I'm currently a research scientist at Snapchat. I graduated from Stanford University with a PhD in Computer Science in 2015, advised by Professors Fei-Fei Li and Daphne Koller. I was fortunate to be supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. My research interests are in computer vision and machine learning. In particular, I'm interested in leveraging methods from machine learning, probabilistic graphical models, and convex optimization for semantic understanding of weakly labeled image and video data.
Over the summers, I've been lucky to be an intern with Lubomir Bourdev, Rob Fergus, and Manohar Paluri (Facebook AI Research, 2014), Jia Li and Nathan Liu (Yahoo Labs, 2013), and Rahul Sukthankar (Google Research, 2012). Before coming to Stanford, I graduated from Cornell University with a B.S. in Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering in May 2010.
Email: kdtang [at] cs.stanford.edu