Search for: "groups"

Distinguished Speaker Series: Craig Boutilier

Title: Addressing the Practical Challenges of Group Decision Support in a Data-rich World Speaker:  Craig Boutilier Abstract: In a variety of social, business, political and economic contexts, decision making often involves groups of people or multiple stakeholders. Automated decision support for groups is considerably more difficult than for a single stakeholder since it requires aggregating the…
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AI Event Policy Talks, reading groups, and events across the Stanford AI lab community. Note that some events are open to the public, some are open to only to Stanford people, and others are open to only individual groups (audience is denoted by brackets). If you are in the Stanford AI lab and would like…
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We have added video introduction to some Stanford A.I. courses from Fall 2019 CS229. Please check them out at     Course Number Course Name Instructor CS372 Artificial Intelligence for Disease Diagnosis and Information Recommendations Chang CS330 Deep Multi-Task and Meta Learning Finn CS221 Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques Liang/Sadigh/Charikar CS229 Machine Learning Dror/Ng/Ma/Re…
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