of Nisene Marks (June 2020)
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Map of the Forest of Nisene Marks Park, with hike
itinerary drawn in red dotted line in the image on the right. [Source:]
In the narrow canyon leading to the Maple Falls.
Maple falls.
Starting during the Gold Rush of the mid-19th
century and until 1924, a large fraction of the area covered by the park was exploited
by loggers. In the early 1880s a railway track was even built along what is now
the Loma Prieta Grade trail to haul tree logs to
mills. A few artifacts remain from that time.
Wooden railway ties along the Loma Prieta Grade
Left: remains of a log loading station next to the former railway along the
Loma Prieta Grade trail. Right: ruin of a logger′s
cabin at the Hoffman′s ″historic site″.