Media Coverage My projects have been highlighted here!
ICRA 2017 Paper on learning geometric constraints from demonstrations:

[MIT NEWS] Teaching robots to teach other robots
[Science Magazine] Look out: Robots could soon teach each other new tricks
[Wired] The Little Robot That Taught the Big Robot a Thing or Two
[The Verge] Teach a robot simple tasks, no coding experience required
[TechCrunch] Anyone can teach this MIT robot how to teach other robots
MIT2016 Pageant:
Deploying a remote onstage robot performer using shared autonomy
May 2015
"Engaging technology and the arts in the largest community gathering on campus since 1916, Killian Court hosted a multimedia celebration of MIT’s history with an entertaining look to the future. Is it mind or hand? The spirits of Mens and Manus came to life for a debate on the true essence of MIT."
Prediction for Shared Autonomy in Collaborative Robotics (Manufacturing Applications)

Nov. 2014: Motion Prediction and PR2 Interaction
[NSF] A day in the life of Robotina
[JDN] Le robot collaboratif, un collègue qui vous veut du bien

Sept. 2014: Motion Prediction and PR2 Interaction
Optimus: 16-DOF Mobile Manipulator for Highly Dexterous Manipulation using Shared Autonomy 2014-2015
DARPA Robotics Challenge - Team MIT 2012-2015

June 2015: Team MIT @ DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals - California
[MIT News] MIT team places sixth at international DARPA Robotics Challenge
[MIT Technology Review] Why Robots and Humans Struggled with DARPA’s Challenge
[The New York Times] Relax, the Terminator Is Far Away
More press coverage listed at

Dec. 2013: Team MIT @ DARPA Robotics Challenge Trials - Florida

June 2013: Team MIT @ Virtual DARPA Robotics Challenge (VRC)
State Estimation and 3D Perception for UAVs 2010-2012

2012: Highlights of my UAVs project @ USB
[USB Noticias] Helicópteros del Grupo de Mecatrónica volaron por el campus universitario