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Todo List

Class Arak::ArakPosteriorRangeObs::RangeObs
this should be a laser scan, with laser observations inside. right now we're doing 180 times the work to check that the source of each ray is colored white.

Member Arak::Coloring::randomPoint (Arak::Util::Random &random=Arak::Util::default_random) const
Make sure this generates a point in the interior, independent of the numerical representation.

Member Arak::Coloring::toTriangulation (CGAL::Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2< Geometry::Kernel, CGAL::Tds2< CGAL::Tvb< Arak::Geometry::Kernel, CGAL::Tdsvb< void > >, CGAL::Ctfb< Geometry::Kernel, CGAL::Triangulation_face_base_with_info_2< FaceInfoType, Geometry::Kernel, CGAL::Tfb< Arak::Geometry::Kernel, CGAL::Tdsfb< void > > > > >, CGAL::No_intersection_tag > &tri) const
I can't get this to compile when I use the typedef "typename Triangulation<FaceInfoType>::Triangulation" as the parameter type.

Class Arak::Grid< ItemType >::LineCellIteratorBase< GridType, CellType >
Consider implementing Bresenham's Algorithm

Member Arak::GridColorEstimator::visualize (CGAL::Qt_widget &widget) const
Use a Qt image rendering method

Member Arak::ModifiedCN94Proposal::slide_not_move
This is an ugly consequence of the design of the base class--specifically, the fact that the MoveType enum is not easily extensible.

Member Arak::PointSetColorEstimator::visualize (CGAL::Qt_widget &widget) const
Use a Qt image rendering method

Member Arak::QueryPointIndex::RecolorQuadrilateralFunction::operator() (const QueryPoint &q)
The technique used to recolor points does not work for points on the boundary of a quadrilateral that is not simple.

Member operator<< (CGAL::Qt_widget &widget, Arak::Geometry::Polygon &poly)
Implement rendering of non-convex polygons

Member Arak::Coloring::recolorQuadrilateral (IntEdgeHandle &ab, IntEdgeHandle &cd, bool ac, DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG)
This method can reverse the orientation of one or more existing edges in the coloring, but it does not notify listeners of this change. Listeners that are sensitive to the orientation of edges will not work properly!

Generated on Wed May 25 14:40:14 2005 for Arak by doxygen 1.3.6