LocusLink | Name | P-value | Description |
9246 | UBE2L6 | <1e-14 | ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2L 6.RIG-B; UBCH8; MGC40331.ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2L 6 isoform 2. |
3563 | IL3RA | <1e-14 | interleukin 3 receptor, alpha (low affinity).IL3R; CD123; IL3RX; IL3RY; IL3RAY; hIL-3Ra; MGC34174.interleukin 3 receptor, alpha precursor. |
28831 | IGLJ3 | <1e-14 | immunoglobulin lambda joining 3... |
79368 | SPAP1 | <1e-14 | SH2 domain containing phosphatase anchor protein 1.FCRH2; IFGP4; IRTA4; SPAP1A; SPAP1B; SPAP1C.SH2 domain containing phosphatase anchor protein 1 isoform c. |
27086 | FOXP1 | <1e-14 | forkhead box P1.QRF1; MGC12942.forkhead box P1. |
4938 | OAS1 | <1e-14 | 2 |
6772 | STAT1 | <1e-14 | signal transducer and activator of transcription 1, 91kDa.ISGF-3; STAT91.signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 isoform beta. |
929 | CD14 | <1e-14 | CD14 antigen..CD14 antigen precursor. |
3959 | LGALS3BP | <1e-14 | lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 3 binding protein.90K; MAC-2-BP.galectin 3 binding protein. |
10578 | GNLY | <1e-14 | granulysin.519; LAG2; NKG5; LAG-2; D2S69E; TLA519.granulysin isoform NKG5. |
6362 | CCL18 | <1e-14 | chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 18 (pulmonary and activation-regulated).CKb7; PARC; AMAC1; DCCK1; MIP-4; AMAC-1; DC-CK1; SCYA18.small inducible cytokine A18 precursor. |
2633 | GBP1 | <1e-14 | guanylate binding protein 1, interferon-inducible, 67kDa..guanylate binding protein 1, interferon-inducible, 67kD. |
914 | CD2 | <1e-14 | CD2 antigen (p50), sheep red blood cell receptor.T11; SRBC.CD2 antigen (p50), sheep red blood cell receptor. |
915 | CD3D | <1e-14 | CD3D antigen, delta polypeptide (TiT3 complex).T3D; CD3-DELTA.CD3D antigen, delta polypeptide (TiT3 complex). |
972 | CD74 | <1e-14 | CD74 antigen (invariant polypeptide of major histocompatibility complex, class II antigen-associated).DHLAG; HLADG; Ia-GAMMA.invariant gamma chain. |
973 | CD79A | <1e-14 | CD79A antigen (immunoglobulin-associated alpha).IGA; MB-1.CD79A antigen isoform 2 precursor. |
8519 | IFITM1 | <1e-14 | interferon induced transmembrane protein 1 (9-27).9-27; CD225; IFI17; LEU13.interferon induced transmembrane protein 1 (9-27). |
1514 | CTSL | <1e-14 | cathepsin L.MEP; CATL.cathepsin L preproprotein. |
79858 | NEK11 | <1e-14 | NIMA (never in mitosis gene a)- related kinase 11.FLJ23495.NIMA (never in mitosis gene a)- related kinase 11. |
3560 | IL2RB | <1e-14 | interleukin 2 receptor, beta.P70-75.interleukin 2 receptor beta precursor. |
8743 | TNFSF10 | <1e-14 | tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 10.TL2; APO2L; TRAIL; Apo-2L.tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 10. |
3115 | HLA-DPB1 | <1e-14 | major histocompatibility complex, class II, DP beta 1.HLA-DP1B.major histocompatibility complex, class II, DP beta 1 precursor. |
6383 | SDC2 | <1e-14 | syndecan 2 (heparan sulfate proteoglycan 1, cell surface-associated, fibroglycan).HSPG; HSPG1; SYND2.syndecan 2. |
8115 | TCL1A | <1e-14 | T-cell leukemialymphoma 1A.TCL1.T-cell lymphoma-1. |
115207 | KCTD12 | <1e-14 | potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 12.C13orf2; KIAA1778.potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 12. |
26051 | PPP1R16B | <1e-14 | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 16B.TIMAP; ANKRD4; KIAA0823.protein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 16B. |
6890 | TAP1 | <1e-14 | transporter 1, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDRTAP).APT1; PSF1; ABC17; ABCB2; RING4; D6S114E.transporter 1, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B. |
7057 | THBS1 | <1e-14 | thrombospondin 1.TSP; THBS; TSP1.thrombospondin 1 precursor. |
22914 | KLRK1 | <1e-14 | killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily K, member 1.KLR; NKG2D; NKG2-D; D12S2489E.NKG2-D type II integral membrane protein. |
6964 | TRD@ | <1e-14 | T cell receptor delta locus.TRD; TCRD.. |
80833 | APOL3 | <1e-14 | apolipoprotein L, 3.CG12-1; APOLIII.apolipoprotein L3 isoform 3. |
3430 | IFI35 | <1e-14 | interferon-induced protein 35.IFP35.interferon-induced protein 35. |
57578 | KIAA1409 | <1e-14 | KIAA1409.FLJ43337.KIAA1409. |
3040 | HBA2 | <1e-14 | hemoglobin, alpha 2..alpha 2 globin. |
3502 | IGHG3 | <1e-14 | immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 3 (G3m marker)... |
10964 | C1orf29 | <1e-14 | chromosome 1 open reading frame 29.GS3686.histocompatibility 28.Moderately similar to MTAP44|Proteome |
10410 | IFITM3 | <1e-14 | interferon induced transmembrane protein 3 (1-8U).1-8U.interferon-induced transmembrane protein 3 (1-8U). |
3507 | IGHM | <1e-14 | immunoglobulin heavy constant mu.MU.. |
3119 | HLA-DQB1 | <1e-14 | major histocompatibility complex, class II, DQ beta 1.IDDM1; CELIAC1; HLA-DQB.major histocompatibility complex, class II, DQ beta 1 precursor. |
55024 | BANK1 | <1e-14 | B-cell scaffold protein with ankyrin repeats 1.BANK; FLJ20706.B-cell scaffold protein with ankyrin repeats 1. |
3105 | HLA-A | <1e-14 | major histocompatibility complex, class I, A..major histocompatibility complex, class I, A precursor. |
85441 | | <1e-14 | FLJ00244; KIAA1769.PPAR-alpha interacting complex protein 285. |
137970 | UNC5D | <1e-14 | unc-5 homolog D (C. elegans).Unc5h4; KIAA1777.netrin receptor Unc5h4. |
3575 | IL7R | <1e-14 | interleukin 7 receptor.CD127; CDW127; IL-7R-alpha.interleukin 7 receptor precursor. |
684 | BST2 | <1e-14 | bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2..bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2. |
54210 | TREM1 | <1e-14 | triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 1..triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 1. |
2357 | FPR1 | <1e-14 | formyl peptide receptor 1.FPR; FMLP.formyl peptide receptor 1. |
6354 | CCL7 | <1e-14 | chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 7.FIC; MARC; MCP3; NC28; MCP-3; SCYA7.small inducible cytokine A7 precursor. |
114769 | | <1e-14 | NG31; Eb1; Fbp21; Bap; Bap37; Bap-37; UOX-2.CARD only protein. |
4599 | MX1 | <1e-14 | myxovirus (influenza virus) resistance 1, interferon-inducible protein p78 (mouse).MX; MxA; IFI78; IFI-78K.myxovirus resistance protein 1. |
3434 | IFIT1 | <1e-14 | interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1.G10P1; IFI56; IFI-56; IFNAI1; RNM561; GARG-16.interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1. |
3113 | HLA-DPA1 | <1e-14 | major histocompatibility complex, class II, DP alpha 1.HLADP; HLASB; HLA-DP1A.major histocompatibility complex, class II, DP alpha 1 precursor. |
4118 | MAL | <1e-14 | mal, T-cell differentiation protein..T-lymphocyte maturation-associated protein isoform d. |
5104 | SERPINA5 | <1e-14 | serine (or cysteine) proteinase inhibitor, clade A (alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin), member 5.PCI; PAI3; PROCI; PLANH3.serine (or cysteine) proteinase inhibitor, clade A (alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin), member 5. |
1052 | CEBPD | <1e-14 | CCAATenhancer binding protein (CEBP), delta.CELF; CRP3; CEBP-delta; NF-IL6-beta.CCAATenhancer binding protein delta. |
3514 | IGKC | <1e-14 | immunoglobulin kappa constant.Km; HCAK1.. |
9851 | | <1e-14 | KIAA0753 gene product. |
7130 | TNFAIP6 | <1e-14 | tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 6.TSG6.tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 6 precursor. |
4940 | OAS3 | <1e-14 | 2 |
3122 | HLA-DRA | <1e-14 | major histocompatibility complex, class II, DR alpha.HLA-DRA1.major histocompatibility complex, class II, DR alpha precursor. |
5641 | LGMN | <1e-14 | legumain.LGMN1; PRSC1.legumain. |
4283 | CXCL9 | <1e-14 | chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 9.CMK; MIG; Humig; SCYB9; crg-10.small inducible cytokine B9 precursor. |
2634 | GBP2 | <1e-14 | guanylate binding protein 2, interferon-inducible..guanylate binding protein 2, interferon-inducible. |
3429 | IFI27 | <1e-14 | interferon, alpha-inducible protein 27.P27; ISG12.interferon, alpha-inducible protein 27. |
974 | CD79B | <1e-14 | CD79B antigen (immunoglobulin-associated beta).B29; IGB.CD79B antigen isoform 2 precursor. |
3108 | HLA-DMA | <1e-14 | major histocompatibility complex, class II, DM alpha.HLADM; RING6; D6S222E.major histocompatibility complex, class II, DM alpha precursor. |
1440 | CSF3 | <1e-14 | colony stimulating factor 3 (granulocyte).GCSF; G-CSF; MGC45931.colony stimulating factor 3 isoform c. |
9636 | G1P2 | <1e-14 | interferon, alpha-inducible protein (clone IFI-15K).UCRP; IFI15; ISG15.interferon, alpha-inducible protein (clone IFI-15K). |
3117 | HLA-DQA1 | <1e-14 | major histocompatibility complex, class II, DQ alpha 1.DQA1; HLA-DQ; CELIAC1; HLA-DQA.major histocompatibility complex, class II, DQ alpha 1 precursor. |
1545 | CYP1B1 | <1e-14 | cytochrome P450, family 1, subfamily B, polypeptide 1.CP1B; GLC3A.cytochrome P450, family 1, subfamily B, polypeptide 1. |
80183 | C13orf18 | <1e-14 | chromosome 13 open reading frame 18.FLJ21562.chromosome 13 open reading frame 18. |
83887 | TTLL2 | <1e-14 | tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 2.C6orf104; NYD-TSPG; dJ366N23.3.tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 2. |
1667 | DEFA1 | 1.42109e-13 | defensin, alpha 1, myeloid-related sequence.MRS; DEF1; HP-1; HNP-1.defensin, alpha 1, preproprotein. |
55072 | RNF31 | 1.10845e-12 | ring finger protein 31.ZIBRA; FLJ10111; FLJ23501; MGC19975.ring finger protein 31. |
84824 | | 1.16529e-12 | FCRL; MGC4595.Fc receptor homolog expressed in B cells. |
8728 | ADAM19 | 1.73372e-12 | a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain 19 (meltrin beta).MLTNB; FKSG34; MADDAM.a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain 19 isoform 2 preproprotein. |
8718 | TNFRSF25 | 7.24754e-12 | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 25.DR3; TR3; DDR3; LARD; APO-3; TRAMP; WSL-1; WSL-LR; TNFRSF12.tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 25 isoform 9 precursor. |
26158 | | 7.53175e-12 | |
951 | CD37 | 7.87281e-12 | CD37 antigen.GP52-40.CD37 antigen. |
9679 | | 2.10605e-11 | KIAA0140 gene product. |
27092 | CACNG4 | 2.45848e-11 | calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma subunit 4.MGC11138; MGC24983.voltage-dependent calcium channel gamma-4 subunit. |
931 | MS4A1 | 2.52669e-11 | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 1.B1; S7; Bp35; CD20; MS4A2; LEU-16; MGC3969.membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 1. |
814 | CAMK4 | 3.7943e-11 | calciumcalmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV.CaMK-GR; MGC36771.calciumcalmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV. |
2946 | GSTM2 | 4.02167e-11 | glutathione S-transferase M2 (muscle).GST4; GSTM; GTHMUS; GSTM2-2.glutathione S-transferase M2. |
246126 | CYorf15A | 1.35032e-10 | chromosome Y open reading frame 15A... |
84329 | | 1.38556e-10 | hypothetical protein MGC15619. |
3107 | HLA-C | 3.68449e-08 | major histocompatibility complex, class I, C.D6S204; HLA-JY3.major histocompatibility complex, class I, C precursor. |
30817 | EMR2 | 6.35456e-08 | egf-like module containing, mucin-like, hormone receptor-like 2..egf-like module containing, mucin-like, hormone receptor-like sequence 2 isoform g. |
3109 | HLA-DMB | 1.22219e-07 | major histocompatibility complex, class II, DM beta.RING7; D6S221E.major histocompatibility complex, class II, DM beta precursor. |
6689 | SPIB | 7.87504e-07 | Spi-B transcription factor (Spi-1PU.1 related).SPI-B.Spi-B transcription factor (Spi-1PU.1 related). |
3543 | IGLL1 | 1.82456e-06 | immunoglobulin lambda-like polypeptide 1.IGO; 14.1; IGL1; IGL5; IGLL; IGVPB; CD179b.immunoglobulin lambda-like polypeptide 1 isoform b precursor. |
11223 | MSTP9 | 1.8516e-06 | macrophage stimulating, pseudogene 9.D1F15S1A.. |
942 | CD86 | 3.51115e-06 | CD86 antigen (CD28 antigen ligand 2, B7-2 antigen).B70; B7-2; LAB72; CD28LG2; MGC34413.CD86 antigen isoform 2 precursor. |
80325 | ABTB1 | 4.42718e-06 | ankyrin repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 1.BPOZ; EF1ABP; MGC20585.ankyrin repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 1 isoform 3. |
80818 | ZNF436 | 1.08423e-05 | zinc finger protein 436.KIAA1710.zinc finger protein 436. |
63027 | C6orf85 | 2.52016e-05 | chromosome 6 open reading frame 85.D8Mit46; D3Mit217; D5Mit188; D7Mit215; D19Mit72; FLJ22174.hypothetical protein FLJ22174. |
29760 | BLNK | 2.59371e-05 | B-cell linker.Ly57; SLP65; BLNK-s; SLP-65.B-cell linker.Component of the BCR transducer complex; transmits signal from specific B cell receptor-associated kinases|Proteome |
91543 | | 3.30174e-05 | vig1.viperin. |
366 | AQP9 | 4.46457e-05 | aquaporin 9..aquaporin 9. |
54625 | 5730511K23Rik | 4.69789e-05 | RIKEN cDNA 5730511K23 gene.FLJ11123.RIKEN cDNA 5730511K23. |
10497 | UNC13B | 8.2603e-05 | unc-13 homolog B (C. elegans).UNC13; MUNC13; Unc13h2; hmunc13.UNC13 (C. elegans)-like. |
84663 | CYorf15B | 0.000132883 | chromosome Y open reading frame 15B..lipopolysaccaride-specific response 5-like protein. |
55228 | | 0.000137103 | hypothetical protein FLJ10781. |
57162 | PELI1 | 0.000196402 | pellino homolog 1 (Drosophila)..pellino protein. |
80774 | | 0.000308269 | hypothetical protein MGC10986. |
27334 | P2RY10 | 0.000776808 | purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 10.P2Y10.G-protein coupled purinergic receptor P2Y10. |
10161 | P2RY5 | 0.00105253 | purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 5.P2Y5.G-protein coupled purinergic receptor P2Y5. |
939 | TNFRSF7 | 0.00118836 | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 7.T14; CD27; S152; Tp55; MGC20393.tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 7 precursor. |
56479 | KCNQ5 | 0.00126391 | potassium voltage-gated channel, KQT-like subfamily, member 5.Kv7.5.potassium voltage-gated channel, KQT-like subfamily, member 5. |
64092 | SAMSN1 | 0.00126397 | SAM domain, SH3 domain and nuclear localisation signals, 1.HACS1.SAM domain, SH3 domain and nuclear localisation signals, 1. |
5452 | POU2F2 | 0.00139409 | POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 2.OCT2; OTF2.POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 2.POU homeodomain transcription factor 2; binds to the octamer motif ATGCAAAT|Proteome |
4204 | MECP2 | 0.00193538 | methyl CpG binding protein 2 (Rett syndrome).RTS; RTT; PPMX; MRX16; MRX79.methyl CpG binding protein 2. |
921 | CD5 | 0.00238554 | CD5 antigen (p56-62).T1; LEU1.CD5 antigen (p56-62). |
64718 | UNKL | 0.0055541 | unkempt-like (Drosophila)..unkempt-like. |
7350 | UCP1 | 0.0072249 | uncoupling protein 1 (mitochondrial, proton carrier).UCP; SLC25A7.uncoupling protein 1. |
930 | CD19 | 0.00754453 | CD19 antigen.B4; MGC12802.CD19 antigen. |
25927 | | 0.00763169 | DKFZP566K1924 protein. |
6402 | SELL | 0.0114051 | selectin L (lymphocyte adhesion molecule 1).TQ1; LAM1; LNHR; LSEL; CD62L; LAM-1; LYAM1; Leu-8; PLNHR; hLHRc; LECAM1; Lyam-1.selectin L. |
55088 | | 0.0125271 | FLJ35301.CTCL tumor antigen L14-2. |
489 | ATP2A3 | 0.0153457 | ATPase, Ca transporting, ubiquitous.SERCA3.sarcoendoplasmic reticulum Ca2 -ATPase isoform f. |
57241 | | 0.0196652 | |
7404 | UTY | 0.0207063 | ubiquitously transcribed tetratricopeptide repeat gene, Y-linked.UTY1.tetratricopeptide repeat protein isoform 3. |
8312 | AXIN1 | 0.021158 | axin 1.AXIN; MGC52315.axin 1 isoform b. |
93492 | | 0.0264221 | TPTE and PTEN homologous inositol lipid phosphatase isoform gamma. |
3992 | FADS1 | 0.0291201 | fatty acid desaturase 1.D5D; TU12; FADSD5; LLCDL1.fatty acid desaturase 1. |
55703 | | 0.0293108 | FLJ10388.RNA polymerase III subunit RPC2. |
56164 | STK31 | 0.0304045 | serinethreonine kinase 31..serinethreonine kinase 31 isoform b. |
55483 | | 0.0400013 | |
10561 | IFI44 | 0.0495438 | interferon-induced protein 44.p44; MTAP44.interferon-induced, hepatitis C-associated microtubular aggregat. |