Prateek Verma - Research Collaborators

Collaborators at Google

During the residency, I collaborated with researchers at Google on a undisclosed, moonshot project at Google X. This project combined my area of expertise and skills, apply radicle new techniques to the problem that the researchers at Googl X have been working on. I was responsible along with the team members to devise, formulate new approaches to solve a problem of interest to Google X. I cannot share the work that I carried out, but I initiated one of the early formulations of an approach using model for the first time at Google X back in 2020. Similar approaches have been adopted widely for all kinds of applications and tasks by industry and academia, and even by DeepMind in their work on unifying to understand everything in late 2021.

Managed by:

  • Mohi Khansari, Staff Roboticist ,Google X