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Arak Namespace Reference


class  ArakProcess
 An Arak process. More...

class  ArakPrior
 A standard Arak prior process. More...

class  CN94Proposal
 An implementation of the proposal distribution described in Clifford & Nicholls (1994). More...

class  CN94Proposal::InteriorTriangleBirth
 Adds a triangle to the interior of the colored region; all points inside the triangle are recolored. More...

class  CN94Proposal::InteriorTriangleDeath
 Removes a triangle from the interior of the colored region; all points inside the triangle are recolored. More...

class  CN94Proposal::Recolor
 Recolors a quadrilateral region of the coloring by replacing two interior edges with two new interior edges that connect the endpoints of the original edges. More...

class  CN94Proposal::MoveInteriorVertex
 Changes the location of an interior vertex. More...

class  CN94Proposal::MoveVertexAlongBdEdge
 Moves a boundary vertex along its current boundary face. More...

class  CN94Proposal::MoveBdVertexPastCorner
 Moves a boundary vertex past a corner to an adjacent face of the boundary. More...

class  CN94Proposal::InteriorVertexBirth
 Splits an interior edge into two by creating a new interior vertex between its endpoints. More...

class  CN94Proposal::InteriorVertexDeath
 Removes an interior vertex whose adjacent vertices are not connected; the adjacent vertices are joined by a new edge. More...

class  CN94Proposal::BoundaryTriangleBirth
 Adds a triangle with one edge along the boundary of the colored region; all points inside the triangle are recolored. More...

class  CN94Proposal::BoundaryTriangleDeath
 Removes a triangle against the boundary of the colored region; all points inside the triangle are recolored. More...

class  CN94Proposal::CornerCutBirth
 Recolors a triangle in a corner of the region. More...

class  CN94Proposal::CornerCutDeath
 Removes a triangle in a corner of the region; all points inside the triangle are recolored. More...

class  ModifiedCN94Proposal
 This is a modified version of the Clifford & Nicholls (1994) proposal distribution in which the recolor move samples edges that are close together. More...

class  ModifiedCN94Proposal::SlideInteriorVertex
 Changes the location of an interior vertex by sliding it along one of its incident edges. More...

class  Coloring
 Represents a binary polygonal coloring of a planar region whose boundary is an axis aligned rectangle. More...

struct  Coloring::FaceColorInfo
 This is the base class for objects that annotate the faces of a triangulation representing a coloring. More...

struct  Coloring::TriangulationTraits
 These traits describe the types used to form a triangulation representation of a coloring. More...

class  Coloring::Vertex
 A vertex joins interior and/or boundary edges. More...

class  Coloring::Edge
 An edge joins two vertices. More...

class  Coloring::InteriorEdge
 An edge whose interior is inside the colored region; its associated line segment represents a color discontinuity. More...

class  Coloring::BoundaryEdge
 An edge that lies in the boundary of the colored region; such edges do not represent color discontinuities. More...

class  Coloring::Listener
 This interface is implemented by objects that must be notified when the coloring is updated. More...

struct  Coloring::TEST_IF_VALID_TAG
 A tag that is used to dispatch a method that checks whether an update would leave the coloring in a valid state. More...

struct  Coloring::DO_IF_VALID_TAG
 A tag that is used to dispatch a method that first checks whether an update would leave the coloring in a valid state, and if it would, the update is executed. More...

struct  Coloring::DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG
 A tag that is used to dispatch a method that executes an update without first checking to see if it would leave the coloring in a valid state. More...

class  ColoringMove
 A change to a coloring that is reversible. More...

class  NullColoringMove
 A null move. More...

class  ColoringProposal
 The proposal distribution of the Markov chain. More...

struct  ArakMarkovChainTraits
struct  ScanVertex
 An endpoint of a scan edge. More...

struct  ScanEdge
 A scan edge is an edge of the scan adorned with metadata. More...

class  ScanVertexComparator
 This object is used to place a total ordering on scan vertices. More...

struct  ScanEvent
 A scan event represents a portion of an interior edge that is visible. More...

class  PointColorEstimator
 An estimator of the color of a point. More...

class  PointSetColorEstimator
 A set of point color estimators at arbitrary locations. More...

class  GridColorEstimator
 A grid of point color estimators. More...

class  Grid
 A grid partitions a rectangular region into rectangular cells of equal height and width. More...

class  Grid::Cell
 A cell is a rectangular subregion of the window. More...

class  Grid::Cell::Entry
 This is a object which permits the efficient removal of an item from a cell's list of items. More...

class  Grid::LineCellIteratorBase
 A forwards iterator that ranges over the cells whose closures intersect a given ray or line segment. More...

struct  Grid::LineCellIteratorBase::SEGMENT
 A tag supplied to the constructor to indicate the iterator should traverse the cells intersected by a line segment. More...

struct  Grid::LineCellIteratorBase::RAY
 A tag supplied to the constructor to indicate the iterator should traverse the cells intersected by a ray. More...

class  Grid::RectangleCellIteratorBase
 A mutable forwards iterator that ranges over the cells whose closures intersect a given axis-aligned rectangle. More...

class  Grid::TriangleCellIteratorBase
 A forwards iterator that ranges over the cells whose closures intersect a given triangle. More...

class  Grid::ConvexPolygonCellIteratorBase
 A forwards iterator that ranges over the cells whose closures intersect a given convex polygon. More...

class  ColoringQTLayer
class  ColoringQTWidget
class  MarkovChain
 A Metropolis-Hastings Markov chain. More...

class  AnnealedMarkovChain
 An annealed Metropolis-Hastings Markov chain. More...

class  StochasticHillClimber
 A stochastic hill climbing Markov chain. More...

class  OccupancyGrid
 This is a simple class that implements "evidence grid" maps for laser and sonar updates. More...

class  OccupancyGrid::OccupancyEstimator
 Estimates the probability a cell is occupied. More...

class  QueryPointPotential
 An object that listens to the color of a point and updates a potential to reflect its current cost. More...

class  ArakPosteriorGaussianObs
 An posterior Arak process conditioned on color measurements with Gaussian noise. More...

class  ArakPosteriorBernoulliObs
 An posterior Arak process conditioned on color measurements with Bernoulli noise. More...

class  QueryPointListener
 This class is inherited by objects that need to be informed when the color of a query point changes. More...

class  QueryPoint
 A query point is a point whose current color is maintained by a Coloring object. More...

class  QueryPointListenerFactory
 This class is specialized by objects that create listeners for points. More...

class  QueryPointIndex
 A query point index is a collection of query points that are indexed to permit efficient range searching. More...

class  QueryPointIndex::SearchTraits
 The type of kd-tree traits. More...

class  QueryPointIndex::RecolorTriangleFunction
 This functor is used to recolor all query points inside a triangular region. More...

class  QueryPointIndex::RecolorQuadrilateralFunction
 This functor is used to recolor all query points inside a quadrilateral region (that is not necessarily convex). More...

class  ArakPosteriorRangeObs
 An posterior Arak process conditioned on localized range measurements with Gaussian noise. More...

class  ArakPosteriorRangeObs::RangeObs
 A range observation. More...

struct  SonarImpact
 Impact objects represent those aspects of a sonar impact that are relevant for likelihood computations. More...

class  ArakPosteriorSonarObs
 An posterior Arak process conditioned on localized sonar measurements with Gaussian noise. More...

class  ArakPosteriorSonarObs::SonarObs
 A sonar observation. More...

class  CriticalStatsEstimator
 An object which estimates several critical statistics whose true values are known for the Arak process. More...


typedef MarkovChain< ArakMarkovChainTraitsArakMarkovChain
 A Metropolis-Hastings Markov chain for obtaining samples from an Arak process.

typedef AnnealedMarkovChain<
 An annealed Metropolis-Hastings Markov chain for obtaining samples from an Arak process.

typedef StochasticHillClimber<
 A stochastic hill climbing Markov chain for optimizing an Arak process.

typedef PointerHandle< ScanEdgeScanEdgeHandle
typedef std::list< QueryPointListener * > QueryPointListenerList
 A list of listeners associated with the same query point.


enum  Color { WHITE = 0, BLACK, INVALID_COLOR }
 The possible colors. More...



CGAL::Qt_widget & operator<< (CGAL::Qt_widget &widget, const ArakProcess &p)
 Renders a graphical representation of an Arak process using the supplied widget.

std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Coloring &c)
 Writes a text representation of the coloring to the stream.

std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, Coloring &c)
 Reads a coloring from the stream.

Geometry::Triangle outerApprox (const Geometry::Point &vertex, const Geometry::Direction &min, const Geometry::Direction &max, const Geometry::Kernel::FT &radius)
 Provides a triangular outer approximation to this cone.

Geometry::Point intersection (const Geometry::Point &p, const Geometry::Direction &d, const Geometry::Segment &s)
 Computes the intersection of a ray and a segment that are known to intersect.

CGAL::Comparison_result compare (const Geometry::Direction &a, const Geometry::Direction &b, const Geometry::Direction &min)
 Compares two directions to see which is closer to a third.

Geometry::Point intersection (const Geometry::Point &p, const Geometry::Direction &d, const ScanEdgeHandle se)
 Computes the intersection of a ray and a scan edge that are known to intersect.

bool cones_intersect (const Geometry::Direction &amin, const Geometry::Direction &amax, const Geometry::Direction &bmin, const Geometry::Direction &bmax)
 Returns true iff two cones are disjoint.

bool cone_subset (const Geometry::Direction &amin, const Geometry::Direction &amax, const Geometry::Direction &bmin, const Geometry::Direction &bmax)
 Returns true one cone is a subset of another.

bool closer (const Geometry::Point &p, const Geometry::Direction &dir, ScanEdgeHandle a, ScanEdgeHandle b)
 Returns true if two scan edges, known to overlap a given ray, are ordered by depth.

template<class OutputIterator> void coneTrace (const Coloring &coloring, const Geometry::Point &vertex, const Geometry::Direction &min, const Geometry::Direction &max, const Geometry::Kernel::FT &radius, const Geometry::Triangle &filter, OutputIterator out)
 Computes all edges of a coloring that are visible in a cone.

template<class OutputIterator> void coneTrace (const Coloring &coloring, const Geometry::Point &vertex, const Geometry::Direction &min, const Geometry::Direction &max, const Geometry::Kernel::FT &radius, OutputIterator out)
 Computes all edges of a coloring that are visible in a cone.

CGAL::Qt_widget & operator<< (CGAL::Qt_widget &widget, PointSetColorEstimator &p)
 Renders a graphical representation of the point set color estimator using the supplied widget.

template<typename charT, typename traits> std::basic_ostream< charT,
traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &out, const PointSetColorEstimator &p)
 Writes an ASCII representation of the current estimates to the supplied stream.

CGAL::Qt_widget & operator<< (CGAL::Qt_widget &widget, GridColorEstimator &p)
 Renders a graphical representation of the grid color estimator using the supplied widget.

template<typename charT, typename traits> std::basic_ostream< charT,
traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &out, const GridColorEstimator &p)
 Writes an ASCII representation of the current estimates to the supplied stream.

Color opposite (Color c)
 Computes the opposite of a color.

template<typename charT, typename traits> std::basic_istream< charT,
traits > & 
skipline (std::basic_istream< charT, traits > &in)
 An input stream manipulator that reads off everything up to (and including) the next newline.

template<typename charT, typename traits> std::basic_istream< charT,
traits > & 
skipcomments (std::basic_istream< charT, traits > &in)
 An input stream manipulator that reads #-style comments off of an input stream (if any exist).

double ln (double x)
 Computes the natural logarithm of x.

QApplication * InitGui (int argc, char **argv, int width, int height, Coloring &c, ArakProcess &p, GridColorEstimator &e, QMutex &mutex, bool toolbar=true, double refreshRateHz=2.0)
CGAL::Qt_widget & operator<< (CGAL::Qt_widget &widget, ArakPosteriorGaussianObs &p)
 Renders a graphical representation of an Arak posterior using the supplied widget.

CGAL::Qt_widget & operator<< (CGAL::Qt_widget &widget, ArakPosteriorBernoulliObs &p)
 Renders a graphical representation of an Arak posterior using the supplied widget.

CGAL::Qt_widget & operator<< (CGAL::Qt_widget &widget, ArakPosteriorRangeObs &p)
 Renders a graphical representation of an Arak posterior using the supplied widget.

void computeSonarImpacts (const Coloring &coloring, const Geometry::Point &vertex, const Geometry::Direction &min, const Geometry::Direction &max, const Geometry::Kernel::FT maxRange, std::vector< SonarImpact > &impacts, double *maxImpactRange=NULL)
 Uses conic ray tracing to compute the sonar impacts associated with a given coloring and sonar cone.

bool computeFirstSonarImpact (const Coloring &coloring, const Geometry::Point &vertex, const Geometry::Direction &min, const Geometry::Direction &max, const Geometry::Kernel::FT maxRange, SonarImpact &impact)
 Computes the closest sonar impact associated with a given coloring and sonar cone.

CGAL::Qt_widget & operator<< (CGAL::Qt_widget &widget, ArakPosteriorSonarObs &p)
 Renders a graphical representation of an Arak posterior using the supplied widget.


const int jet_size = 64
const unsigned char jet_rgb [64][3]
const CGAL::Color jet_colors [64]

Typedef Documentation

typedef AnnealedMarkovChain<ArakMarkovChainTraits> Arak::AnnealedArakMarkovChain

An annealed Metropolis-Hastings Markov chain for obtaining samples from an Arak process.

Definition at line 149 of file coloring_mcmc.hpp.

Referenced by sampler().

typedef MarkovChain<ArakMarkovChainTraits> Arak::ArakMarkovChain

A Metropolis-Hastings Markov chain for obtaining samples from an Arak process.

Definition at line 143 of file coloring_mcmc.hpp.

Referenced by Arak::GridColorEstimator::GridColorEstimator(), Arak::PointColorEstimator::PointColorEstimator(), Arak::PointSetColorEstimator::PointSetColorEstimator(), and sampler().

typedef StochasticHillClimber<ArakMarkovChainTraits> Arak::HillClimbingArakMarkovChain

A stochastic hill climbing Markov chain for optimizing an Arak process.

Definition at line 155 of file coloring_mcmc.hpp.

Referenced by sampler().

typedef std::list<QueryPointListener*> Arak::QueryPointListenerList

A list of listeners associated with the same query point.

Definition at line 40 of file query_point.hpp.

Referenced by Arak::QueryPoint::QueryPoint(), and Arak::QueryPointIndex::QueryPointIndex().

typedef PointerHandle<ScanEdge> Arak::ScanEdgeHandle

Definition at line 68 of file cone_tracing.hpp.

Referenced by closer(), coneTrace(), intersection(), Arak::ScanEdge::max(), Arak::ScanEdge::min(), and Arak::ScanVertex::ScanVertex().

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum Arak::Color

The possible colors.

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 31 of file global.hpp.

Referenced by Arak::QueryPoint::color(), Arak::Coloring::color(), Arak::GridColorEstimator::GridColorEstimator(), opposite(), Arak::QueryPointIndex::QueryPointIndex(), Arak::Coloring::read(), Arak::Coloring::readBinary(), Arak::Coloring::toTriangulation(), Arak::ArakPosteriorRangeObs::updateObsLP(), Arak::Coloring::write(), and Arak::Coloring::writeBinary().

enum Arak::VizType

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 47 of file gui.hpp.

Function Documentation

bool closer const Geometry::Point p,
const Geometry::Direction dir,
ScanEdgeHandle  a,
ScanEdgeHandle  b

Returns true if two scan edges, known to overlap a given ray, are ordered by depth.

p the source of the ray
dir the direction of the ray
a a handle to the first scan edge
b a handle to the second scan edge
true if edge a is closer to p than b

Definition at line 326 of file cone_tracing.hpp.

References Arak::Geometry::Direction, intersection(), Arak::Geometry::Point, and ScanEdgeHandle.

Referenced by coneTrace().

CGAL::Comparison_result compare const Geometry::Direction a,
const Geometry::Direction b,
const Geometry::Direction min

Compares two directions to see which is closer to a third.

a a direction
b a direction
min a direction
CGAL::EQUAL if a and b are the same direction, CGAL::SMALLER if in a counterclockwise sweep from min, a precedes b

Definition at line 208 of file cone_tracing.hpp.

References Arak::Geometry::Direction.

Referenced by Arak::ScanVertexComparator::operator()().

bool Arak::computeFirstSonarImpact const Coloring coloring,
const Geometry::Point vertex,
const Geometry::Direction min,
const Geometry::Direction max,
const Geometry::Kernel::FT  maxRange,
SonarImpact impact

Computes the closest sonar impact associated with a given coloring and sonar cone.

coloring the coloring representing the map
vertex the location of the sonar sensor
min the minimum direction of the sonar cone
max the maximum direction of the sonar cone
maxRange the maximum range, i.e. radius of the sonar cone
impact updated with the sonar impact information (if any)
true iff there was an impact in the sonar cone

Definition at line 137 of file sonar_obs.cpp.

References coloring, cones_intersect(), Arak::Geometry::Direction, Arak::SonarImpact::dmax, Arak::ScanEdge::dmax, Arak::SonarImpact::dmin, Arak::ScanEdge::dmin, Arak::Coloring::getInteriorEdgeIndex(), Arak::ScanEdge::init(), Arak::Coloring::InteriorEdgeIndex, Arak::SonarImpact::min_range, outerApprox(), Arak::SonarImpact::pmax, Arak::ScanEdge::pmax, Arak::SonarImpact::pmin, Arak::ScanEdge::pmin, Arak::Geometry::Point, Arak::SonarImpact::projection, Arak::Geometry::Triangle, and Arak::SonarImpact::visible_angle.

Referenced by Arak::ArakPosteriorSonarObs::updateObsLP().

void Arak::computeSonarImpacts const Coloring coloring,
const Geometry::Point vertex,
const Geometry::Direction min,
const Geometry::Direction max,
const Geometry::Kernel::FT  maxRange,
std::vector< SonarImpact > &  impacts,
double *  maxImpactRange = NULL

Uses conic ray tracing to compute the sonar impacts associated with a given coloring and sonar cone.

coloring the coloring representing the map
vertex the location of the sonar sensor
min the minimum direction of the sonar cone
max the maximum direction of the sonar cone
maxRange the maximum range, i.e. radius of the sonar cone
impacts a vector that is emptied and populated with sonar impacts sorted by minimum depth
maxImpactRange if this pointer is not NULL, then it is set to the maximum range visible across the entire sonar cone (which may be positive infinity)

Definition at line 101 of file sonar_obs.cpp.

References coloring, coneTrace(), Arak::Geometry::Direction, and Arak::Geometry::Point.

Referenced by Arak::ArakPosteriorSonarObs::updateObsLP().

bool cone_subset const Geometry::Direction amin,
const Geometry::Direction amax,
const Geometry::Direction bmin,
const Geometry::Direction bmax

Returns true one cone is a subset of another.

amin the minimum direction of the first cone
amax the maximum direction of the first cone
bmin the minimum direction of the second cone
bmax the maximum direction of the second cone
true iff the first cone is a subset of the second

Definition at line 305 of file cone_tracing.hpp.

References Arak::Geometry::Direction.

Referenced by coneTrace().

bool cones_intersect const Geometry::Direction amin,
const Geometry::Direction amax,
const Geometry::Direction bmin,
const Geometry::Direction bmax

Returns true iff two cones are disjoint.

amin the minimum direction of the first cone
amax the maximum direction of the first cone
bmin the minimum direction of the second cone
bmax the maximum direction of the second cone
true iff the first and second cones are disjoint

Definition at line 284 of file cone_tracing.hpp.

References Arak::Geometry::Direction.

Referenced by computeFirstSonarImpact(), and coneTrace().

template<class OutputIterator>
void coneTrace const Coloring coloring,
const Geometry::Point vertex,
const Geometry::Direction min,
const Geometry::Direction max,
const Geometry::Kernel::FT &  radius,
OutputIterator  out

Computes all edges of a coloring that are visible in a cone.

coloring the coloring
vertex the vertex of the cone, i.e., the point that is viewing the edges
min the minimum direction that is visible
max the maximum direction that is visible
radius the maximum distance that is visible
out an output iterator to which ScanEvent objects are assigned

Definition at line 560 of file cone_tracing.hpp.

References coloring, coneTrace(), Arak::Geometry::Direction, outerApprox(), Arak::Geometry::Point, and Arak::Geometry::Triangle.

template<class OutputIterator>
void coneTrace const Coloring coloring,
const Geometry::Point vertex,
const Geometry::Direction min,
const Geometry::Direction max,
const Geometry::Kernel::FT &  radius,
const Geometry::Triangle filter,
OutputIterator  out

Computes all edges of a coloring that are visible in a cone.

coloring the coloring
vertex the vertex of the cone, i.e., the point that is viewing the edges
min the minimum direction that is visible
max the maximum direction that is visible
radius the maximum distance that is visible
filter an outer triangular approximation to the cone; this is used to probe the coloring's edge index
out an output iterator to which ScanEvent objects are assigned

Definition at line 409 of file cone_tracing.hpp.

References Arak::Geometry::boundingRectangle(), closer(), coloring, cone_subset(), cones_intersect(), Arak::Geometry::Direction, Arak::ScanEvent::dmax, Arak::ScanEvent::dmin, Arak::ScanEvent::edge, Arak::Coloring::getInteriorEdgeIndex(), Arak::ScanEdge::init(), Arak::Coloring::IntEdgeHandle, Arak::Coloring::InteriorEdgeIndex, intersection(), Arak::ScanEvent::pmax, Arak::ScanEvent::pmin, Arak::Geometry::Point, Arak::Geometry::Rectangle, ScanEdgeHandle, Arak::Geometry::Triangle, and PointerHandle< T >::valid().

Referenced by computeSonarImpacts(), and coneTrace().

QApplication * Arak::InitGui int  argc,
char **  argv,
int  width,
int  height,
Coloring c,
ArakProcess &  p,
GridColorEstimator e,
QMutex &  mutex,
bool  toolbar = true,
double  refreshRateHz = 2.0

Definition at line 14 of file gui.cpp.

References Arak::Coloring::boundary(), and Arak::ColoringQTLayer::draw().

Referenced by sampler().

Geometry::Point intersection const Geometry::Point p,
const Geometry::Direction d,
const ScanEdgeHandle  se

Computes the intersection of a ray and a scan edge that are known to intersect.

p the source of the ray
d the direction of the ray
se a handle to the scan edge
the point where the ray and scan edge intersect

Definition at line 267 of file cone_tracing.hpp.

References Arak::Geometry::Direction, intersection(), Arak::Geometry::Point, and ScanEdgeHandle.

Geometry::Point intersection const Geometry::Point p,
const Geometry::Direction d,
const Geometry::Segment s

Computes the intersection of a ray and a segment that are known to intersect.

p the source of the ray
d the direction of the ray
s the segment
the point where the ray and segment intersect

Definition at line 54 of file cone_tracing.hpp.

References Arak::Geometry::Direction, Arak::Geometry::Line, Arak::Geometry::Point, and Arak::Geometry::Segment.

Referenced by closer(), coneTrace(), Arak::ScanEdge::init(), intersection(), Arak::Grid< ItemType >::LineCellIteratorBase< GridType, CellType >::LineCellIteratorBase(), and Arak::Coloring::trace().

double ln double  x  )  [inline]

Computes the natural logarithm of x.

If x is zero, this returns negative infinity (-std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()); if x is negative, an error is signalled.

Definition at line 105 of file global.hpp.

Referenced by Arak::AnnealedMarkovChain< MarkovChainTraits >::AnnealedMarkovChain(), Arak::ArakPosteriorBernoulliObs::ArakPosteriorBernoulliObs(), Arak::ArakPrior::edgeHasBeenAdded(), Arak::ArakPrior::edgeWillBeRemoved(), Arak::ModifiedCN94Proposal::ll(), Arak::CN94Proposal::ll(), Arak::ArakPrior::logMeasure(), Arak::Geometry::logSineB(), Arak::ModifiedCN94Proposal::rll(), Arak::CN94Proposal::rll(), Arak::ArakPosteriorSonarObs::updateObsLP(), and Arak::ArakPosteriorRangeObs::updateObsLP().

CGAL::Qt_widget& operator<< CGAL::Qt_widget &  widget,
ArakPosteriorSonarObs p

Renders a graphical representation of an Arak posterior using the supplied widget.

The sonar measurments are rendered as line segments.

widget the widget on which to visualize the process
p the process to visualize
the widget after the rendering is finished

CGAL::Qt_widget& operator<< CGAL::Qt_widget &  widget,
ArakPosteriorRangeObs p

Renders a graphical representation of an Arak posterior using the supplied widget.

The range measurments are rendered as line segments.

widget the widget on which to visualize the process
p the process to visualize
the widget after the rendering is finished

CGAL::Qt_widget& operator<< CGAL::Qt_widget &  widget,
ArakPosteriorBernoulliObs p

Renders a graphical representation of an Arak posterior using the supplied widget.

The Bernoulli observations are rendered as disks of varying gray level.

widget the widget on which to visualize the process
p the process to visualize
the widget after the rendering is finished

CGAL::Qt_widget& operator<< CGAL::Qt_widget &  widget,
ArakPosteriorGaussianObs p

Renders a graphical representation of an Arak posterior using the supplied widget.

The Gaussian observations are rendered as disks of varying gray level.

widget the widget on which to visualize the process
p the process to visualize
the widget after the rendering is finished

template<typename charT, typename traits>
std::basic_ostream<charT,traits>& operator<< std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &  out,
const GridColorEstimator p

Writes an ASCII representation of the current estimates to the supplied stream.

out the stream on which to write the estimates
p the estimates to write
the stream after the output is finished

Definition at line 442 of file estimation.hpp.

CGAL::Qt_widget& operator<< CGAL::Qt_widget &  widget,
GridColorEstimator p

Renders a graphical representation of the grid color estimator using the supplied widget.

The point color estimates are rendered as disks of varying gray level.

widget the widget on which to visualize the estimates
p the estimates to visualize
the widget after the rendering is finished

Definition at line 426 of file estimation.hpp.

References Arak::GridColorEstimator::visualize().

template<typename charT, typename traits>
std::basic_ostream<charT,traits>& operator<< std::basic_ostream< charT, traits > &  out,
const PointSetColorEstimator p

Writes an ASCII representation of the current estimates to the supplied stream.

out the stream on which to write the estimates
p the estimates to write
the stream after the output is finished

Definition at line 277 of file estimation.hpp.

CGAL::Qt_widget& operator<< CGAL::Qt_widget &  widget,
PointSetColorEstimator p

Renders a graphical representation of the point set color estimator using the supplied widget.

The point color estimates are rendered as disks of varying gray level.

widget the widget on which to visualize the estimates
p the estimates to visualize
the widget after the rendering is finished

Definition at line 261 of file estimation.hpp.

References Arak::PointSetColorEstimator::visualize().

std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  out,
const Coloring c

Writes a text representation of the coloring to the stream.

out the output stream
c the coloring to write
the output stream

Definition at line 1918 of file coloring.hpp.

References Arak::Coloring::write().

CGAL::Qt_widget& operator<< CGAL::Qt_widget &  widget,
const ArakProcess &  p

Renders a graphical representation of an Arak process using the supplied widget.

widget the widget on which to visualize the process
p the process to visualize
the widget after the rendering is finished

Definition at line 156 of file arak.hpp.

References Arak::ArakProcess::visualize().

std::istream& operator>> std::istream &  in,
Coloring c

Reads a coloring from the stream.

in the input stream
c the coloring to initialize
the input stream

Definition at line 1930 of file coloring.hpp.

References Arak::Coloring::read().

Color opposite Color  c  )  [inline, static]

Computes the opposite of a color.

Definition at line 40 of file global.hpp.

References BLACK, Color, and WHITE.

Referenced by Arak::Coloring::color(), Arak::Coloring::read(), Arak::Coloring::readBinary(), Arak::QueryPoint::recolor(), Arak::GridColorEstimator::recolored(), Arak::QueryPoint::setColor(), and Arak::Coloring::toTriangulation().

Geometry::Triangle outerApprox const Geometry::Point vertex,
const Geometry::Direction min,
const Geometry::Direction max,
const Geometry::Kernel::FT &  radius

Provides a triangular outer approximation to this cone.

the smallest triangle that contains the cone

Definition at line 16 of file cone_tracing.hpp.

References Arak::Geometry::Direction, Arak::Geometry::Point, and Arak::Geometry::Triangle.

Referenced by computeFirstSonarImpact(), coneTrace(), Arak::OccupancyGrid::sonar(), and Arak::ArakPosteriorSonarObs::updateObsLP().

template<typename charT, typename traits>
std::basic_istream<charT,traits>& skipcomments std::basic_istream< charT, traits > &  in  ) 

An input stream manipulator that reads #-style comments off of an input stream (if any exist).

A #-style comment starts with the character '#' and continues to the next newline ('
'). Even if there are no such comments, this manipulator may read whitespace off of the stream.

Example usage:

int i, j; * std::cin << i << skipcomments << j; *

in an input stream
the same input stream after all leading #-style comments have been read off

Definition at line 90 of file global.hpp.

References skipline().

Referenced by Arak::OccupancyGrid::OccupancyGrid(), Arak::Util::operator>>(), and Arak::Coloring::read().

template<typename charT, typename traits>
std::basic_istream<charT,traits>& skipline std::basic_istream< charT, traits > &  in  ) 

An input stream manipulator that reads off everything up to (and including) the next newline.

Example usage:

* int i, j; * std::cin << i << skipline << j; *

in an input stream
the same input stream after all characters up to the next newline have been read off

Definition at line 65 of file global.hpp.

Referenced by skipcomments().

Variable Documentation

const CGAL::Color Arak::jet_colors

Definition at line 70 of file jet.cpp.

Referenced by Arak::ArakPosteriorSonarObs::visualize(), and Arak::ArakPosteriorRangeObs::visualize().

const unsigned char Arak::jet_rgb

Definition at line 3 of file jet.cpp.

const int Arak::jet_size = 64

Definition at line 8 of file jet.hpp.

Referenced by Arak::ArakPosteriorSonarObs::visualize(), and Arak::ArakPosteriorRangeObs::visualize().

Generated on Wed May 25 14:40:15 2005 for Arak by doxygen 1.3.6