Date | Lecture | Notes/Readings |
8/29 |
Introductory Remarks: Logics of Rational Agency |
Chapter 1 of [LOGDYN] |
8/31 |
A Primer on Epistemic Logic |
Introductory Notes on Modal Logic Chapter 12 of [MLOM] Sections 13.1 - 13.3 [MAS]
9/5 |
No Class: Labor Day |
9/7 |
A Primer on Epistemic Logic, continued |
Introductory Notes on Modal Logic
9/12 |
Logics of Knowledge and Belief |
EP, Logics of Informational Attitudes and Informative Actions, Sections 1 & 2.
J. Halpern, Should Knowledge Entail Belief?, Journal of Philosophical Logic
Problem Set 1 (Due Monday, 9/19 )
9/14 |
Knowledge, Belief and Unawareness |
EP, Logics of Informational Attitudes and Informative Actions, Sections 1 & 2
E. Dekel, B. Lipman and A. Rustichini, Standard State-Space Models Preclude Unawareness, Econometrica (1998)
9/19 |
Common Knowledge |
M. Chwe Chapter 1 of Rational Ritual
SEP Article on Common Knowledge (Sections 1, 2 and 3.1)
Video by Steven Pinker touching on issues of common knowledge
9/21 |
Common Knowledge: Agreeing to Disagree |
R. Aumann, Agreeing to Disagree, Annals of Statistics
D. Samet, Agreeing to disagree: the non-probabilistic case
9/26 |
Lectures 8 & 9 Handout |
D. Samet, Agreeing to disagree: the non-probabilistic case
9/28 |
Lectures 8 & 9 Handout Proof of the main result |
D. Monderer and D. Samet Approximating Common Knowledge with Common Belief, Games and Economic Behavior (Section 3).
Problem Set 2 (Due Wednesday, 10/5 )
10/3 |
Introduction to Dynamic Logics of Information |
J. van Benthem, Chapter 15 of [MLOM]
10/5 |
The Logic of Public Observation |
H. van Ditmarsch, W. van der Hoek, B. Kooi, Playing cards with Hintikka
10/10 |
Dynamic Logics of Information Change |
EP, Logics of Informational Attitudes and Informative Actions, (especially Section 3.1)
10/12 |
Dynamic logics of belief change |
EP, Logics of Informational Attitudes and Informative Actions
R. Stalnaker (2009). "Iterated Belief Revision," Erkenntnis, 70(2): 189 - 209.
10/17 |
Introduction to belief revision, part 1
Guest Lecturer: Paul Pedersen |
A.P. Pedersen & H. Arló-Costa (2011). Belief Revision. In L. Horsten and R. Pettigrew, editors, Continuum Companion to Philosophical Logic.
10/19 |
Introduction to belief revision, part 2
Guest Lecturer: Paul Pedersen |
A.P. Pedersen & H. Arló-Costa (2011). Belief Revision. In L. Horsten and R. Pettigrew, editors, Continuum Companion to Philosophical Logic.
10/24 |
Grove's Representation Theorem, I
(see Grove's paper for more information) |
A. Grove, Two Modellings for Theory Change, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 17, pp. 157 - 170, 1988
Problem set 3 (midterm)
10/26 |
Grove's Representation Theorem, II
(see Grove's paper for more information) |
A. Grove, Two Modellings for Theory Change, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 17, pp. 157 - 170, 1988
10/31 |
Non-monotonic reasoning |
A. Antonelli, Non-monotonic logic, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
J. Horty, Skepticism and floating conclusions, Artificial Intelligence, 135: 55–72, 2002.
11/2 |
Belief revision and the Ramsey test |
P. Gardenfors (1986). Belief revisions and the Ramsey test for conditionals, The Philosophical Review, 95:1, pp. 81 - 93.
H. Leitgib (2007). Beliefs in Conditionals Vs. Conditional Beliefs, Topoi, 26:1, pp. 115 - 132.
11/7 |
Logics of Time and Agency |
Y. Venema, Temporal Logic, Chapter 10, L Goble (editor), The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic,
Blackwell Publishers, 2001, pp 203 - 223.
G. Governatori and A. Rotolo, On the axiomatization of Elgesem's logic of agency and ability. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 34, 4, pp. 403-431, 2005.
11/9 |
Logics of Abilities and Logics of Action |
M. Brown, On the Logic of Ability, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 17, p. 1 - 26, 1988.
J. van Benthem et al., Chapter 6: Propositional Dynamic Logic, Logic in Action Open Course Project
P. Balbiani, Propositional Dynamic Logic, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2007
11/14 |
Introduction to STIT Logic |
J. Horty and N. Belnap The deliberative STIT: a study of action, omission, ability, and obligation, Journal of Philosophical Logic, vol. 24 (1995), pp. 583 - 644.
P. Balbiani, A. Herzig and N. Troquard,
Alternative Axiomatics and Complexity of Deliberative STIT Theories, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 37:4, pp. 387 - 406, 2008.
11/16 |
Group action and logics of preference |
Everything Else Being Equal: A Modal Logic for Ceteris Paribus Preferences, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 38:1, 2009.
M. Pauly A Modal Logic for Coalitional Power in Games, Journal of Logic and Computation, 12:1, pp. 149-166, 2002.
Problem set 4
11/21 |
Preference lifting |
Everything Else Being Equal: A Modal Logic for Ceteris Paribus Preferences, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 38:1, 2009.
Y. Kannai and B. Peleg, A Note on the Extension of an
Order on a Set to the Power Set, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 32, pg. 172 - 175, 1984.
11/23 |
No Class: Thanksgiving |
11/28 |
Know-how, abilities, plans and logics of intention |
Y. Shoham (2009). Logical Theories of Intention and the Database Perspective, J. Philosophical Logic 38(6), pgs. 633-648
Section 14.4: Yoav Shoham and Kevin Leyton-Brown, Multiagent Systems: Algorithmic, Game-Theoretic, and Logical Foundations, Cambridge University Press, 2009
Problem set 5
11/30 |
Logics for reasoning about games |
Johan van Benthem, Eric Pacuit and Olivier Roy, Games and Interaction: the Logical Perspective, Games, 2(1), 52 - 86
12/5 |
When are two games the same?/Common knowledge of rationality |
J. Halpern, Substantive rationality and backward induction
, Games and Economic Behavior 37, 2001, pp. 425-435.
12/7 |
Common knowledge of rationality and backward induction |
J. Halpern, Substantive rationality and backward induction, Games and Economic Behavior 37, 2001, pp. 425-435.
A. Baltag, S. Smets and J. Zvesper, Keep 'hoping' for rationality: a solution to the backward induction paradox, Synthese, Volume 169, Number 2, pgs. 301-333, 2009.