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This program fully implements all of the features described in the Bunny World project:
- The program has an about box listing the team name and team members.
- The Document Window shows the current page and the possessions area. The Application Window
Toolbar and the Properties Window shows the controls needed for editing and running the game.
The Application Window has is its own file controls with the ``Open, Save, Save As, and Exit''
options. The Open command closes the current document, prompting to save if necessary, and
chooses a new document to open.
- Pages may be created and deleted through the Tools menu. The Page properties window allows
the user to switch to any particular page and also rename pages other than ``page1'' and the
``possessions'' page.
- The Next Page and Previous Page commands found in the Tools menu allows the user to switch the
currently displayed page in the window in accordance with the chronological order in which they
were created. These commands are also accessible from the Toolbar in the Application Window.
- The creation and deletion of shapes from the document can be done through either the Add/Remove
Shape buttons in the Shape Properties Window, the Add/Remove shape buttons in the Toolbar, or the
Add/Remove shape menu items in the Tools menu. Newly created shapes are assigned globally
unique names. Shapes are displayed in the Document Window and editing of the shape state may
be done in the ``inspector'' or Shape properties area. The inspector is disabled when no shape
is selected. The state of the selected shape includes its geometry, name, movable, visible, image
name, text, bold, italic, script text, and font. Shapes may be moved and resized by their knobs,
and the inspector will synch in real-time with the currently selected shape. The geometry of a
shape may be changed by manipulating any one of the four ints and hitting return. A drop-down
control allows for selection of images for shapes.
- Resources (images and sounds) may be added to the document through the Load Resources choice
in the Tools Menu or the Load Resources button in the Toolbar. Only the filename part of the image
or sound will be used in giving the resource and initial name.
- Each image and sound resource will be loaded into memory just once to ensure efficient memory usage.
- Document saving and opening is supported through the File Menu and the Application Window Toolbar.
The saved document directory contains a single ``index.xml'' file containing the document state
and a copy of every resource used in the document.
- When saving a document, resource files are copied from their original path to the document directory.
The program holds a dynamic notion of the ``document directory'' so that a document may be moved
elsewhere in the file system and still work.
- The ``index.xml'' stores the complete document state and conforms to the specifications as described
in the ``Bunny World'' project handout.
- When launched, the program will check for a single directory-path argument on the command line. If
one exists, then the program will attempt to load that document directory. If the directory either
does not exist or the document associated with the directory is corrupt, then the program will return
an appropriate error message. If more than one argument is passed into the program at startup, then
only the first argument is considered.
- The Catalog interface is implemented through the Catalog area in the Properties window. The interface
meets all of the specifications described in the ``Bunny World'' project handout, including a smart
redraw implementation for snappy GUI response.
- The play mode works as described in the ``Bunny World'' project handout. This feature is accessible
through choosing the ``Start Game'' option in the Tools menu or the ``Start Game'' button on the
Application Window Toolbar.
- This document describes the menu system, windows, core features, and advanced features of the program.
Next: Advanced Features
Up: JavaCarrots 1.0 - User
Previous: Keyboard Shortcuts
JavaCarrots 1.0 by Chuong Do and Xinan Wu