Leon Liu's Work
Kinematics and Motion Planning of High-dimensional Mechanisms With Application to Protein Folding:
R. J. Milgram, G.F. Liu*, and J.C. Latombe, “On the Structure of the Inverse Kinematics Map of a Fragment of Protein Backbone”, Journal of Computational Chemistry, Vol. 29., No 1, PP. 50-68, 2008.
2. G.F. Liu, R.J. Milgram, A. Dhanik, and J.C. Latombe, “On the Inverse Kinematics of a Fragment of Protein Backbone”, Advances in Robot Kinematics, PP. 201-208, Springer, 2006.
3. P. Yao, A. Dhanik, N. Marz, R. Popper, C. Kou, G.F. Liu, H. Van den Bedem, J.C. Latombe, and R. Altman, “Efficient Algorithms to Explore Conformation Space of Flexible Protein Loops”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Vol. 5, No. 4, PP. 534-545, 2008.
4. Y.G. Chen, G.F. Liu*, and Y. Yang, "Structure of the Singular Manifold of Protein Backbone and Its Applications", IEEE ACCESS, Vol. 8, PP. 48438-48450, 2020.

Dextrous Manipulation of Multifingered-Robotic Hands:
1. G.F. Liu, J.J. Xu, and Z.X. Li, “On Geometric Algorithms for Real-Time Grasping Force Optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 12, No. 6, 2004.
2. G.F. Liu, J.J. Xu, X. Wang, and Z.X. Li, “On Quality Functions for Grasp Synthesis, Fixture Planning, and Coordinated Manipulation”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, PP 146-162, 2004.
3. G.F. Liu and Z.X. Li, “Real-Time Grasping Force Optimization for Multifingered Manipulation: Theory and Experiments”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 9, No. 1, PP. 65-77, 2004.

Geometric Theory of Robotics With Application to Planning, Control, and Design:
1. G.F. Liu and Z.X. Li, “A Unified Geometric Approach to Modeling and Control of Constrained Mechanical Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 18, No. 4, PP. 574-587, 2002.
2. G.F. Liu, J.C. Trinkle, and R.J. Milgram, “Toward Complete Path Planning for Planar 3R-Manipulators Among Point Obstacles”, Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics, VI, PP. 329-344, 2005.
3. G.F. Liu and J.C. Trinkle, “Complete Path Planning for Planar Closed Chains Among Point Obstacles”, Robotics: Science and Systems, PP. 33-40, 2005.
4. N.Shvalb, G.F. Liu*, M. Shoham, and J.C. Trinkle, “Motion Planning for a Class of Planar Closed Chains”, Vol. 26, No. 5, PP. 457-474, International Journal of Robotics Research, 2007.
5. Y.J. Lou, G.F. Liu, and Z.X. Li, “Randomized Optimal Design of Parallel Manipulators”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Technology, Vol 5. No. 2, PP. 223-233, 2008.
6. G.F. Liu, Y.J. Lou, and Z.X. Li, “
Singularities of Parallel Manipulators: A Geometric Treatment”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2003.
7. J. Meng, G.F. Liu, and Z.X. Li, “
A Geometric Theory for Synthesis and Analysis of Sub-six DoF Parallel Manipulators”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 23, No. 4, PP. 625-649,2007. 2007.
8. G.F. Liu et al, "Single Exponential Motion and Its Kinematic Generators", Computational Kinematics, Mechanism and Machine Science, Vol. 15, PP. 323-330, 2014.
9. G.F. Liu et al, “
Geometry of Adjoint-Invariant Submanifolds of SE(3)”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 37, No. 2, PP. 699-705, 2021. (over 184 downloads from IEEE Earlier Access Website)
10. G.F. Liu, J.C. Trinkle, Y. Yang, and S.M. Luo, "Motion Planning of Planar Closed Chains With Structural Sets", IEEE Access, Vol. 8, PP. 117203-117217, 2020.
11. G.F. Liu, J.C. Trinkle, Y. Yang, J.J. Li, "On Free Velocity Cones of Narrow Passages of High-DoF Kinematic Chains", Accepted, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2021/2022.

12. G.F. Liu, "On Limit Cycles in Mobile Robot Navigation under Dynamic Environments", preprint, 2021.

Mobile Robot Localization
1. Y. Chen, WN. Chen, L. Zhu, Z. Su, X. Zhou, Y. Guan, and G.F. Liu, “A Study of Sensor-Fusion Mechanism for Mobile Robot Global Localization”, Robotica, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 37, Part 11, PP 1835-1849, 2019.

2. X. Lin, W. Chen, L. He, YS Guan, and GF Liu, "Improving Robustness of Monocular VT&R System With
Multiple Hypothesis", IEEE Robio, PP. 355-360, 2017.
(T.J. Tarn Best Paper Award Finalist)

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Motion Planning of Closed Chains
Adjoint-invariant Submanifolds