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00001 #include "query_point.hpp"
00002 #include <CGAL/Orthogonal_k_neighbor_search.h>
00004 using namespace Arak;
00006 QueryPointIndex::QueryPointIndex(const Geometry::Rectangle& r, 
00007          int rows, int cols) {
00008   // Allocate the color variables and listener lists
00009   int n = rows * cols;
00010   color = new Color[n];
00011   listenerLists = new QueryPointListenerList[n];
00012   // Create the query points.
00013   qpoints.reserve(n);
00014   typedef Geometry::Kernel::FT FT;
00015   FT gridx = (r.xmax() - r.xmin()) / FT(rows + 1);
00016   FT gridy = (r.ymax() - r.ymin()) / FT(cols + 1);
00017   FT x = r.xmin() + gridx; 
00018   int k = 0;
00019   for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
00020     FT y = r.ymin() + gridy; 
00021     for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
00022       color[k] = INVALID_COLOR;
00023       qpoints.push_back(QueryPoint(Geometry::Point(x, y),
00024            &(listenerLists[k]), 
00025            &(color[k])));
00026       k++;
00027       y += gridy; 
00028     }
00029     x += gridx; 
00030   }
00031   // Initialize the KD tree.
00032   tree = new KDTree(qpoints.begin(), qpoints.end());
00033 }
00035 QueryPointIndex::QueryPointIndex(const QueryPointIndex& q1, 
00036          const QueryPointIndex& q2) {
00037   int m = q1.size();
00038   int n = q2.size();
00039   // Allocate the color variables and listener lists
00040   color = new Color[m + n];
00041   listenerLists = new QueryPointListenerList[m + n];
00042   for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
00043     color[i] = q1.color[i];
00044     listenerLists[i] = q1.listenerLists[i];
00045   }
00046   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00047     color[i + m] = q2.color[i];
00048     listenerLists[i + m] = q2.listenerLists[i];
00049   }
00050   // Create the query points.
00051   qpoints.reserve(m + n);
00052   for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) 
00053     qpoints.push_back(QueryPoint(q1.point(i),
00054          &(listenerLists[i]), 
00055          &(color[i])));
00056   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
00057     qpoints.push_back(QueryPoint(q2.point(i),
00058          &(listenerLists[i + m]), 
00059          &(color[i + m])));
00060   // Initialize the KD tree.
00061   tree = new KDTree(qpoints.begin(), qpoints.end());
00062 }
00064 QueryPointIndex::~QueryPointIndex() { 
00065   delete [] color;
00066   delete [] listenerLists;
00067   delete tree;
00068 }
00070 void QueryPointIndex::addListeners(QueryPointListenerFactory& factory) {
00071   for (int i = 0; i < int(qpoints.size()); i++) 
00072     listenerLists[i].push_back(factory.create(qpoints[i]));
00073 }
00075 const QueryPoint& QueryPointIndex::closest(const Geometry::Point& p) const { 
00076   typedef CGAL::Orthogonal_k_neighbor_search<SearchTraits> NeighborSearch;
00077   SearchTraits::Point_d q = p;
00078   NeighborSearch ns(const_cast<KDTree&>(*tree), q);
00079   return ns.begin()->first;
00080 }
00082 void QueryPointIndex::recolor(const Geometry::Point& a,
00083             const Geometry::Point& b,
00084             const Geometry::Point& c) {
00085   const Geometry::Point* xmin = &a;
00086   const Geometry::Point* xmax = &a;
00087   const Geometry::Point* ymin = &a;
00088   const Geometry::Point* ymax = &a;
00089   if (xmin->x() > b.x()) xmin = &b;
00090   if (xmin->x() > c.x()) xmin = &c;
00091   if (xmax->x() < b.x()) xmax = &b;
00092   if (xmax->x() < c.x()) xmax = &c;
00093   if (ymin->y() > b.y()) ymin = &b;
00094   if (ymin->y() > c.y()) ymin = &c;
00095   if (ymax->y() < b.y()) ymax = &b;
00096   if (ymax->y() < c.y()) ymax = &c;
00097   Geometry::Rectangle r(*xmin, *xmax, *ymin, *ymax);
00098 #ifdef SANITY_CHECK
00099   assert(!r.has_on_unbounded_side(a));
00100   assert(!r.has_on_unbounded_side(b));
00101   assert(!r.has_on_unbounded_side(c));
00102 #endif
00103   Geometry::Triangle t(a, b, c);
00104   RecolorTriangleFunction f(t);
00105   apply(r, f);
00106 }
00108 void QueryPointIndex::recolor(const Geometry::Point& a,
00109             const Geometry::Point& b,
00110             const Geometry::Point& c,
00111             const Geometry::Point& d) {
00112 #ifdef SANITY_CHECK
00113   assert(!do_intersect(Geometry::Segment(a, b), 
00114            Geometry::Segment(c, d)));
00115 #endif
00116   const Geometry::Point* xmin = &a;
00117   const Geometry::Point* xmax = &a;
00118   const Geometry::Point* ymin = &a;
00119   const Geometry::Point* ymax = &a;
00120   if (xmin->x() > b.x()) xmin = &b;
00121   if (xmin->x() > c.x()) xmin = &c;
00122   if (xmin->x() > d.x()) xmin = &d;
00123   if (xmax->x() < b.x()) xmax = &b;
00124   if (xmax->x() < c.x()) xmax = &c;
00125   if (xmax->x() < d.x()) xmax = &d;
00126   if (ymin->y() > b.y()) ymin = &b;
00127   if (ymin->y() > c.y()) ymin = &c;
00128   if (ymin->y() > d.y()) ymin = &d;
00129   if (ymax->y() < b.y()) ymax = &b;
00130   if (ymax->y() < c.y()) ymax = &c;
00131   if (ymax->y() < d.y()) ymax = &d;
00132   Geometry::Rectangle r(*xmin, *xmax, *ymin, *ymax);
00133 #ifdef SANITY_CHECK
00134   assert(!r.has_on_unbounded_side(a));
00135   assert(!r.has_on_unbounded_side(b));
00136   assert(!r.has_on_unbounded_side(c));
00137   assert(!r.has_on_unbounded_side(d));
00138 #endif
00139   Geometry::Triangle t1(a, b, c);
00140   Geometry::Triangle t2(a, c, d);
00141 #ifdef SANITY_CHECK
00142   assert(!t1.is_degenerate());
00143   assert(!t2.is_degenerate());
00144 #endif
00145   RecolorQuadrilateralFunction f(t1, t2);
00146   apply(r, f);
00147 }

Generated on Wed May 25 14:39:18 2005 for Arak by doxygen 1.3.6