Contact information
Contact information:
Andrew Y. Ng
Computer Science Department
Stanford University
Room 156, Gates Building
Stanford, CA 94305-9010
Tel: (650)725-2593
FAX: (650)725-1449
email: (if contacting me about CS229 or CS229A, please see below) If you a student in the free online machine learning class and have a question, please log in to the course website and post your question in the forum. If this isn't possible, please email rather than my personal email address.
CS229 (Machine Learning) students: If you are a Stanford student in CS229, including SCPD students, and want to contact me about a class-related matter, please email me at rather than at my personal email address.
CS229A (Applied Machine Learning) students: If you are a Stanford student in CS229A, and want to contact me about a class-related matter, please email me at rather than at my personal email address.
Office hours (in Gates 156): Listed here.
Administrative assistant:
Maria Alonso
Note: Please do not contact Maria about Coursera business. If you are trying
to reach someone at Coursera, please see our contact info.