Class Gaussian


public class Gaussian
extends Object

A Gaussian probability density over a set of vector-valued variables.

In the moment parameterization, the density is expressed as

p(x) = (1 / Z) exp {-0.5 (x - m)T S-1(x - m)}
where Z is a normalizing constant, and the vector m (mu) and the (positive definite) matrix S (sigma) are the parameters. m is the expected value (mean) of x and S is its covariance matrix.

In the canonical parameterization, the density is expressed as

p(x) = exp (a + hTx - (1/2) xT L x)
where a is a normalizing constant, and the vector h (eta) and the (positive definite) matrix L (lambda) are the parameters.

The parameters of the moment and canonical representations are related by
S = L-1
m = L-1h
Because some operations are more efficient or more numerically stable in one or the other parameterization, this class uses both representations. When an operation is unsupported by the current parameterization, the user must first reparameterize(boolean) the density, or else an IllegalStateException will be thrown.

This class records counts of all floating point operations using Flops.count(long) (except those used in the service of debugging and avoiding numerical errors).

Field Summary
protected  boolean doubling
          If true, then the capacity (i.e., the actual dimension of vP and mP) of this Gaussian is doubled when it must be increased to accomodate new variables; otherwise it is increased only enough to admit the new variables.
protected  boolean isMoment
          A field indicating whether this Gaussian is currently represented in the moment parameterization.
protected  Matrix mP
          The positive definite matrix parameter; this is S if isMoment is true and L otherwise.
protected  Set variables
          An unmodifiable ordered set whose elements are the Variables bound by this Gaussian.
protected  ListSet vars
          An ordered set whose elements are the Variables bound by this Gaussian.
protected  HashMap varsToStarts
          A map whose keys are the Variables bound by this Gaussian and whose values are Integers giving the starting index of the corresponding subvectors of vP and subblocks of mP.
protected  Matrix vP
          The vector parameter; this is m if isMoment is true and h otherwise.
Constructor Summary
Gaussian(boolean isMoment)
          Default constructor.
Gaussian(boolean isMoment, int capacity)
          Default constructor.
Gaussian(Gaussian p)
          Copy constructor.
Gaussian(Gaussian p, Gaussian q)
          Separator Gaussian constructor.
Gaussian(ListSet vars, double[] vP, double[][] mP, boolean isMoment)
Gaussian(ListSet vars, Matrix vP, Matrix mP, boolean isMoment)
Gaussian(Set vars, boolean isMoment)
          Creates an uninformative Gaussian density over the supplied set of variables.
Method Summary
protected  void clear()
          Clears all variables from this Gaussian.
 Gaussian condition(ListSet cvars, Matrix obs, boolean inPlace)
          Conditions on a subset of the variables in this Gaussian.
 Gaussian div(Gaussian p, boolean inPlace)
          Divides two Gaussians (in the canonical parameterization).
 double entropy()
          Computes the differential entropy H of this Gaussian.
 void extend(Set vars)
          Extends this Gaussian to include a new set of variables.
 int getDimension()
          Gets the sum of the dimensions of all variables bound by this Gaussian.
 Matrix getEta(ListSet vars)
          Gets a subvector of h.
 int[] getIndices(ListSet vars)
          Gets an array of indices into the parameters that corresponds to the supplied set of variables.
 Matrix getLambda(ListSet rowVars, ListSet colVars)
          Gets a submatrix of L.
 Matrix getMu(ListSet vars)
          Gets a subvector of m.
 Matrix getSigma(ListSet rowVars, ListSet colVars)
          Gets a submatrix of S.
 int getSize()
          Returns the number of variables bound by this Gaussian.
 Set getVariables()
          Returns an unmodifiable ordered set of the Variables bound by this Gaussian.
protected  void initialize(ListSet vars, Matrix vP, Matrix mP)
          Initializes this Gaussian using the supplied arguments.
 boolean isCanonical()
          Returns true if this Gaussian is represented using the canonical parameterization, i.e., using the vector h and the (positive definite) matrix L.
 boolean isMoment()
          Returns true if this Gaussian is represented using the moment parameterization, i.e., using the mean vector m and the (positive definite) covariance matrix S.
 double kl(Gaussian q)
          Computes the relative entropy (Kullback-Liebler divergence) from this Gaussian to the supplied Gaussian.
 double likelihood(double[] val)
          Computes the likelihood of a particular value under this distribution.
 Gaussian marginalize(Set vars, boolean inPlace)
          Marginalizes out a subset of the variables in this Gaussian.
 void marginalizeOut(Set mvars)
          Marginalizes a set of variables out of this Gaussian (in place).
 double mutualInformation(Set x, Set y, Set z)
          Computes the (conditional) mutual information I(x;y - x|z) in nats (natural logarithmic units).
 void paint(Graphics2D g, double conf)
          Paints a 2D confidence ellipse for the first two dimensions of this Gaussian distribution.
 void rename(Variable var, Variable subst)
          Renames a variable in this Gaussian.
 Gaussian reparameterize(boolean inPlace)
          Reparameterizes this Gaussian; i.e., the parameterization will be switched from the canonical to the moment parameterization, or vice-versa.
 Matrix sample(int n, Random r)
          Samples from this Gaussian distribution.
 void set(Gaussian p)
          Sets this Gaussian equal to the supplied Gaussian.
 void setDoubling(boolean on)
          Controls the memory allocation behavior of this Gaussian.
 void setEta(ListSet vars, Matrix eta)
          Sets a subvector of h.
 void setLambda(ListSet rowVars, ListSet colVars, Matrix lambda)
          Sets a submatrix of L.
 void setMu(ListSet vars, Matrix mu)
          Sets a subvector of m.
 void setSigma(ListSet rowVars, ListSet colVars, Matrix sigma)
          Sets a submatrix of S.
 Gaussian times(Gaussian p, boolean inPlace)
          Multiplies two Gaussians.
 String toString()
          Creates a simple String representation of this Gaussian that prints out its parameters using Matlab notation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final HashMap varsToStarts
A map whose keys are the Variables bound by this Gaussian and whose values are Integers giving the starting index of the corresponding subvectors of vP and subblocks of mP.


protected ListSet vars
An ordered set whose elements are the Variables bound by this Gaussian. The iteration order of the set is the storage order of the parameters.


protected final Set variables
An unmodifiable ordered set whose elements are the Variables bound by this Gaussian. The iteration order of the set is the storage order of the parameters. This is merely a wrapper over vars.


protected boolean isMoment
A field indicating whether this Gaussian is currently represented in the moment parameterization.


protected Matrix vP
The vector parameter; this is m if isMoment is true and h otherwise. The length of this vector is greater than or equal to the sum of the dimensions of the variables bound by this Gaussian.


protected Matrix mP
The positive definite matrix parameter; this is S if isMoment is true and L otherwise. This matrix is always square, and the lengths of its sides are greater than or equal to the sum of the dimensions of the variables bound by this Gaussian.


protected boolean doubling
If true, then the capacity (i.e., the actual dimension of vP and mP) of this Gaussian is doubled when it must be increased to accomodate new variables; otherwise it is increased only enough to admit the new variables.

Constructor Detail


public Gaussian(boolean isMoment)
Default constructor.

isMoment - true if this Gaussian should be represented in the moment parameterization


public Gaussian(boolean isMoment,
                int capacity)
Default constructor.

isMoment - true if this Gaussian should be represented in the moment parameterization
capacity - the initial capacity of the parameter matrices


public Gaussian(Gaussian p)
Copy constructor. This object becomes a deep copy of the supplied Gaussian density.


public Gaussian(Set vars,
                boolean isMoment)
Creates an uninformative Gaussian density over the supplied set of variables. Note that this is an ill-conditioned density: in the moment parameterization, this implies zero mean and infinite spherical covariance; in the canonical parameterization, this implies zero information vector and matrix. vP and mP are structured so that their blocks are ordered consistently with the iteration order of vars.

vars - a set of Variable objects
isMoment - true if this Gaussian should be represented in the moment parameterization


public Gaussian(Gaussian p,
                Gaussian q)
Separator Gaussian constructor. This Gaussian's variables are the intersection of those variables in the supplied Gaussians, and its density is uninformative. Note that this is an ill-conditioned density: in the moment parameterization, this implies zero mean and infinite spherical covariance; in the canonical parameterization, this implies zero information vector and matrix.

p - a Gaussian density
q - a Gaussian density


public Gaussian(ListSet vars,
                Matrix vP,
                Matrix mP,
                boolean isMoment)
Constructor. The parameters are not copied.

vars - an ordered set of Variable objects
vP - a column vector whose length matches the sum dimensions of the variables and whose subvectors are ordered consistently with the order of vars
mP - a positive definite matrix whose lengths match the sum dimensions of the variables and whose blocks are ordered consistently with the order of vars
isMoment - if true, then vP is interpreted as m and mP is interpreted as S; otherwise, vP is interpreted as h and mP is interpreted as L
IllegalArgumentException - if mP is not square, or the dimensions of vP or mP do not match the sum dimension of vars


public Gaussian(ListSet vars,
                double[] vP,
                double[][] mP,
                boolean isMoment)
Constructor. The parameter objects are not copied.

vars - an ordered set of Variable objects
vP - a column vector whose length matches the sum dimensions of the variables and whose subvectors are ordered consistently with the order of vars
mP - a positive definite matrix whose lengths match the sum dimensions of the variables and whose blocks are ordered consistently with the order of vars
isMoment - if true, then vP is interpreted as m and mP is interpreted as S; otherwise, vP is interpreted as h and mP is interpreted as L
IllegalArgumentException - if lambda is not square, or the dimensions of vP or mP do not match the sum dimension of vars
Method Detail


public boolean isMoment()
Returns true if this Gaussian is represented using the moment parameterization, i.e., using the mean vector m and the (positive definite) covariance matrix S.

true if this Gaussian is represented using the moment parameterization


public boolean isCanonical()
Returns true if this Gaussian is represented using the canonical parameterization, i.e., using the vector h and the (positive definite) matrix L.

true if this Gaussian is represented using the canonical parameterization


public Gaussian reparameterize(boolean inPlace)
Reparameterizes this Gaussian; i.e., the parameterization will be switched from the canonical to the moment parameterization, or vice-versa.

inPlace - if true, then this Gaussian is internally reparameterized; otherwise a fresh Gaussian is constructed
the reparameterized Gaussian


public void setDoubling(boolean on)
Controls the memory allocation behavior of this Gaussian. If on == true, then the capacity of the Gaussian (i.e., the lengths of vP and the sides of mP) is doubled whenever adding a variable to the Gaussian (via extend(java.util.Set)) would cause the capacity to be exceeded; otherwise, the capacity is increased only enough to admit the new variable. Doubling is off by default; Gaussians that are frequently extended should turn it on.


public void extend(Set vars)
Extends this Gaussian to include a new set of variables. The parameters are initialized to be uninformed over the new variables. The subvectors of vP and blocks of mP are ordered consistently with the iteration order of vars.

vars - a set of Variable objects


protected void initialize(ListSet vars,
                          Matrix vP,
                          Matrix mP)
Initializes this Gaussian using the supplied arguments. The parameters are not copied.

vars - an ordered set of Variable objects.
vP - a column vector whose length matches the sum dimensions of the variables and whose subvectors are ordered consistently with the order of vars;
mP - a positive definite matrix whose lengths match the sum dimensions of the variables and whose blocks are ordered consistently with the order
IllegalArgumentException - if mP is not square, or the dimensions of vP or mP do not match the sum dimension of vars


protected void clear()
Clears all variables from this Gaussian.


public void rename(Variable var,
                   Variable subst)
Renames a variable in this Gaussian.

var - the original variable
subst - the variable substituted for the original variable
IllegalArgumentException - if var is not in this Gaussian or var and subst have differing dimension


public Set getVariables()
Returns an unmodifiable ordered set of the Variables bound by this Gaussian. The iteration order of this set is the storage order of the parameters.


public int getDimension()
Gets the sum of the dimensions of all variables bound by this Gaussian.

the sum of the dimensions of all variables bound by this Gaussian


public int getSize()
Returns the number of variables bound by this Gaussian.

the number of variables bound by this Gaussian


public int[] getIndices(ListSet vars)
Gets an array of indices into the parameters that corresponds to the supplied set of variables. The order of the indices is determined by the order of vars.

vars - An ordered set of Variables; the indices corresponding to these variables is returned. If this Gaussian binds only one variable, then null is interpreted as the singleton containing the only variable bound by this Gaussian.
an array of indices into the parameters that corresponds to vars


public Matrix getEta(ListSet vars)
Gets a subvector of h. The subvectors of h are ordered to be consistent with the iteration order of vars.

vars - an ordered set of Variables; if this is null, then it is like supplying the result of getVariables(), except the underlying parameter vector is returned, not copied
A subvector of h; this is a copy unless vars == null
IllegalStateException - if this Gaussian is not currently in the canonical parameterization


public void setEta(ListSet vars,
                   Matrix eta)
Sets a subvector of h. The subvectors of eta are assumed to be ordered consistently with the order of vars.

vars - an ordered set of Variables; this can be null if this Gaussian binds only one variable
eta - the new subvector value
IllegalStateException - if this Gaussian is not currently in the canonical parameterization


public Matrix getLambda(ListSet rowVars,
                        ListSet colVars)
Gets a submatrix of L. The blocks of L are ordered consistently with the orders of the index sets.

rowVars - an ordered set of Variables; if this is null, then it is like supplying the result of getVariables(), except the underlying parameter matrix is returned, not copied
colVars - an ordered set of Variables; use null to indicate that this is the same as rowVars
A matrix consisting of blocks of L, as a Matrix object; this is a copy unless vars == null
IllegalStateException - if this Gaussian is not currently in the canonical parameterization


public void setLambda(ListSet rowVars,
                      ListSet colVars,
                      Matrix lambda)
Sets a submatrix of L. The blocks of lambda must be ordered consistently with the orders of the index sets. This method permits the setting of diagonal blocks or off diagonal blocks, but not both simultaneously; if off diagonal blocks are specified, then their transpose blocks are also set to maintain the symmetry of L.

rowVars - an ordered set of Variables; this can be null if this Gaussian binds only one variable
colVars - an ordered set of Variables; use null to indicate that this is the same as rowVars
lambda - the new submatrix value; this must be symmetric if colVars is null
A matrix consisting of blocks of L, as a two-dimensional double array
IllegalStateException - if this Gaussian is not currently in the canonical parameterization
IllegalArgumentException - if colVars is null and lambda is not symmetric


public Matrix getMu(ListSet vars)
Gets a subvector of m. The subvectors of m are ordered to be consistent with the iteration order of vars.

vars - an ordered set of Variables; if this is null, then it is like supplying the result of getVariables(), except the underlying parameter vector is returned, not copied
A subvector of m; this is a copy unless vars == null
IllegalStateException - if this Gaussian is not currently in the moment parameterization


public void setMu(ListSet vars,
                  Matrix mu)
Sets a subvector of m. The subvectors of mu are assumed to be ordered consistently with the order of vars.

vars - an ordered set of Variables; this can be null if this Gaussian binds only one variable
mu - the new subvector value
IllegalStateException - if this Gaussian is not currently in the moment parameterization


public Matrix getSigma(ListSet rowVars,
                       ListSet colVars)
Gets a submatrix of S. The blocks of S are ordered consistently with the orders of the index sets.

rowVars - an ordered set of Variables; if this is null, then it is like supplying the result of getVariables(), except the underlying parameter matrix is returned, not copied
colVars - an ordered set of Variables; use null to indicate that this is the same as rowVars
A matrix consisting of blocks of S, as a Matrix object; this is a copy unless vars == null
IllegalStateException - if this Gaussian is not currently in the moment parameterization


public void setSigma(ListSet rowVars,
                     ListSet colVars,
                     Matrix sigma)
Sets a submatrix of S. The blocks of sigma must be ordered consistently with the orders of the index sets. This method permits the setting of diagonal blocks or off diagonal blocks, but not both simultaneously; if off diagonal blocks are specified, then their transpose blocks are also set to maintain the symmetry of S.

rowVars - an ordered set of Variables; this can be null if this Gaussian binds only one variable
colVars - an ordered set of Variables; use null to indicate that this is the same as rowVars
sigma - the new submatrix value; this must be symmetric if colVars is null
A matrix consisting of blocks of S, as a two-dimensional double array
IllegalStateException - if this Gaussian is not currently in the moment parameterization
IllegalArgumentException - if colVars is null and sigma is not symmetric


public void marginalizeOut(Set mvars)
Marginalizes a set of variables out of this Gaussian (in place).

mvars - a set of Variables to marginalize out; any of these that are not bound by the Gaussian are ignored


public Gaussian marginalize(Set vars,
                            boolean inPlace)
Marginalizes out a subset of the variables in this Gaussian. The result uses the same parameterization as this Gaussian.

inPlace - if true, then the Gaussian is marginalized in place.
this Gaussian with the variables in mvars marginalized out
IllegalArgumentException - if this Gaussian does not contain the variables in rvars


public Gaussian condition(ListSet cvars,
                          Matrix obs,
                          boolean inPlace)
Conditions on a subset of the variables in this Gaussian.

cvars - an ordered set of the Variables of this Gaussian being conditioned on
obs - a vector (whose length and order is consistent with cvars) representing the observation
inPlace - if true, the conditioning is done in-place.
this Gaussian with the variables in cvars conditioned on
IllegalArgumentException - if this Gaussian does not contain the variables in rvars


public void set(Gaussian p)
Sets this Gaussian equal to the supplied Gaussian.


public Gaussian times(Gaussian p,
                      boolean inPlace)
Multiplies two Gaussians. This method cannot be applied to Gaussians that are in different parameterizations, or to a pair of moment Gaussians that share variables.

inPlace - if true, then p is multiplied into this and this is returned.
the product of this and p
IllegalStateException - if this Gaussian or the supplied Gaussian are in the moment parameterization


public Gaussian div(Gaussian p,
                    boolean inPlace)
Divides two Gaussians (in the canonical parameterization).

inPlace - if true, then p is divided into this and this is returned.
this divided by p
IllegalArgumentException - if p binds variables not bound by this Gaussian
IllegalStateException - if this Gaussian or the supplied Gaussian are in the moment parameterization


public double entropy()
Computes the differential entropy H of this Gaussian.

the differential entropy of this Gaussian (in nats, i.e., natural logarithmic units).


public double kl(Gaussian q)
Computes the relative entropy (Kullback-Liebler divergence) from this Gaussian to the supplied Gaussian. This method is most efficient when this Gaussian is represented in moment form.

D(this || q) (in nats, i.e., natural logarithmic units).
IllegalArgumentException - if this and the supplied Gaussian do not cover the same set of variables


public double mutualInformation(Set x,
                                Set y,
                                Set z)
Computes the (conditional) mutual information I(x;y - x|z) in nats (natural logarithmic units).

x - a set of Variables in this Gaussian
y - a set of Variables in this Gaussian
z - a set of Variables in this Gaussian
I(x;y - x|z) in nats
IllegalArgumentException - if x, y, or z contain variables not bound by this Gaussian


public Matrix sample(int n,
                     Random r)
Samples from this Gaussian distribution. The distribution must be in the moment parameterization.

n - the number of samples to draw
r - the source of random bits
a matrix with n columns, each of which is a sample from this distribution


public double likelihood(double[] val)
Computes the likelihood of a particular value under this distribution.

val - the value
the likelihood of val
IllegalArgumentException - if the length of val does not equal the dimension of this distribution


public String toString()
Creates a simple String representation of this Gaussian that prints out its parameters using Matlab notation.

toString in class Object


public void paint(Graphics2D g,
                  double conf)
Paints a 2D confidence ellipse for the first two dimensions of this Gaussian distribution.