class mpkBaseRobot

The base class for all robots. It can represent arbitrary kinematic trees, free-flying objects and objects moving along complex constrained trajectories.


Public Fields

oJoint* joints
Array of joints (created from jointdefs by constructor).
oint num_joints
Number of entries in joints.
odouble* params
The vector of normalized parameters [0,1) of the robot (its DOFs).
oint num_params
Number of DOFs (entries in params, param_frozen and param_passive).
oparam_info* param_opts
Attributes for the parameters
odouble scale_factor
The scale factor of the robot (each instantiated robot can have a different scale factor).
ovector<selfcoll_pair> selfcoll_info
Pairs of joints whose links should be checked for collisions (can be set individually by the derived class).
oSoSeparator* iv_graph
Inventor scene graph for robot (note: must be updated explicitly using update_iv_transf()).
oint tracepoint_joint_idx
Index of joint for which the traced path in workspace will be visualized by the class TraceVis (typically the end-effector tip but can be an arbitrary point).
ompkTransform base_T
Movable base transform for collision model of robot.
oSoTransform* iv_base_T
Movable base transform for scene graph of robot.

Public Methods

o mpkBaseRobot (const char* name, const char* rob_file_name, const mpkTransform& base_transf, double scalef=1.0)
Constructs a robot with the given name from a file in .rob format. The robot can be placed at any place in the world coordinate frame using base_transf and it can be rescaled using scalef.
o mpkBaseRobot (const char* name, int num_joints, JointDef* jointdefs, const mpkTransform& base_transf, double scalef=1.0)
Constructs a robot with the given name from a 'hardcoded' description given by jointdefs. num_joints is the number of entries in jointdefs. The robot can be placed at any place in the world coordinate frame using base_transf and it can be rescaled using scalef.
ovoid compute_forward_kinematics ()
Compute transforms (Taccu) for all joints.
ovoid compute_forward_kinematics (int joint_idx)
Compute transforms (Taccu) for path along kinematic chain from joint_idx to root of kinematic tree.
ovoid compute_forward_kinematics (int joint_idx, unsigned t, mpkTransformCache* cache)
Compute transforms (Taccu) for path along kinematic chain from joint_idx to root of kinematic tree. This version takes advantage of the kinematics cache.
ovoid update_iv_transf ()
Updates the transformations of the robot model in the scene graph.
obool collision (int i, int j, int model_id=0)
Checks links i and j for collision.
obool collision (int i, double R[3][3], double T[3], PQP_Model* obstacle, int model_id=0)
Checks link i and the given PQP model obstacle at pose (R,T) for collision.
odouble distance (int i, int j, double rel_err=0, int model_id=0)
Returns the exact distance between the links i and j.
odouble distance (int i, double R[3][3], double T[3], PQP_Model* obstacle, double rel_err=0, int model_id=0)
Returns the exact distance between link i and the given PQP model obstacle at pose (R,T).
obool closer_than_thres (int i, int j, double thres=0, int model_id=0)
Determines if the exact distance between links i and j is smaller than thres. Note that this is much faster than exact distance computation.
obool closer_than_thres (int i, double R[3][3], double T[3], PQP_Model* obstacle, double thres=0, int model_id=0 )
Determines if the exact distance between link i the given PQP model obstacle at pose (R,T) is smaller than thres. Note that this is much faster than exact distance computation.
ovoid translate_base (double dx, double dy, double dz)
Translate kinematic tree by (dx,dy,dz) (moves entire robot).
oconst char* get_name ()
Returns the name of the robot as given in the scene file.
ovirtual double pathlen_upbound (const mpkConfig& q0, const mpkConfig& q1, int first_param_idx, int joint_idx, int root_idx=-1)
Function that returns an upper bound on the motion of all points of the link model in the joint at joint_idx during a motion from q0 to q1. first_param_idx must tell the robot where its parameters start in the configuration vectors (which may contain multi-robot params). If root_idx >= 0, then the computation is w.r.t. the frame of joint root_idx (used for self-collision bounds of two links on the same kinematic chain).

Public Members

ostruct JointDef
Structure to define a joint. Each joint contains information about its parent joint, spatial transforms and an optional attached triangulated link model. This information is necessary to define a robot.
ostruct Joint : JointDef
Structure to represent a joint (adds some working data to JointDef). The fields not present in JointDef are derived automatically from those in JointDef.
ostruct param_info
Structure to bundle attributes of a single parameter
ostruct selfcoll_pair
Self-collision pair structure (simply a pair of indices into joints).


The constructor either reads the kinematics from a .rob file or takes the description directly as a pointer to an array (jointdefs). It creates a collision model of the robot and an inventor scene graph (for displaying only). Note that the scene graph is only loosely coupled to the collision model: an explicit call to update_iv_transf() is required to synchronize the inventor model with the collision model. This allows for more efficient computations during planning where displayed model should not move around. The array {@link params params} of size num_params contains all parameters of the robot. After changing an entry in this array, one of the functions {@link compute_forward_kinematics compute_forward_kinematics()} must be called to update the collision model.

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