We have extended the multiway-cut algorithm to handle slanted surfaces. The results of the new algorithm, which segments an image into regions while fitting affine parameters to each region, are shown below. The first three rows show stereo pairs of images, while the last two examples come from image sequences).
The third column contains the displacement map (either disparity or motion vector magnitude), with the segmentation overlaid. In the fourth column, lines are thickened where the change in displacement across the boundary surpasses a threshold, thus distinguishing depth or motion discontinuities (thick lines) from creases (thin lines). The 'factor' in the fifth column is the number by which each pixel in the displacement map should be divided to get the measured value (e.g., if the pixel's value is 23, and the factor is 10, then the displacement at that pixel was calculated to be 2.3 pixels).
Multiway Cut for Stereo and Motion with Slanted Surfaces
Stan Birchfield and Carlo Tomasi
Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,
Kerkyra, Greece, September 1999
[PDF -- 362KB] [ps.gz -- 1027KB]
** Erratum **