NOS2; HEP-NOS.nitric oxide synthase 2A isoform 2. |
4855 | NOTCH4 | 0.00738326 | Notch homolog 4 (Drosophila).INT3; NOTCH3.notch4 preproprotein. |
4868 | NPHS1 | 0.00738326 | nephrosis 1, congenital, Finnish type (nephrin).CNF; NPHN.nephrin. |
4900 | NRGN | 0.00738326 | neurogranin (protein kinase C substrate, RC3).RC3; hng.neurogranin. |
4926 | NUMA1 | 0.00738326 | nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1.NUMA.nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1.Structural component of the nucleus; predicted role in nuclear reassembly in late mitosis; contains a predicted coiled-coil domain|Proteome |
4947 | OAZ2 | 0.00738326 | ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 2..ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 2. |
4950 | OCLN | 0.00738326 | occludin..occludin. |
4973 | OLR1 | 0.00738326 | oxidised low density lipoprotein (lectin-like) receptor 1.LOX1; SCARE1.oxidised low density lipoprotein (lectin-like) receptor 1. |
5003 | SLC22A1LS | 0.00738326 | solute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter), member 1-like antisense.BWR1B; BWSCR1B; ORCTL2S; p27-BWR1B.solute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter), member 1-like antisense. |
5032 | P2RY11 | 0.00738326 | purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 11.P2Y11.purinergic receptor P2Y11. |
5047 | PAEP | 0.00738326 | progestagen-associated endometrial protein (placental protein 14, pregnancy-associated endometrial alpha-2-globulin, alpha uterine protein).GdA; GdS; PEP; PP14.progestagen-associated endometrial protein (placental protein 14, pregnancy-associated endometrial alpha-2-globulin, alpha uterine protein). |
50486 | | 0.00738326 | putative lymphocyte G0G1 switch gene. |
5078 | PAX4 | 0.00738326 | paired box gene 4..paired box gene 4. |
50855 | PARD6A | 0.00738326 | par-6 partitioning defective 6 homolog alpha (C.elegans).PAR-6; TAX40; PAR-6A; TIP-40; PAR6alpha.Tax interaction protein 40. |
50937 | CDON | 0.00738326 | cell adhesion molecule-relateddown-regulated by oncogenes.MTMOD; Sk-Tmod; UTMOD; U-Tmod; NTMOD; N-Tmod; SA-2; SCL; Scly1; Scly2; 9830169H08; CHK2; Cds1; Rad53; HUCDS1; H19; mh19; Hem-2; GARP45; NBP-45; Evi27; Il17br; IL-17ER; IL17RH1; IL-17Rh1; MGC37773; C1rb; RK17; Olg-2; Bhlhb1; Olg-1; Bhlhb6; D7Wsu62e; JKTBP; D5Wsu145e; D5Ertd650e; Epcs32; 5033430J04Rik; MAFA; 2F1-Ag; MAFA-L; IL-22; Iltif; IL-TIF; LTg; HVEML; LIGHT; Ly113; HVEM-L; Wsx1; WSX-1; IL-27R; B55; MINK; Ysk2; LAT2; CDO; ORCAM.surface glycoprotein, Ig superfamily member. |
5101 | PCDH9 | 0.00738326 | protocadherin 9..protocadherin 9 precursor. |
51066 | | 0.00738326 | fls485. |
51097 | | 0.00738326 | CGI-49 protein. |
51109 | RDH11 | 0.00738326 | retinol dehydrogenase 11 (all-trans and 9-cis).MDT1; PSDR1; RALR1; SCALD; ARSDR1; CGI-82; HCBP12; FLJ32633.androgen-regulated short-chain dehydrogenasereductase 1. |
51112 | TTC15 | 0.00738326 | tetratricopeptide repeat domain 15.CGI-87.tetratricopeptide repeat domain 15. |
51208 | CLDN18 | 0.00738326 | claudin 18..claudin 18. |
51363 | | 0.00738326 | BRAG; KIAA0598.B cell RAG associated protein. |
51366 | | 0.00738326 | EDD; HYD; KIAA0896.progestin induced protein. |
51412 | ACTL6 | 0.00738326 | actin-like 6.BAF53B.BAF53b. |
51430 | C1orf9 | 0.00738326 | chromosome 1 open reading frame 9.CH1.membrane protein CH1.Very strongly similar to uncharacterized protein C1ORF9|Proteome |
5144 | PDE4D | 0.00738326 | phosphodiesterase 4D, cAMP-specific (phosphodiesterase E3 dunce homolog, Drosophila).DPDE3.cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase 4D.CAMP-specific phosphodiesterase 4D; has similarity to Drosophila dnc, which is the affected protein in learning and memory mutant dunce|Proteome |
51454 | GULP1 | 0.00738326 | GULP, engulfment adaptor PTB domain containing 1.CED6; GULP; CED-6.GULP, engulfment adaptor PTB domain containing 1.C. elegans ced-6 ortholog, an adaptor protein; may be part of a pathway that mediates the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells, contains a phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) and a proline-rich C-terminal domain|Proteome |
51526 | C20orf111 | 0.00738326 | chromosome 20 open reading frame 111.HSPC207; dJ1183I21.1.chromosome 20 open reading frame 111. |
51585 | | 0.00738326 | KIAA0824.pre-mRNA cleavage complex II protein Pcf11. |
51588 | | 0.00738326 | MGC35296.protein inhibitor of activated STAT protein PIASy. |
51704 | GPRC5B | 0.00738326 | G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member B.RAIG2; RAIG-2.G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member B precursor. |
51706 | | 0.00738326 | B5R.1.cytochrome b5 reductase 1 (B5R.1). |
5172 | SLC26A4 | 0.00738326 | solute carrier family 26, member 4.PDS; DFNB4.pendrin. |
5175 | PECAM1 | 0.00738326 | plateletendothelial cell adhesion molecule (CD31 antigen).CD31.plateletendothelial cell adhesion molecule (CD31 antigen). |
5179 | PENK | 0.00738326 | proenkephalin..proenkephalin. |
5187 | PER1 | 0.00738326 | period homolog 1 (Drosophila).PER; RIGUI.period 1. |
5188 | PET112L | 0.00738326 | PET112-like (yeast).PET112.PET112-like. |
5195 | PEX14 | 0.00738326 | peroxisomal biogenesis factor 14.NAPP2.peroxisomal biogenesis factor 14. |
5205 | ATP8B1 | 0.00738326 | ATPase, Class I, type 8B, member 1.BRIC; FIC1; PFIC; ATPIC; PFIC1.ATPase, Class I, type 8B, member 1. |
5224 | PGAM2 | 0.00738326 | phosphoglycerate mutase 2 (muscle).PGAMM.phosphoglycerate mutase 2 (muscle). |
5239 | PGM5 | 0.00738326 | phosphoglucomutase 5.PGMRP.phosphoglucomutase 5. |
5309 | PITX3 | 0.00738326 | paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 3.PTX3; MGC12766.paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 3. |
5327 | PLAT | 0.00738326 | plasminogen activator, tissue.TPA; T-PA.plasminogen activator, tissue type isoform 3 precursor. |
5348 | FXYD1 | 0.00738326 | FXYD domain containing ion transport regulator 1 (phospholemman).PLM; MGC44983.phospholemman precursor. |
5362 | PLXNA2 | 0.00738326 | plexin A2.OCT; PLXN2; FLJ11751; KIAA0463.. |
53916 | RAB4B | 0.00738326 | RAB4B, member RAS oncogene family.AA238765.ras-related GTP-binding protein 4b. |
540 | ATP7B | 0.00738326 | ATPase, Cu transporting, beta polypeptide (Wilson disease).WND.ATPase, Cu transporting, beta polypeptide (Wilson disease). |
54093 | C21orf18 | 0.00738326 | chromosome 21 open reading frame 18..chromosome 21 open reading frame 18. |
5413 | PNUTL1 | 0.00738326 | peanut-like 1 (Drosophila).H5; SEPT5; CDCREL; CDCREL1; CDCREL-1; HCDCREL-1.peanut-like 1. |
5420 | PODXL | 0.00738326 | podocalyxin-like.PCLP; Gp200.podocalyxin-like precursor. |
54361 | WNT4 | 0.00738326 | wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 4.WNT-4.wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 4 precursor. |
5443 | POMC | 0.00738326 | proopiomelanocortin (adrenocorticotropin beta-lipotropin alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone beta-melanocyte stimulating hormone beta-endorphin).MSH; POC; ACTH; CLIP.proopiomelanocortin (adrenocorticotropin beta-lipotropin alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone beta-melanocyte stimulating hormone beta-endorphin). |
54504 | CPVL | 0.00738326 | carboxypeptidase, vitellogenic-like.HVLP; MGC10029.serine carboxypeptidase vitellogenic-like. |
5475 | PPEF1 | 0.00738326 | protein phosphatase, EF hand calcium-binding domain 1.PP7; PPEF; PPP7C.serinethreonine protein phosphatase with EF-hand motifs 1 isoform 3. |
54874 | | 0.00738326 | hypothetical protein FLJ20275. |
5539 | PPY | 0.00738326 | pancreatic polypeptide.PNP.pancreatic polypeptide. |
55556 | | 0.00738326 | RTS.rTS beta protein.Protein overexpressed in a 5-fluorouracil-resistant cell line|Proteome |
55565 | | 0.00738326 | hypothetical protein LOC55565. |
55568 | GALNT10 | 0.00738326 | UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-galactosamine:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 10 (GalNAc-T10).FLJ00205; FLJ11715; GalNAcT10; DKFZp586H0623; pp-GalNAc-T10.GalNAc transferase 10 isoform b. |
55578 | | 0.00738326 | C13.transcription factor (p38 interacting protein). |
55644 | OSGEP | 0.00738326 | O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase.GCPL1; OSGEP1; PRSMG1; FLJ20411.O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase. |
55970 | GNG12 | 0.00738326 | guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 12..G-protein gamma-12 subunit. |
56062 | KLHL4 | 0.00738326 | kelch-like 4 (Drosophila).KHL4; DKELCHL; KIAA1687.kelch-like 4 isoform 2. |
56136 | PCDHA13 | 0.00738326 | protocadherin alpha 13.CNR5; CNRN5; CNRS5; CRNR5; PCDH-ALPHA13.protocadherin alpha 13 isoform 2 precursor. |
56137 | PCDHA12 | 0.00738326 | protocadherin alpha 12.PCDH-ALPHA12.protocadherin alpha 12 isoform 2 precursor. |
56255 | | 0.00738326 | KIAA1162.hypothetical protein DJ971N18.2. |
5627 | PROS1 | 0.00738326 | protein S (alpha).PSA; PROS.protein S (alpha). |
5645 | PRSS2 | 0.00738326 | protease, serine, 2 (trypsin 2).TRY2; TRY8; TRYP2.protease, serine, 2 preproprotein. |
56848 | SPHK2 | 0.00738326 | sphingosine kinase 2.MEC; CCK1; Scya28; Mtr1; Ltrpc5; 9430099A16Rik; ESTM671070; XB51; 2900010M17Rik; V1; ALDH6; RALDH3.sphingosine kinase type 2 isoform. |
5688 | PSMA7 | 0.00738326 | proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, alpha type, 7.C6; HSPC; RC6-1; XAPC7; MGC3755.proteasome alpha 7 subunit isoform 2. |
56890 | | 0.00738326 | nuclear protein double minute 1.Highly similar to murine nuclear protein Mdm1|Proteome |
56928 | | 0.00738326 | IMP4; PSL1; KIAA1532.SPPL2b. |
57062 | DDX24 | 0.00738326 | DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 24..DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 24. |
57380 | MRS2L | 0.00738326 | MRS2-like, magnesium homeostasis factor (S. cerevisiae).HPT; MRS2.MRS2-like, magnesium homeostasis factor. |
57416 | | 0.00738326 | |
579 | BAPX1 | 0.00738326 | bagpipe homeobox homolog 1 (Drosophila).NKX3B; NKX3-2; NKX3.2.bagpipe homeobox 1. |
5791 | PTPRE | 0.00738326 | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, E.PTPE; HPTPE; R-PTP-EPSILON.protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, E isoform 2. |
5818 | PVRL1 | 0.00738326 | poliovirus receptor-related 1 (herpesvirus entry mediator C; nectin).ED4; PRR; HIgR; HVEC; PRR1; PVRR; CD111; PVRR1; SK-12; CLPED1.poliovirus receptor-related 1 (herpesvirus entry mediator C; nectin). |
5967 | REG1A | 0.00738326 | regenerating islet-derived 1 alpha (pancreatic stone protein, pancreatic thread protein).P19; PSP; PTP; REG; ICRF; PSPS; PSPS1; MGC12447.regenerating islet-derived 1 alpha precursor. |
5972 | REN | 0.00738326 | renin..renin precursor. |
6011 | RHOK | 0.00738326 | rhodopsin kinase.RK; GRK1; GPRK1.rhodopsin kinase.Rhodopsin kinase; phosphorylates rhodopsin following stimulation by light, regulates desensitization of the G protein-coupled receptor rhodopsin|Proteome |
6017 | RLBP1 | 0.00738326 | retinaldehyde binding protein 1.CRALBP; MGC3663.retinaldehyde binding protein 1. |
6037 | RNASE3 | 0.00738326 | ribonuclease, RNase A family, 3 (eosinophil cationic protein).ECP; RNS3.ribonuclease, RNase A family, 3 (eosinophil cationic protein). |
60528 | ELAC2 | 0.00738326 | elaC homolog 2 (E. coli).ELC2; HPC2; FLJ10530.elaC homolog 2. |
6263 | RYR3 | 0.00738326 | ryanodine receptor 3..ryanodine receptor 3. |
6327 | SCN2B | 0.00738326 | sodium channel, voltage-gated, type II, beta..sodium channel, voltage-gated, type II, beta. |
6358 | CCL14 | 0.00738326 | chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 14.CC-1; CC-3; CKb1; MCIF; NCC2; SY14; HCC-1; HCC-3; NCC-2; SCYL2; SCYA14.chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 14 isoform 2 precursor. |
636 | BICD1 | 0.00738326 | Bicaudal D homolog 1 (Drosophila)..Bicaudal D homolog 1. |
6372 | CXCL6 | 0.00738326 | chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 6 (granulocyte chemotactic protein 2).GCP2; CKA-3; GCP-2; SCYB6.chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 6 (granulocyte chemotactic protein 2).Cytokine B6; chemotactic factor for granulocytes, activates the signaling pathway that leads to gelatinase B (MMP9) release from granulocytes|Proteome |
6385 | SDC4 | 0.00738326 | syndecan 4 (amphiglycan, ryudocan).SYND4; MGC22217.syndecan 4 precursor. |
63941 | APBA2BP | 0.00738326 | amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 2 binding protein.NIP1; XB51; EFCBP3; NECAB3; SYTIP2; dJ63M2.4; dJ63M2.5.amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 2 binding protein isoform 2. |
64112 | MOAP1 | 0.00738326 | modulator of apoptosis 1.MAP-1; PNMA4.modulator of apoptosis 1. |
64116 | SLC39A8 | 0.00738326 | solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 8.BIGM103.solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 8. |
6424 | SFRP4 | 0.00738326 | secreted frizzled-related protein 4.FRP-4; FRPHE.secreted frizzled-related protein 4. |
6439 | SFTPB | 0.00738326 | surfactant, pulmonary-associated protein B.SP-B; PSP-B; SFTB3; SFTP3.surfactant, pulmonary-associated protein B. |
6440 | SFTPC | 0.00738326 | surfactant, pulmonary-associated protein C.SP-C; PSP-C; SFTP2.surfactant, pulmonary-associated protein C. |
64689 | GORASP1 | 0.00738326 | golgi reassembly stacking protein 1, 65kDa.P65; GOLPH5; GRASP65; FLJ23443.Golgi reassembly stacking protein 1. |
6469 | SHH | 0.00738326 | sonic hedgehog homolog (Drosophila).HHG1; HLP3; HPE3; SMMCI.sonic hedgehog preproprotein. |
64848 | | 0.00738326 | FLJ10053; DKFZp564A186.FLJ21940 protein. |
64963 | MRPS11 | 0.00738326 | mitochondrial ribosomal protein S11.HCC-2; FLJ22512; FLJ23406.mitochondrial ribosomal protein S11 isoform b. |
65122 | | 0.00738326 | similar to preferentially expressed antigen of melanoma LOC65122. |
65125 | PRKWNK1 | 0.00738326 | protein kinase, lysine deficient 1.KDP; WNK1; PHA2C; KIAA0344.protein kinase, lysine deficient 1. |
6585 | SLIT1 | 0.00738326 | slit homolog 1 (Drosophila).MEGF4; SLIL1; SLIT3; Slit-1.slit homolog 1. |
66008 | ALS2CR3 | 0.00738326 | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2 (juvenile) chromosome region, candidate 3.TgN370Rpw; GRIF1; OIP98; CALS-C; GRIF-1; KIAA0549.amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2 (juvenile) chromosome region, candidate 3. |
6623 | SNCG | 0.00738326 | synuclein, gamma (breast cancer-specific protein 1).SR; BCSG1.synuclein, gamma (breast cancer-specific protein 1). |
6750 | SST | 0.00738326 | somatostatin.SMST.somatostatin. |
6773 | STAT2 | 0.00738326 | signal transducer and activator of transcription 2, 113kDa.P113; ISGF-3; STAT113; MGC59816.signal transducer and activator of transcription 2. |
6792 | CDKL5 | 0.00738326 | cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5.STK9.cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5. |
6833 | ABCC8 | 0.00738326 | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTRMRP), member 8.HI; SUR; MRP8; PHHI; SUR1; ABC36; HRINS.ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C, member 8. |
6844 | VAMP2 | 0.00738326 | vesicle-associated membrane protein 2 (synaptobrevin 2).SYB2; VAMP-2.vesicle-associated membrane protein 2 (synaptobrevin 2). |
6928 | TCF2 | 0.00738326 | transcription factor 2, hepatic; LF-B3; variant hepatic nuclear factor.HNF2; LFB3; HNF1B; MODY5; VHNF1; HNF1beta.transcription factor 2 isoform b. |
7021 | TFAP2B | 0.00738326 | transcription factor AP-2 beta (activating enhancer binding protein 2 beta).CHAR; AP-2B; AP2-B.transcription factor AP-2 beta (activating enhancer binding protein 2 beta). |
7025 | NR2F1 | 0.00738326 | nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 1.EAR3; EAR-3; NR2F2; SVP44; ERBAL3; TFCOUP1; COUP-TFI; TCFCOUP1.nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 1. |
7108 | TM7SF2 | 0.00738326 | transmembrane 7 superfamily member 2.ANG1.transmembrane 7 superfamily member 2. |
711 | C1orf1 | 0.00738326 | chromosome 1 open reading frame 1.Po42.chromosome 1 open reading frame 1. |
7113 | TMPRSS2 | 0.00738326 | transmembrane protease, serine 2.PRSS10.transmembrane protease, serine 2. |
7125 | TNNC2 | 0.00738326 | troponin C2, skeletal muscle troponin C. |
7157 | TP53 | 0.00738326 | tumor protein p53 (Li-Fraumeni syndrome).P53; p53; TRP53.tumor protein p53. |
7166 | TPH1 | 0.00738326 | tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (tryptophan 5-monooxygenase).TPH; TPRH.tryptophan hydroxylase 1. |
7176 | TPS1 | 0.00738326 | tryptase, alpha.TPS2; alpha II.alpha tryptase I precursor. |
7200 | TRH | 0.00738326 | thyrotropin-releasing hormone..thyrotropin-releasing hormone. |
720 | C4A | 0.00738326 | complement component 4A.C4S; CO4.complement component 4A preproprotein. |
722 | C4BPA | 0.00738326 | complement component 4 binding protein, alpha.C4BP.complement component 4 binding protein, alpha. |
7276 | TTR | 0.00738326 | transthyretin (prealbumin, amyloidosis type I).PALB; TBPA; HsT2651.transthyretin (prealbumin, amyloidosis type I). |
729 | C6 | 0.00738326 | complement component 6..Complement component 6 precursor. |
7356 | SCGB1A1 | 0.00738326 | secretoglobin, family 1A, member 1 (uteroglobin).UGB; CC10; CC16; CCSP.secretoglobin, family 1A, member 1 (uteroglobin). |
7425 | VGF | 0.00738326 | VGF nerve growth factor inducible..VGF nerve growth factor inducible precursor. |
7436 | VLDLR | 0.00738326 | very low density lipoprotein receptor..very low density lipoprotein receptor.Very low density lipoprotein receptor; required for proper development of the cerebral cortex and cerebellum; very strongly similar to murine Vldlr|Proteome |
7546 | ZIC2 | 0.00738326 | Zic family member 2 (odd-paired homolog, Drosophila).HPE5.zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 2. |
762 | CA4 | 0.00738326 | carbonic anhydrase IV.CAIV.carbonic anhydrase IV precursor. |
770 | CA11 | 0.00738326 | carbonic anhydrase XI.CARP2; CA-RP XI.carbonic anhydrase XI precursor. |
7743 | ZNF189 | 0.00738326 | zinc finger protein 189..zinc finger protein 189. |
7746 | ZNF193 | 0.00738326 | zinc finger protein 193.PRD51.zinc finger protein 193. |
7753 | ZNF202 | 0.00738326 | zinc finger protein 202..zinc finger protein 202. |
7957 | EPM2A | 0.00738326 | epilepsy, progressive myoclonus type 2A, Lafora disease (laforin).LD; LDE; EPM2; MELF; LAFORIN.epilepsy, progressive myoclonus type 2A, Lafora disease (laforin). |
796 | CALCA | 0.00738326 | calcitonincalcitonin-related polypeptide, alpha.CT; KC; CGRP; CALC1; CGRP1; CGRP-I.calcitonincalcitonin-related polypeptide, alpha.Precursor of calcitonin and calcitonin gene-related peptide; ligands for receptors found in nervous system and peripheral tissues|Proteome |
79703 | | 0.00738326 | hypothetical protein FLJ22531. |
79888 | | 0.00738326 | hypothetical protein FLJ12443. |
79912 | | 0.00738326 | hypothetical protein FLJ22028. |
79985 | | 0.00738326 | |
8000 | PSCA | 0.00738326 | prostate stem cell antigen..prostate stem cell antigen. |
80143 | | 0.00738326 | hypothetical protein FLJ21168. |
80271 | ITPKC | 0.00738326 | inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase C..inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase C. |
80335 | Kcnip4 | 0.00738326 | Kv channel interacting protein 4.Calp; KChIP4; Calp250.hypothetical protein PRO2730. |
80344 | WDR23 | 0.00738326 | WD repeat domain 23.GL014; PRO2389.WD repeat domain 23 isoform 2. |
81578 | COL21A1 | 0.00738326 | collagen, type XXI, alpha 1.COLA1L; dJ708F5.1; dJ682J15.1; DKFZp564B052.alpha 1 type XXI collagen precursor. |
8340 | HIST1H2BL | 0.00738326 | histone 1, H2bl.H2Bc; H2BFC; dJ97D16.4.H2B histone family, member C. |
8341 | HIST1H2BN | 0.00738326 | histone 1, H2bn.H2Bd; H2BFD; MGC9388.H2B histone family, member D. |
8348 | HIST1H2BO | 0.00738326 | histone 1, H2bo.H2B.2; H2Bn; H2BFN; dJ193B12.2.histone H2B. |
83604 | TM4SF10 | 0.00738326 | transmembrane 4 superfamily member 10.TfIIAab; BCMP1; MGC32949; DKFZp564E153; DKFZP761J17121.transmembrane 4 superfamily member 10. |
83988 | NCALD | 0.00738326 | neurocalcin delta..neurocalcin delta. |
83989 | | 0.00738326 | hypothetical protein DKFZp564D172. |
8399 | PLA2G10 | 0.00738326 | phospholipase A2, group X.SPLA2; GXPLA2; GXSPLA2.phospholipase A2, group X. |
84179 | | 0.00738326 | hypothetical protein FLJ22269. |
8431 | NR0B2 | 0.00738326 | nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, member 2.SHP; SHP1.short heterodimer partner. |
84525 | | 0.00738326 | OB1; LAGY; Toto; Cameo; NECC1; SMAP31.homeodomain-only protein. |
8470 | | 0.00738326 | KIAA0777.ArgAbl-interacting protein 2 isoform 2. |
8476 | CDC42BPA | 0.00738326 | CDC42 binding protein kinase alpha (DMPK-like).MRCK; MRCKA; PK428; FLJ23347; KIAA0451.CDC42-binding protein kinase alpha isoform B. |
84900 | | 0.00738326 | hypothetical protein FLJ14627. |
8490 | RGS5 | 0.00738326 | regulator of G-protein signalling 5.MSTP032.regulator of G-protein signalling 5. |
8496 | PPFIBP1 | 0.00738326 | PTPRF interacting protein, binding protein 1 (liprin beta 1).L2.PTPRF interacting protein binding protein 1 isoform 2. |
8523 | | 0.00738326 | |
8537 | BCAS1 | 0.00738326 | breast carcinoma amplified sequence 1.AIBC1; NABC1.breast carcinoma amplified sequence 1. |
8630 | | 0.00738326 | HSE.3-hydroxysteroid epimerase. |
8658 | TNKS | 0.00738326 | tankyrase, TRF1-interacting ankyrin-related ADP-ribose polymerase.TIN1; PARPL; TINF1; TNKS1.tankyrase, TRF1-interacting ankyrin-related ADP-ribose polymerase. |
8660 | IRS2 | 0.00738326 | insulin receptor substrate 2..insulin receptor substrate 2. |
8674 | VAMP4 | 0.00738326 | vesicle-associated membrane protein 4.VAMP24.vesicle-associated membrane protein 4. |
8685 | MARCO | 0.00738326 | macrophage receptor with collagenous structure.SCARA2.macrophage receptor with collagenous structure. |
8690 | JRKL | 0.00738326 | jerky homolog-like (mouse).HHMJG.jerky homolog-like. |
8698 | EDG6 | 0.00738326 | endothelial differentiation, G-protein-coupled receptor 6.LPC1; SLP4.endothelial differentiation, G protein coupled receptor 6 precursor. |
8705 | B3GALT4 | 0.00738326 | UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,3-galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 4.GalT4; Gal-T2; beta3GALT4; DJ1033B10.3; beta3Gal-T4.UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,3-galactosyltransferase 4. |
8714 | ABCC3 | 0.00738326 | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTRMRP), member 3.MLP2; MRP3; ABC31; CMOAT2; MOAT-D; cMOAT2; EST90757.ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C, member 3 isoform MRP3B. |
8715 | NOL4 | 0.00738326 | nucleolar protein 4.NOLP; HRIHFB2255.nucleolar protein 4.Nucleolar protein 4; contains a serine-rich domain and a predicted coiled-coil domain|Proteome |
8748 | ADAM20 | 0.00738326 | a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain 20..a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain 20 preproprotein. |
8771 | TNFRSF6B | 0.00738326 | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 6b, decoy.M68; TR6; DCR3; DJ583P15.1.1.tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 6b. |
8786 | RGS11 | 0.00738326 | regulator of G-protein signalling 11.RS11.regulator of G-protein signalling 11 isoform 2. |
8788 | DLK1 | 0.00738326 | delta-like 1 homolog (Drosophila).FA1; ZOG; pG2; PREF1; homolog. |
8790 | FPGT | 0.00738326 | fucose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase.GFPP.fucose-1-phosphate guanyltransferase. |
8793 | TNFRSF10D | 0.00738326 | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 10d, decoy with truncated death domain.DCR2; TRUNDD; TRAILR4.tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 10d precursor. |
8796 | SCEL | 0.00738326 | sciellin.FLJ21667; MGC22531.sciellin isoform b. |
8805 | TIF1 | 0.00738326 | transcriptional intermediary factor 1.PTC6; TF1A; RNF82; TIF1A; hTIF1; TRIM24; TIF1ALPHA.transcriptional intermediary factor 1. |
8839 | WISP2 | 0.00738326 | WNT1 inducible signaling pathway protein 2.CCN5; CT58; CTGF-L.WNT1 inducible signaling pathway protein 2 precursor. |
8842 | PROM1 | 0.00738326 | prominin 1.AC133; CD133; PROML1.prominin 1. |
885 | CCK | 0.00738326 | cholecystokinin..cholecystokinin preproprotein. |
8854 | ALDH1A2 | 0.00738326 | aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family, member A2.RALDH2; MGC26444; RALDH2-T; RALDH(II).aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A2 isoform 3. |
8869 | SIAT9 | 0.00738326 | sialyltransferase 9 (CMP-NeuAc:lactosylceramide alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase; GM3 synthase).ST3GalV; SIATGM3S.sialyltransferase 9. |
8906 | AP1G2 | 0.00738326 | adaptor-related protein complex 1, gamma 2 subunit.G2AD.adaptor-related protein complex 1, gamma 2 subunit. |
8996 | NOL3 | 0.00738326 | nucleolar protein 3 (apoptosis repressor with CARD domain).ARC; MYC; NOP; NOP30.nucleolar protein 3 (apoptosis repressor with CARD domain). |
9 | NAT1 | 0.00738326 | N-acetyltransferase 1 (arylamine N-acetyltransferase).AAC1.N-acetyltransferase 1.Arylamine N-acetyltransferase 1; N- or O-acetylates arylamines and heterocyclic amines, detoxifies carcinogens and xenobiotics|Proteome |
9023 | CH25H | 0.00738326 | cholesterol 25-hydroxylase.C25H.cholesterol 25-hydroxylase. |
9027 | NAT8 | 0.00738326 | N-acetyltransferase 8 (camello like).GLA; CML1; TSC501; TSC510.N-acetyltransferase 8. |
904 | CCNT1 | 0.00738326 | cyclin T1.CCNT; CYCT1.cyclin T1. |
9046 | DOK2 | 0.00738326 | docking protein 2, 56kDa.Dok-2; p56DOK; p56dok-2.docking protein 2, 56kD. |
9047 | SH2D2A | 0.00738326 | SH2 domain protein 2A.TSAD; TSAd; F2771.SH2 domain protein 2A. |
9052 | RAI3 | 0.00738326 | retinoic acid induced 3.RAIG1; GPRC5A.retinoic acid induced 3. |
9060 | PAPSS2 | 0.00738326 | 3 |
9073 | CLDN8 | 0.00738326 | claudin 8..claudin 8. |
9077 | ARHI | 0.00738326 | ras homolog gene family, member I.NOEY2.ras homolog I. |
9079 | LDB2 | 0.00738326 | LIM domain binding 2.LDB1; CLIM1.LIM domain binding 2.LIM domain binding 2; modulates transcriptional activation by LIM homeoproteins; very strongly similar to murine Mm.8266 which may play a role in the differentiation of neuronal lineages through association with murine Lhx9|Proteome |
90861 | C16orf34 | 0.00738326 | chromosome 16 open reading frame 34.HN1L; FLJ13092.chromosome 16 open reading frame 34. |
9099 | USP2 | 0.00738326 | ubiquitin specific protease 2.USP9; UBP41.ubiquitin specific protease 2 isoform b. |
90993 | CREB3L1 | 0.00738326 | cAMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 1.OASIS.cAMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 1. |
9122 | SLC16A4 | 0.00738326 | solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylic acid transporters), member 4.MCT4.solute carrier family 16, member 4.Member of monocarboxylate transporter family; may function as a transporter|Proteome |
913 | CD1E | 0.00738326 | CD1E antigen, e polypeptide.HSCDIEL.CD1E antigen, e polypeptide. |
9133 | CCNB2 | 0.00738326 | cyclin B2..cyclin B2. |
9147 | SDCCAG1 | 0.00738326 | serologically defined colon cancer antigen 1.NY-CO-1; FLJ10051.serologically defined colon cancer antigen 1. |
9152 | SLC6A5 | 0.00738326 | solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, glycine), member 5.GLYT2.solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, glycine), member 5. |
9175 | MAP3K13 | 0.00738326 | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 13.LZK.mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 13. |
9185 | REPS2 | 0.00738326 | RALBP1 associated Eps domain containing 2.POB1.RALBP1 associated Eps domain containing 2. |
91977 | MYOZ3 | 0.00738326 | myozenin 3.CS3; CS-3; FRP3.myozenin 3. |
9201 | DCAMKL1 | 0.00738326 | doublecortin and CaM kinase-like 1.DCLK; KIAA0369.. |
92342 | | 0.00738326 | hypothetical protein MGC9084. |
9244 | CRLF1 | 0.00738326 | cytokine receptor-like factor 1.NR6; CISS; CLF-1.cytokine receptor-like factor 1. |
9249 | DHRS3 | 0.00738326 | dehydrogenasereductase (SDR family) member 3.SDR1; Rsdr1; retSDR1.dehydrogenasereductase (SDR family) member 3. |
9254 | CACNA2D2 | 0.00738326 | calcium channel, voltage-dependent, alpha 2delta subunit 2.CACNA2D; gene 26; KIAA0558.calcium channel, voltage-dependent, alpha 2delta subunit 2. |
9278 | ZNF297 | 0.00738326 | zinc finger protein 297.BING1.zinc finger protein 297. |
9353 | SLIT2 | 0.00738326 | slit homolog 2 (Drosophila).Slit-2.slit homolog 2. |
9358 | ITGBL1 | 0.00738326 | integrin, beta-like 1 (with EGF-like repeat domains).OSCP; TIED.integrin, beta-like 1 (with EGF-like repeat domains). |
9374 | PPT2 | 0.00738326 | palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 2.G14; DKFZp564P1516.palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 2 isoform c precursor. |
9378 | NRXN1 | 0.00738326 | neurexin 1.Hs.22998; KIAA0578.neurexin 1 isoform beta precursor. |
9379 | NRXN2 | 0.00738326 | neurexin 2.KIAA0921.neurexin 2 isoform beta precursor. |
9399 | STOML1 | 0.00738326 | stomatin (EPB72)-like 1.SLP-1; STORP; hUNC-24.stomatin (EPB72)-like 1.Stomatin-like protein 1; similar to C. elegans UNC-24, contains an N-terminal stomatin-like and a C-terminal non-specific lipid transfer protein domain|Proteome |
9415 | FADS2 | 0.00738326 | fatty acid desaturase 2.D6D; DES6; TU13; FADSD6; LLCDL2; SLL0262.fatty acid desaturase 2. |
9456 | HOMER1 | 0.00738326 | homer homolog 1 (Drosophila).SYN47; Ves-1; HOMER-1B.Homer, neuronal immediate early gene, 1B. |
9465 | AKAP7 | 0.00738326 | A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 7.AKAP18.A-kinase anchor protein 7 isoform gamma. |
9478 | CABP1 | 0.00738326 | calcium binding protein 1 (calbrain).CALBRAIN; HCALB_BR.calcium binding protein 1 isoform 2. |
9487 | PIGL | 0.00738326 | phosphatidylinositol glycan, class L..phosphatidylinositol glycan, class L. |
9498 | SLC4A8 | 0.00738326 | solute carrier family 4, sodium bicarbonate cotransporter, member 8.NBC3.solute carrier family 4, sodium bicarbonate cotransporter, member 8. |
9535 | GMFG | 0.00738326 | glia maturation factor, gamma.GMF-GAMMA.glia maturation factor, gamma. |
9568 | GPR51 | 0.00738326 | G protein-coupled receptor 51.HG20; GABBR2; GPRC3B; GABABR2.G protein-coupled receptor 51. |
9580 | SOX13 | 0.00738326 | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 13.ICA12; Sox-13.SRY-box 13. |
959 | TNFSF5 | 0.00738326 | tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 5 (hyper-IgM syndrome).IGM; IMD3; TRAP; gp39; CD154; CD40L; HIGM1; T-BAM; CD40LG; hCD40L.CD40 antigen ligand. |
9607 | | 0.00738326 | cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript. |
9649 | | 0.00738326 | RALGEF2; KIAA0351.Ral guanine nucleotide exchange factor RalGPS1A. |
9687 | | 0.00738326 | KIAA0575.GREB1 protein isoform c. |
969 | CD69 | 0.00738326 | CD69 antigen (p60, early T-cell activation antigen)..CD69 antigen (p60, early T-cell activation antigen). |
9699 | RIMS2 | 0.00738326 | regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 2.OBOE; RIM2; RAB3IP3; KIAA0751.regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 2. |
9705 | ST18 | 0.00738326 | suppression of tumorigenicity 18 (breast carcinoma) (zinc finger protein).ZNF387; KIAA0535.suppression of tumorigenicity 18. |
9725 | | 0.00738326 | KIAA0489.KIAA0792 gene product. |
9734 | HDAC9 | 0.00738326 | histone deacetylase 9.HD7; HDAC; HDRP; MITR; HDAC7; HDAC7B; HDAC9B; HDAC9FL; KIAA0744.histone deacetylase 9 isoform 5. |
9737 | | 0.00738326 | KIAA0443.G protein-coupled receptor-associated sorting protein. |
9743 | | 0.00738326 | GRIT; GC-GAP; MGC1892; p250GAP; KIAA0712; p200RhoGAP.Rho GTPase-activating protein. |
9751 | SNPH | 0.00738326 | syntaphilin.KIAA0374; MGC46096; bA314N13.5.syntaphilin. |
9752 | PCDHA9 | 0.00738326 | protocadherin alpha 9.KIAA0345; PCDH-ALPHA9.protocadherin alpha 9 isoform 2 precursor. |
9760 | | 0.00738326 | KIAA0808.thymus high mobility group box protein TOX. |
9762 | | 0.00738326 | KIAA0552.ProSAPiP1 protein. |
9765 | ZFYVE16 | 0.00738326 | zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 16.ENDOFIN; KIAA0305.endosome-associated FYVE-domain protein. |
9786 | KIAA0586 | 0.00738326 | KIAA0586..KIAA0586. |
9843 | HEPH | 0.00738326 | hephaestin.KIAA0698.hephaestin isoform b. |
9852 | EPM2AIP1 | 0.00738326 | EPM2A (laforin) interacting protein 1.FLJ11207; KIAA0766.EPM2A interacting protein 1. |
9863 | | 0.00738326 | ARIP1; MAGI-2; ACVRIP1; KIAA0705.atrophin-1 interacting protein 1. |
9876 | | 0.00738326 | |
9878 | C14orf92 | 0.00738326 | chromosome 14 open reading frame 92.KIAA0737.chromosome 14 open reading frame 92. |
9892 | SNAP91 | 0.00738326 | synaptosomal-associated protein, 91kDa homolog (mouse).AP180; KIAA0656.synaptosomal-associated protein, 91kDa homolog. |
9899 | SV2B | 0.00738326 | synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2B.HsT19680; KIAA0735.synaptic vesicle protein 2B homolog. |
9900 | SV2A | 0.00738326 | synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A.SV2; KIAA0736.synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2. |
9910 | | 0.00738326 | KIAA0471.expressed in hematopoietic cells, heart, liver. |
9912 | | 0.00738326 | FLJ13735.KIAA0672 gene product. |
9914 | | 0.00738326 | KIAA0703 gene product. |
9922 | | 0.00738326 | KIAA0763 gene product. |
9923 | | 0.00738326 | KIAA0478 gene product. |
9957 | HS3ST1 | 0.00738326 | heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 1.3OST; 3OST1.heparan sulfate D-glucosaminyl 3-O-sulfotransferase 1 precursor. |
9973 | CCS | 0.00738326 | copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase..copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase. |
9980 | C21orf5 | 0.00738326 | chromosome 21 open reading frame 5.pad-1; KIAA0933.pad-1-like. |
1000 | CDH2 | 0.0078988 | cadherin 2, type 1, N-cadherin (neuronal).CDHN; NCAD.cadherin 2, type 1 preproprotein. |
10129 | | 0.0078988 | CG003.hypothetical protein CG003. |
1015 | CDH17 | 0.0078988 | cadherin 17, LI cadherin (liver-intestine).HPT1; CDH16; HPT-1.cadherin 17 precursor. |
10158 | | 0.0078988 | DD96.membrane-associated protein 17. |
10223 | GPA33 | 0.0078988 | glycoprotein A33 (transmembrane).A33.transmembrane glycoprotein A33 precursor. |
10232 | MSLN | 0.0078988 | mesothelin.MPF; SMR; CAK1.mesothelin isoform 2 precursor. |
1028 | CDKN1C | 0.0078988 | cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C (p57, Kip2).BWS; WBS; p57; BWCR; KIP2.cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C. |
10370 | CITED2 | 0.0078988 | Cbpp300-interacting transactivator, with GluAsp-rich carboxy-terminal domain, 2.MRG1; P35SRJ.Cbpp300-interacting transactivator, with GluAsp-rich carboxy-terminal domain, 2. |
104 | ADARB1 | 0.0078988 | adenosine deaminase, RNA-specific, B1 (RED1 homolog rat).RED1; ADAR2; DRABA2; DRADA2.RNA-specific adenosine deaminase B1 isoform DRADA2c. |
10439 | OLFM1 | 0.0078988 | olfactomedin 1.AMY; NOE1; OlfA; NOELIN.olfactomedin related ER localized protein isoform 3. |
1044 | CDX1 | 0.0078988 | caudal type homeo box transcription factor 1..caudal type homeo box transcription factor 1. |
1048 | CEACAM5 | 0.0078988 | carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 5.CEA; CD66e.carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 5. |
10521 | DDX17 | 0.0078988 | DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 17.P72; RH70.DEAD box polypeptide 17 isoform p82. |
10692 | RRH | 0.0078988 | retinal pigment epithelium-derived rhodopsin homolog..peropsin. |
11060 | | 0.0078988 | AIP2.Nedd-4-like ubiquitin-protein ligase isoform 3. |
116138 | KLHDC3 | 0.0078988 | kelch domain containing 3.PEAS; HPEAS; hPeas; dJ20C7.3.testis intracellular mediator protein. |
125 | ADH1B | 0.0078988 | alcohol dehydrogenase IB (class I), beta polypeptide.ADH2.alcohol dehydrogenase 1B (class I), beta polypeptide. |
1299 | COL9A3 | 0.0078988 | collagen, type IX, alpha 3.IDD; MED; EDM3; DJ885L7.4.1.alpha 3 type IX collagen. |
1357 | CPA1 | 0.0078988 | carboxypeptidase A1 (pancreatic).CPA.pancreatic carboxypeptidase A1 precursor. |
1373 | CPS1 | 0.0078988 | carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 1, mitochondrial..carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 1, mitochondrial. |
1428 | CRYM | 0.0078988 | crystallin, mu.THBP; DFNA40.crystallin, mu. |
1441 | CSF3R | 0.0078988 | colony stimulating factor 3 receptor (granulocyte).CD114; GCSFR.colony stimulating factor 3 receptor isoform d precursor. |
1510 | CTSE | 0.0078988 | cathepsin E..cathepsin E isoform b preproprotein. |
1549 | CYP2A7 | 0.0078988 | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily A, polypeptide 7.CPA7; CPAD; CYPIIA7; P450-IIA4.cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily A, polypeptide 7 isoform 2. |
1555 | CYP2B6 | 0.0078988 | cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily B, polypeptide 6.CPB6; IIB1; P450; CYP2B; CYPIIB6.cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily B, polypeptide 6. |
1604 | DAF | 0.0078988 | decay accelerating factor for complement (CD55, Cromer blood group system).CR; TC; CD55.decay accelerating factor for complement (CD55, Cromer blood group system).Decay accelerating factor for complement; inhibits the amplification of the complement cascade; has repetitive units found in complement proteins|Proteome |
1636 | ACE | 0.0078988 | angiotensin I converting enzyme (peptidyl-dipeptidase A) 1.DCP; ACE1; DCP1; CD143; MGC26566.angiotensin I converting enzyme isoform 3 precursor. |
1644 | DDC | 0.0078988 | dopa decarboxylase (aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase).AADC.dopa decarboxylase (aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase). |
1673 | DEFB4 | 0.0078988 | defensin, beta 4.SAP1; DEFB2; HBD-2; DEFB-2; DEFB102.defensin, beta 4, precursor. |
1675 | DF | 0.0078988 | D component of complement (adipsin).ADN.adipsincomplement factor D precursor. |
1759 | DNM1 | 0.0078988 | dynamin 1.DNM.dynamin 1. |
1961 | EGR4 | 0.0078988 | early growth response 4.NGFIC; NGFI-C; PAT133.early growth response 4. |
2015 | EMR1 | 0.0078988 | egf-like module containing, mucin-like, hormone receptor-like 1..egf-like module containing, mucin-like, hormone receptor-like sequence 1. |
2043 | EPHA4 | 0.0078988 | EphA4.SEK; HEK8; TYRO1.ephrin receptor EphA4. |
2048 | EPHB2 | 0.0078988 | EphB2.DRT; ERK; Hek5; EPHT3; Tyro5.ephrin receptor EphB2 isoform 2 precursor. |
2064 | ERBB2 | 0.0078988 | v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2, neuroglioblastoma derived oncogene homolog (avian).NEU; NGL; HER2; TKR1; HER-2.v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2, neuroglioblastoma derived oncogene homolog.Tyrosine kinase receptor, a component of IL-6 signalling through the MAP kinase pathway; similar to the EGF receptor|Proteome |
2100 | ESR2 | 0.0078988 | estrogen receptor 2 (ER beta).Erb; ESRB; NR3A2; ER-BETA; ESR-BETA.estrogen receptor 2 (ER beta). |
2117 | ETV3 | 0.0078988 | ets variant gene 3.PE1; METS; PE-1; bA110J1.4.ets variant gene 3. |
2172 | FABP6 | 0.0078988 | fatty acid binding protein 6, ileal (gastrotropin).ILBP; I-15P; ILBP3; ILLBP; I-BABP.gastrotropin. |
2185 | PTK2B | 0.0078988 | PTK2B protein tyrosine kinase 2 beta.PKB; PTK; CAKB; FAK2; PYK2; CADTK; FADK2; RAFTK.PTK2B protein tyrosine kinase 2 beta isoform b. |
23209 | MLC1 | 0.0078988 | megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts 1.VL; LVM; MLC; KIAA0027.megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts 1 gene product. |
23456 | ABCB10 | 0.0078988 | ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDRTAP), member 10.M-ABC2; MTABC2; EST20237.ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B, member 10. |
2350 | FOLR2 | 0.0078988 | folate receptor 2 (fetal).FR-P3; FR-beta; FBPPL-1; beta-hFR.folate receptor 2 precursor. |
23542 | MAPK8IP2 | 0.0078988 | mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 2.IB2; JIP2; PRKM8IPL.mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 2 isoform 3. |
246 | ALOX15 | 0.0078988 | arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase..arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase. |
2562 | GABRB3 | 0.0078988 | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, beta 3.MGC9051.gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, beta 3 isoform 2 precursor. |
2572 | GAD2 | 0.0078988 | glutamate decarboxylase 2 (pancreatic islets and brain, 65kDa).GAD65.glutamate decarboxylase 2. |
2641 | GCG | 0.0078988 | glucagon.GLP1; GLP2; GRPP.glucagon preproprotein. |
27113 | BBC3 | 0.0078988 | BCL2 binding component 3.JFY1; PUMA; PUMAJFY1.BCL2 binding component 3. |
284 | ANGPT1 | 0.0078988 | angiopoietin 1.AGP1; AGPT; ANG1; KIAA0003.angiopoietin 1 isoform b. |
288 | ANK3 | 0.0078988 | ankyrin 3, node of Ranvier (ankyrin G)..ankyrin 3 isoform 2. |
2891 | GRIA2 | 0.0078988 | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA 2.GLUR2; GLURB; HBGR2.glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA 2. |
2922 | GRP | 0.0078988 | gastrin-releasing peptide..gastrin-releasing peptide. |
2984 | GUCY2C | 0.0078988 | guanylate cyclase 2C (heat stable enterotoxin receptor).STAR; GUC2C.guanylate cyclase 2C (heat stable enterotoxin receptor). |
30 | ACAA1 | 0.0078988 | acetyl-Coenzyme A acyltransferase 1 (peroxisomal 3-oxoacyl-Coenzyme A thiolase).ACAA; THIO; PTHIO.acetyl-Coenzyme A acyltransferase 1. |
3169 | FOXA1 | 0.0078988 | forkhead box A1.HNF3A; TCF3A; MGC33105.forkhead box A1. |
3215 | HOXB5 | 0.0078988 | homeo box B5.HOX2; HU-1; HOX2A; Hox2.1; HHO.C10.homeo box B5. |
322 | APBB1 | 0.0078988 | amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family B, member 1 (Fe65).RIR; FE65; MGC:9072.amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding, family B, member 1 isoform delta E9. |
3257 | HPS1 | 0.0078988 | Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 1.HPS; MGC5277.Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 1 protein isoform d. |
3310 | HSPA6 | 0.0078988 | heat shock 70kDa protein 6 (HSP70B)..heat shock 70kDa protein 6 (HSP70B). |
3382 | ICA1 | 0.0078988 | islet cell autoantigen 1, 69kDa.ICA69; ICAp69.islet cell autoantigen 1 isoform 3. |
3397 | ID1 | 0.0078988 | inhibitor of DNA binding 1, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein.ID.inhibitor of DNA binding 1 isoform b. |
350 | APOH | 0.0078988 | apolipoprotein H (beta-2-glycoprotein I).BG; B2G1.beta-2-glycoprotein I precursor. |
361 | AQP4 | 0.0078988 | aquaporin 4.MIWC; HMIWC2.aquaporin 4 isoform b. |
3624 | INHBA | 0.0078988 | inhibin, beta A (activin A, activin AB alpha polypeptide).EDF; FRP.inhibin beta A subunit precursor. |
3642 | INSM1 | 0.0078988 | insulinoma-associated 1.IA1; IA-1.insulinoma-associated 1. |
3667 | IRS1 | 0.0078988 | insulin receptor substrate 1.HIRS-1.insulin receptor substrate 1. |
3670 | ISL1 | 0.0078988 | ISL1 transcription factor, LIMhomeodomain, (islet-1).Isl-1.islet-1. |
367 | AR | 0.0078988 | androgen receptor (dihydrotestosterone receptor; testicular feminization; spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy; Kennedy disease).KD; AIS; TFM; DHTR; SBMA; NR3C4; SMAX1; HUMARA.androgen receptor. |
3699 | ITIH3 | 0.0078988 | pre-alpha (globulin) inhibitor, H3 polypeptide.H3P.pre-alpha (globulin) inhibitor, H3 polypeptide. |
3730 | KAL1 | 0.0078988 | Kallmann syndrome 1 sequence.HHA; KAL; KMS; ADMLX; KALIG-1.Kallmann syndrome 1 protein. |
3763 | KCNJ6 | 0.0078988 | potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 6.BIR1; GIRK2; KATP2; KCNJ7; KIR3.2; hiGIRK2.potassium inwardly-rectifying channel J6. |
3855 | KRT7 | 0.0078988 | keratin 7.K7; CK7; SCL; K2C7; MGC3625.keratin 7. |
3875 | KRT18 | 0.0078988 | keratin 18.K18; CYK18.keratin 18. |
3908 | LAMA2 | 0.0078988 | laminin, alpha 2 (merosin, congenital muscular dystrophy).LAMM.laminin alpha 2 subunit precursor. |
3960 | LGALS4 | 0.0078988 | lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 4 (galectin 4).GAL4.galectin 4. |
4023 | LPL | 0.0078988 | lipoprotein lipase.LIPD.lipoprotein lipase precursor. |
4057 | LTF | 0.0078988 | lactotransferrin.HLF2.lactotransferrin. |
4128 | MAOA | 0.0078988 | monoamine oxidase A..monoamine oxidase A. |
417 | ART1 | 0.0078988 | ADP-ribosyltransferase 1.RT6; ART2.ADP-ribosyltransferase 1. |
4197 | MDS1 | 0.0078988 | myelodysplasia syndrome 1.PRDM3; MDS1-EVI1.myelodysplasia syndrome protein 1. |
429 | ASCL1 | 0.0078988 | achaete-scute complex-like 1 (Drosophila).ASH1; HASH1; MASH1.achaete-scute complex homolog-like 1. |
4306 | NR3C2 | 0.0078988 | nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 2.MR; MCR; MLR.nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 2. |
4319 | MMP10 | 0.0078988 | matrix metalloproteinase 10 (stromelysin 2).SL-2; STMY2.matrix metalloproteinase 10 preproprotein. |
4322 | MMP13 | 0.0078988 | matrix metalloproteinase 13 (collagenase 3).CLG3.matrix metalloproteinase 13 preproprotein. |
4435 | CITED1 | 0.0078988 | Cbpp300-interacting transactivator, with GluAsp-rich carboxy-terminal domain, 1.MSG1.Cbpp300-interacting transactivator, with GluAsp-rich carboxy-terminal domain, 1. |
4437 | MSH3 | 0.0078988 | mutS homolog 3 (E. coli)..mutS homolog 3. |
4477 | MSMB | 0.0078988 | microseminoprotein, beta-.MSP; PSP; IGBF; MSPB; PN44; PRPS; PSP57; PSP94; PSP-94.beta-microseminoprotein isoform b precursor. |
4520 | MTF1 | 0.0078988 | metal-regulatory transcription factor 1.MTF-1.metal-regulatory transcription factor 1. |
4582 | MUC1 | 0.0078988 | mucin 1, transmembrane.EMA; PEM; PUM; CD227.mucin 1, transmembrane. |
4620 | MYH2 | 0.0078988 | myosin, heavy polypeptide 2, skeletal muscle, adult.MYH2A; MYHSA2; MYHas8; MyHC-2A; MyHC-IIa.myosin, heavy polypeptide 2, skeletal muscle, adult. |
4703 | NEB | 0.0078988 | nebulin.NEM2.nebulin. |
4745 | NELL1 | 0.0078988 | NEL-like 1 (chicken).NRP1.nel-like 1. |
4756 | NEO1 | 0.0078988 | neogenin homolog 1 (chicken).NGN.neogenin homolog 1. |
481 | ATP1B1 | 0.0078988 | ATPase, NaK transporting, beta 1 polypeptide.ATP1B.ATPase, NaK transporting, beta 1 polypeptide. |
4857 | NOVA1 | 0.0078988 | neuro-oncological ventral antigen 1.Nova-1.neuro-oncological ventral antigen 1 isoform 2. |
4881 | NPR1 | 0.0078988 | natriuretic peptide receptor Aguanylate cyclase A (atrionatriuretic peptide receptor A).ANPa; NPRA; ANPRA; GUC2A.natriuretic peptide receptor Aguanylate cyclase A (atrionatriuretic peptide receptor A). |
489 | ATP2A3 | 0.0078988 | ATPase, Ca transporting, ubiquitous.SERCA3.sarcoendoplasmic reticulum Ca2 -ATPase isoform f. |
4929 | NR4A2 | 0.0078988 | nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 2.NOT; RNR1; HZF-3; NURR1; TINUR.nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 2 isoform d. |
493 | ATP2B4 | 0.0078988 | ATPase, Ca transporting, plasma membrane 4.PMCA4; ATP2B2.ATPase, Ca transporting, plasma membrane 4. |
496 | ATP4B | 0.0078988 | ATPase, HK exchanging, beta polypeptide.ATP6B.ATPase, HK exchanging, beta polypeptide. |
4974 | OMG | 0.0078988 | oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein.OMGP.oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein. |
5016 | OVGP1 | 0.0078988 | oviductal glycoprotein 1, 120kDa (mucin 9, oviductin).MUC9.oviductal glycoprotein 1, 120kDa (mucin 9, oviductin). |
5025 | P2RX4 | 0.0078988 | purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel, 4.P2X4; P2X4R.purinergic receptor P2X4 isoform c. |
5091 | PC | 0.0078988 | pyruvate carboxylase.PCB.pyruvate carboxylase precursor. |
5105 | PCK1 | 0.0078988 | phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1 (soluble).PEPCK1; PEPCKC; MGC22652.cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1. |
5122 | PCSK1 | 0.0078988 | proprotein convertase subtilisinkexin type 1.PC1; PC3; NEC1; SPC3.proprotein convertase subtilisinkexin type 1 preproprotein. |
51352 | | 0.0078988 | dJ74J1.1.Wilms tumor associated protein. |
5143 | PDE4C | 0.0078988 | phosphodiesterase 4C, cAMP-specific (phosphodiesterase E1 dunce homolog, Drosophila).DPDE1.phosphodiesterase 4C, cAMP-specific (phosphodiesterase E1 dunce homolog, Drosophila).CAMP-specific phosphodiesterase 4C; may be a protein involved in learning and memory; similar to Drosophila dnc|Proteome |
5210 | PFKFB4 | 0.0078988 | 6 |
5228 | PGF | 0.0078988 | placental growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor-related protein.PLGF; PlGF-2.placental growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor-related protein. |
5294 | PIK3CG | 0.0078988 | phosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic, gamma polypeptide.PI3K; PIK3; PI3CG; PI3Kgamma.phosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic, gamma polypeptide. |
5357 | PLS1 | 0.0078988 | plastin 1 (I isoform).I-PLASTIN.plastin 1. |
5473 | PPBP | 0.0078988 | pro-platelet basic protein (chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 7).PBP; TGB; LDGF; MDGF; TGB1; CTAP3; CXCL7; NAP-2; SCYB7; THBGB; b-TG1; LA-PF4; THBGB1; Beta-TG; CTAPIII; basic protein (includes platelet basic protein, bet. |
5534 | PPP3R1 | 0.0078988 | protein phosphatase 3 (formerly 2B), regulatory subunit B, 19kDa, alpha isoform (calcineurin B, type I).CNB; CNB1; CALNB1.protein phosphatase 3, regulatory subunit B, alpha isoform 1. |
5588 | PRKCQ | 0.0078988 | protein kinase C, theta..protein kinase C, theta. |
5599 | MAPK8 | 0.0078988 | mitogen-activated protein kinase 8.JNK; JNK1; PRKM8; SAPK1; JNK1A2; JNK21B12.mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 isoform 4. |
5602 | MAPK10 | 0.0078988 | mitogen-activated protein kinase 10.JNK3; JNK3A; PRKM10; p493F12; FLJ12099; p54bSAPK.mitogen-activated protein kinase 10 isoform 4. |
563 | AZGP1 | 0.0078988 | alpha-2-glycoprotein 1, zinc.ZAG; ZA2G.alpha-2-glycoprotein 1, zinc. |
5652 | PRSS8 | 0.0078988 | protease, serine, 8 (prostasin).PROSTASIN.prostasin preproprotein. |
5797 | PTPRM | 0.0078988 | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, M.RPTPM; RPTPU; PTPRL1; hR-PTPu; R-PTP-MU.protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, M precursor. |
5799 | PTPRN2 | 0.0078988 | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, N polypeptide 2.IAR; ICAAR; PTPRP; PHOGRIN; IA-2beta; KIAA0387; IAR PTPRP.protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, N polypeptide 2 isoform 3 precursor. |
58498 | MYL7 | 0.0078988 | myosin, light polypeptide 7, regulatory.MYL2A; MYLC2A.myosin light chain 2a. |
5871 | MAP4K2 | 0.0078988 | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 2.GCK; BL44; RAB8IP.mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 2. |
5877 | RABIF | 0.0078988 | RAB interacting factor.MSS4; RASGFR3; RASGRF3.RAB-interacting factor. |
5914 | RARA | 0.0078988 | retinoic acid receptor, alpha.RAR; NR1B1.retinoic acid receptor, alpha. |
5950 | RBP4 | 0.0078988 | retinol binding protein 4, plasma..retinol-binding protein 4, plasma precursor. |
6038 | RNASE4 | 0.0078988 | ribonuclease, RNase A family, 4.RNS4; MGC9306.ribonuclease, RNase A family, 4 precursor. |
607 | BCL9 | 0.0078988 | B-cell CLLlymphoma 9.LGS.B-cell CLLlymphoma 9. |
6196 | RPS6KA2 | 0.0078988 | ribosomal protein S6 kinase, 90kDa, polypeptide 2.RSK; HU-2; RSK3; MAPKAPK1C.ribosomal protein S6 kinase, 90kDa, polypeptide 2. |
624 | BDKRB2 | 0.0078988 | bradykinin receptor B2.B2R; BK2; BK-2; BKR2; BRB2.bradykinin receptor B2. |
6258 | RXRG | 0.0078988 | retinoid X receptor, gamma.RXRC; NR2B3.retinoid X receptor, gamma. |
6288 | SAA1 | 0.0078988 | serum amyloid A1.SAA; PIG4; TP53I4.serum amyloid A1 isoform 2.Member of the serum amyloid A protein family; member of high density apolipoproteins|Proteome |
6361 | CCL17 | 0.0078988 | chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 17.TARC; ABCD-2; SCYA17; A-152E5.3.small inducible cytokine A17 precursor. |
6364 | CCL20 | 0.0078988 | chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 20.CKb4; LARC; ST38; MIP3A; MIP-3a; SCYA20.chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 20. |
638 | BIK | 0.0078988 | BCL2-interacting killer (apoptosis-inducing).BP4; NBK; BBC1; BIP1.BCL2-interacting killer. |
6470 | SHMT1 | 0.0078988 | serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1 (soluble).CSHMT; MGC15229; MGC24556.serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1 (soluble) isoform 2. |
6569 | SLC34A1 | 0.0078988 | solute carrier family 34 (sodium phosphate), member 1.NPT2; SLC11; NAPI-3; NPTIIa; SLC17A2.solute carrier family 34 (sodium phosphate), member 1. |
657 | BMPR1A | 0.0078988 | bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type IA.ALK3; ACVRLK3.bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type IA precursor. |
6590 | SLPI | 0.0078988 | secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (antileukoproteinase).ALP; ALK1; BLPI; HUSI; WAP4; WFDC4; HUSI-I.secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor precursor. |
6616 | SNAP25 | 0.0078988 | synaptosomal-associated protein, 25kDa.SNAP; SNAP-25; FLJ23079; bA416N4.2; dJ1068F16.2.synaptosomal-associated protein 25 isoform SNAP25B. |
6662 | SOX9 | 0.0078988 | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9 (campomelic dysplasia, autosomal sex-reversal).CMD1; SRA1; CMPD1.transcription factor SOX9. |
6693 | SPN | 0.0078988 | sialophorin (gpL115, leukosialin, CD43).LSN; CD43; GPL115.sialophorin (gpL115, leukosialin, CD43). |
6775 | STAT4 | 0.0078988 | signal transducer and activator of transcription 4..signal transducer and activator of transcription 4. |
6895 | TARBP2 | 0.0078988 | TAR (HIV) RNA binding protein 2..TAR RNA binding protein 2 isoform c. |
6908 | TBP | 0.0078988 | TATA box binding protein.GTF2D; SCA17; TFIID; GTF2D1.TATA box binding protein. |
6939 | TCF15 | 0.0078988 | transcription factor 15 (basic helix-loop-helix).EC2; PARAXIS.basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor 15. |
6947 | TCN1 | 0.0078988 | transcobalamin I (vitamin B12 binding protein, R binder family).TC1; TCI.transcobalamin I precursor. |
6953 | TCP10 | 0.0078988 | t-complex 10 (mouse)..t-complex 10. |
7020 | TFAP2A | 0.0078988 | transcription factor AP-2 alpha (activating enhancer binding protein 2 alpha).AP-2; AP2TF; TFAP2.transcription factor AP-2 alpha. |
7026 | NR2F2 | 0.0078988 | nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 2.ARP1; SVP40; COUPTFB; TFCOUP2; COUP-TFII.nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 2. |
7031 | TFF1 | 0.0078988 | trefoil factor 1 (breast cancer, estrogen-inducible sequence expressed in).pS2; BCEI; HPS2; pNR-2; D21S21.trefoil factor 1 (breast cancer, estrogen-inducible sequence expressed in). |
7067 | THRA | 0.0078988 | thyroid hormone receptor, alpha (erythroblastic leukemia viral (v-erb-a) oncogene homolog, avian).AR7; EAR7; ERBA; ERBA1; NR1A1; THRA1; THRA2; THRA3; EAR-7.1; EAR-7.2; ERB-T-1; MGC43240; c-ERBA-1; MGC000261; ERBA-ALPHA; TR-ALPHA-1; c-ERBA-ALPHA-2.thyroid hormone receptor, alpha isoform 2. |
7103 | TM4SF3 | 0.0078988 | transmembrane 4 superfamily member 3.CO-029.transmembrane 4 superfamily member 3. |
7104 | TM4SF4 | 0.0078988 | transmembrane 4 superfamily member 4.ILTMP; il-TMP; FLJ31015.transmembrane 4 superfamily member 4. |
7123 | TNA | 0.0078988 | tetranectin (plasminogen binding protein).TN.tetranectin (plasminogen binding protein). |
7163 | TPD52 | 0.0078988 | tumor protein D52.D52; N8L; hD52.tumor protein D52. |
7177 | TPSB1 | 0.0078988 | tryptase beta 1.TPS1; TPS2; beta I; tryptase-II.beta tryptase 1 precursor. |
7248 | TSC1 | 0.0078988 | tuberous sclerosis 1.LAM; TSC; HAMARTIN; KIAA0243.tuberous sclerosis 1. |
7320 | UBE2B | 0.0078988 | ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2B (RAD6 homolog).HR6B; UBC2; HHR6B; RAD6B; E2-17kDa.ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2B. |
7448 | VTN | 0.0078988 | vitronectin (serum spreading factor, somatomedin B, complement S-protein).V75; VNT.vitronectin precursor. |
7490 | WT1 | 0.0078988 | Wilms tumor 1.GUD; WAGR; WT33; WIT-2.Wilms tumor 1 isoform D. |
7498 | XDH | 0.0078988 | xanthine dehydrogenase.XO; XOR.xanthine dehydrogenase. |
7504 | XK | 0.0078988 | Kell blood group precursor (McLeod phenotype).KX.McLeod syndrome-associated, Kell blood group protein. |
7594 | ZNF43 | 0.0078988 | zinc finger protein 43 (HTF6).HTF6; KOX27; ZNF39L1.zinc finger protein 43 (HTF6). |
760 | CA2 | 0.0078988 | carbonic anhydrase II.CA-II.carbonic anhydrase II. |
7915 | ALDH5A1 | 0.0078988 | aldehyde dehydrogenase 5 family, member A1 (succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase).SSDH; SSADH.aldehyde dehydrogenase 5A1 precursor isoform 2. |
793 | CALB1 | 0.0078988 | calbindin 1, 28kDa.CALB.calbindin 1. |
8034 | SLC25A16 | 0.0078988 | solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; Graves disease autoantigen), member 16.GDA; GDC; ML7; hML7; HGT.1; D10S105E; MGC39851.solute carrier family 25, member 16. |
8161 | COIL | 0.0078988 | coilin.CLN80; p80-coilin.coilin. |
842 | CASP9 | 0.0078988 | caspase 9, apoptosis-related cysteine protease.MCH6; APAF3; APAF-3; ICE-LAP6.caspase 9 isoform beta preproprotein. |
861 | RUNX1 | 0.0078988 | runt-related transcription factor 1 (acute myeloid leukemia 1; aml1 oncogene).AML1; CBFA2; AMLCR1; PEBP2A2; PEBP2aB.runt-related transcription factor 1 (acute myeloid leukemia 1; aml1 oncogene). |
8639 | AOC3 | 0.0078988 | amine oxidase, copper containing 3 (vascular adhesion protein 1).HPAO; VAP1; VAP-1.copper containing amine oxidase 3 precursor. |
8739 | HRK | 0.0078988 | harakiri, BCL2 interacting protein (contains only BH3 domain).DP5; HARAKIRI.harakiri. |
8846 | ALKBH | 0.0078988 | alkB, alkylation repair homolog (E. coli).ABH; alkB; hABH.alkB, alkylation repair homolog. |
8857 | FCGBP | 0.0078988 | Fc fragment of IgG binding protein.FC(GAMMA)BP.Fc fragment of IgG binding protein.IgGFc binding protein; may play roles in immune protection and inflammation in the intestine; has 400 residue cysteine-rich repeats and a CGLCGN motif|Proteome |
8916 | HERC3 | 0.0078988 | hect domain and RLD 3.KIAA0032.hect domain and RLD 3. |
8929 | PHOX2B | 0.0078988 | paired-like homeobox 2b.PMX2B; NBPHOX; NBPhox.paired-like homeobox 2b. |
90338 | ZNF160 | 0.0078988 | zinc finger protein 160.F11; HZF5; KR18; :KR18; HKr18; FLJ00032; KIAA1611.zinc finger protein 160. |
9053 | MAP7 | 0.0078988 | microtubule-associated protein 7.EMAP115; E-MAP-115.microtubule-associated protein 7. |
9071 | CLDN10 | 0.0078988 | claudin 10.OSP-L; CPETRL3.claudin 10 isoform b. |
9537 | TP53I11 | 0.0078988 | tumor protein p53 inducible protein 11.PIG11.p53-induced protein.May generate or respond to oxidative stress, may have a role in p53-dependent apoptosis|Proteome |
9674 | | 0.0078988 | KIAA0040 gene product. |
9795 | SNX19 | 0.0078988 | sorting nexin 19.KIAA0254.sorting nexin 19. |
9812 | | 0.0078988 | KIAA0141 gene product. |
10544 | PROCR | 0.0088926 | protein C receptor, endothelial (EPCR).CCCA; EPCR; CCD41; MGC23024; bA42O4.2.endothelial protein C receptor precursor. |
117 | ADCYAP1R1 | 0.0088926 | adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide 1 (pituitary) receptor type I.PACAPR; PACAPRI.type I adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide receptor precursor. |
1230 | CCR1 | 0.0088926 | chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 1.CKR-1; HM145; CMKBR1; MIP1aR.chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 1. |
1589 | CYP21A2 | 0.0088926 | cytochrome P450, family 21, subfamily A, polypeptide 2.CAH1; CPS1; CA21H; CYP21; CYP21B; P450c21B.cytochrome P450, family 21, subfamily A, polypeptide 2. |
1667 | DEFA1 | 0.0088926 | defensin, alpha 1, myeloid-related sequence.MRS; DEF1; HP-1; HNP-1.defensin, alpha 1, preproprotein. |
1960 | EGR3 | 0.0088926 | early growth response 3.PILOT.early growth response 3. |
2059 | EPS8 | 0.0088926 | epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8..epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8. |
2135 | EXTL2 | 0.0088926 | exostoses (multiple)-like 2.EXTR2.exostoses (multiple)-like 2. |
22822 | PHLDA1 | 0.0088926 | pleckstrin homology-like domain, family A, member 1.TDAG51; DT1P1B11.pleckstrin homology-like domain, family A, member 1. |
2290 | FOXG1B | 0.0088926 | forkhead box G1B.BF1; QIN; FKH2; HFK1; FKHL1; FKHL4; HBF-1.forkhead box G1B. |
2358 | FPRL1 | 0.0088926 | formyl peptide receptor-like 1.ALXR; HM63; FMLPX; FPR2A; FPRH1; FPRH2; LXA4R; FMLP-R-II.formyl peptide receptor-like 1. |
2535 | FZD2 | 0.0088926 | frizzled homolog 2 (Drosophila)..frizzled 2. |
27238 | | 0.0088926 | T54 protein.Has a region of low similarity to S. cerevisiae Spp2p|Proteome |
2735 | GLI | 0.0088926 | glioma-associated oncogene homolog (zinc finger protein).GLI1.glioma-associated oncogene homolog. |
286 | ANK1 | 0.0088926 | ankyrin 1, erythrocytic.ANK; SPH1; SPH2.ankyrin 1 isoform 8. |
2869 | GPRK5 | 0.0088926 | G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5.GRK5.G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5. |
2920 | CXCL2 | 0.0088926 | chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 2.GRO2; GROb; MIP2; MIP2A; SCYB2; MGSA-b; MIP-2a; CINC-2a.chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 2. |
2921 | CXCL3 | 0.0088926 | chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 3.GRO3; GROg; MIP2B; SCYB3; MIP-2b; CINC-2b.chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 3. |
3077 | HFE | 0.0088926 | hemochromatosis.HH; HFE1; HLA-H.hemochromatosis protein isoform 9 precursor. |
3363 | HTR7 | 0.0088926 | 5 |
3489 | IGFBP6 | 0.0088926 | insulin-like growth factor binding protein 6.IBP6.insulin-like growth factor binding protein 6. |
3601 | IL15RA | 0.0088926 | interleukin 15 receptor, alpha..interleukin 15 receptor, alpha isoform 2. |
3675 | ITGA3 | 0.0088926 | integrin, alpha 3 (antigen CD49C, alpha 3 subunit of VLA-3 receptor).VL3A; CD49C; CD49c; GAPB3; MSK18; VCA-2; VLA3a; GAP-B3.integrin alpha 3 isoform b, precursor. |
4088 | MADH3 | 0.0088926 | MAD, mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 3 (Drosophila).SMAD3; JV15-2.MAD, mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 3. |
4133 | MAP2 | 0.0088926 | microtubule-associated protein 2.MAP2A; MAP2B; MAP2C.microtubule-associated protein 2 isoform 4. |
4204 | MECP2 | 0.0088926 | methyl CpG binding protein 2 (Rett syndrome).RTS; RTT; PPMX; MRX16; MRX79.methyl CpG binding protein 2. |
433 | ASGR2 | 0.0088926 | asialoglycoprotein receptor 2.L-H2; ASGP-R; Hs.1259.asialoglycoprotein receptor 2 isoform c. |
4692 | NDN | 0.0088926 | necdin homolog (mouse)..necdin. |
4927 | NUP88 | 0.0088926 | nucleoporin 88kDa.MGC8530.nucleoporin 88kDa. |
4968 | OGG1 | 0.0088926 | 8 |
50618 | ITSN2 | 0.0088926 | intersectin 2.SWA; SWAP; SH3D1B; SH3P18; KIAA1256.intersectin 2 isoform 3. |
5153 | PDE1B | 0.0088926 | phosphodiesterase 1B, calmodulin-dependent.PDE1B1; PDES1B.phosphodiesterase 1B, calmodulin-dependent. |
51663 | ZFR | 0.0088926 | zinc finger RNA binding protein..zinc finger RNA binding protein. |
5211 | PFKL | 0.0088926 | phosphofructokinase, liver..phosphofructokinase, liver. |
5502 | PPP1R1A | 0.0088926 | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 1A..protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 1A. |
5598 | MAPK7 | 0.0088926 | mitogen-activated protein kinase 7.BMK1; ERK4; ERK5; PRKM7.mitogen-activated protein kinase 7 isoform 2. |
5600 | MAPK11 | 0.0088926 | mitogen-activated protein kinase 11.P38B; SAPK2; p38-2; PRKM11; SAPK2B; p38Beta; P38BETA2.mitogen-activated protein kinase 11. |
5913 | RAPSN | 0.0088926 | receptor-associated protein of the synapse, 43kD.MGC3597.43 kD receptor-associated protein of the synapse isoform 2. |
5930 | RBBP6 | 0.0088926 | retinoblastoma binding protein 6.MY038; RBQ-1; DKFZp761B2423.retinoblastoma-binding protein 6 isoform 3. |
6556 | SLC11A1 | 0.0088926 | solute carrier family 11 (proton-coupled divalent metal ion transporters), member 1.LSH; NRAMP; NRAMP1.solute carrier family 11 (proton-coupled divalent metal ion transporters), member 1. |
6596 | SMARCA3 | 0.0088926 | SWISNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 3.HLTF; ZBU1; HLTF1; RNF80; HIP116; SNF2L3; HIP116A.SWISNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin a3. |
6737 | SSA1 | 0.0088926 | Sjogren syndrome antigen A1 (52kDa, ribonucleoprotein autoantigen SS-ARo).SSA; RO52; RNF81; TRIM21.52kD RoSSA autoantigen. |
6788 | STK3 | 0.0088926 | serinethreonine kinase 3 (STE20 homolog, yeast).KRS1; MST2.serinethreonine kinase 3 (STE20 homolog, yeast). |
7140 | TNNT3 | 0.0088926 | troponin T3, skeletal, fast.DA2B; FSSV; AMCD2B.troponin T3, skeletal, fast. |
7220 | TRPC1 | 0.0088926 | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 1.TRP1; HTRP-1.transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 1. |
7485 | WRB | 0.0088926 | tryptophan rich basic protein.CHD5.tryptophan rich basic protein. |
7593 | ZNF42 | 0.0088926 | zinc finger protein 42 (myeloid-specific retinoic acid-responsive).MZF1; MZF-1; MZF1B.zinc finger protein 42 isoform 2. |
8233 | U2AF1L2 | 0.0088926 | U2(RNU2) small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1-like 2.U2AF1RS2; U2AF1-RS2.U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein auxiliary factor, small subunit-related protein 2. |
84220 | RANBP2L1 | 0.0088926 | RAN binding protein 2-like 1.BS-63; FLJ32113; RanBP2alpha; DKFZp434P144.RAN-binding protein 2-like 1 isoform 2. |
857 | CAV1 | 0.0088926 | caveolin 1, caveolae protein, 22kDa.CAV; VIP21.caveolin 1. |
868 | CBLB | 0.0088926 | Cas-Br-M (murine) ecotropic retroviral transforming sequence b.RNF56.Cas-Br-M (murine) ecotropic retroviral transforming sequence b. |
8736 | MYOM1 | 0.0088926 | myomesin 1 (skelemin) 185kDa.SKELEMIN.myomesin 1. |
911 | CD1C | 0.0088926 | CD1C antigen, c polypeptide.CD1.CD1C antigen, c polypeptide. |
9229 | DLGAP1 | 0.0088926 | discs, large (Drosophila) homolog-associated protein 1.GKAP; DAP-1; SAPAP1; DAP-1-BETA; DAP-1-ALPHA.discs large homolog-associated protein 1. |
9567 | GTPBP1 | 0.0088926 | GTP binding protein 1.GP1; GP-1; HSPC018; MGC20069.GTP binding protein 1. |
9767 | PHF16 | 0.0088926 | PHD finger protein 16.JADE3; KIAA0215.PHD finger protein 16. |
9784 | SNX17 | 0.0088926 | sorting nexin 17.KIAA0064.sorting nexin 17. |