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Arak::QueryPointIndex Member List

This is the complete list of members for Arak::QueryPointIndex, including all inherited members.
addListeners(QueryPointListenerFactory &factory)Arak::QueryPointIndex
apply(const Geometry::Rectangle &r, UnaryFunction &f) const Arak::QueryPointIndex [inline]
applyToAll(UnaryFunction &f) const Arak::QueryPointIndex [inline]
closest(const Geometry::Point &p) const Arak::QueryPointIndex
colorArak::QueryPointIndex [protected]
KDTree typedefArak::QueryPointIndex [protected]
listenerListsArak::QueryPointIndex [protected]
output(const Geometry::Rectangle &r, OutputIterator it) const Arak::QueryPointIndex [inline]
point(int i) const Arak::QueryPointIndex [inline]
point(int i)Arak::QueryPointIndex [inline]
qpointsArak::QueryPointIndex [protected]
QueryPointIndex(const std::vector< Geometry::Point > &points, const std::vector< QueryPointListenerType * > &listeners)Arak::QueryPointIndex [inline]
QueryPointIndex(const Geometry::Rectangle &r, int rows, int cols)Arak::QueryPointIndex
QueryPointIndex(const QueryPointIndex &q1, const QueryPointIndex &q2)Arak::QueryPointIndex
recolor(const Geometry::Point &a, const Geometry::Point &b, const Geometry::Point &c)Arak::QueryPointIndex
recolor(const Geometry::Point &a, const Geometry::Point &b, const Geometry::Point &c, const Geometry::Point &d)Arak::QueryPointIndex
size() const Arak::QueryPointIndex [inline]
treeArak::QueryPointIndex [protected]

Generated on Wed May 25 14:41:29 2005 for Arak by doxygen 1.3.6