Leon Liu's Work
ROBNUX is a pure software solution for building your customized robotic arms and your automation needs. It is hard real-time and can run in any X86-based PC through EtherCAT-based hardware components. It is flexible enough to support many 3rd party motor drives, EtherCAT IOs, robot model types, and provide SDK/IDE/CONFIG TOOLKITS for your R&D and production needs. ROBNUX supports ROS protocol. Please contact us if you want to enable ROS functionalities. The software and SDKs can be download from the following links.

ROBNUX system software packages (including linux-version IDE and Config Utility)

Notice: Some users reported that ROBNUX 1.0 sometimes crashes due to CPU limit exceeding error. This occurs in Intel ATOM or lower-end I3/I5 PC with limited resources. Please go into the browser of your PC with ROBNUX 1.0, and type localhost (or, and then click upgrade, and choose the latest upgrade package robnux_v1.1.0.bin. V1.1.0 fixed CPU limit exceeding issue even for lower-end PCs. Please redownload robnux_v1.1.0.bin package from the above link, and upgrade your system using the browser.

2. ROBNUX studio (for Windows)

3. ROBNUX configure utilities (for windows)

4. ROBNUX installation and quick start manual

5. ROBNUX users' manual
Service email: liugf@cs.stanford.edu or 2218330744@qq.com

Motion Planning of Closed Chains
Adjoint-invariant Submanifolds