Write Plausible Answers to Questions


In this task, you are asked to write plausible answers to each of the 10 questions. By "plausible", we mean that the answers can potentially be the correct ones to the question. For each question, we will show you one plausible answer. Your goal is to write 3 plausible answers to each question that are different from the given one. Do not repeat or paraphrase the existing answers of the questions. You may refer to the following examples.

What is the man in red shirt riding?

A horse.

Sample responses:

A donkey.

A bicycle.

A motorcycle.

An elephant.

Okay, let's start!

The question and one plausible answer have been provided in the yellow boxes on the right. You need to write 3 plausible answers to the question. Please follow the rules below:

1. Ambivalent answers such as "I don't know." or "I have no idea." will be rejected.

2. The plausible answers should be similar to the given answer, but with different meanings. For example, if the provided answer is "a cat", "a dog" is a better answer than "a car". Answers that paraphrase the given answer will be rejected. For instance, if the provided answer is "A horse.", answers such as "an animal" or "an equine" will be rejected.

3. Answers with typos will be rejected.

4. When there are not enough plausible answers, write less ridiculous answers. For example, "How many legs does the dog have?", your responses can be "3." or "5."

5. In case of UI problem, please skip the HIT and contact us for help. Thank you in advance!

What is the man in red shirt riding?

An elephant.

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