AI Salon Event Archive
Date | Title | Speaker |
03/21/2014 | Has IBM’s Watson driven forward research or was it primarily an engineering accomplishment? | |
04/11/2014 | Are we overfitting to single-query datasets? | (Gabor Angeli & Olga Russakovsky) |
04/25/2014 | Artificial Intelligence & Intelligence Augmentation | (John Markoff & Arun Chaganty) |
05/16/2014 | Is interaction with the physical world necessary to acquire intelligence? | (David Held & Oussama Khatib) |
05/30/2014 | AI & Neuroscience | (Michelle Green & Ben Poole) |
06/13/2014 | AI in Movies | (Andrej Karpathy & Vivek Srikumar) |
09/26/2014 | Machine Learning vs. Statistics | (Will Fithian & Percy Liang) |
10/10/2014 | What should theory look like to be useful for robotics? | (Leslie Kaelbling & Arun Chaganty) |
10/17/2014 | Phonemes and parts of speech: Are categories and symbolic structures a fundamental fact of language or fantasy of linguists? | (Chris Manning & Andrew Ng) |
11/07/2014 | The Language of Food | (Dan Jurafsky) |
11/21/2014 | The Ethics of Autonomous Driving | (Silvio Savarese & Christian Gerdes) |
12/05/2014 | The End of Determinism | (Stefano Ermon & Alex Ratner) |
01/23/2015 | Using neuroscience to build an AI | (Jeff Hawkins and Surya Ganguli) |
02/06/2015 | The Turing Test | (Will Hamilton and Fei-Fei Li) |
02/20/2015 | Robotics in the Air and Space | (Mykel Kochenderfer & Marco Pavone) |
03/06/2015 | Robotics in the Air: Part II | (Mykel Kochenderfer) |
03/20/2015 | AI100 Initiative and the Future of AI | (Eric Horvitz) |
04/07/2015 | Dangers of AI (attendance by invitation only) | (Elon Musk) |
04/17/2015 | Horizontal vs. Vertical Progress in AI | (Matt Ginsberg & Jacob Steinhardt) |
04/24/2015 | Our Filtered Lives | (Grace Muzny & Timnit Gebru) |
05/08/2015 | The History of AI | (Ed Feigenbaum & Angel Chang) |
05/15/2015 | The Future of Human Labor | (Michael Webb & Tudor Achim) |
10/02/2015 | AI’s Role in Human Disconnection | (Timnit Gebru & Serena Yeung) |
10/16/2015 | Trust in AI Techniques/Algorithms | (Maneesh Agarwala & Tum Chaturapruek) |
10/30/2015 | How to Build a Society in a World of Creative Destruction | (Nils Nilsson & Russell Stewart) |
11/06/2015 | What’s Right About Machine Learning? | (Sham Kakade & Yash Deshphande) |
11/13/2015 | AI and Health Care | (David Sontag & Volodymyr Kuleshov) |
12/04/2015 | Artificial Intelligence — Boom or Menace? | (Jerry Kaplan & John Markoff) |
01/08/2016 | AI & Genomics | (Gill Bejerano & Irene Kaplow) |
01/22/2016 | AI and the Legal System | (Tino Cuellar & Pratiksha Thaker) |
01/29/2016 | Gap Between Pattern Recognition and Intelligence | (Michael Black & Amir Zamir) |
03/11/2016 | Pattern Recognition for Symbolic Reasoning: Deep Learning and Beyond | (Tudor Achim & Jacob Steinhardt) |
04/01/2016 | The Role of Formal Logic in Semantics | (Ray Mooney & Chris Manning) |
04/15/2016 | What Can AI Learn From How Babies Learn? | (Jitendra Malik & Zayd Enam) |
04/29/2016 | The Master Algorithm for AI | (Pedro Domingos & Volodymyr Kuleshov) |
05/13/2016 | AI and Accessibility | (Joshua Miele & Timnit Gebru) |
05/20/2016 | Lessons from the Neocortex | (Ray Kurzweil & Bharath Ramsundar) |
05/27/2016 | Diversity in AI | (Serena Yeung & Arun Chaganty) |
09/30/2016 | Ai and the Economy | (Kevin Leyton-Brown & Jacob Steinhardt) |
10/07/2016 | Software Engineering for Machine Learning | (Peter Norvig & Aditya Grover) |
11/04/2016 | The Interaction of Future AI Algorithms and Hardware | (Jen-Hsun Huang & Jim Fan) |
11/18/2016 | Challenges in Whole-Brain Simulation | (Rosa Cao & Will Allen) |
12/02/2016 | Will Today’s AI Technology Be Able to Transform Healthcare? | (Vijay S. Pande & Bharath Ramsundar) |
01/20/2017 | How Can We Make ML Interpretable | (Anshul Kundaje & Avanti Shrikumar) |
02/03/2017 | AI That Understands Emotion | (Noah Goodman & Sasha Sax) |
02/17/2017 | AI & Internet of Things | (Frank Chen & Monica Lam) |
03/03/2017 | Adversarial Machine Learning | (Ian Goodfellow & TBD) |
03/17/2017 | AI and Education | (Emma Brunskill & Chris Piech) |
04/21/2017 | Media Portrayals of AI | (Abigail See & Urvashi Khandelwal) |
05/12/2017 | Safe Reinforcement Learning | (Animesh Garg & Andreas Krause) |
05/26/2017 | Issues as We Democratize AI | (Pietro Perona & Phil Thomas) |
10/13/2017 | AI and Great Power Politics | (Allan Dafoe & Ashwin Paranjape) |
11/03/2017 | Challenges of Human-Centered Assistive Robotics | (Maja Matarić & Allison Okamura) |
11/17/2017 | Is General AI the Right Goal? | (Aditya Grover & Steve Mussmann) |
12/01/2017 | AI and the Brain | (Liqun Luo & Fei-Fei Li) |
01/12/2018 | AI in the Cloud | (Ruchir Puri & Fei-Fei Li) |
02/02/2018 | What innate priors should we build into the architecture of Deep Learning systems? | (Yann LeCun & Chris Manning) |
03/02/2018 | AI, Employment and Inequality | (Erik Brynjolfsson & Trevor Standley) |
03/16/2018 | Should AI researchers divert efforts away from competitions toward controlled experiments? | (Pat Langley & Andrey Kurenkov) |
04/06/2018 | How can we make AI more accessible? | (Rachel Thomas & Mark Whiting) |
05/11/2018 | How can AI cure cancer? | (Marty Tenenbaum & Kim Branson) |
05/25/2018 | Learning to learn | (Ilya Sutskever & Amir Zamir) |
10/19/2018 | Ethics in ML Systems | (Ben Recht & Emma Brunskill) |
11/02/2018 | Autonomous Driving – how close are we? | (Lex Frideman & Marco Pavone & Sarah Thornton) |
11/09/2018 | Best Practices for Ethical AI Research | (Timnit Gebru & Margaret Mitchell) |
11/15/2018 | Deep RL for real world systems | (Sergey Levine & Mykel Kochenderfer) |
12/07/2018 | AI and the Future of Work | (Kai-Fu Lee & Susan Athey & Erik Brynjolfsson) |
02/01/2019 | Countering Hype, Anthropomorphism, and Fear-mongering in AI | (Jerry Kaplan & William J Clancet) |
02/08/2019 | AI and Defense | (Lt. Col Kevin Childs & Lt. Col. Ryan Kappedal) |
02/22/2019 | AI Research in Industry and Academia | (Wojciech Zaremba & Ludovic Righetti) |
03/08/2019 | Flexible ML Systems | (Jeff Dean & Chris Re) |
03/14/2019 | Troubling Trends in AI Conferences | (Zacahary Lipton & Animesh Garg) |
04/12/2019 | Societal Impacts of Deep Fakes | (Maneesh Agrawala & Jeff Hancock) |
04/26/2019 | AI and Journalism | (Katyanna Quach & Cade Metz) |
05/17/2019 | Best Practices for Dual Use AI Research | Amanda Askell & Miles Brundage & Megan Palmer & Allison Berke |
05/21/2019 | Diversity & Inclusion in STEM & AI | (Barbara Grosz & Fei-Fei Li) |
05/24/2019 | AI Art | (Aaron Hertzman & Nolan Lem & Holly Grimm) |
10/18/2019 | AI & Government | Dan Ho & Shireen Santosham |
11/1/2019 | AI & Climate Change | David Rolnick, Sharon Zhou & Cindi Thompson |
11/15/2019 | AI & Legal Responsibility | Bryan Casey & Jerry Kaplan |
11/22/2019 | Has the AI Revolution Come Yet? | Emma Brunskill & Michael Jordan |
12/6/2019 | AI & Medicine | Nigam Shah & Elizabeth Mormino |
1/10/2020 | AI & the Mind | Barbara Tversky & Fei-Fei Li |
1/24/2020 | Unique Challenges of Physical AI Systems | Manuela Veloso & Dorsa Sadigh |
2/28/2020 | Future of NLP | Michael Auli & Chris Manning |