class mpkTraceVis

Class for representing and visualizing the curve traced by a tracePoint on a robot link.

Public Methods

[more] mpkTraceVis (mpkRobotCollection* robots, const vector<mpkConfig>& path, double eps, const float* rgb=0)
[more] ~mpkTraceVis ()
[more]SoSeparator* ivroot ()
[more]bool is_shown ()
[more]void set_show (bool on)


Class for representing and visualizing the curve traced by a tracePoint on a robot link.
o mpkTraceVis(mpkRobotCollection* robots, const vector<mpkConfig>& path, double eps, const float* rgb=0)

o ~mpkTraceVis()

oSoSeparator* ivroot()

obool is_shown()

ovoid set_show(bool on)

odouble x

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