Ajay U. Mandlekar

Picture of Ajay. 

Ajay Mandlekar
Research Scientist at NVIDIA AI with Dieter Fox
NVIDIA Seattle Robotics Lab


Email: amandlekar@nvidia.com
Twitter: @AjayMandlekar
Google Scholar: Ajay Mandlekar
Github: amandlek
CV: link

Recent News

  • [May 2024] Check out IntervenGen, our new data generation system that extends MimicGen to the interactive imitation learning setting!

  • [November 2023] Code and datasets for OPTIMUS have been released! Try training visuomotor transformers on our TAMP-collected datasets, or on your own datasets today. Integrates directly with robomimic.

About Me

I am a research scientist at NVIDIA AI working with Dieter Fox in the Seattle Robotics Lab. I obtained my PhD degree from Stanford University, co-advised by Silvio Savarese and Fei-Fei Li. My research focuses on developing systems and algorithms to enable robots to learn useful manipulation tasks.
