Ethiopia (November-December
Monday Market of Bati: People and Camels
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is definitively not a pretty town, but at an elevation of 1500m between the
central highlands and the Rift Valley, its Monday market has been for several
centuries an important meeting place for Afars, Oromos, and Amharas.
Sundays Afar people start arriving, sometimes from far
away, and proudly lead their camels into town. In fact, camels are a status
symbol for Afars, very much like Mercedes and BMWs
are for Americans, except that (1) camels are much more useful and (2) on a
relative scale they are even more expensive. A good camel costs about 20,000
birrs, that is, about US$1,000, a huge amount of money for most people in
Ethiopia. It made me proud to remember that in 1973 I had bought a camel to cross the Danakil desert.
market scenes are interesting, I think that the main two attractions at the Bati market are (1) the ethnically diverse people and (2)
the camels.
the people.
the camels.
camels are for sale. People wishing to buy camels stay there for hours. They
watch camels for large amounts of time, trying to detect not easily visible
weaknesses. They also wait for the most favorable time to buy, for instance,
when a vendor needs to leave and return back home.
Link to Market Scenes
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