of philosophy
metaphysics - study of
ultimate reality
epistemology - study of
origin of knowledge
ethics - study of morals
aesthetics - study of beauty
Ionian School (500s BC)
Thales of Miletus - all
matter is a form of water
Anaximander - student of
Thales; all matter is a form of apeiron ("the
Anaximenes - all matter is a
form of air
Pythagorean School (500s BC)
Pythagoras - established
school in Crotona Italy; emphasized myths, reincarnation,
musical pitch, and math
Heraclitean School (500s BC)
Heraclitus of Ephesus - all
matter made of fire; only reality is the law of change, Logos
Eleatic School (400s BC)
Parmenides - established
school in Elea Italy; emphasized unchanging universe; "being is"
Zeno of Elea - student of
Parmenides; introduced four logical paradoxes to prove the
unity of being
Pluralists (400s BC)
Empedocles - proposed the
four elements of air, water, earth, and fire and the two forces
of love and strife; eternal
cycle of chaos
Anaxagoras - all matter is
composed of tiny seeds; proposed cosmic evolution
Atomists (300s BC)
Democritus - student of
Leucippus; proposed atomic theory and deterministic
Sophists (400s BC)
Protagoras - "Man is
the measure of all things"; natural science and religion are
worthless; one should only
be ethical if it is to his advantage; sophists were
known as deceitful and
Socratic School (400s BC)
Socrates - sentenced to
death 399 BC; refused payment for his lectures; held that all
people have full knowledge
of ultimate truth; Socrates' paradox: no man does evil
Platonic School (300s BC)
Plato - student of Socrates;
recorded Socrates' teachings in his dialogues; virtue =
wisdom; proposed theory of
Ideas, doctrine of Forms, the intelligible and sensible
realms, and the Absolute
Idea of the Good; wrote the Republic (discussion of justice),
Meno (Socrates shows innate
knowledge of all people by teaching a slave the
Pythagorean theorem),
Apology (Socrates' trial defense), Crito (Socrates' defense of
obedience to the state),
Phaedo (death of Socrates), Symposium (a drama), Parmenides
(theory of Forms), Laws
(political discussions), Timaeus (thoughts on cosmology and
Aristotelian School (300s
Aristotle - student of
Plato; tutor to Alexander the Great; founded Lyceum and
("walking") school; founded logic, syllogism, scientific method;
contained in objects;
natural hierarchical order of inanimate, vegetative, animal, rational,
and heavenly ether;
emphasized happiness; wise king best government but limited
democracy a good compromise;
wrote Organon ("instrument" logic), Physics, Metaphysics,
Poetics (literary criticism,
definitions of drama)
and Roman
Cynics (300s BC)
Diogenes of Sinope - held
civilization in contempt as artificial; advocated self-sufficient
simple life; called "Kyon" (dog)
Epicureanism (200s BC)
Epicurus - "philosopher
of the garden"; proposed atomic theory with uniform downward
motion; emphasized free will
and attaining maximum pleasure
Lucretius - wrote On the
Nature of Things
Stoicism (200s BC)
Zeno of Citium
- insensitive to material comforts; adopted Heraclitean
ideas of fire and
Logos; each person is part
of God; natural law
Marcus Aurelius - emperor;
wrote Meditations
Skepticism (200s BC)
Pyrrho - humans can't obtain
knowledge; happiness only obtained by suspending
judgment; wouldn't change
directions as he approached a cliff
Carneades - beliefs gained from
experience are probable but not certain
Jewish-Hellenistic (0s AD)
Philo Judaeus
- proposed a transcendent God and advocated theocracy; matter is source
of all evil
Neoplatonism (200s AD)
Anmonius Saccus
Plotinus - student of Anmonius; become one with God in ecstasy; trinity of the
Logos, and World Soul; the
One is beyond rational thought
Porphyry - student of
Plotinus; wrote the Enneads
Augustinian (300s AD)
St. Augustine - saw
philosophy and religion as complementary; combined Christianity
and Platonic ideas; earthly
happiness not possible; wrote The City of God
Miscellaneous (400s - 600s)
Boethius - revived Aristotelian
thought; wrote The Consolation of Philosophy
John Erigena (Irish) -
pantheistic Christianity; advocated trinity of the One, Logos, and
the World Soul like Plotinus
Scholasticism (1100s -
Avicenna (Arab) - united
Neoplatonism, Aristotelian, and Islam
Solomon ben Yehuda Ibn Gabirol - united Jewish and
Greek philosophy
Anselm of Canterbury -
proposed logical realism
Roscelin - proposed nominalism (only
concrete objects exist, universals are intangible);
declared a heretic for
saying there are three separate beings in the Trinity
Peter Abelard (French) -
proposed conceptualism (compromise of realism and
nominalism); had tragic love
affair with Heloise
Averroes (Spanish-Arab) -
known as "the Commentator" for commentaries on Aristotle;
proposed double-truth
doctrine with separate realms of faith and reason
Moses Maimonides (Jewish) -
rabbi; gave rational explanations for Jewish doctrine;
wrote Guide for the
Alexander of Hales (English)
- substantial form accounts for soul's immortality
St. Bonaventure (Italian) -
advocated pantheistic mysticism with goal of ecstatic union
with God
St. Albertus Magnus (German)
- endorsed all Aristotelian thought
Roger Bacon (English) -
monk; advocated learning by experimentation
St. Thomas Aquinas -
Dominican monk; learn scientific truths from experimentation and
religious truths by faith,
but the two are not inconsistent; gave five proofs of
existence; wrote Summa
Theologica and Summa Contra Gentiles; followers called Thomists
John Dun Scotus (Scottish) -
advocated double-truth doctrine except that God's existence
is provable; divine will
controls nature (not vice versa); Duns came to mean dumb (dunce)
because of some of his
irrational followers who opposed Thomists
William of Ockham (English)
- Ockham's Razor: don't assume existence of more than is
logically necessary
Nicholas of Cusa and Nicolaus Copernicus (Polish) - earth revolves
around sun
Giordano Bruno (Italian) -
worked on philosophical implications of Copernicus's ideas
Mechanism and Materialism
(1400s - 1600s)
Francis Bacon (English) -
denounced authority and Aristotelian logic; advocated
inductive inference and experimentation;
wrote Novum Organum, the Advancement of
Learning, the New Atlantis
(advocating scientific academies)
Galileo (Italian) - applied
geometry to study of motion; showed nature obeys mechanical laws
Rene Descartes (French) -
math is model for all science; "I think therefore I am" became
the basic fact from which
all others are deduced; dualism separates mind and body; wrote
Philosophical Essays and
Discourse on Method
Thomas Hobbes (English) -
reduced all to physical relations and mechanics; justified
egoism as natural; supported
absolute monarchy; wrote De Cive and Leviathan
Baruch Spinoza (Dutch) - al
nature is based on a few basic axioms (like geometry);
banished by Jews in
Amsterdam; all things are modes of God; psychophysical parallelism
explains interaction between
mind and body; advocated rational self-interest
John Locke (English) - focus
on epistemology and empiricism; supported constitutional
government; led to
utilitarianism; wrote Essay Concerning Human Understanding and Two
Treatises of Government
Humanism (1500s)
Desiderius Erasmus (Dutch) -
emphasized dignity and worth of the individual; wrote On
the Freedom of the Will
Philipp Melanchthon (German)
- participated in Reformation
Idealism and Skepticism
(1600s - 1700s)
Gottfreid Wilhelm Leibniz (German) -
infinitely small force units called monads are
closed worlds but mirror
each other; God is Monad of Monads; founded idealism
George Berkeley (Irish) -
advocated idealism; to exist means to be perceived;
epistemological view of
phenomenalism (matter analyzed in terms of sensations); wrote
Treatise Concerning the
Principles of Human Knowledge and The Three Dialogues
Between Hylas
and Philoneus
David Hume (Scottish) - said
there is no evidence for mind, spirit, or God; no
justification for cause and
effect relationships; wrote A Treatise of Human Nature and
An Inquiry Concerning Human
Immanuel Kant (German) -
combined empiricism (knowledge gained by experience) and
rationalism (knowledge
gained by deduction); limited knowledge to the phenomenal
world; moral principles are
categorical imperatives with no exceptions; emphasized
individual conscience; wrote
Critique of Pure Reason
Voltaire (French, Francois
Marie Arouet) - advocated Deism; reduced religion to
justified by rational inference
from nature
Blaise Pascal (French) -
wrote Pensees
Emanuel Swedenborg (Swedish)
- mystic
Jean Jacques Rosseau (French) - state is based on a social contract with
its citizens;
civilization is a corruption
of human nature; wrote Confessions and the Social Contract
Absolute Idealism (1800s)
Johann Gottlieb Fichte
(German) - will is the ultimate reality; world created by absolute
ego; called an atheist
Friedrich von Schelling
(German) - reduced everything to self-realizing activities of the
absolute spirit; romanticism
Ralph Waldo Emerson (US) - oversoul, self-reliance; wrote Self-Reliance,
American Scholar, Nature
Henry David Thoreau (US) -
wrote Walden and Civil Disobedience
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Hegel (German) - truth is a process not a state; source of
reality is the absolute
spirit that becomes concrete by dialectrical triadic
states with thesis,
antithesis, and synthesis;
history is more real than science; the state is the highest absolute
spirit; wrote Phenomenology
of Mind
Arthur Scholpenhauser
(German) - nature and reality are products of irrational will; only
escape is through art; wrote
The World as Will and Idea
Auguste Comte (French) -
advocated positivism; all knowledge is in positive (factual)
science; arranged sciences
with sociology at top
John Stuart Mill (British) -
wrote Utilitarianism, advocating greatest good for greatest
Jeremy Bentham (British) -
enunciated utilitarianism
Soren Kierkegaard (Danish) -
defended felling; subjective problem solving methods;
wrote Fear and Trembling
Evolutionary (1800s)
Karl Marx and Friedrich
Engels (German) - advocated dialectrical materialism;
matter is
the ultimate reality;
historical materialism; wrote Communist Manifesto
Herbert Spencer (British) -
"survival of the fittest" philosophy
Friedrich Nietzsche (German)
- "will to power" is source of all value; called for return
from religious values to
primitive and natural values of courage and strength; called
Christianity "slave
morality"; wrote Thus Spake Zarathustra
Pragmatism (1800s)
Charles Sanders Pierce (US)
- formulated pragmatic theory defining concept as
the predictions it makes
William James (US) -
formulated pragmatic theory of truth; all beliefs are
evaluated by their
Francis Bradley (British) -
no relationships exist because there is only one real
subject, the real itself;
all else is contradictory
Pragmatic Idealism (1900s)
Josiah Royce (US) - human
life is the effort of finite self to expand into absolute self
John Dewey (US) - advocated
experimental naturalism and instrumentalism;
advocated education to
prepare children for a creative life
Henri Bergson (French) -
proposed evolutionary vitalism
Edmund Husserl (German) -
founded school of phenomenology; studied
structures of consciousness
Alfred North Whitehead
(British) - developed highly technical system of concepts; 1900s
show failures of mechanistic
science; things are living processes; wrote
Principia Mathematica with
George Santayana (US) - combined
pragmatism, Platonism, and materialism; stressed
Beredetto Croce (Italian) - idealist
Logical empiricism (logical
positivism; analytical philosophy)
Bertrand Russell (British) -
advocated empiricism and utilitarianism; applied
math to philosophy;
developed logical empiricism (established at Vienna; combination
of Hume's positivism and
Cartesian rigor; metaphysics and theology are inadequate;
GE Moore (British) - realist
revolt against idealism; applied common sense
AJ Ayer (British) - wrote
Language Truth and Logic
Rudolph Carnap (US)
Gilbert Ryle (British) -
wrote The Concept of Mind
Ludwig Wittgenstein (German)
- wrote Tractatus Logicus philosophicus;
linguistic analysis
Existential Philosophy
(1900s) - based on existence, freedom, and choice
Martin Heidegger (German) -
substitute Nothingness for God as source of values;
combines work of Husserl and
Kierkegaard; wrote Being and Time
Karl Jaspers (German) -
finds God (Transcendence) in human emotions
Jose Ortega y Gasset (Spanish) - defended intuition
Martin Buber (Austrian) -
combined Jewish mysticism with existential thought
Karl Barth (Swiss) -
knowledge is more emotional than science
Reinhold Niebuhr (US)
Paul Tillich (US) - brought
depth psychology to Protestantism
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Jean Paul Sartre (French) -
humans project themselves out of nothingness by asserting
values and assuming moral
responsibility; wrote Being and Nothingness
JL Austin (British) -
ordinary-language philosopher
Jacques Maritain (French) -
on lists in The World Almanac
(Chinese, 500s BC) - founded Taoism
(Chinese, 500s-400s BC) - founder of Confucianism
(Siddhartha Gautama, Indian, 500s-400s BC) - founded Buddhism
Paul (Roman, 0s) - Christian missionary and epistle writer
Patrick (Irish, 400s) - brought Christianity to Ireland
Benedict (Italian, 500s) - founded Benedictines
(Arab, 600s) - prophet of Islam
a Becket (English, 1100s) - archbishop of Canterbury; murdered by Henry II's
Francis of Assisi (Italian, 1200s) - founded Franciscans
Wycliffe (English, 1300s) - reformer; Bible translator
Hus (Bohemian, 1300s-1400s) - religious reformer; burned at stake
a Kempis (German, 1400s) - wrote Imitation of Christ
of Loyola (Spanish, 1500s) - founded Jesuits
Luther (German, 1500s) - leader in Protestant Reformation; posted 95 theses
Calvin (French, 1500s) - leader in Protestant Reformation
Knox (Scottish, 1500s) - leader in Protestant Reformation
Huldrych Zwingli (Swedish, 1500s) - leader of Protestant Reformation in
Cranmer (English, 1500s) - wrote Book of Common Prayer; worked for Henry VIII
Biddle (English, 1600s) - founder of English Unitarianism
Cotton (English, 1600s) - Puritan theologian
Brewster (English, 1600s) - headed Pilgrims
Fox (British, 1600s) - founded Society of Friends (Quakers)
Williams (US, 1600s) - championed separation of church and state; founded Rhode
Edwards (US, 1700s) - preacher in Great Awakening
Mather (US, 1700s) - orthodox Puritan; founded Yale
Muhlenberg (German, 1700s) - organized Lutheran Church in America
Schleiermacher (German, 1700s-1800s) - Protestant theologian
(Mirza Husayn Ali, Persian, 1800s) - founded Baha'i
Ellery Channing (US, 1800s) - spokesman for Unitarianism
Baker Eddy (US, 1800s) - founded Christian Science; wrote Science and Health
Moody (US, 1800s) - evangelist
H Newman (British, 1800s) - Catholic cardinal; led Oxford Movement; wrote
Apologia pro Vita Sua
Smith (US, 1800s) - founder of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)
Young (US, 1800s) - led Mormons to Utah
Abbot (US, 1800s-1900s) - advocate of Christian Socialism
Adler (US, 1800s-1900s) - founded Ethical Culture Society
Inge (British, 1800s-1900s) - explored mystic aspects of Christianity
T. Russell (US, 1800s-1900s) - founded Jehovah's Witnesses
Barth (Swiss, 1900s) - Protestant theologian
Bonhoeffer (German, 1900s) - Lutheran theologian executed by Nazis
Brunner (Swiss, 1900s) - Protestant theologian
Merton (US, 1900s) - Trappist monk; wrote The Seven Storey
Muhammad (US, 1900s) - leader of Black Muslims
Vincent Peale (US, 1900s) - wrote The Power of Positive Thinking
Schweitzer (German, 1900s) - medical missionary
Sunday (US, 1900s) - evangelist
Teilhard de Chardin (French, 1900s) - Catholic priest; paleontologist; wrote
The Divine Milieu
Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (Japanese, 1900s) - Buddhist