Ron Kohavi's Talks
Talks in reverse chronological order
- Ron Kohavi,
Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments and the Risks of
Uncontrolled Observational Studies,
KDD 2019 Causal Discovery workshop invited talk.
- Ron Kohavi, Performance: Each 0.1 Second Is Worth $18M For Bing,
Convex online conference invited talk 8/5/2019.
- Ron Kohavi,
Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments at Large Scale,
Decisions Conference 2018.
- Ron Kohavi,
Best Refuted Causal Claims from Observational Studies,
MIT Code 2018 invited talk.
- Ron Kohavi,
Metric Pitfalls in Online Controlled Experiments, MIT Code 2017 invited talk.
- Ron Kohavi,
Pitfalls in Online Controlled Experiments, MIT Code 2016 invited
20 minutes video.
- Ron Kohavi,
Intuition Busters, Microsoft recorded talk 2/16/2016.
- Ron Kohavi,
Challenging Problems in Online Controlled Experiments, MIT Code
2015 invited talk.
- Ron Kohavi,
Online Controlled Experiments: Lessons from Running A/B/n Tests for
12 years KDD 2015 Keynote.
- Ron Kohavi,
Lessons from Running Thousands of A/B Tests, MIT Code 2014
invited talk.
- Ron Kohavi,
Online Controlled Experiments: Introduction, Learnings, and Humbling
Statistics, Qcon conference (11/11/2013)
- Ron Kohavi,
Online Controlled Experiments: Introduction, Learnings, and Humbling
Statistics, ACM Recommender Systems industry keynote, Sept 2012
(Powerpoint PPTX).
- Ron Kohavi,
Online Controlled Experiments: Listening to the Customers,
not to the HiPPO
(PPTX) (video),
SD Forum's Analytics Revolution, April 2010.
- Ron Kohavi and Roger Longbotham,
Top 7 Testing Pitfalls (audio), Which Test Won, Nov 18, 2009.
- Ron Kohavi,
Online Experimentation at Microsoft
talk at Seattle Tech
Startup, Sept 2009.
- Ron Kohavi, Roger Longbotham, John Quarto-vonTivadar,
Planning, Running, and Analyzing Controlled
Experiments on the Web (part1)
KDD 2009 Tutorial.
- Ron Kohavi,
Practical Guide to Controlled
Experiments (video),
talk at CIKM 2008: ACM 17th Conference on
Information and Knowledge management.
- Ron Kohavi,
Practical Guide to Controlled Experiments on the Web, talk at
eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit 2007.
- Ron Kohavi,
Focus the Mining Beacon: Lessons and Challenges from the World of E-Commerce
, ACM first S.F. Data Mining SIG talk, June 14, 2006.
- Ron Kohavi,
Focus the Mining Beacon: Lessons and Challenges from the World of E-Commerce
, keynote at PKDD/ECML 2005.
- Ron Kohavi,
Front Line Internet Analytics at,
talk at
eMetrics 2004, June 2004.
- Ron Kohavi,
Real-world Insights from Mining Retail E-Commerce Data
(PPT), talk at
Stanford's CSLI's Seminar on Computational Learning and Adaptation on,
May 22, 2003.
- Ron Kohavi,
Deriving Key Insights from Blue Martini
Business Intelligence: Summary of key insights from using
Business Intelligence against
Debenhams and MEC sites (PPT).
Approved by Debenhams and MEC.
Presented at Webinar on March 10, 2003.
- Ron Kohavi, Mining Customer Data,
Etail CRM Summit, 2002.; The talk was cited in ComputerWorld.
- Ron Kohavi,
Mining E-commerce Data, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
invited paper/talk at KDD 2001's industrial track:
Proceedings of the seventh ACM SIGKDD international conference on
Knowledge discovery and data mining, p. 8-13, 2001 .
- Ron Kohavi, Mining E-commerce Data, the Good,
the Bad, and the Ugly, invited talk at PAKDD 2001, April 16-18,
2001, Hong Kong.
Coverage in the South China Morning
Press, the largest English newspaper in Hong Kong.
- Ron Kohavi,
An Ideal E-Commerce Architecture for
Building Web Sites Supporting Analysis and Personalization, invited
talk at the Information Architecture and Web Site Design class, Berkeley,
Oct 2000.
- Ron Kohavi, Mining E-Commerce Data: The Good, the Bad,
and the Ugly, Invited talk at SAS's
M2000 Data Mining Technology conference, Oct 2000.
- Ron Kohavi,
Data Mining and Visualization, invited
talk at the National
Academy of Engineering US Frontiers of Engineers, Sept 2000.
Available in book form Frontiers of Engineering: Reports on Leading-Edge Engineering From the 2000 NAE Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering.
- Ron Kohavi,
Personalization Panel, in
KDD-2000, Sixth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on
Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, Personalization and Data Mining Panel:
Exploring the Synergies, Aug 2000.
- Ron Kohavi and Carla Brodley,
KDD-CUP 2000: Peeling the Onion (slides),
KDD-2000, Sixth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on
Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining.
KDD-Cup 2000 Organizers' Report: Peeling the Onion appeared in
SIGKDD Explorations Volume 2, issue 2, p. 86-93, 2000.
- Ron Kohavi,
Mining E-Commerce Data: Challenges and
Stories from the Trenches (slides) and
Workshop on Data Mining in the
Internet Age, 2 May 2000.
- Ron Kohavi,
Embedding Data Mining Technology in
E-Commerce Applications (slides),
invited talk at ICML-99 industrial day.
June 99, Slovenia.
ronnyk@ live dot com