LocusLink | Name | P-value | Description |
914 | CD2 | <1e-14 | CD2 antigen (p50), sheep red blood cell receptor.T11; SRBC.CD2 antigen (p50), sheep red blood cell receptor. |
1193 | CLIC2 | <1e-14 | chloride intracellular channel 2.XAP121.chloride intracellular channel 2. |
2214 | FCGR3A | <1e-14 | Fc fragment of IgG, low affinity IIIa, receptor for (CD16).CD16; FCG3; FCGR3; IGFR3.Fc fragment of IgG, low affinity IIIa, receptor for (CD16). |
2348 | FOLR1 | <1e-14 | folate receptor 1 (adult).FBP; FOLR; MOv18; FR-alpha.folate receptor 1 precursor. |
2260 | FGFR1 | <1e-14 | fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (fms-related tyrosine kinase 2, Pfeiffer syndrome).H2; H3; H4; H5; CEK; FLG; FLT2; KAL2; BFGFR; C-FGR; N-SAM; FLJ14326.fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 isoform 9 precursor. |
2568 | GABRP | <1e-14 | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, pi..gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, pi. |
3587 | IL10RA | <1e-14 | interleukin 10 receptor, alpha.IL10R; CDW210A; HIL-10R; IL-10R1.interleukin 10 receptor, alpha precursor. |
2357 | FPR1 | <1e-14 | formyl peptide receptor 1.FPR; FMLP.formyl peptide receptor 1. |
5800 | PTPRO | <1e-14 | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, O.PTPU2; GLEPP1; PTP-U2.receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatase O isoform d precursor. |
3683 | ITGAL | <1e-14 | integrin, alpha L (antigen CD11A (p180), lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1; alpha polypeptide).CD11A; CD11a; LFA-1; LFA1A.integrin alpha L precursor. |
5157 | PDGFRL | <1e-14 | platelet-derived growth factor receptor-like.PDGRL; PRLTS.platelet-derived growth factor receptor-like protein. |
7010 | TEK | <1e-14 | TEK tyrosine kinase, endothelial (venous malformations, multiple cutaneous and mucosal).TIE2; VMCM; TIE-2; VMCM1; CD202B.TEK tyrosine kinase, endothelial. |
3575 | IL7R | <1e-14 | interleukin 7 receptor.CD127; CDW127; IL-7R-alpha.interleukin 7 receptor precursor. |
3689 | ITGB2 | <1e-14 | integrin, beta 2 (antigen CD18 (p95), lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1; macrophage antigen 1 (mac-1) beta subunit).LAD; CD18; MF17; LCAMB; LFA-1.integrin beta chain, beta 2 precursor. |
1439 | CSF2RB | <1e-14 | colony stimulating factor 2 receptor, beta, low-affinity (granulocyte-macrophage).CD131; IL3RB; IL5RB; CDw131.colony stimulating factor 2 receptor, beta, low-affinity (granulocyte-macrophage). |
2352 | FOLR3 | <1e-14 | folate receptor 3 (gamma).FR-G; FR-gamma; gamma-hFR.folate receptor 3 precursor. |
3560 | IL2RB | <1e-14 | interleukin 2 receptor, beta.P70-75.interleukin 2 receptor beta precursor. |
5348 | FXYD1 | <1e-14 | FXYD domain containing ion transport regulator 1 (phospholemman).PLM; MGC44983.phospholemman precursor. |
2212 | FCGR2A | <1e-14 | Fc fragment of IgG, low affinity IIa, receptor for (CD32).CD32; FCG2; FcGR; CDw32; FCGR2; IGFR2; FCGR2A1.Fc fragment of IgG, low affinity IIa, receptor for (CD32). |
4118 | MAL | <1e-14 | mal, T-cell differentiation protein..T-lymphocyte maturation-associated protein isoform d. |
5156 | PDGFRA | <1e-14 | platelet-derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide.CD140A; PDGFR2.platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha precursor. |
2047 | EPHB1 | <1e-14 | EphB1.ELK; NET; Hek6; EPHT2.ephrin receptor EphB1 precursor. |
3815 | KIT | <1e-14 | v-kit Hardy-Zuckerman 4 feline sarcoma viral oncogene homolog.PBT; SCFR; CD117.v-kit Hardy-Zuckerman 4 feline sarcoma viral oncogene homolog precursor. |
1536 | CYBB | <1e-14 | cytochrome b-245, beta polypeptide (chronic granulomatous disease).CGD; NOX2; GP91-1; GP91PHOX; GP91-PHOX.cytochrome b-245, beta polypeptide (chronic granulomatous disease). |
290 | ANPEP | <1e-14 | alanyl (membrane) aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase N, aminopeptidase M, microsomal aminopeptidase, CD13, p150).CD13; LAP1; PEPN; gp150.membrane alanine aminopeptidase precursor. |
10288 | LILRB2 | <1e-14 | leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily B (with TM and ITIM domains), member 2.ILT4; LIR2; CD85D; LIR-2; MIR10; MIR-10.leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily B (with TM and ITIM domains), member 2. |
2350 | FOLR2 | <1e-14 | folate receptor 2 (fetal).FR-P3; FR-beta; FBPPL-1; beta-hFR.folate receptor 2 precursor. |
2209 | FCGR1A | <1e-14 | Fc fragment of IgG, high affinity Ia, receptor for (CD64).CD64; FCRI; IGFR1.Fc fragment of IgG, high affinity Ia, receptor for (CD64).Fc gamma RI; receptor for the Fc domain of IgG, has a role in immune response; member of the immunoglobulin superfamily|Proteome |
3693 | ITGB5 | <1e-14 | integrin, beta 5..integrin, beta 5. |
7133 | TNFRSF1B | <1e-14 | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 1B.p75; TBPII; TNFBR; TNFR2; CD120b; TNFR80; TNF-R75; p75TNFR; TNF-R-II.tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 precursor. |
2741 | GLRA1 | <1e-14 | glycine receptor, alpha 1 (startle diseasehyperekplexia, stiff man syndrome).STHE.glycine receptor, alpha 1. |
1135 | CHRNA2 | <1e-14 | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 2 (neuronal)..cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 2 (neuronal). |
57165 | GJA12 | <1e-14 | gap junction protein, alpha 12, 47kDa.Cx47; CX46.6.connexin46.6. |
4973 | OLR1 | <1e-14 | oxidised low density lipoprotein (lectin-like) receptor 1.LOX1; SCARE1.oxidised low density lipoprotein (lectin-like) receptor 1. |
366 | AQP9 | <1e-14 | aquaporin 9..aquaporin 9. |
9052 | RAI3 | <1e-14 | retinoic acid induced 3.RAIG1; GPRC5A.retinoic acid induced 3. |
4360 | MRC1 | <1e-14 | mannose receptor, C type 1..mannose receptor C type 1 precursor. |
1441 | CSF3R | <1e-14 | colony stimulating factor 3 receptor (granulocyte).CD114; GCSFR.colony stimulating factor 3 receptor isoform d precursor. |
3563 | IL3RA | <1e-14 | interleukin 3 receptor, alpha (low affinity).IL3R; CD123; IL3RX; IL3RY; IL3RAY; hIL-3Ra; MGC34174.interleukin 3 receptor, alpha precursor. |
8829 | NRP1 | <1e-14 | neuropilin 1.NRP; VEGF165R.neuropilin 1. |
3561 | IL2RG | <1e-14 | interleukin 2 receptor, gamma (severe combined immunodeficiency).IMD4; CD132; SCIDX; SCIDX1.interleukin 2 receptor, gamma chain, precursor. |
2705 | GJB1 | <1e-14 | gap junction protein, beta 1, 32kDa (connexin 32, Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy, X-linked).CMTX; CX32; junction protein, beta 1, 32kDa (connexin 32, Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy, X-linked). |
5797 | PTPRM | <1e-14 | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, M.RPTPM; RPTPU; PTPRL1; hR-PTPu; R-PTP-MU.protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, M precursor. |
3779 | KCNMB1 | <1e-14 | potassium large conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily M, beta member 1.SLO-BETA; hslo-beta; K(VCA)beta.potassium large conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily M, beta member 1. |
8477 | GPR65 | <1e-14 | G protein-coupled receptor 65.TDAG8; hTDAG8.G protein-coupled receptor 65. |
3684 | ITGAM | <1e-14 | integrin, alpha M (complement component receptor 3, alpha; also known as CD11b (p170), macrophage antigen alpha polypeptide).CR3A; MO1A; CD11B; CD11b; MAC-1; MAC1A.integrin alpha M precursor. |
11027 | LILRA2 | <1e-14 | leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily A (with TM domain), member 2.ILT1; LIR7; CD85H; LIR-7.leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily A (with TM domain), member 2. |
1139 | CHRNA7 | <1e-14 | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 7.NACHRA7.cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 7 precursor. |
4486 | MST1R | 2.55795e-13 | macrophage stimulating 1 receptor (c-met-related tyrosine kinase).RON; CDw136.macrophage stimulating 1 receptor (c-met-related tyrosine kinase). |
2263 | FGFR2 | 4.26326e-13 | fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (bacteria-expressed kinase, keratinocyte growth factor receptor, craniofacial dysostosis 1, Crouzon syndrome, Pfeiffer syndrome, Jackson-Weiss syndrome).BEK; JWS; CEK3; CFD1; ECT1; KGFR; TK14; TK25; BFR-1; K-SAM.fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 isoform 9 precursor. |
2217 | FCGRT | 4.26326e-13 | Fc fragment of IgG, receptor, transporter, alpha.FCRN.Fc fragment of IgG, receptor, transporter, alpha. |
1839 | DTR | 1.73372e-12 | diphtheria toxin receptor (heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor).DTS; HBEGF; HEGFL.diphtheria toxin receptor (heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor). |
2051 | EPHB6 | 2.18847e-12 | EphB6.HEP.ephrin receptor EphB6 precursor. |
2562 | GABRB3 | 2.24532e-12 | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, beta 3.MGC9051.gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, beta 3 isoform 2 precursor. |
433 | ASGR2 | 4.63274e-12 | asialoglycoprotein receptor 2.L-H2; ASGP-R; Hs.1259.asialoglycoprotein receptor 2 isoform c. |
1137 | CHRNA4 | 8.3844e-12 | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 4.BFNC; NACRA4.cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 4 precursor. |
3783 | KCNN4 | 9.2939e-12 | potassium intermediatesmall conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily N, member 4.IK1; SK4; KCA4; hSK4; IKCA1; hKCa4; KCa3.1; hIKCa1.intermediate conductance calcium-activated potassium channel protein 1. |
5802 | PTPRS | 1.21361e-11 | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, S.PTPSIGMA.protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, sigma isoform 4 precursor. |
2205 | FCER1A | 1.3614e-11 | Fc fragment of IgE, high affinity I, receptor for; alpha polypeptide.FCE1A; FcERI.Fc fragment of IgE, high affinity I, receptor for; alpha polypeptide precursor. |
10223 | GPA33 | 1.73657e-11 | glycoprotein A33 (transmembrane).A33.transmembrane glycoprotein A33 precursor. |
2208 | FCER2 | 2.11742e-11 | Fc fragment of IgE, low affinity II, receptor for (CD23A).CD23; FCE2; CD23A; IGEBF.Fc fragment of IgE, low affinity II, receptor for (CD23A). |
3675 | ITGA3 | 2.90754e-11 | integrin, alpha 3 (antigen CD49C, alpha 3 subunit of VLA-3 receptor).VL3A; CD49C; CD49c; GAPB3; MSK18; VCA-2; VLA3a; GAP-B3.integrin alpha 3 isoform b, precursor. |
3598 | IL13RA2 | 3.59535e-11 | interleukin 13 receptor, alpha 2.IL-13R; IL13BP.interleukin 13 receptor, alpha 2 precursor. |
7075 | TIE | 3.99325e-11 | tyrosine kinase with immunoglobulin and epidermal growth factor homology domains.TIE1; JTK14.tyrosine kinase with immunoglobulin and epidermal growth factor homology domains. |
3566 | IL4R | 4.05578e-11 | interleukin 4 receptor.CD124; IL4RA.interleukin 4 receptor precursor. |
2706 | GJB2 | 4.82885e-11 | gap junction protein, beta 2, 26kDa (connexin 26).HID; KID; PPK; CX26; DFNA3; DFNB1; junction protein, beta 2, 26kDa (connexin 26). |
154 | ADRB2 | 5.59055e-11 | adrenergic, beta-2-, receptor, surface.BAR; B2AR; ADRBR; ADRB2R.adrenergic, beta-2-, receptor, surface. |
9244 | CRLF1 | 6.06235e-11 | cytokine receptor-like factor 1.NR6; CISS; CLF-1.cytokine receptor-like factor 1. |
1142 | CHRNB3 | 1.19741e-10 | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, beta polypeptide 3..cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, beta polypeptide 3. |
1969 | EPHA2 | 2.5679e-10 | EphA2.ECK.ephrin receptor EphA2. |
3748 | KCNC3 | 5.60902e-10 | potassium voltage-gated channel, Shaw-related subfamily, member 3.KV3.3; KSHIIID.Shaw-related voltage-gated potassium channel protein 3. |
2043 | EPHA4 | 6.89312e-10 | EphA4.SEK; HEK8; TYRO1.ephrin receptor EphA4. |
8718 | TNFRSF25 | 9.74723e-10 | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 25.DR3; TR3; DDR3; LARD; APO-3; TRAMP; WSL-1; WSL-LR; TNFRSF12.tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 25 isoform 9 precursor. |
51704 | GPRC5B | 9.7603e-10 | G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member B.RAIG2; RAIG-2.G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member B precursor. |
10497 | UNC13B | 1.14343e-09 | unc-13 homolog B (C. elegans).UNC13; MUNC13; Unc13h2; hmunc13.UNC13 (C. elegans)-like. |
2569 | GABRR1 | 1.1577e-09 | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor, rho 1..gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor, rho 1. |
1145 | CHRNE | 1.77531e-09 | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, epsilon polypeptide.ACHRE.nicotinic acetylcholine receptor epsilon polypeptide precursor. |
55566 | | 3.68593e-09 | |
2690 | GHR | 4.6567e-09 | growth hormone receptor..growth hormone receptor. |
1181 | CLCN2 | 8.86203e-09 | chloride channel 2.CLC2; ECA3; EGMA; CIC-2.chloride channel 2. |
4982 | TNFRSF11B | 1.1002e-08 | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 11b (osteoprotegerin).OPG; TR1; OCIF; MGC29565.osteoprotegerin precursor. |
2676 | GFRA3 | 1.2087e-08 | GDNF family receptor alpha 3..GDNF family receptor alpha 3 preproprotein. |
1271 | CNTFR | 1.2829e-08 | ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor.MGC1774.ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor preproprotein. |
6261 | RYR1 | 2.37042e-08 | ryanodine receptor 1 (skeletal).CCO; MHS; RYR; MHS1; RYDR.ryanodine receptor 1 (skeletal). |
2206 | MS4A2 | 3.1445e-08 | membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 2 (Fc fragment of IgE, high affinity I, receptor for; beta polypeptide).FCERI; MS4A1; FCER1B.membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 2. |
3753 | KCNE1 | 3.33417e-08 | potassium voltage-gated channel, Isk-related family, member 1.ISK; JLNS; LQT5; MinK.potassium voltage-gated channel, Isk-related family, member 1. |
3811 | KIR3DL1 | 4.31685e-08 | killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor, three domains, long cytoplasmic tail, 1.KIR; CL-2; NKB1; AMB11; CL-11; NKAT3; NKB1B; CD158E1; KIR3DS1; CD158E12.killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor, three domains, long cytoplasmic tail, 1. |
3572 | IL6ST | 7.54644e-08 | interleukin 6 signal transducer (gp130, oncostatin M receptor).CD130; GP130; CDw130; IL6R-beta; GP130-RAPS.interleukin 6 signal transducer isoform 2 precursor. |
27242 | TNFRSF21 | 2.01438e-07 | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 21.DR6; BM-018.tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 21 precursor. |
3804 | KIR2DL3 | 2.06736e-07 | killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor, two domains, long cytoplasmic tail, 3.p58; CL-6; NKAT2; CD158b; NKAT2A; NKAT2B; CD158B2; KIR-023GB.killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor, two domains, long cytoplasmic tail, 3.Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) 3; may function as a receptor for class I molecules on NK cells; may activate NK cell activity|Proteome |
4921 | DDR2 | 2.70133e-07 | discoidin domain receptor family, member 2.TKT; NTRKR3; TYRO10.discoidin domain receptor family, member 2 precursor. |
4070 | TACSTD2 | 3.0438e-07 | tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 2.M1S1; EGP-1; GA733; TROP2; GA733-1.tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 2 precursor. |
4035 | LRP1 | 3.09549e-07 | low density lipoprotein-related protein 1 (alpha-2-macroglobulin receptor).APR; LRP; A2MR; CD91; APOER.low density lipoprotein-related protein 1. |
786 | CACNG1 | 3.09799e-07 | calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma subunit 1.CACNLG.voltage-dependent calcium channel gamma-1 subunit. |
2015 | EMR1 | 3.6326e-07 | egf-like module containing, mucin-like, hormone receptor-like 1..egf-like module containing, mucin-like, hormone receptor-like sequence 1. |
361 | AQP4 | 4.34402e-07 | aquaporin 4.MIWC; HMIWC2.aquaporin 4 isoform b. |
22914 | KLRK1 | 6.10621e-07 | killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily K, member 1.KLR; NKG2D; NKG2-D; D12S2489E.NKG2-D type II integral membrane protein. |
2567 | GABRG3 | 6.31971e-07 | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, gamma 3..gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, gamma 3. |
2899 | GRIK3 | 6.91051e-07 | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 3.EAA5; GLR7; GLUR7.glutamate receptor 7 precursor. |
3977 | LIFR | 8.13284e-07 | leukemia inhibitory factor receptor..leukemia inhibitory factor receptor precursor. |
5754 | PTK7 | 8.44449e-07 | PTK7 protein tyrosine kinase 7.CCK4.PTK7 protein tyrosine kinase 7 isoform e precursor. |
942 | CD86 | 1.36823e-06 | CD86 antigen (CD28 antigen ligand 2, B7-2 antigen).B70; B7-2; LAB72; CD28LG2; MGC34413.CD86 antigen isoform 2 precursor. |
2702 | GJA5 | 1.50038e-06 | gap junction protein, alpha 5, 40kDa (connexin 40).CX40; junction protein, alpha 5. |
3687 | ITGAX | 2.18093e-06 | integrin, alpha X (antigen CD11C (p150), alpha polypeptide).CD11C; CD11c.integrin alpha X precursor. |
4036 | LRP2 | 2.5099e-06 | low density lipoprotein-related protein 2.gp330.low density lipoprotein-related protein 2. |
5799 | PTPRN2 | 2.56336e-06 | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, N polypeptide 2.IAR; ICAAR; PTPRP; PHOGRIN; IA-2beta; KIAA0387; IAR PTPRP.protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, N polypeptide 2 isoform 3 precursor. |
658 | BMPR1B | 3.73639e-06 | bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type IB.ALK6; ALK-6.bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type IB. |
2064 | ERBB2 | 6.38454e-06 | v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2, neuroglioblastoma derived oncogene homolog (avian).NEU; NGL; HER2; TKR1; HER-2.v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2, neuroglioblastoma derived oncogene homolog.Tyrosine kinase receptor, a component of IL-6 signalling through the MAP kinase pathway; similar to the EGF receptor|Proteome |
7049 | TGFBR3 | 7.25527e-06 | transforming growth factor, beta receptor III (betaglycan, 300kDa)..transforming growth factor, beta receptor III (betaglycan, 300kDa). |
1188 | CLCNKB | 1.05015e-05 | chloride channel Kb.CLCKB.chloride channel Kb. |
367 | AR | 1.0814e-05 | androgen receptor (dihydrotestosterone receptor; testicular feminization; spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy; Kennedy disease).KD; AIS; TFM; DHTR; SBMA; NR3C4; SMAX1; HUMARA.androgen receptor. |
2566 | GABRG2 | 1.65983e-05 | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, gamma 2.CAE2; ECA2; GEFSP3.gamma-aminobutyric acid A receptor, gamma 2 isoform 3. |
2742 | GLRA2 | 1.80018e-05 | glycine receptor, alpha 2.GLR.glycine receptor, alpha 2. |
2045 | EPHA7 | 2.28757e-05 | EphA7.EHK3; HEK11.ephrin receptor EphA7. |
8506 | CNTNAP1 | 3.02967e-05 | contactin associated protein 1.P190; CASPR; NRXN4; CNTNAP.contactin associated protein 1. |
2897 | GRIK1 | 3.28888e-05 | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 1.EAA3; EEA3; GLR5; GLUR5.Glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 1 isoform 2 precursor. |
1136 | CHRNA3 | 3.33931e-05 | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 3..cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 3.Alpha 3 subunit of the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor|Proteome |
5029 | P2RY2 | 3.44961e-05 | purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 2.P2U; HP2U; P2U1; P2UR; P2Y2; P2RU1; P2Y2R; MGC20088; MGC40010.purinergic receptor P2Y2. |
5792 | PTPRF | 4.04542e-05 | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, F.LAR.protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, F isoform 2 precursor. |
5159 | PDGFRB | 4.42706e-05 | platelet-derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide.JTK12; PDGFR; CD140B; PDGFR1; PDGF-R-beta.platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta precursor. |
5024 | P2RX3 | 4.5708e-05 | purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel, 3.P2X3.purinergic receptor P2X3. |
3764 | KCNJ8 | 5.44561e-05 | potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 8.KIR6.1; uKATP-1.potassium inwardly-rectifying channel J8. |
3775 | KCNK1 | 8.12872e-05 | potassium channel, subfamily K, member 1.DPK; HOHO; TWIK1; TWIK-1.potassium channel, subfamily K, member 1. |
10249 | GLYAT | 0.000103679 | glycine-N-acyltransferase.CAT; GAT; ACGNAT.glycine-N-acyltransferase. |
10461 | MERTK | 0.000105066 | c-mer proto-oncogene tyrosine kinase.mer; C-MER; c-mer.c-mer proto-oncogene tyrosine kinase. |
10507 | SEMA4D | 0.000105181 | sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4D.CD100; SEMAJ; coll-4; M-sema G; M-sema-G.sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4D. |
6337 | SCNN1A | 0.000190031 | sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated 1 alpha.ENaCa; SCNEA; SCNN1; ENaCalpha.sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated 1 alpha. |
5796 | PTPRK | 0.000193365 | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, K.R-PTP-kappa.protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, K precursor. |
4915 | NTRK2 | 0.00020605 | neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 2.TRKB.neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 2.Receptor protein tyrosine kinase, type 2; binds brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and NTF3|Proteome |
1140 | CHRNB1 | 0.000264919 | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, beta polypeptide 1 (muscle).ACHRB; CHRNB.nicotinic acetylcholine receptor beta subunit precursor. |
3742 | KCNA6 | 0.000299044 | potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 6.HBK2; KV1.6.potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 6. |
3597 | IL13RA1 | 0.000336829 | interleukin 13 receptor, alpha 1.NR4; IL-13RA; IL-13Ra.interleukin 13 receptor, alpha 1 precursor. |
2674 | GFRA1 | 0.000406699 | GDNF family receptor alpha 1.GDNFR; RET1L; RETL1; TRNR1; GDNFRA; MGC23045; GFR-ALPHA-1.GDNF family receptor alpha 1 isoform b preproprotein. |
1438 | CSF2RA | 0.000408107 | colony stimulating factor 2 receptor, alpha, low-affinity (granulocyte-macrophage).GMR; CD116; CDw116; CSF2RX; CSF2RY; GMCSFR; CSF2RAX; CSF2RAY; MGC3848; MGC4838; GM-CSF-R-alpha.colony stimulating factor 2 receptor alpha chain isoform e precursor. |
7293 | TNFRSF4 | 0.000442295 | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 4.OX40; ACT35; CD134; TXGP1L.tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 4 precursor. |
357 | APXL | 0.000485751 | apical protein-like (Xenopus laevis).HSAPXL.apical protein of Xenopus-like. |
4887 | NPY2R | 0.000557109 | neuropeptide Y receptor Y2..neuropeptide Y receptor Y2. |
23209 | MLC1 | 0.000563909 | megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts 1.VL; LVM; MLC; KIAA0027.megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts 1 gene product. |
7850 | IL1R2 | 0.00065351 | interleukin 1 receptor, type II.IL1RB; MGC47725.interleukin 1 receptor, type II precursor. |
2902 | GRIN1 | 0.000671263 | glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 1.NR1; NMDA1; NMDAR1.NMDA receptor 1 isoform NR1-3 precursor. |
3736 | KCNA1 | 0.000690015 | potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 1 (episodic ataxia with myokymia).EA1; MK1; AEMK; HUK1; MBK1; RBK1; KV1.1.potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 1. |
9392 | TGFBRAP1 | 0.000722191 | transforming growth factor, beta receptor associated protein 1.TRAP1; TRAP-1.TGF beta receptor associated protein -1.Associates with activated TGFBR1, but not unactivated TGFBR1 or TGFBR2|Proteome |
1187 | CLCNKA | 0.000755922 | chloride channel Ka..chloride channel Ka. |
10267 | RAMP1 | 0.00076035 | receptor (calcitonin) activity modifying protein 1..receptor (calcitonin) activity modifying protein 1 precursor. |
6327 | SCN2B | 0.000809118 | sodium channel, voltage-gated, type II, beta..sodium channel, voltage-gated, type II, beta. |
2204 | FCAR | 0.000929718 | Fc fragment of IgA, receptor for.CD89.Fc alpha receptor isoform j. |
4064 | LY64 | 0.000971737 | lymphocyte antigen 64 homolog, radioprotective 105kDa (mouse).CD180; RP105.lymphocyte antigen 64 homolog, radioprotective 105kDa. |
5798 | PTPRN | 0.000979922 | protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, N.IA2; IA-2; ICA512; R-PTP-N; IA-2PTP.protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, N precursor. |
23495 | TNFRSF13B | 0.00108267 | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 13B.TACI.tumor necrosis factor receptor 13B. |
941 | CD80 | 0.00114652 | CD80 antigen (CD28 antigen ligand 1, B7-1 antigen).LAB7; CD28LG; CD28LG1.CD80 antigen (CD28 antigen ligand 1, B7-1 antigen). |
3695 | ITGB7 | 0.00140949 | integrin, beta 7..integrin, beta 7. |
3570 | IL6R | 0.00152792 | interleukin 6 receptor.CD126; IL6RA; IL-6R-1; IL-6R-alpha.interleukin 6 receptor isoform 2 precursor. |
2563 | GABRD | 0.0016528 | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, delta.MGC45284.gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, delta. |
3759 | KCNJ2 | 0.00195774 | potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 2.IRK1; LQT7; HHIRK1; KIR2.1; HHBIRK1.potassium inwardly-rectifying channel J2. |
1261 | CNGA3 | 0.00199374 | cyclic nucleotide gated channel alpha 3.CNG3; ACHM2; CCNC1; CCNCa; CNCG3; CCNCalpha.cyclic nucleotide gated channel alpha 3. |
2215 | FCGR3B | 0.00205355 | Fc fragment of IgG, low affinity IIIb, receptor for (CD16).CD16; FCG3; FCGR3.Fc fragment of IgG, low affinity IIIb, receptor for (CD16). |
9312 | KCNB2 | 0.0022997 | potassium voltage-gated channel, Shab-related subfamily, member 2.KV2.2.potassium voltage-gated channel, Shab-related subfamily, member 2. |
6098 | ROS1 | 0.00265292 | v-ros UR2 sarcoma virus oncogene homolog 1 (avian).ROS; MCF3.proto-oncogene c-ros-1 protein precursor. |
8692 | HYAL2 | 0.0026966 | hyaluronoglucosaminidase 2.LUCA2; LuCa-2.hyaluronoglucosaminidase 2. |
3749 | KCNC4 | 0.00273085 | potassium voltage-gated channel, Shaw-related subfamily, member 4.KV3.4; KSHIIIC; HKSHIIIC.Shaw-related voltage-gated potassium channel protein 4 isoform b. |
8001 | GLRA3 | 0.00280425 | glycine receptor, alpha 3..glycine receptor, alpha 3. |
1184 | CLCN5 | 0.0031364 | chloride channel 5 (nephrolithiasis 2, X-linked, Dent disease).XRN; CLC5; XLRH; CLCK2; DENTS; NPHL2; hCIC-K2; hClC-K2.chloride channel 5. |
5027 | P2RX7 | 0.00316277 | purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel, 7.P2X7; MGC20089.purinergic receptor P2X7 isoform b. |
3674 | ITGA2B | 0.00324123 | integrin, alpha 2b (platelet glycoprotein IIb of IIbIIIa complex, antigen CD41B).GTA; CD41; GP2B; CD41B; GPIIb.integrin alpha 2b precursor. |
696 | BTN1A1 | 0.00343001 | butyrophilin, subfamily 1, member A1.BT; BTN.butyrophilin, subfamily 1, member A1. |
3739 | KCNA4 | 0.00351428 | potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 4.HK1; HBK4; PCN2; HPCN2; HUKII; KCNA8; KV1.4; KCNA4L.potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 4. |
2048 | EPHB2 | 0.0036747 | EphB2.DRT; ERK; Hek5; EPHT3; Tyro5.ephrin receptor EphB2 isoform 2 precursor. |
4883 | NPR3 | 0.00390897 | natriuretic peptide receptor Cguanylate cyclase C (atrionatriuretic peptide receptor C).NPRC; ANPRC.natriuretic peptide receptor Cguanylate cyclase C (atrionatriuretic peptide receptor C). |
5023 | P2RX1 | 0.00405477 | purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel, 1.P2X1.purinergic receptor P2X1. |
22925 | PLA2R1 | 0.00416206 | phospholipase A2 receptor 1, 180kDa.PLA2R; PLA2-R; PLA2IR; PLA2G1R.phospholipase A2 receptor 1, 180kDa. |
1143 | CHRNB4 | 0.00478699 | cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, beta polypeptide 4..cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, beta polypeptide 4. |
9294 | EDG5 | 0.00516892 | endothelial differentiation, sphingolipid G-protein-coupled receptor, 5.H218; LPB2; S1P2; AGR16; EDG-5; Gpcr13.endothelial differentiation, sphingolipid G-protein-coupled receptor, 5. |
2675 | GFRA2 | 0.00536127 | GDNF family receptor alpha 2.NTNRA; RETL2; TRNR2; GDNFRB; NRTNR-ALPHA.GDNF family receptor alpha 2 preproprotein. |
3595 | IL12RB2 | 0.0055748 | interleukin 12 receptor, beta 2..interleukin 12 receptor, beta 2 precursor. |
1259 | CNGA1 | 0.00595447 | cyclic nucleotide gated channel alpha 1.CNCG; CNG1; CNCG1; RCNC1; RCNCa; RCNCalpha.cyclic nucleotide gated channel alpha 1. |
3459 | IFNGR1 | 0.00597229 | interferon gamma receptor 1.CD119; IFNGR.interferon gamma receptor 1. |
608 | TNFRSF17 | 0.00655001 | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 17.BCM; BCMA.tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 17. |
3786 | KCNQ3 | 0.00761867 | potassium voltage-gated channel, KQT-like subfamily, member 3.EBN2; BFNC2; KV7.3.potassium voltage-gated channel KQT-like protein 3. |
3680 | ITGA9 | 0.00782154 | integrin, alpha 9.RLC; ITGA4L; ALPHA-RLC.integrin, alpha 9. |
2066 | ERBB4 | 0.0103624 | v-erb-a erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 4 (avian).HER4.v-erb-a erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 4. |
11015 | KDELR3 | 0.0111526 | KDEL (Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu) endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 3.ERD2L3.KDEL receptor 3 isoform b. |
2261 | FGFR3 | 0.0121718 | fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (achondroplasia, thanatophoric dwarfism).ACH; CEK2; JTK4; HSFGFR3EX.fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 isoform 2 precursor. |
41 | ACCN2 | 0.013519 | amiloride-sensitive cation channel 2, neuronal.ASIC; BNaC2; ASIC1A.amiloride-sensitive cation channel 2, neuronal isoform b. |
2555 | GABRA2 | 0.0139479 | gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, alpha 2..gamma-aminobutyric acid A receptor, alpha 2 precursor. |
5618 | PRLR | 0.0142865 | prolactin receptor..prolactin receptor.Prolactin receptor; similar to murine PrLr|Proteome |
432 | ASGR1 | 0.0155882 | asialoglycoprotein receptor 1.ASGPR; Hs.12056.asialoglycoprotein receptor 1. |
11026 | LILRA3 | 0.016141 | leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily A (without TM domain), member 3.HM31; HM43; ILT6; LIR4; CD85E; LIR-4.leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily A (without TM domain), member 3. |
1128 | CHRM1 | 0.0171935 | cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 1.M1; HM1; MGC30125.cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 1. |
8302 | KLRC4 | 0.0172367 | killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily C, member 4.NKG2F; NKG2-F.killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily C, member 4. |
11006 | LILRB4 | 0.0180273 | leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily B (with TM and ITIM domains), member 4.HM18; ILT3; LIR5; CD85K; LIR-5.leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily B (with TM and ITIM domains), member 4. |
8797 | TNFRSF10A | 0.0180782 | tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 10a.DR4; APO2; MGC9365; TRAILR1; TRAILR-1.tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 10a. |
2697 | GJA1 | 0.0183261 | gap junction protein, alpha 1, 43kDa (connexin 43).ODD; CX43; ODDD; ODOD; SDTY3; DFNB38.connexin 43. |
7226 | TRPM2 | 0.0190036 | transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 2.KNP3; EREG1; TRPC7; LTRPC2.transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 2. |
3757 | KCNH2 | 0.0190141 | potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 2.ERG1; HERG; LQT2; HERG1; Kv11.1.voltage-gated potassium channel, subfamily H, member 2 isoform c. |
6335 | SCN9A | 0.0209143 | sodium channel, voltage-gated, type IX, alpha.PN1; NE-NA.sodium channel, voltage-gated, type IX, alpha. |
364 | AQP7 | 0.0210465 | aquaporin 7.AQP9; AQP7L; AQPap.aquaporin 7. |
7046 | TGFBR1 | 0.0252406 | transforming growth factor, beta receptor I (activin A receptor type II-like kinase, 53kDa).ALK-5; ACVRLK4.transforming growth factor, beta receptor I. |
3777 | KCNK3 | 0.0253947 | potassium channel, subfamily K, member 3.OAT1; TASK; TBAK1; TASK-1.potassium channel, subfamily K, member 3. |
363 | AQP6 | 0.0280191 | aquaporin 6, kidney specific.AQP2L.aquaporin 6 isoform 2. |
117 | ADCYAP1R1 | 0.0280596 | adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide 1 (pituitary) receptor type I.PACAPR; PACAPRI.type I adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide receptor precursor. |
3767 | KCNJ11 | 0.0353273 | potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 11.BIR; PHHI; IKATP; KIR6.2.potassium inwardly-rectifying channel J11. |
8600 | TNFSF11 | 0.0355669 | tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 11.ODF; OPGL; sOdf; RANKL; TRANCE; hRANKL2.tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily, member 11 isoform 2. |
3768 | KCNJ12 | 0.0378062 | potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 12.IRK2; hIRK; KCNJN1; Kir2.2; Kir2.2v.potassium inwardly-rectifying channel J12. |
3791 | KDR | 0.0393522 | kinase insert domain receptor (a type III receptor tyrosine kinase).FLK1; VEGFR; VEGFR2.kinase insert domain receptor (a type III receptor tyrosine kinase). |
3696 | ITGB8 | 0.0413983 | integrin, beta 8..integrin, beta 8. |
10936 | GPR75 | 0.0416048 | G protein-coupled receptor 75.GPR-chr2; WI-31133.G protein-coupled receptor 75. |
486 | FXYD2 | 0.0430859 | FXYD domain containing ion transport regulator 2.HOMG2; ATP1G1; MGC12372.FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 2 isoform 2. |
558 | AXL | 0.0441551 | AXL receptor tyrosine kinase.UFO.AXL receptor tyrosine kinase isoform 2. |
6332 | SCN7A | 0.045635 | sodium channel, voltage-gated, type VII, alpha.SCN6A.sodium channel, voltage-gated, type VII, alpha. |
3559 | IL2RA | 0.046694 | interleukin 2 receptor, alpha.CD25; IL2R; TCGFR.interleukin 2 receptor, alpha chain precursor. |
8645 | KCNK5 | 0.0494619 | potassium channel, subfamily K, member 5.TASK2; TASK-2; FLJ11035.potassium channel, subfamily K, member 5. |
3709 | ITPR2 | 0.0496286 | inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor, type 2.IP3R2.inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor, type 2. |