11/26/07: Introduction and Motivating Examples |
Topics: highlight a number of arguments involving modal notions. Introduce the syntax of modal logic and discuss some interesting puzzles.
Lecture Slides
11/28/07: Basic Modal Logic |
Topics: formal solution to the muddy children puzzle, introduce Kripke structures and truth of modal formulas.
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11/30/07: Basic Modal Logic II |
Topics: discussed a number of issues surrounding truth of modal formulas in Kripke structures.
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12/3/07: Basic Modal Logic III |
Topics: Review and summary of basic modal logic.
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12/5/07: Dynamics in Logic |
Topics: Epistemic Logic, Common Knoweldge, Public Announcement Logic
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12/8/07: Dyanmics in Logic |
Topics: Epistemic Logic, Common Knowledge, Logic and Games
Lecture Slides
Details about Question 12 on the final.