Conference and Journal Publications
[14] Duong T.*, Truong S.*, Tam M., Bach B., Rhee J. Quantum Neural Architecture Search with Quantum Circuits Metric and Bayesian Optimization. AI4Science Workshop at 39th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2022.
[13] Griffiths R., Klarner L., Moss H., Ravuri A., Truong S.*, Du Y., Jamasb A., Schwartz J., Tripp A., Rankovic B., Schwaller P., Kell G., Bourached A., Chan A., Moss J., Guo C., Lee A., Tang J. GAUCHE: A Library for Gaussian Processes in Chemistry. Adaptive Experimental Design and Active Learning in the Real World Workshop, AI4Science Workshop at 39th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2022.
[12] Truong S., Neller T. A Data-Driven Approach for Gin Rummy Hand Evaluation. In Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021.
[11] Pham V., Tran H., Truong S., Hoang N., Cao T. One-pot hydrothermal synthesis of Si doped TiO2 nanotubes from commercial material sources for visible light-driven photocatalytic activity. In Material Research Express, 2019.
[10] Pham V., Truong S., Nguyen H., Cao T. Synthesis of a silver/TiO2 nanotube nanocomposite by gamma irradiation for enhanced photocatalytic activity under sunlight. In Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2018.
[9] Pham V., Truong S., Nguyen B., Cao T. An improved green synthesis method and Escherichia coli antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles. In Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B, 2018.
[8] Pham V., Phan T., Mott D., Maenosono S., Truong S., Cao T., Le H. Silver nanoparticle loaded TiO2 nanotubes with high photocatalytic and antibacterial activity synthesized by photoreduction method. In Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A, 2018.
Presentations and Manuscripts
[7] Voegele M., Thomson N., Truong S., Zachariae U., Dror R. Systematic Comparison of Biomolecular Structural Ensembles via Mutual Information. At Workshop on Advances and Challenges in Biomolecular Simulations, European Molecular Biology Organization, Brno, Czechia, 2021. 3rd (out of 98) Best Poster.
[6] Truong S., Barreto H. Visualizing Income Distribution in the United States. (website, PyPI package). At The 4th National Collegiate Research Conference (NCRC), Harvard University, Massachusetts, 2021.
[5] Truong S., Tran Q. A Attention Graph Neural Network for Stereo-active Molecules. At The 15th CMD-IT/ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference, Washington, D.C., 2021.
[4] Truong S., Gropp J. Hybridizing Exponential Smoothing and Transformer for Time series Forecasting. Economics and Management Honor Thesis, DePauw University, Indiana, 2021.
[3] Truong S., Hansen J. Synthesis of a Novel Pyrrole Family as Potential Anti-Cancer Agents. At The 35th National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), Washington, D.C., 2021.
[2] Truong S. Ethical Price for Essential Pharmaceuticals? At The 5th National Undergraduate Conference on Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society, Vassar College, New York, 2021.
[1] Truong S. The Effect of Education on Smoking Decisions in the United States. At The 19th BGSU Undergraduate Economics Student Conference, Bowling Green State University, Ohio, 2019. 3rd Best Presentation.
Open-source Projects
[4] hyperSpec: Analysis of Spectroscopy with Brian Hanson, Claudia Beleites, Vilmantas Gegzna
[3] incomevis: Visual Comparative Analysis of Income Inequality with Humberto Barreto
[2] PENSA: Protein Ensemble Analysis with Martin Voegele
[1] FoCSipedia: Foundations of Computation with Brian Howard