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Arak Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Arak::AnnealedMarkovChain< MarkovChainTraits >An annealed Metropolis-Hastings Markov chain
Arak::ArakPosteriorBernoulliObsAn posterior Arak process conditioned on color measurements with Bernoulli noise
Arak::ArakPosteriorGaussianObsAn posterior Arak process conditioned on color measurements with Gaussian noise
Arak::ArakPosteriorRangeObsAn posterior Arak process conditioned on localized range measurements with Gaussian noise
Arak::ArakPosteriorRangeObs::RangeObsA range observation
Arak::ArakPosteriorSonarObsAn posterior Arak process conditioned on localized sonar measurements with Gaussian noise
Arak::ArakPosteriorSonarObs::SonarObsA sonar observation
Arak::ArakPriorA standard Arak prior process
Arak::ArakProcessAn Arak process
Arak::CN94ProposalAn implementation of the proposal distribution described in Clifford & Nicholls (1994)
Arak::CN94Proposal::BoundaryTriangleBirthAdds a triangle with one edge along the boundary of the colored region; all points inside the triangle are recolored
Arak::CN94Proposal::BoundaryTriangleDeathRemoves a triangle against the boundary of the colored region; all points inside the triangle are recolored
Arak::CN94Proposal::CornerCutBirthRecolors a triangle in a corner of the region
Arak::CN94Proposal::CornerCutDeathRemoves a triangle in a corner of the region; all points inside the triangle are recolored
Arak::CN94Proposal::InteriorTriangleBirthAdds a triangle to the interior of the colored region; all points inside the triangle are recolored
Arak::CN94Proposal::InteriorTriangleDeathRemoves a triangle from the interior of the colored region; all points inside the triangle are recolored
Arak::CN94Proposal::InteriorVertexBirthSplits an interior edge into two by creating a new interior vertex between its endpoints
Arak::CN94Proposal::InteriorVertexDeathRemoves an interior vertex whose adjacent vertices are not connected; the adjacent vertices are joined by a new edge
Arak::CN94Proposal::MoveBdVertexPastCornerMoves a boundary vertex past a corner to an adjacent face of the boundary
Arak::CN94Proposal::MoveInteriorVertexChanges the location of an interior vertex
Arak::CN94Proposal::MoveVertexAlongBdEdgeMoves a boundary vertex along its current boundary face
Arak::CN94Proposal::RecolorRecolors a quadrilateral region of the coloring by replacing two interior edges with two new interior edges that connect the endpoints of the original edges
Arak::ColoringRepresents a binary polygonal coloring of a planar region whose boundary is an axis aligned rectangle
Arak::Coloring::BoundaryEdgeAn edge that lies in the boundary of the colored region; such edges do not represent color discontinuities
Arak::Coloring::DO_IF_VALID_TAGA tag that is used to dispatch a method that first checks whether an update would leave the coloring in a valid state, and if it would, the update is executed
Arak::Coloring::DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAGA tag that is used to dispatch a method that executes an update without first checking to see if it would leave the coloring in a valid state
Arak::Coloring::EdgeAn edge joins two vertices
Arak::Coloring::FaceColorInfoThis is the base class for objects that annotate the faces of a triangulation representing a coloring
Arak::Coloring::InteriorEdgeAn edge whose interior is inside the colored region; its associated line segment represents a color discontinuity
Arak::Coloring::ListenerThis interface is implemented by objects that must be notified when the coloring is updated
Arak::Coloring::TEST_IF_VALID_TAGA tag that is used to dispatch a method that checks whether an update would leave the coloring in a valid state
Arak::Coloring::TriangulationTraits< FaceInfoType, VertexBaseType >These traits describe the types used to form a triangulation representation of a coloring
Arak::Coloring::VertexA vertex joins interior and/or boundary edges
Arak::ColoringMoveA change to a coloring that is reversible
Arak::ColoringProposalThe proposal distribution of the Markov chain
Arak::Util::CommandLineThis class parses the command line arguments of a C/C++ program
Arak::Util::CommandLine::MultiParameter< T >A parameter that has can be specified multiple times on the command line
Arak::Util::CommandLine::OptionAn option that is either supplied or not
Arak::Util::CommandLine::Parameter< T >A parameter that has a default value and may be overridden on the command line
Arak::CriticalStatsEstimatorAn object which estimates several critical statistics whose true values are known for the Arak process
boost::function_output_iterator< UnaryFunction >
boost::function_output_iterator< UnaryFunction >::output_proxy
Arak::Grid< ItemType >A grid partitions a rectangular region into rectangular cells of equal height and width
Arak::Grid< ItemType >::CellA cell is a rectangular subregion of the window
Arak::Grid< ItemType >::Cell::EntryThis is a object which permits the efficient removal of an item from a cell's list of items
Arak::Grid< ItemType >::ConvexPolygonCellIteratorBase< GridType, CellType >A forwards iterator that ranges over the cells whose closures intersect a given convex polygon
Arak::Grid< ItemType >::LineCellIteratorBase< GridType, CellType >A forwards iterator that ranges over the cells whose closures intersect a given ray or line segment
Arak::Grid< ItemType >::LineCellIteratorBase< GridType, CellType >::RAYA tag supplied to the constructor to indicate the iterator should traverse the cells intersected by a ray
Arak::Grid< ItemType >::LineCellIteratorBase< GridType, CellType >::SEGMENTA tag supplied to the constructor to indicate the iterator should traverse the cells intersected by a line segment
Arak::Grid< ItemType >::RectangleCellIteratorBase< GridType, CellType >A mutable forwards iterator that ranges over the cells whose closures intersect a given axis-aligned rectangle
Arak::Grid< ItemType >::TriangleCellIteratorBase< GridType, CellType >A forwards iterator that ranges over the cells whose closures intersect a given triangle
Arak::GridColorEstimatorA grid of point color estimators
Arak::MarkovChain< MarkovChainTraits >A Metropolis-Hastings Markov chain
Arak::ModifiedCN94ProposalThis is a modified version of the Clifford & Nicholls (1994) proposal distribution in which the recolor move samples edges that are close together
Arak::ModifiedCN94Proposal::SlideInteriorVertexChanges the location of an interior vertex by sliding it along one of its incident edges
Arak::NullColoringMoveA null move
Arak::OccupancyGridThis is a simple class that implements "evidence grid" maps for laser and sonar updates
Arak::OccupancyGrid::OccupancyEstimatorEstimates the probability a cell is occupied
Arak::PointColorEstimatorAn estimator of the color of a point
PointerHandle< T >
Arak::PointSetColorEstimatorA set of point color estimators at arbitrary locations
Arak::QueryPointA query point is a point whose current color is maintained by a Coloring object
Arak::QueryPointIndexA query point index is a collection of query points that are indexed to permit efficient range searching
Arak::QueryPointIndex::RecolorQuadrilateralFunctionThis functor is used to recolor all query points inside a quadrilateral region (that is not necessarily convex)
Arak::QueryPointIndex::RecolorTriangleFunctionThis functor is used to recolor all query points inside a triangular region
Arak::QueryPointIndex::SearchTraitsThe type of kd-tree traits
Arak::QueryPointListenerThis class is inherited by objects that need to be informed when the color of a query point changes
Arak::QueryPointListenerFactoryThis class is specialized by objects that create listeners for points
Arak::QueryPointPotentialAn object that listens to the color of a point and updates a potential to reflect its current cost
Arak::Util::RandomA simple wrapper around the GNU Scientific Library pseudorandom number generator
Arak::ScanEdgeA scan edge is an edge of the scan adorned with metadata
Arak::ScanEventA scan event represents a portion of an interior edge that is visible
Arak::ScanVertexAn endpoint of a scan edge
Arak::ScanVertexComparatorThis object is used to place a total ordering on scan vertices
Arak::SonarImpactImpact objects represent those aspects of a sonar impact that are relevant for likelihood computations
Arak::StochasticHillClimber< MarkovChainTraits >A stochastic hill climbing Markov chain
Store< T >A simple template data structure that encapsulates the process of memory management so that deleted objects are returned to a "store" for later "reallocation"

Generated on Wed May 25 14:40:13 2005 for Arak by doxygen 1.3.6