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00001 #include <iostream>
00002 #include <iomanip>
00003 #include <limits>
00004 #include <list>
00005 #include <set>
00006 #include <stack>
00007 #include <assert.h>
00008 #include "geometry.hpp"
00009 #include "properties.hpp"
00010 #include "coloring.hpp"
00011 #include "query_point.hpp"
00012 #include <CGAL/IO/Qt_widget.h>
00013 #include <CGAL/IO/Qt_widget_Polygon_2.h>
00015 using namespace Arak;
00016 using namespace Arak::Geometry;
00018 #ifdef SANITY_CHECK
00019 // Always test for validity.
00020 #define TEST_VALIDITY test();
00021 #else
00022 // Test randomly for validity.
00023 #define TEST_VALIDITY if (Arak::Util::default_random.uniform(10000) == 0) test(); 
00024 #endif
00026 double Coloring::Vertex::logSine() {
00027   Geometry::Point a, b = this->point(), c;
00028   if (type() == INTERIOR) {
00029     a = getPrevVertex()->point();
00030     c = getNextVertex()->point();
00031   } else if (type() == BOUNDARY) {
00032     if (hasPrevIntEdge())
00033       a = getPrevVertex()->point();
00034     else
00035       a = getNextVertex()->point();
00036     c = getNextBdEdge()->getNextVertex()->point();
00037     if (CGAL::angle(a, b, c) != CGAL::ACUTE) 
00038       c = getPrevBdEdge()->getPrevVertex()->point();
00039   } else assert(false);
00040   return logSineB(a, b, c);
00041 }
00043 bool Coloring::InteriorEdge::crosses(const Geometry::Point& a, 
00044              const Geometry::Point& b) const {
00045   return Arak::Geometry::crosses(*this, a, b);
00046 }
00048 Geometry::Point Coloring::Edge::randomPoint(Arak::Util::Random& random) const {
00049   return random.uniform(this->segment());
00050 }
00052 Geometry::Point 
00053 Coloring::BoundaryEdge::randomPoint(Arak::Util::Random& random) const {
00054   Geometry::Point p = Edge::randomPoint(random);
00055 #ifndef EXACT_GEOM_CXN
00056   // If constructions are not exact, then we must explicitly enforce
00057   // that points sampled from boundary edges remain on the boundary.
00058   // The technique below works for axis-aligned rectangle windows.
00059   // For more general windows, we might represent a boundary vertex by
00060   // its face's corners and a real number between 0 and 1.
00061   const Coloring::VertexHandle c1 = getPrevCornerVertex();
00062   const Coloring::VertexHandle c2 = getNextCornerVertex();
00063   if (c1->x() == c2->x())
00064     p = Geometry::Point(c1->x(), p.y());
00065   else if (c1->y() == c2->y())
00066     p = Geometry::Point(p.x(), c1->y());
00067   else
00068     assert(false);
00069 #endif
00070   return p;
00071 }
00073 void Coloring::test() const {
00074   // Check the integrity of the interior vertices.
00075   for (int i = 0; i < numVertices(Vertex::INTERIOR); i++) {
00076     VertexHandle v = getVertex(Vertex::INTERIOR, i);
00077     assert(v->index == i);
00078     assert(v->type() == Vertex::INTERIOR);
00079     assert(v == v->getNextIntEdge()->getPrevVertex());
00080     assert(v == v->getPrevIntEdge()->getNextVertex());
00081 #ifdef EXACT_GEOM_CXN
00082     assert(interior(*v));
00083 #endif
00084   }
00085   // Check the integrity of the boundary vertices.
00086   for (int i = 0; i < numVertices(Vertex::BOUNDARY); i++) {
00087     VertexHandle v = getVertex(Vertex::BOUNDARY, i);
00088     assert(v->index == i);
00089     assert(v->type() == Vertex::BOUNDARY);
00090     assert(v->hasPrevIntEdge() || v->hasNextIntEdge());
00091     assert(!v->hasNextIntEdge() || 
00092      (v == v->getNextIntEdge()->getPrevVertex()));
00093     assert(!v->hasPrevIntEdge() || 
00094      (v == v->getPrevIntEdge()->getNextVertex()));
00095     assert(v == v->getNextBdEdge()->getPrevVertex());
00096     assert(v == v->getPrevBdEdge()->getNextVertex());
00097 #ifdef EXACT_GEOM_CXN
00098     assert(boundary(*v));
00099 #endif
00100   }
00101   // Check the integrity of the corner vertices.
00102   for (int i = 0; i < numVertices(Vertex::CORNER); i++) {
00103     VertexHandle v = getVertex(Vertex::CORNER, i);
00104     assert(v->index == i);
00105     assert(v->type() == Vertex::CORNER);
00106     assert(v == v->getNextBdEdge()->getPrevVertex());
00107     assert(v == v->getPrevBdEdge()->getNextVertex());
00108     assert(v->Geometry::Point::operator==(bd[i]));
00109   }
00110   // Check the integrity of the interior edges.
00111   for (int i = 0; i < numInteriorEdges(); i++) {
00112     IntEdgeHandle e = getInteriorEdge(i);
00113     assert(e->index == i);
00114     assert(!(e->getNextVertex() == e->getPrevVertex()));
00115     assert(e == e->getNextVertex()->getPrevIntEdge());
00116     assert(e == e->getPrevVertex()->getNextIntEdge());
00117     assert((e->getNextVertex()->type() == Vertex::INTERIOR) ||
00118      (e->getNextVertex()->type() == Vertex::BOUNDARY));
00119     assert((e->getPrevVertex()->type() == Vertex::INTERIOR) ||
00120      (e->getPrevVertex()->type() == Vertex::BOUNDARY));
00121     assert(Segment(*(e->getPrevVertex()), *(e->getNextVertex())) == 
00122      ((Segment)*e));
00123     assert(e->getNextVertex()->Geometry::Point::operator!=(*(e->getPrevVertex())));
00124     assert(CGAL::to_double(CGAL::squared_distance(*(e->getPrevVertex()),
00125               *(e->getNextVertex()))) >=
00126      minEdgeLengthSq);
00128     // Check that the edge is indexed in the triangulation.
00129     TFaceHandle fh;
00130     int index;
00131     assert(tri.is_edge(e->prevVertex->tvh, e->nextVertex->tvh, fh, index));
00132     assert(fh->is_constrained(index));
00133     assert(tri.is_valid(false, 0));
00134 #endif
00135   }
00136   // Check exhaustively for crossing edges.
00137   for (int i = 0; i < numInteriorEdges(); i++) {
00138     IntEdgeHandle e = getInteriorEdge(i);
00139     for (int j = 0; j < numInteriorEdges(); j++) {
00140       if (i == j) continue;
00141       IntEdgeHandle f = getInteriorEdge(j);
00142       assert(!e->crosses(f->source(), f->target()));
00143     }
00144   }
00145   // Check the integrity of the boundary edges.
00146   for (int i = 0; i < numBoundaryEdges(); i++) {
00147     BdEdgeHandle e = getBoundaryEdge(i);
00148     assert(e->index == i);
00149     assert(!(e->getNextVertex() == e->getPrevVertex()));
00150     assert(e == e->getNextVertex()->getPrevBdEdge());
00151     assert(e == e->getPrevVertex()->getNextBdEdge());
00152     assert((e->getNextVertex()->type() == Vertex::BOUNDARY) ||
00153      (e->getNextVertex()->type() == Vertex::CORNER));
00154     assert((e->getPrevVertex()->type() == Vertex::BOUNDARY) ||
00155      (e->getPrevVertex()->type() == Vertex::CORNER));
00156     assert(Segment(*(e->getPrevVertex()), *(e->getNextVertex())) == 
00157      ((Segment)*e));
00158     assert(e->getNextVertex()->point() != e->getPrevVertex()->point());
00159     // Check the cached corner pointers.
00160     if (e->getPrevVertex()->type() == Vertex::CORNER) 
00161       assert(e->getPrevCornerVertex() == e->getPrevVertex());
00162     else 
00163       assert(e->getPrevCornerVertex() == 
00164        e->getPrevVertex()->getPrevCornerVertex());
00165     if (e->getNextVertex()->type() == Vertex::CORNER) 
00166       assert(e->getNextCornerVertex() == e->getNextVertex());
00167     else 
00168       assert(e->getNextCornerVertex() == 
00169        e->getNextVertex()->getNextCornerVertex());
00170   }
00171   // Check the color of the query points.
00172   for (int i = 0; i < queryPoints->size(); i++)
00173     assert(color(queryPoints->point(i)) == 
00174      queryPoints->point(i).color());
00175 }
00177 Coloring::IntEdgeHandle Coloring::newInteriorEdge(VertexHandle prev, 
00178               VertexHandle next) {
00179   // Check that the new edge is not degerate.
00180   assert(prev->point() != next->point());
00181   // Allocate the new edge.
00182   IntEdgeHandle e = intEdgeStore.newItem();
00183   e->index = interiorEdges.size();
00184   interiorEdges.push_back(e);
00185   e->nextVertex = e->prevVertex = VertexHandle();
00186   // Assign the edge's new coordinates.
00187   e->Segment::operator=(Segment(prev->point(), next->point()));
00188   // Update the vertex and edge pointers.
00189   e->prevVertex = prev;
00190   e->nextVertex = next;
00191   // Ensure the vertices are not yet attached.
00192   assert(!(e->nextVertex->prevIntEdge.valid()));
00193   assert(!(e->prevVertex->nextIntEdge.valid()));
00194   e->nextVertex->prevIntEdge = e->prevVertex->nextIntEdge = e;
00195 #ifdef GRID_EDGE_INDEX
00196   // Index the edge.
00197   typedef InteriorEdgeIndex::LineCellIterator Iterator; 
00198   Iterator it(*intEdgeIndex, *prev, *next, Iterator::SEGMENT()), end;
00199   while (it != end) {
00200     InteriorEdgeIndex::Cell& cell = *it;
00201     InteriorEdgeIndex::Cell::Entry entry = cell.add(e); 
00202     if (e->unused.empty())
00203       e->entries.push_front(entry);
00204     else {
00205       InteriorEdge::CellEntryList::iterator jt = e->unused.begin();
00206       *jt = entry;
00207       e->entries.splice(e->entries.begin(), e->unused, jt);
00208     }
00209     ++it;
00210   }
00211 #endif
00213   // Add the constraint to the triangulation.
00214   tri.insert_constraint(prev->tvh, next->tvh);
00215 #endif
00216   // Return the new edge.
00217   return *e;
00218 }
00220 Coloring::BdEdgeHandle Coloring::newBoundaryEdge(VertexHandle prev, 
00221              VertexHandle next,
00222              VertexHandle prevCorner,
00223              VertexHandle nextCorner) {
00224   assert(prev->type() != Vertex::INTERIOR);
00225   assert(next->type() != Vertex::INTERIOR);
00226   // Check that the edge is not degenerate.
00227   assert(prev->point() != next->point());
00228   // Allocate the new edge.
00229   BdEdgeHandle e = bdEdgeStore.newItem();
00230   e->index = boundaryEdges.size();
00231   boundaryEdges.push_back(e);
00232   e->nextVertex = e->prevVertex = VertexHandle();
00233   // Assign the edge's new coordinates.
00234   e->Segment::operator=(Segment(*prev, *next));
00235   // Update the vertex and edge pointers.
00236   e->prevVertex = prev;
00237   e->nextVertex = next;
00238   // Ensure the vertices are not already attached.
00239   assert(!(e->nextVertex->prevBdEdge.valid()));
00240   assert(!(e->prevVertex->nextBdEdge.valid()));
00241   e->nextVertex->prevBdEdge = e->prevVertex->nextBdEdge = e;
00242   e->prevCorner = prevCorner;
00243   e->nextCorner = nextCorner;
00244   // Return the new edge.
00245   return *e;
00246 }
00248 void Coloring::initialize(Geometry::Rectangle &boundary, 
00249         int gridRows, int gridCols,
00250         double minEdgeLength) {
00251   clear();
00252   this->minEdgeLengthSq = minEdgeLength * minEdgeLength;
00253   bd = boundary;
00254   intEdgeIndex = new InteriorEdgeIndex(boundary, gridRows, gridCols);
00255   queryPoints = NULL;
00256   // Create the original boundary edges.
00257   VertexHandle firstVertex = newVertex(Vertex::CORNER, bd[0]);
00258   VertexHandle prevVertex = firstVertex;
00259   for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
00260     VertexHandle nextVertex = newVertex(Vertex::CORNER, bd[i]);
00261     newBoundaryEdge(prevVertex, nextVertex, prevVertex, nextVertex);
00262     prevVertex = nextVertex;
00263   }
00264   newBoundaryEdge(*prevVertex, firstVertex, *prevVertex, firstVertex);
00265   assert(numVertices(Vertex::CORNER) == 4);
00266   assert(numBoundaryEdges() == 4);
00267   // Allocate a single query point in the center of the window.  (We
00268   // must have at least one query point to determine which of the two
00269   // colorings is consistent with the current set of edges.)
00270   queryPoints = new QueryPointIndex(boundary, 1, 1);
00271   // Initialize all query points to be white.
00272   for (int i = 0; i < queryPoints->size(); i++) {
00273     assert(interior(queryPoints->point(i)));
00274     queryPoints->point(i).setColor(WHITE);
00275   }
00277 #ifdef SANITY_CHECK
00278   std::cerr << "WARNING: compiled with SANITY_CHECK on; expect poor performance" << std::endl;
00279 #endif
00280 }
00282 Coloring::Coloring() 
00283   : intEdgeIndex(NULL), queryPoints(NULL) {
00284   Geometry::Rectangle r(Geometry::Kernel::RT(0), Geometry::Kernel::RT(0), 
00285       Geometry::Kernel::RT(1), Geometry::Kernel::RT(1));
00286   initialize(r, 10, 10);
00287 }
00289 Coloring::Coloring(Geometry::Rectangle &boundary, 
00290        int gridRows, int gridCols, double minEdgeLength) 
00291   : intEdgeIndex(NULL), queryPoints(NULL) {
00292   initialize(boundary, gridRows, gridCols, minEdgeLength);
00293 }
00295 Coloring::Coloring(const Arak::Util::PropertyMap& props) 
00296   : intEdgeIndex(NULL), queryPoints(NULL) {
00297   using namespace Arak::Util;
00298   double x, y, width, height;
00299   int rows, cols;
00300   assert(parse(getp(props, "arak.coloring.xmin"), x));
00301   assert(parse(getp(props, "arak.coloring.ymin"), y));
00302   assert(parse(getp(props, "arak.coloring.width"), width));
00303   assert(parse(getp(props, "arak.coloring.height"), height));
00304   assert(parse(getp(props, "arak.coloring.rows"), rows));
00305   assert(parse(getp(props, "arak.coloring.cols"), cols));
00306   Geometry::Rectangle boundary(x, y, x + width, y + height);
00307   double mel = 0.0;
00308   if (hasp(props, "arak.coloring.min_edge_length"))
00309     assert(parse(getp(props, "arak.coloring.min_edge_length"), mel));
00310   initialize(boundary, rows, cols, mel);
00311 }
00313 void Coloring::clear() {
00314   // Delete the grid.
00315   if (intEdgeIndex != NULL) {
00316     delete intEdgeIndex;
00317     intEdgeIndex = NULL;
00318   }
00319   // Delete the query point index.
00320   if (queryPoints != NULL) {
00321     delete queryPoints;
00322     queryPoints = NULL;
00323   }
00324   // Delete all vertex objects in use.
00325   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < interiorVertices.size(); i++)
00326     delete &*(interiorVertices[i]);
00327   interiorVertices.clear();
00328   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < boundaryVertices.size(); i++)
00329     delete &*(boundaryVertices[i]);
00330   boundaryVertices.clear();
00331   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cornerVertices.size(); i++)
00332     delete &*(cornerVertices[i]);
00333   cornerVertices.clear();
00334   // Delete all edge objects in use.
00335   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < interiorEdges.size(); i++)
00336     delete &*(interiorEdges[i]);
00337   interiorEdges.clear();
00338   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < boundaryEdges.size(); i++)
00339     delete &*(boundaryEdges[i]);
00340   boundaryEdges.clear();
00341 }
00343 Coloring::~Coloring() {
00344   clear();
00345 }
00347 void Coloring::addQueryPoints(const QueryPointIndex& index) const {
00348   // First set the colors of the new points.
00349   for (int i = 0; i < index.size(); i++) {
00350     const QueryPoint q = index.point(i);
00351     q.setColor(color(q));
00352   }
00353   // Then make a new query point index containing all points.
00354   QueryPointIndex *newQueryPoints = 
00355     new QueryPointIndex(*queryPoints, index);
00356   // Replace the current index with the new one.
00357   delete queryPoints;
00358   queryPoints = newQueryPoints;
00360 }
00362 Coloring::VertexHandle Coloring::newVertex(Vertex::Type type, 
00363              const Geometry::Point& p) {
00364   VertexHandle v = vertexStore.newItem(); 
00365   // Assign the type, position, and insert the vertex in the
00366   // triangulation.
00367   v->t = type;
00368   v->Geometry::Point::operator=(p);
00370   v->tvh = tri.insert(p);
00371   v->tvh->vertex = v;
00372 #endif
00373   switch (type) {
00374   case Vertex::INTERIOR:
00375     v->index = interiorVertices.size();
00376     interiorVertices.push_back(v);
00377     break;
00378   case Vertex::BOUNDARY:
00379     v->index = boundaryVertices.size();
00380     boundaryVertices.push_back(v);
00381     break;
00382   case Vertex::CORNER:
00383     v->index = cornerVertices.size();
00384     cornerVertices.push_back(v);
00385     break;
00386   default:
00387     assert(false);
00388   }
00389   // Initialize the other fields of the Vertex object.
00390   v->nextIntEdge = v->prevIntEdge = IntEdgeHandle();
00391   v->nextBdEdge = v->prevBdEdge = BdEdgeHandle();
00392   return *v;
00393 }
00395 void Coloring::freeVertex(Coloring::VertexHandle& v) {
00396   // Make sure the vertex is not attached to any edges.
00397   assert(!(v->nextIntEdge.valid()));
00398   assert(!(v->prevIntEdge.valid()));
00399   assert(!(v->nextBdEdge.valid()));
00400   assert(!(v->prevBdEdge.valid()));
00402   // Remove the vertex from the triangulation.
00403   tri.remove(v->tvh);
00404   v->tvh = TVertexHandle();
00405 #endif
00406   // Remove the vertex from its random access vector.
00407   int n;
00408   switch (v->type()) {
00409   case Vertex::INTERIOR:
00410     n = interiorVertices.size();
00411     if (n > 1) {
00412       VertexHandle w = interiorVertices[n - 1];
00413       interiorVertices[n - 1] = interiorVertices[v->index];
00414       interiorVertices[v->index] = w;
00415       w->index = v->index;
00416     }
00417     interiorVertices.pop_back();
00418     break;
00419   case Vertex::BOUNDARY:
00420     n = boundaryVertices.size();
00421     if (n > 1) {
00422       VertexHandle w = boundaryVertices[n - 1];
00423       boundaryVertices[n - 1] = boundaryVertices[v->index];
00424       boundaryVertices[v->index] = w;
00425       w->index = v->index;
00426     }
00427     boundaryVertices.pop_back();
00428     break;
00429   case Vertex::CORNER:
00430     n = cornerVertices.size();
00431     if (n > 1) {
00432       VertexHandle w = cornerVertices[n - 1];
00433       cornerVertices[n - 1] = cornerVertices[v->index];
00434       cornerVertices[v->index] = w;
00435       w->index = v->index;
00436     }
00437     cornerVertices.pop_back();
00438     break;
00439   default:
00440     assert(false);
00441   }
00442   v->t = Vertex::INVALID;
00443   v->index = -1;
00444   vertexStore.deleteItem(&*v);
00445   // Invalidate the handle.
00446   v = VertexHandle();
00447 }
00449 void Coloring::freeEdge(Coloring::IntEdgeHandle& e) {
00451   // Remove the constraint from the triangulation.
00452   TFaceHandle fh;
00453   int i;
00454   assert(tri.is_edge(e->prevVertex->tvh, e->nextVertex->tvh, fh, i));
00455   tri.remove_constrained_edge(fh, i);
00456 #endif
00457 #ifdef GRID_EDGE_INDEX
00458   // If the edge is an interior edge, update the index.
00459   for (InteriorEdge::CellEntryList::iterator it = e->entries.begin();
00460        it != e->entries.end(); it++)
00461     it->remove();
00462   e->unused.splice(e->unused.begin(), e->entries, 
00463        e->entries.begin(), 
00464        e->entries.end());
00465 #endif
00466   // If the edge has neighboring vertices, drop all links.
00467   if (e->nextVertex.valid()) {
00468     e->nextVertex->prevIntEdge = IntEdgeHandle();
00469     e->nextVertex = VertexHandle();
00470   }
00471   if (e->prevVertex.valid()) {
00472     e->prevVertex->nextIntEdge = IntEdgeHandle();
00473     e->prevVertex = VertexHandle();
00474   }
00475   // Remove the edge from its random access vector.
00476   int n = interiorEdges.size();
00477   if (n > 1) {
00478     IntEdgeHandle f = interiorEdges[n - 1];
00479     interiorEdges[n - 1] = interiorEdges[e->index];
00480     interiorEdges[e->index] = f;
00481     f->index = e->index;
00482   }
00483   interiorEdges.pop_back();
00484   e->index = -1;
00485   intEdgeStore.deleteItem(&*e);
00486   // Invalidate the handle.
00487   e = IntEdgeHandle();
00488 }
00490 void Coloring::freeEdge(Coloring::BdEdgeHandle& e) {
00491   // If the edge has neighboring vertices, drop all links.
00492   if (e->nextVertex.valid()) {
00493     e->nextVertex->prevBdEdge = BdEdgeHandle();
00494     e->nextVertex = VertexHandle();
00495   }
00496   if (e->prevVertex.valid()) {
00497     e->prevVertex->nextBdEdge = BdEdgeHandle();
00498     e->prevVertex = VertexHandle();
00499   }
00500   // Remove the edge from its random access vector.
00501   int n = boundaryEdges.size();
00502   if (n > 1) {
00503     BdEdgeHandle f = boundaryEdges[n - 1];
00504     boundaryEdges[n - 1] = boundaryEdges[e->index];
00505     boundaryEdges[e->index] = f;
00506     f->index = e->index;
00507   }
00508   boundaryEdges.pop_back();
00509   e->index = -1;
00510   bdEdgeStore.deleteItem(&*e);
00511   // Invalidate the handle.
00512   e = BdEdgeHandle();
00513 }
00515 bool Coloring::deleteVertex(VertexHandle v, TEST_IF_VALID_TAG) const {
00517   assert(v->type() == Vertex::INTERIOR);
00518   // Check that v's neighboring vertices are not adjacent.
00519   if (v->getNextVertex()->hasNextIntEdge() &&
00520       v->getNextVertex()->getNextVertex() == v->getPrevVertex())
00521     return false;
00522   IntEdgeHandle xv = v->getPrevIntEdge();
00523   IntEdgeHandle vy = v->getNextIntEdge();
00524   VertexHandle x = xv->getPrevVertex();
00525   VertexHandle y = vy->getNextVertex();
00526   Geometry::Point a = *v, b = *x, c = *y;
00527   // Check that the minimum edge length constraint (if any) is not violated.
00528   if ((minEdgeLengthSq > 0.0) &&
00529       (CGAL::to_double(CGAL::squared_distance(b, c)) < minEdgeLengthSq))
00530     return false;
00531   // Check to make sure an edge from x to y would not cross any
00532   // existing edges.  (It cannot possibly cross the edges xv or vy at
00533   // a point, so the test should not return truth, even if xv and vy
00534   // are colinear.)
00535   if (!compatible(b, c))
00536     return false;
00537   return true;
00538 }
00540 bool Coloring::deleteVertex(VertexHandle& v, DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG) {
00541   IntEdgeHandle xv = v->getPrevIntEdge();
00542   IntEdgeHandle vy = v->getNextIntEdge();
00543   VertexHandle x = xv->getPrevVertex();
00544   VertexHandle y = vy->getNextVertex();
00545   Geometry::Point a = *v, b = *x, c = *y;
00546   // Notify listeners of the elements that will be removed.
00547   notifyEdgeWillBeRemoved(xv);
00548   notifyEdgeWillBeRemoved(vy);
00549   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(x);
00550   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(v);
00551   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(y);
00552   // Perform the update.
00553   freeEdge(xv);
00554   freeEdge(vy);
00555   freeVertex(v);
00556   IntEdgeHandle xy = newInteriorEdge(x, y);
00557   // Notify listeners of the new elements.
00558   notifyEdgeHasBeenAdded(xy);
00559   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(x);
00560   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(y);
00561   // Recolor the query points.
00562   recolored(a, b, c);
00564   return true;
00565 }
00567 bool Coloring::deleteVertex(VertexHandle& v, DO_IF_VALID_TAG) {
00568   if (!deleteVertex(v, TEST_IF_VALID_TAG())) return false;
00569   return deleteVertex(v, DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG());
00570 }
00572 bool Coloring::splitEdge(IntEdgeHandle e, 
00573        const Geometry::Point& p, 
00574        TEST_IF_VALID_TAG) const {
00575   VertexHandle u = e->getPrevVertex();
00576   VertexHandle v = e->getNextVertex();
00577   assert(p != *u);
00578   assert(p != *v);
00579   // Check that the minimum edge length constraint (if any) is not violated.
00580   if ((minEdgeLengthSq > 0.0) &&
00581       ((CGAL::to_double(CGAL::squared_distance(*u, p)) < minEdgeLengthSq) ||
00582        (CGAL::to_double(CGAL::squared_distance(p, *v)) < minEdgeLengthSq)))
00583     return false;
00584   // Note that the two new edges cannot possibly cross the current
00585   // edge e, so this test correctly determines if the two new edges
00586   // would cross any edges except e.
00587   if (!compatible(*u, p) || !compatible(p, *v))
00588     return false;
00589   return true;
00590 }
00592 bool Coloring::splitEdge(IntEdgeHandle& e, 
00593        const Geometry::Point& p, 
00594        DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG) {
00595   VertexHandle u = e->getPrevVertex();
00596   VertexHandle v = e->getNextVertex();
00597   // Notify listeners of the elements that will be removed.
00598   notifyEdgeWillBeRemoved(e);
00599   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(u);
00600   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(v);
00601   // Perform the update
00602   freeEdge(e);
00603   VertexHandle x = newVertex(Vertex::INTERIOR, p);
00604   // Note: the ordering of the vertices is important here.
00605   IntEdgeHandle ux = newInteriorEdge(u, x);
00606   IntEdgeHandle xv = newInteriorEdge(x, v);
00607   // Notify listeners of the new elements.
00608   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(x);
00609   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(u);
00610   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(v);
00611   notifyEdgeHasBeenAdded(ux);
00612   notifyEdgeHasBeenAdded(xv);
00613   // Recolor the query points.
00614   recolored(*u, *v, p);
00616   return true;
00617 }
00619 bool Coloring::splitEdge(IntEdgeHandle& e, 
00620        const Geometry::Point& p, 
00621        DO_IF_VALID_TAG) {
00622   if (!splitEdge(e, p, TEST_IF_VALID_TAG())) return false;
00623   return splitEdge(e, p, DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG());
00624 }
00626 bool Coloring::newInteriorTriangle(const Geometry::Point& xp, 
00627            const Geometry::Point& yp, 
00628            const Geometry::Point& zp, 
00629            TEST_IF_VALID_TAG) const {
00630 #ifdef EXACT_GEOM_CXN
00631   // Check that all points are not outside the region.
00632   assert(interior(xp) && interior(yp) && interior(zp));
00633 #endif
00634   // Check that the minimum edge length constraint (if any) is not violated.
00635   if ((minEdgeLengthSq > 0.0) &&
00636       ((CGAL::to_double(CGAL::squared_distance(xp, yp)) < minEdgeLengthSq) ||
00637        (CGAL::to_double(CGAL::squared_distance(yp, zp)) < minEdgeLengthSq) ||
00638        (CGAL::to_double(CGAL::squared_distance(zp, xp)) < minEdgeLengthSq)))
00639     return false;
00640   // Check that all edges are compatible with the current coloring.
00641   if (!compatible(xp, yp) ||
00642       !compatible(yp, zp) || 
00643       !compatible(zp, xp))
00644     return false;
00645   return true;
00646 }
00648 Coloring::VertexHandle 
00649 Coloring::newInteriorTriangle(const Geometry::Point& xp, 
00650             const Geometry::Point& yp, 
00651             const Geometry::Point& zp, 
00652             DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG) {
00653   // Create the vertices.
00654   VertexHandle x = newVertex(Vertex::INTERIOR, xp);
00655   VertexHandle y = newVertex(Vertex::INTERIOR, yp);
00656   VertexHandle z = newVertex(Vertex::INTERIOR, zp);
00657   // Create the edges.
00658   IntEdgeHandle xy = newInteriorEdge(x, y);
00659   IntEdgeHandle yz = newInteriorEdge(y, z);
00660   IntEdgeHandle zx = newInteriorEdge(z, x);
00661   // Notify the listeners of the new vertices and edges.
00662   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(x);
00663   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(y);
00664   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(z);
00665   notifyEdgeHasBeenAdded(xy);
00666   notifyEdgeHasBeenAdded(yz);
00667   notifyEdgeHasBeenAdded(zx);
00668   // Recolor the query points.
00669   recolored(xp, yp, zp);
00671   return x;
00672 }
00674 Coloring::VertexHandle 
00675 Coloring::newInteriorTriangle(const Geometry::Point& xp, 
00676             const Geometry::Point& yp, 
00677             const Geometry::Point& zp, 
00678             DO_IF_VALID_TAG) {
00679   if (!newInteriorTriangle(xp, yp, zp, TEST_IF_VALID_TAG())) 
00680     return VertexHandle();
00681   else return newInteriorTriangle(xp, yp, zp, DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG());
00682 }
00684 bool Coloring::newBoundaryTriangle(Coloring::BdEdgeHandle e,
00685            const Geometry::Point& up, 
00686            const Geometry::Point& vp, 
00687            const Geometry::Point& wp, 
00688            TEST_IF_VALID_TAG) const {
00689 #ifdef EXACT_GEOM_CXN
00690   // Check that the interior point is inside the region.
00691   assert(interior(wp));
00692   // Check that up and vp lie on e.
00693   assert(e->has_on(up) && e->has_on(vp));
00694 #endif
00695   // Check that the boundary points are not vertices (i.e., if they
00696   // are on e, then they are in the interior of e).
00697   assert(e->source() != up);
00698   assert(e->source() != vp);
00699   assert(e->target() != up);
00700   assert(e->target() != vp);
00701   // Check that the minimum edge length constraint (if any) is not violated.
00702   if ((minEdgeLengthSq > 0.0) &&
00703       ((CGAL::to_double(CGAL::squared_distance(vp, wp)) < minEdgeLengthSq) ||
00704        (CGAL::to_double(CGAL::squared_distance(wp, up)) < minEdgeLengthSq)))
00705     return false;
00706   // Check that both interior edges are compatible with the current coloring.
00707   if (!compatible(vp, wp) || !compatible(wp, up))
00708     return false;
00709   return true;
00710 }
00712 Coloring::VertexHandle 
00713 Coloring::newBoundaryTriangle(Coloring::BdEdgeHandle e,
00714             const Geometry::Point& up, 
00715             const Geometry::Point& vp, 
00716             const Geometry::Point& wp, 
00717             DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG) {
00718   const int oldNumBdEdges = numBoundaryEdges();
00719   // Create the vertices.
00720   VertexHandle u = newVertex(Vertex::BOUNDARY, up);
00721   VertexHandle v = newVertex(Vertex::BOUNDARY, vp);
00722   VertexHandle w = newVertex(Vertex::INTERIOR, wp);
00723   // Create the interior edges.
00724   IntEdgeHandle uw = newInteriorEdge(u, w);
00725   IntEdgeHandle wv = newInteriorEdge(w, v);
00726   // Split the boundary edge e into three parts.
00727   VertexHandle p = e->getPrevVertex();
00728   VertexHandle q = e->getNextVertex();
00729   VertexHandle prevCorner = e->getPrevCornerVertex();
00730   VertexHandle nextCorner = e->getNextCornerVertex();
00731   freeEdge(e);
00732   if (squared_distance(*p, *u) < squared_distance(*p, *v)) {
00733     newBoundaryEdge(p, u, prevCorner, nextCorner);
00734     newBoundaryEdge(u, v, prevCorner, nextCorner);
00735     newBoundaryEdge(v, q, prevCorner, nextCorner);
00736   } else {
00737     newBoundaryEdge(p, v, prevCorner, nextCorner);
00738     newBoundaryEdge(v, u, prevCorner, nextCorner);
00739     newBoundaryEdge(u, q, prevCorner, nextCorner);
00740   }
00741   // Notify the listeners of the new vertices and edges.
00742   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(u);
00743   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(v);
00744   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(w);
00745   notifyEdgeHasBeenAdded(uw);
00746   notifyEdgeHasBeenAdded(wv);
00747   // Recolor the query points.
00748   recolored(up, vp, wp);
00749   assert(numBoundaryEdges() - 2 == oldNumBdEdges);
00751   return u;
00752 }
00754 Coloring::VertexHandle 
00755 Coloring::newBoundaryTriangle(Coloring::BdEdgeHandle e,
00756             const Geometry::Point& up, 
00757             const Geometry::Point& vp, 
00758             const Geometry::Point& wp, 
00759             DO_IF_VALID_TAG) {
00760   if (!newBoundaryTriangle(e, up, vp, wp, TEST_IF_VALID_TAG()))
00761     return VertexHandle();
00762   else return newBoundaryTriangle(e, up, vp, wp, DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG());
00763 }
00765 bool Coloring::newCornerTriangle(VertexHandle corner, 
00766          const Geometry::Point& u, 
00767          const Geometry::Point& v, 
00768          TEST_IF_VALID_TAG) const {
00770   assert(u != *corner);
00771   assert(v != *corner);
00772   // Check that the minimum edge length constraint (if any) is not violated.
00773   if ((minEdgeLengthSq > 0.0) &&
00774       (CGAL::to_double(CGAL::squared_distance(u, v)) < minEdgeLengthSq))
00775     return false;
00776   return compatible(u, v);
00777 }
00779 Coloring::VertexHandle Coloring::newCornerTriangle(VertexHandle corner, 
00780                const Geometry::Point& u, 
00781                const Geometry::Point& v, 
00782                DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG) {
00784   const int oldNumBdEdges = numBoundaryEdges();
00785   // Insert the new boundary vertex before the corner.
00786   BdEdgeHandle prevBdEdge = corner->getPrevBdEdge();
00787   VertexHandle prevCorner = prevBdEdge->getPrevCornerVertex();
00788 #ifdef EXACT_GEOM_CXN
00789   assert(prevBdEdge->has_on(u));
00790 #endif
00791   VertexHandle prevBdVertex = prevBdEdge->getPrevVertex();
00792   VertexHandle newPrevBdVertex = newVertex(Vertex::BOUNDARY, u);
00793   freeEdge(prevBdEdge);
00794   prevBdEdge = newBoundaryEdge(newPrevBdVertex, corner, prevCorner, corner);
00795   newBoundaryEdge(prevBdVertex, newPrevBdVertex, prevCorner, corner);
00796   // Insert the new boundary vertex after the corner.
00797   BdEdgeHandle nextBdEdge = corner->getNextBdEdge();
00798   VertexHandle nextCorner = nextBdEdge->getNextCornerVertex();
00799 #ifdef EXACT_GEOM_CXN
00800   assert(nextBdEdge->has_on(v));
00801 #endif
00802   VertexHandle nextBdVertex = nextBdEdge->getNextVertex();
00803   VertexHandle newNextBdVertex = newVertex(Vertex::BOUNDARY, v);
00804   freeEdge(nextBdEdge);
00805   nextBdEdge = newBoundaryEdge(corner, newNextBdVertex, corner, nextCorner);
00806   newBoundaryEdge(newNextBdVertex, nextBdVertex, corner, nextCorner);
00807   // Join them.
00808   IntEdgeHandle interiorEdge = 
00809     newInteriorEdge(newPrevBdVertex, newNextBdVertex);
00811   // Notify the listeners of the new vertices and edges.
00812   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(newPrevBdVertex);
00813   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(newNextBdVertex);
00814   notifyEdgeHasBeenAdded(interiorEdge);
00815   // Recolor the query points.
00816   recolored(u, v, *corner);
00818   assert(numBoundaryEdges() - 2 == oldNumBdEdges);
00819   return newPrevBdVertex;
00820 }
00822 Coloring::VertexHandle Coloring::newCornerTriangle(VertexHandle corner, 
00823                const Geometry::Point& u, 
00824                const Geometry::Point& v, 
00825                DO_IF_VALID_TAG) {
00826   if (!newCornerTriangle(corner, u, v, TEST_IF_VALID_TAG())) return false;
00827   else return newCornerTriangle(corner, u, v, DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG());
00828 }
00830 bool Coloring::deleteIntTriangle(VertexHandle vh, TEST_IF_VALID_TAG) const {
00831   // Ensure this vertex is part of an interior triangle.
00832   if (vh->type() != Vertex::INTERIOR) return false;
00833   if (!vh->hasNextIntEdge()) return false;
00834   VertexHandle vi = vh->getNextVertex();
00835   if (vi->type() != Vertex::INTERIOR) return false;
00836   if (!vi->hasNextIntEdge()) return false;
00837   VertexHandle vj = vi->getNextVertex();
00838   if (vj->type() != Vertex::INTERIOR) return false;
00839   if (!vj->hasNextIntEdge()) return false;
00840   if (vj->getNextVertex() != vh) return false;
00841   return true;
00842 }
00844 bool Coloring::deleteIntTriangle(VertexHandle& vh, DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG) {
00845   // Ensure this vertex is part of a triangle, and extract the vertices.
00846   VertexHandle va = vh;
00847   IntEdgeHandle ab = va->getNextIntEdge();
00848   VertexHandle vb = ab->getNextVertex();
00849   IntEdgeHandle bc = vb->getNextIntEdge();
00850   VertexHandle vc = bc->getNextVertex();
00851   IntEdgeHandle ca = vc->getNextIntEdge();
00852   Geometry::Point pa = va->point();
00853   Geometry::Point pb = vb->point();
00854   Geometry::Point pc = vc->point();
00855   // Notify the listeners of the removed vertices and edges.
00856   notifyEdgeWillBeRemoved(ab);
00857   notifyEdgeWillBeRemoved(bc);
00858   notifyEdgeWillBeRemoved(ca);
00859   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(va);
00860   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(vb);
00861   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(vc);
00862   // Now free the vertices and edges.
00863   freeEdge(ab);
00864   freeEdge(bc);
00865   freeEdge(ca);
00866   freeVertex(va);
00867   freeVertex(vb);
00868   freeVertex(vc);
00869   vh = VertexHandle();
00870   // Recolor the query points.
00871   recolored(pa, pb, pc);
00873   return true;
00874 }
00876 bool Coloring::deleteIntTriangle(VertexHandle& vh, DO_IF_VALID_TAG) {
00877   if (!deleteIntTriangle(vh, TEST_IF_VALID_TAG())) return false;
00878   else return deleteIntTriangle(vh, DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG());
00879 }
00881 bool Coloring::deleteBdTriangle(VertexHandle vh, TEST_IF_VALID_TAG) const {
00882   // Try to back up the vertex handle to the root of a chain.
00883   if (vh->hasPrevIntEdge()) vh = vh->getPrevVertex();
00884   if (vh->hasPrevIntEdge()) vh = vh->getPrevVertex();
00885   // If we are not at a root of the chain, this is not a boundary
00886   // triangle.
00887   if (vh->type() != Vertex::BOUNDARY) return false;
00888   // Check to see if this is a boundary triangle.
00889   VertexHandle vi = vh->getNextVertex();
00890   if (vi->type() != Vertex::INTERIOR) return false;
00891   if (!vi->hasNextIntEdge()) return false;
00892   VertexHandle vj = vi->getNextVertex();
00893   if (vj->type() != Vertex::BOUNDARY) return false;
00894   // Check to make sure the boundary vertices are on the same face.
00895   if (vh->getNextCornerVertex() != vj->getNextCornerVertex()) 
00896     return false;
00897   return true;
00898 }
00900 void Coloring::disconnectFromBd(VertexHandle v) {
00901   assert(v->type() == Vertex::BOUNDARY);
00902   BdEdgeHandle prevBoundaryEdge = v->getPrevBdEdge();
00903   BdEdgeHandle nextBoundaryEdge = v->getNextBdEdge();
00904   VertexHandle prevVertex = prevBoundaryEdge->getPrevVertex();
00905   VertexHandle nextVertex = nextBoundaryEdge->getNextVertex();
00906   VertexHandle prevCorner = prevBoundaryEdge->getPrevCornerVertex();
00907   VertexHandle nextCorner = nextBoundaryEdge->getNextCornerVertex();
00908   freeEdge(prevBoundaryEdge);
00909   freeEdge(nextBoundaryEdge);
00910   newBoundaryEdge(prevVertex, nextVertex, prevCorner, nextCorner);
00911 }
00913 bool Coloring::deleteBdTriangle(VertexHandle& vh, DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG) {
00914   // Try to back up the vertex handle to the root of a chain.
00915   if (vh->hasPrevIntEdge()) vh = vh->getPrevVertex();
00916   if (vh->hasPrevIntEdge()) vh = vh->getPrevVertex();
00917   VertexHandle va = vh;
00918   IntEdgeHandle ab = va->getNextIntEdge();
00919   VertexHandle vb = ab->getNextVertex();
00920   IntEdgeHandle bc = vb->getNextIntEdge();
00921   VertexHandle vc = bc->getNextVertex();
00922   Geometry::Point pa = va->point();
00923   Geometry::Point pb = vb->point();
00924   Geometry::Point pc = vc->point();
00925   // Notify the listeners of the removed vertices and edges.
00926   notifyEdgeWillBeRemoved(ab);
00927   notifyEdgeWillBeRemoved(bc);
00928   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(va);
00929   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(vb);
00930   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(vc);
00931   // Now free the vertices and edges.
00932   freeEdge(ab);
00933   freeEdge(bc);
00934   disconnectFromBd(va);
00935   disconnectFromBd(vc);
00936   freeVertex(va);
00937   freeVertex(vb);
00938   freeVertex(vc);
00939   vh = VertexHandle();
00940   // Recolor the query points.
00941   recolored(pa, pb, pc);
00943   return true;
00944 }
00946 bool Coloring::deleteBdTriangle(VertexHandle& vh, DO_IF_VALID_TAG) {
00947   if (!deleteBdTriangle(vh, TEST_IF_VALID_TAG())) return false;
00948   else return deleteBdTriangle(vh, DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG());
00949 }
00951 bool Coloring::deleteCornerTriangle(VertexHandle vh, TEST_IF_VALID_TAG) const {
00952   // Try to back up the vertex handle to the root of a chain.
00953   if (vh->hasPrevIntEdge()) vh = vh->getPrevVertex();
00954   // If we are not at a root of the chain, this is not a corner
00955   // triangle.
00956   if (vh->type() != Vertex::BOUNDARY) return false;
00957   // Check to see if this is a boundary triangle.
00958   VertexHandle vi = vh->getNextVertex();
00959   if (vi->type() != Vertex::BOUNDARY) return false;
00960   return true;
00961 }
00963 bool Coloring::deleteCornerTriangle(VertexHandle& vh, DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG) {
00964   // Back up the vertex handle to the root of a chain.
00965   if (vh->hasPrevIntEdge()) vh = vh->getPrevVertex();
00966   VertexHandle va = vh;
00967   IntEdgeHandle ab = va->getNextIntEdge();
00968   VertexHandle vb = ab->getNextVertex();
00969   VertexHandle vaNextCorner = va->getNextCornerVertex();
00970   VertexHandle vbNextCorner = vb->getNextCornerVertex();
00971   Geometry::Point pa = va->point();
00972   Geometry::Point pb = vb->point();
00973   Geometry::Point pc;
00974   if (vaNextCorner->getNextCornerVertex() == vbNextCorner)
00975     pc = vaNextCorner->point();
00976   else if (vbNextCorner->getNextCornerVertex() == vaNextCorner)
00977     pc = vbNextCorner->point();
00978   // Notify the listeners of the removed vertices and edges.
00979   notifyEdgeWillBeRemoved(ab);
00980   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(va);
00981   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(vb);
00982   // Now free the vertices and edges.
00983   freeEdge(ab);
00984   disconnectFromBd(va);
00985   disconnectFromBd(vb);
00986   freeVertex(va);
00987   freeVertex(vb);
00988   vh = VertexHandle();
00989   // Recolor the query points.
00990   recolored(pa, pb, pc);
00992   return true;
00993 }
00995 bool Coloring::deleteCornerTriangle(VertexHandle& vh, DO_IF_VALID_TAG) {
00996   if (!deleteCornerTriangle(vh, TEST_IF_VALID_TAG())) return false;
00997   else return deleteCornerTriangle(vh, DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG());
00998 }
01000 bool Coloring::moveIntVertex(Coloring::VertexHandle v, 
01001            const Geometry::Point& p, 
01002            TEST_IF_VALID_TAG) const {
01003   assert(v->type() == Vertex::INTERIOR);
01004 #ifdef EXACT_GEOM_CXN
01005   assert(interior(p));
01006 #endif
01007   if (v->point() == p) return true;
01008   // Check that the minimum edge length constraint (if any) is not violated.
01009   if ((minEdgeLengthSq > 0.0) &&
01010       ((CGAL::to_double(CGAL::squared_distance(p, v->getNextVertex()->point())) < minEdgeLengthSq) ||
01011        (CGAL::to_double(CGAL::squared_distance(p, v->getPrevVertex()->point())) < minEdgeLengthSq)))
01012     return false;
01013   if (!compatible(p, v->getNextVertex()->point()) ||
01014       !compatible(p, v->getPrevVertex()->point()))
01015     return false;
01016   return true;
01017 }
01019 bool Coloring::moveIntVertex(Coloring::VertexHandle& v, 
01020            const Geometry::Point& p, 
01021            DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG) {
01022   IntEdgeHandle uv = v->getPrevIntEdge();
01023   VertexHandle u = uv->getPrevVertex();
01024   IntEdgeHandle vw = v->getNextIntEdge();
01025   VertexHandle w = vw->getNextVertex();
01026   // Notify the listeners of the removed vertices and edges.
01027   notifyEdgeWillBeRemoved(uv);
01028   notifyEdgeWillBeRemoved(vw);
01029   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(u);
01030   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(v);
01031   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(w);
01032   // Perform the update.
01033   Geometry::Point oldLoc = *v;
01034   freeEdge(uv);
01035   freeEdge(vw);
01036   freeVertex(v);
01037   v = newVertex(Vertex::INTERIOR, p);
01038   uv = newInteriorEdge(u, v);
01039   vw = newInteriorEdge(v, w);
01040   // Notify the listeners of the new vertices and edges.
01041   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(u);
01042   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(v);
01043   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(w);
01044   notifyEdgeHasBeenAdded(uv);
01045   notifyEdgeHasBeenAdded(vw);
01046   // Recolor the query points.
01047   recolored(*u, p, *w, oldLoc);
01049   return true;
01050 }
01052 bool Coloring::moveIntVertex(Coloring::VertexHandle& v, 
01053            const Geometry::Point& p, 
01054            DO_IF_VALID_TAG) {
01055   if (!moveIntVertex(v, p, TEST_IF_VALID_TAG())) return false;
01056   return moveIntVertex(v, p, DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG());
01057 }
01059 bool Coloring::moveVertexAlongBd(Coloring::VertexHandle v, 
01060          const Geometry::Point& p, 
01061          TEST_IF_VALID_TAG) const {
01063   // Check that the vertex is a boundary vertex and that the new
01064   // location is on one or the other incident boundary edge.
01065   assert(v->type() == Vertex::BOUNDARY);
01066 #ifdef EXACT_GEOM_CXN
01067   assert(v->getPrevBdEdge()->has_on(p) || v->getNextBdEdge()->has_on(p));
01068 #endif
01069   if (v->point() == p) return true;
01070   // Check that the interior edge incident to v will not cross any
01071   // other edges in the coloring and that the minimum edge length
01072   // constraint (if any) is not violated.
01073   bool isRoot = v->hasNextIntEdge();
01074   IntEdgeHandle e = isRoot ? v->getNextIntEdge() : v->getPrevIntEdge();
01075   VertexHandle u = isRoot ? e->getNextVertex() : e->getPrevVertex();
01076   if ((minEdgeLengthSq > 0.0) &&
01077       (CGAL::to_double(CGAL::squared_distance(*u, p)) < minEdgeLengthSq))
01078     return false;
01079   if (!compatible(*u, p)) return false;
01080   return true;
01081 }
01083 bool Coloring::moveVertexAlongBd(Coloring::VertexHandle& v, 
01084          const Geometry::Point& p, 
01085          DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG) {
01086   const int oldNumBdEdges = numBoundaryEdges();
01087   // Check that the interior edge incident to v will not cross any
01088   // other edges in the coloring.
01089   bool isRoot = v->hasNextIntEdge();
01090   IntEdgeHandle e = isRoot ? v->getNextIntEdge() : v->getPrevIntEdge();
01091   VertexHandle u = isRoot ? e->getNextVertex() : e->getPrevVertex();
01092   // Store some information.
01093   const Geometry::Point oldLoc = v->point();
01094   BdEdgeHandle prevBdEdge = v->getPrevBdEdge();
01095   BdEdgeHandle nextBdEdge = v->getNextBdEdge();
01096   VertexHandle prevCorner = nextBdEdge->getPrevCornerVertex();
01097   VertexHandle nextCorner = nextBdEdge->getNextCornerVertex();
01098   VertexHandle nextBdVertex = nextBdEdge->getNextVertex();
01099   VertexHandle prevBdVertex = prevBdEdge->getPrevVertex();
01100   // Notify the listeners of the removed vertices and edges.
01101   notifyEdgeWillBeRemoved(e);
01102   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(u);
01103   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(v);
01104   // Perform the update.  Free the old edges and vertex.
01105   freeEdge(e);
01106   freeEdge(prevBdEdge);
01107   freeEdge(nextBdEdge);
01108   freeVertex(v);
01109   // Create the new edges and vertex.
01110   v = newVertex(Vertex::BOUNDARY, p);
01111   e = isRoot ? newInteriorEdge(v, u) : newInteriorEdge(u, v);
01112   prevBdEdge = newBoundaryEdge(prevBdVertex, v, prevCorner, nextCorner);
01113   nextBdEdge = newBoundaryEdge(v, nextBdVertex, prevCorner, nextCorner);
01114   // Notify the listeners of the new vertices and edges.
01115   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(u);
01116   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(v);
01117   notifyEdgeHasBeenAdded(e);
01118   // Recolor the query points.
01119   recolored(*u, oldLoc, p);
01120   assert(oldNumBdEdges == numBoundaryEdges());
01121   TEST_VALIDITY;  
01122   return true;
01123 }
01125 bool Coloring::moveVertexAlongBd(Coloring::VertexHandle& v, 
01126          const Geometry::Point& p, 
01127          DO_IF_VALID_TAG) {
01128   if (!moveVertexAlongBd(v, p, TEST_IF_VALID_TAG())) return false;
01129   return moveVertexAlongBd(v, p, DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG());
01130 }
01132 bool Coloring::moveBdVertexPastCorner(Coloring::BdEdgeHandle bdEdge, 
01133               const Geometry::Point& p, 
01134               TEST_IF_VALID_TAG) const {
01136   bool prevIsCorner = 
01137     (bdEdge->getPrevVertex()->type() == Coloring::Vertex::CORNER);
01138   Coloring::VertexHandle corner = 
01139     (prevIsCorner ? bdEdge->getPrevVertex() : bdEdge->getNextVertex());
01140   Coloring::VertexHandle bdVertex = 
01141     (prevIsCorner ? bdEdge->getNextVertex() : bdEdge->getPrevVertex());
01142   assert(bdVertex->type() == Coloring::Vertex::BOUNDARY);
01143 #ifdef EXACT_GEOM_CXN
01144   Coloring::BdEdgeHandle otherEdge =
01145     (prevIsCorner ? corner->getPrevBdEdge() : corner->getNextBdEdge());
01146   assert(otherEdge->has_on(p));
01147 #endif
01148   bool isRoot = bdVertex->hasNextIntEdge();
01149   Coloring::IntEdgeHandle intEdge = (isRoot ? 
01150              bdVertex->getNextIntEdge() : 
01151              bdVertex->getPrevIntEdge());
01152   Coloring::VertexHandle adjVertex = (isRoot ? 
01153          intEdge->getNextVertex() : 
01154          intEdge->getPrevVertex());
01155   // If the adjacent edge is a boundary vertex on the target face,
01156   // abort the update.
01157   if ((adjVertex->type() == Vertex::BOUNDARY) &&
01158       ((prevIsCorner && (adjVertex->getNextCornerVertex() == corner)) ||
01159        (!prevIsCorner && (adjVertex->getPrevCornerVertex() == corner))))
01160     return false;
01161   // Check that the minimum edge length constraint (if any) is not violated.
01162   if ((minEdgeLengthSq > 0.0) &&
01163       (CGAL::to_double(CGAL::squared_distance(p, *adjVertex)) < minEdgeLengthSq))
01164     return false;
01165   // Check that the new edge would not cross any existing edges in the
01166   // coloring.
01167   if (!compatible(p, *adjVertex)) return false;
01168   return true;
01169 }
01171 bool Coloring::moveBdVertexPastCorner(Coloring::BdEdgeHandle& bdEdge, 
01172               const Geometry::Point& p, 
01173               DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG) {
01174   const int oldNumBdEdges = numBoundaryEdges();
01175   bool prevIsCorner = 
01176     (bdEdge->getPrevVertex()->type() == Coloring::Vertex::CORNER);
01177   Coloring::VertexHandle corner = 
01178     (prevIsCorner ? bdEdge->getPrevVertex() : bdEdge->getNextVertex());
01179   Coloring::VertexHandle bdVertex = 
01180     (prevIsCorner ? bdEdge->getNextVertex() : bdEdge->getPrevVertex());
01181   assert(bdVertex->type() == Coloring::Vertex::BOUNDARY);
01182   bool isRoot = bdVertex->hasNextIntEdge();
01183   Coloring::IntEdgeHandle intEdge = (isRoot ? 
01184              bdVertex->getNextIntEdge() : 
01185              bdVertex->getPrevIntEdge());
01186   Coloring::VertexHandle adjVertex = (isRoot ? 
01187          intEdge->getNextVertex() : 
01188          intEdge->getPrevVertex());
01189   // Notify the listeners of the removed vertices and edges.
01190   notifyEdgeWillBeRemoved(intEdge);
01191   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(bdVertex);
01192   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(adjVertex);
01193   // Perform the update.  
01194   Geometry::Point oldLoc = *bdVertex;
01195   Coloring::BdEdgeHandle nextBdEdge = bdEdge->getNextVertex()->getNextBdEdge();
01196   Coloring::VertexHandle nextBdVertex = nextBdEdge->getNextVertex();
01197   Coloring::BdEdgeHandle prevBdEdge = bdEdge->getPrevVertex()->getPrevBdEdge();
01198   Coloring::VertexHandle prevBdVertex = prevBdEdge->getPrevVertex();
01199   Coloring::VertexHandle prevCorner = corner->getPrevCornerVertex();
01200   Coloring::VertexHandle nextCorner = corner->getNextCornerVertex();
01201   // Remove the existing edges and vertex.
01202   freeEdge(prevBdEdge);
01203   freeEdge(bdEdge);
01204   freeEdge(nextBdEdge);
01205   freeEdge(intEdge);
01206   freeVertex(bdVertex);
01207   // Insert the new edges and vertex.
01208   bdVertex = newVertex(Vertex::BOUNDARY, p);
01209   intEdge = isRoot ? newInteriorEdge(bdVertex, adjVertex) :
01210     newInteriorEdge(adjVertex, bdVertex);
01211   if (prevIsCorner) {
01212     newBoundaryEdge(prevBdVertex, bdVertex, prevCorner, corner);
01213     bdEdge = newBoundaryEdge(bdVertex, corner, prevCorner, corner);
01214     newBoundaryEdge(corner, nextBdVertex, corner, nextCorner);
01215   } else {
01216     newBoundaryEdge(prevBdVertex, corner, prevCorner, corner);
01217     bdEdge = newBoundaryEdge(corner, bdVertex, corner, nextCorner);
01218     newBoundaryEdge(bdVertex, nextBdVertex, corner, nextCorner);
01219   }
01220   // Notify the listeners of the new vertices and edges.
01221   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(bdVertex);
01222   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(adjVertex);
01223   notifyEdgeHasBeenAdded(intEdge);
01224   // Recolor the query points.
01225   recolored(*adjVertex, p, *corner, oldLoc);
01227   assert(oldNumBdEdges == numBoundaryEdges());
01228   return true;
01229 }
01231 bool Coloring::moveBdVertexPastCorner(Coloring::BdEdgeHandle& bdEdge, 
01232               const Geometry::Point& p, 
01233               DO_IF_VALID_TAG) {
01234   if (!moveBdVertexPastCorner(bdEdge, p, TEST_IF_VALID_TAG())) return false;
01235   return moveBdVertexPastCorner(bdEdge, p, DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG());
01236 }
01238 bool Coloring::recolorQuadrilateral(IntEdgeHandle ab, 
01239             IntEdgeHandle cd, 
01240             bool ac, 
01241             TEST_IF_VALID_TAG) const {
01242   VertexHandle a = ab->getPrevVertex();
01243   VertexHandle b = ab->getNextVertex();
01244   VertexHandle c = cd->getPrevVertex();
01245   VertexHandle d = cd->getNextVertex();
01246   /*
01247    * Test to make sure the update would yield a valid coloring.  The
01248    * edges we will create are {w,x} and {y,z}.
01249    */
01250   VertexHandle w = a;
01251   VertexHandle x = (ac ? c : d);
01252   VertexHandle y = b;
01253   VertexHandle z = (ac ? d : c);
01254   // Self-edges are not allowed. (This can happen when the edges are
01255   // adjacent.)
01256   if ((w == x) || (y == z)) return false;
01257   // The two new edges may not cross.
01258   if (CGAL::do_intersect(Segment(*w, *x), Segment(*y, *z))) return false;
01259   // The new edges must not duplicate existing edges.  This can occur
01260   // when the original edges are separated by one edge.
01261   if ((d->hasNextIntEdge() && (d->getNextVertex() == a)) 
01262       ||
01263       (b->hasNextIntEdge() && (b->getNextVertex() == c)))
01264     return false;
01265   // The new edges must not join two boundary vertices on the same
01266   // face.
01267   if ((w->type() == Vertex::BOUNDARY) && 
01268       (x->type() == Vertex::BOUNDARY) &&
01269       (x->getNextCornerVertex() == w->getNextCornerVertex()))
01270     return false;
01271   if ((y->type() == Vertex::BOUNDARY) && 
01272       (z->type() == Vertex::BOUNDARY) &&
01273       (y->getNextCornerVertex() == z->getNextCornerVertex()))
01274     return false;
01275   // Check that the minimum edge length constraint (if any) is not violated.
01276   if ((minEdgeLengthSq > 0.0) &&
01277       ((CGAL::to_double(CGAL::squared_distance(*w, *x)) < minEdgeLengthSq) ||
01278        (CGAL::to_double(CGAL::squared_distance(*y, *z)) < minEdgeLengthSq)))
01279     return false;
01280   // The two new edges must be compatible with the current coloring.
01281   // (They cannot possibly cross the two removed edges because of the
01282   // shared vertices.)
01283   if (!compatible(*w, *x) || !compatible(*y, *z)) return false;
01284   return true;
01285 }
01287 bool Coloring::recolorQuadrilateral(IntEdgeHandle& ab, 
01288             IntEdgeHandle& cd, 
01289             bool ac, 
01290             DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG) {
01297   VertexHandle a = ab->getPrevVertex();
01298   VertexHandle b = ab->getNextVertex();
01299   VertexHandle c = cd->getPrevVertex();
01300   VertexHandle d = cd->getNextVertex();
01301   // Notify the listeners of the removed vertices and edges.
01302   notifyEdgeWillBeRemoved(ab);
01303   notifyEdgeWillBeRemoved(cd);
01304   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(a);
01305   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(b);
01306   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(c);
01307   notifyVertexWillBeRemoved(d);
01308   if (ac) {
01309     // The two sources (a and c) are to be joined, which means we must
01310     // reverse some edges.  To determine which must be reversed, we
01311     // must first figure out if ab and cd are part of the same path.
01312     // The first step is to remove the current edges.
01313     freeEdge(ab);
01314     freeEdge(cd);
01315     // Determine if b leads to c.
01316     VertexHandle v = b;
01317     while ((v != c) && v->hasNextIntEdge()) v = v->getNextVertex();
01318     const bool b2c = (v == c);
01319     // Determine if d leads to a.
01320     v = d;
01321     while ((v != a) && v->hasNextIntEdge()) v = v->getNextVertex();
01322     const bool d2a = (v == a);
01323     /* There are four cases to consider: 
01324      * 
01325      * 1. If b leads to c and d leads to a, then both edges are part
01326      * of a cycle.  In this case, we reverse all edges on the path
01327      * from b to c, connect a to c, and connect b to d.
01328      *
01329      * 2. If b leads to c but d does not lead to a, then both edges
01330      * are part of a chain in which ab precedes cd.  In this case, we
01331      * reverse all edges on the path from b to c, connect a to c, and
01332      * connect b to d.
01333      * 
01334      * 3. If d leads to a but b does not lead to c, then both edges
01335      * are part of a chain in which cd precedes ab.  In this case, we
01336      * reverse all edges on the path from d to a, connect c to a, and
01337      * connect d to b.
01338      *
01339      * 4. If b does not lead to c and d does not lead to a then ab and
01340      * cd are not part of the same path.  In this case we reverse all
01341      * edges before c and after d and then connect a to c and d to b.
01342      */
01343     // In cases 1, 2, and 4 we reverse all edges from b to c.
01344     if (!(d2a && !b2c)) {
01345       // Walk backwards from c, reversing all edges until we run out of
01346       // edges.  (Because we've already removed the edges entering b,
01347       // this stops correctly)
01348       v = c;
01349       VertexHandle u = 
01350   v->hasPrevIntEdge() ? v->getPrevVertex() : VertexHandle();
01351       if (u.valid()) {
01352   // Free the edge to v from u.
01353   IntEdgeHandle uv = v->getPrevIntEdge();
01354   freeEdge(uv);
01355       }
01356       // We have now set up the loop invariant.  If u is valid, then it
01357       // was the previous vertex before v, but we've removed that edge.
01358       while (u.valid()) {
01359   // Get the vertex before u.
01360   VertexHandle t = 
01361     u->hasPrevIntEdge() ? u->getPrevVertex() : VertexHandle();
01362   if (t.valid()) {
01363     // Free the edge to u from t.
01364     IntEdgeHandle tu = u->getPrevIntEdge();
01365     freeEdge(tu);
01366   }
01367   // Add an edge to u from v.
01368   newInteriorEdge(v, u);
01369   // Regress the handles.
01370   v = u;
01371   u = t;
01372       }
01373     }
01374     // In cases 3 and 4 we reverse the edges from d to a.
01375     if (!b2c) {
01376       // Walk forwards from d, reversing all edges until we run out of
01377       // edges.  Because we have already removed the edge from a to c
01378       // this will stop correctly.
01379       v = d;
01380       VertexHandle u = 
01381   v->hasNextIntEdge() ? v->getNextVertex() : VertexHandle();
01382       if (u.valid()) {
01383   // Free the edge from v to u.
01384   IntEdgeHandle vu = v->getNextIntEdge();
01385   freeEdge(vu);
01386       }
01387       // We have now set up the loop invariant.  If u is valid, then it
01388       // was the next vertex after v, but we've removed that edge.
01389       while (u.valid()) {
01390   // Get the vertex after u.
01391   VertexHandle t = 
01392     u->hasNextIntEdge() ? u->getNextVertex() : VertexHandle();
01393   if (t.valid()) {
01394     // Free the edge from u to t.
01395     IntEdgeHandle ut = u->getNextIntEdge();
01396     freeEdge(ut);
01397   }
01398   // Add an edge from u back to v.
01399   newInteriorEdge(u, v);
01400   // Advance the handles.
01401   v = u;
01402   u = t;
01403       }
01404     }
01405     // Now we're ready to install the new edges.
01406     if (b2c && d2a) { // case 1
01407       ab = newInteriorEdge(a, c);
01408       cd = newInteriorEdge(b, d);
01409     } else if (b2c && !d2a) { // case 2
01410       ab = newInteriorEdge(a, c);
01411       cd = newInteriorEdge(b, d);
01412     } else if (!b2c && d2a) { // case 3
01413       ab = newInteriorEdge(c, a);
01414       cd = newInteriorEdge(d, b);
01415     } else { // case 4
01416       ab = newInteriorEdge(a, c);
01417       cd = newInteriorEdge(d, b);
01418     }
01419   } else {
01420     // We are joining sources to targets, so no reversing is required.
01421     freeEdge(ab);
01422     freeEdge(cd);
01423     ab = newInteriorEdge(a, d);
01424     cd = newInteriorEdge(c, b);
01425   }
01426   // Notify the listeners of the new vertices and edges.
01427   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(a);
01428   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(b);
01429   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(c);
01430   notifyVertexHasBeenAdded(d);
01431   notifyEdgeHasBeenAdded(ab);
01432   notifyEdgeHasBeenAdded(cd);
01433   // Recolor the query points.
01434   if (ac) 
01435     recolored(*b, *a, *c, *d);
01436   else 
01437     recolored(*b, *a, *d, *c);
01439   return true;
01440 }
01442 bool Coloring::recolorQuadrilateral(IntEdgeHandle& ab, 
01443             IntEdgeHandle& cd, 
01444             bool ac, 
01445             DO_IF_VALID_TAG) {
01446   if (!recolorQuadrilateral(ab, cd, ac, TEST_IF_VALID_TAG())) return false;
01447   return recolorQuadrilateral(ab, cd, ac, DO_WITHOUT_TEST_TAG());
01448 }
01451 Coloring::Tracer::Tracer(const Geometry::Point& source,
01452        const Geometry::Point& target,
01453        const Coloring::TriangulationIndex& tri,
01454        bool isRay,
01455        const Coloring::TFaceHandle hint) 
01456   : source(source), target(target), tri(&tri), circ(),
01457     edge(Coloring::TFaceHandle(), 0), 
01458     forwards(true), valid(true), isRay(isRay) { 
01465   // Initialize the face handle to a face containing the source.
01466   TFaceHandle fh = tri.locate(this->source, hint);
01467   // Initialize the face circulator at this face handle.
01468   Coloring::TFaceCirculator start = circ = tri.line_walk(source, target, fh);
01469   assert(tri.is_infinite(start) == false);
01470   // Check to see if the object is a segment and this face contains
01471   // the target.  If it does, then this tracer is initialized to the
01472   // end iterator.
01473   if (!isRay && 
01474       (tri.triangle(start).has_on_unbounded_side(target) == false)) {
01475     valid = false;
01476     return;
01477   }
01478   // Test to see if we move towards the target.
01479   ++circ;
01480   int nbr;
01481   assert(start->has_neighbor(circ, nbr));
01482   Geometry::Segment e = tri.segment(start, nbr);
01483   if (tri.is_infinite(circ) == false) {
01484     Geometry::Point p = start->vertex(>point();
01485     Geometry::Point q = start->vertex(tri.ccw(nbr))->point();
01486     Geometry::Point s = source - (target - source);
01487     Geometry::Point t = target + (target - source);
01488     CGAL::Orientation so = CGAL::orientation(p, q, s);
01489     CGAL::Orientation to = CGAL::orientation(p, q, t);
01490     assert(so != CGAL::COLLINEAR);
01491     assert(to != CGAL::COLLINEAR);
01492     forwards = (so != to);
01493   } else 
01494     forwards = false;
01495   // Now that we know which way it will walk, reset the circulator.
01496   circ = tri.line_walk(source, target, fh);
01497   // Increment the iterator.
01498   this->operator++();
01499 }
01501 Coloring::Tracer& Coloring::Tracer::operator++() {
01502   assert(valid);
01503   // Advance the underlying circulator until a constrained edge is
01504   // crossed.
01505   while (true) {
01506     assert(tri->is_infinite(circ) == false);
01507     Coloring::TFaceCirculator prev = circ;
01508     if (forwards) ++circ; else --circ;
01509     // If the shared edge between the current and next faces is a
01510     // constrained edge that crosses the segment, stop the search.
01511     int nbr;
01512     if (prev->has_neighbor(circ, nbr)) {
01513       // Check to see if the shared edge is a constrained edge that
01514       // crosses the segment.
01515       if (prev->is_constrained(nbr) && 
01516     crosses(tri->segment(prev, nbr), source, target)) {
01517   edge = TEdge(prev, nbr);
01518   return *this;
01519       }
01520       // Check if we are done with the traversal.
01521       if (!isRay) {
01522   Geometry::Point p = prev->vertex(tri->cw(nbr))->point();
01523   Geometry::Point q = prev->vertex(tri->ccw(nbr))->point();
01524   CGAL::Orientation so = CGAL::orientation(p, q, source);
01525   CGAL::Orientation to = CGAL::orientation(p, q, target);
01526   if ((to == CGAL::COLLINEAR) || (so == to)) {
01527     valid = false;
01528     return *this;
01529   }
01530       }
01531     } else {
01532       // The current and next faces do not share an edge.  In this
01533       // case, they share a vertex that is on the search line.  
01534     }
01535     // Check if we have passed out of the convex hull.
01536     if (tri->is_infinite(circ)) {
01537       valid = false;
01538       return *this;
01539     }
01540   }
01541 }
01542 #endif // #ifdef TRIANGULATION_EDGE_INDEX
01544 #ifdef GRID_EDGE_INDEX
01545 bool Coloring::compatible(const Geometry::Point &xp, 
01546         const Geometry::Point &yp) const {
01547   typedef InteriorEdgeIndex::ConstLineCellIterator Iterator; 
01548   Iterator it(*intEdgeIndex, xp, yp, Iterator::SEGMENT()), end;
01549   typedef InteriorEdgeIndex::Cell Cell;
01550   while (it != end) {
01551     const InteriorEdgeIndex::Cell& cell = *it;
01552     const InteriorEdgeIndex::Cell::ItemList& edges = cell.getItemList();
01553     typedef InteriorEdgeIndex::Cell::ItemList::const_iterator EdgeIterator;
01554     for (EdgeIterator jt = edges.begin(); jt != edges.end(); jt++) {
01555       const IntEdgeHandle e = *jt;
01556       if (e->crosses(xp, yp)) {
01557   return false;
01558       }
01559     }
01560     ++it;
01561   }
01562   return true;
01563 }
01564 #endif // #ifdef GRID_EDGE_INDEX
01567 bool Coloring::compatible(const Geometry::Point &xp, 
01568         const Geometry::Point &yp,
01569         TFaceHandle fh) const {
01570   Tracer trace(xp, yp, tri, outside(yp), fh);
01571   bool found = (trace != Tracer());
01572   return !found;
01573 }
01574 #endif // #ifdef TRIANGULATION_EDGE_INDEX
01576 bool Coloring::trace(const Geometry::Point &xp, 
01577          const Geometry::Point &yp,
01578          IntEdgeHandle& edge,
01579          Geometry::Point& ipt,
01580          Geometry::Kernel::FT& sd) const {
01582   Tracer trace(xp, yp, tri);
01583   if (trace != Tracer()) {
01584     TFaceHandle fh = trace->first;
01585     int i = trace->second;
01586     TVertexHandle tva = fh->vertex(;
01587     TVertexHandle tvb = fh->vertex(tri.ccw(i));
01588     VertexHandle va = tva->vertex;
01589     VertexHandle vb = tvb->vertex;
01590     if (va->hasPrevIntEdge() && (va->getPrevVertex() == vb))
01591       edge = va->getPrevIntEdge();
01592     else if (va->hasNextIntEdge() && (va->getNextVertex() == vb))
01593       edge = va->getNextIntEdge();
01594     else 
01595       assert(false);
01596     CGAL::Object result = CGAL::intersection(edge->segment(), 
01597                Geometry::Segment(xp, yp));
01598     assert(CGAL::assign(ipt, result));
01599     sd = squared_distance(ipt, xp);
01600     return true;
01601   } else
01602     return false;
01603 #endif
01604 #ifdef GRID_EDGE_INDEX
01605   typedef InteriorEdgeIndex::ConstLineCellIterator Iterator; 
01606   Iterator it(*intEdgeIndex, xp, yp, Iterator::SEGMENT()), end;
01607   typedef const InteriorEdgeIndex::Cell Cell;
01608   const Segment segment(xp, yp);
01609   edge = IntEdgeHandle();
01610   while (it != end) {
01611     Cell& cell = *it;
01612     const Cell::ItemList& edges = cell.getItemList();
01613     typedef Cell::ItemList::const_iterator EdgeIterator;
01614     for (EdgeIterator jt = edges.begin(); jt != edges.end(); jt++) {
01615       const IntEdgeHandle e = *jt;
01616       Geometry::Point intersection;
01617       CGAL::Object result = CGAL::intersection(*e, segment);
01618       if (CGAL::assign(intersection, result)) {
01619   Geometry::Kernel::FT d = squared_distance(intersection, xp);
01620   if ((!edge.valid()) || (d < sd)) {
01621     edge = e;
01622     sd = d;
01623     ipt = intersection;
01624   }
01625       }
01626     }
01627     if (edge.valid()) break;
01628     ++it;
01629   }
01630   return edge.valid();
01631 #endif
01632 }
01634 Geometry::Point Coloring::randomPoint(Arak::Util::Random& random) const {
01639   return Geometry::Point(random.uniform(CGAL::to_double(bd.xmin()), 
01640           CGAL::to_double(bd.xmax())),
01641        random.uniform(CGAL::to_double(bd.ymin()), 
01642           CGAL::to_double(bd.ymax())));
01643 }
01645 Color Coloring::color(const Geometry::Point& point) const {
01646   // Find the query point closest to the supplied point.
01647   QueryPoint q = queryPoints->closest(point);
01648   Color c = q.color();
01649   assert(c != INVALID_COLOR);
01650   if (q == point) return c;
01651 #ifndef GRID_EDGE_INDEX
01652   // Trace the segment from the query point to the test point,
01653   // inverting the color for every edge crossed.
01654   Tracer trace(q, point, tri);
01655   while (trace != Tracer()) {
01656     ++trace;
01657     c = opposite(c);
01658   }
01659   return c;
01660 #else
01661   // We must collect a list of crossing edges to make sure they are
01662   // not counted twice.
01663   std::set<IntEdgeHandle> counted;
01664   typedef InteriorEdgeIndex::ConstLineCellIterator Iterator; 
01665   Iterator it(*intEdgeIndex, q, point, Iterator::SEGMENT()), end;
01666   typedef InteriorEdgeIndex::Cell Cell;
01667   while (it != end) {
01668     const Cell& cell = *it;
01669     const Cell::ItemList& edges = cell.getItemList();
01670     typedef Cell::ItemList::const_iterator EdgeIterator;
01671     for (EdgeIterator jt = edges.begin(); jt != edges.end(); jt++) {
01672       const IntEdgeHandle e = *jt;
01673       if ((counted.find(e) == counted.end()) && e->crosses(q, point)) {
01674   counted.insert(e);
01675   c = opposite(c);
01676       }
01677     }
01678     ++it;
01679   }
01680   return c;
01681 #endif
01682 }
01684 bool Coloring::solid(const Geometry::Polygon& poly, Arak::Color color) const {
01685 #ifdef GRID_EDGE_INDEX
01686   // First check that a point in the closure of poly is colored
01687   // correctly.  
01688   if (this->color(poly[0]) != color) return false;
01689   // Check that the segments of the boundary do not cross a color
01690   // discontinuity.
01691   int size = poly.size();
01692   for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
01693     if (!compatible(poly[i], poly[(i + 1) % size])) return false;
01694   // Finally, check that no vertex of the coloring falls in the
01695   // polygon.
01696   typedef InteriorEdgeIndex::ConstConvexPolygonCellIterator CellIterator;
01697   typedef InteriorEdgeIndex::Cell Cell;
01698   typedef Cell::ItemList::const_iterator EdgeIterator;
01699   CellIterator end;
01700   for (CellIterator it(*intEdgeIndex, poly); it != end; ++it) {
01701     const Cell& cell = *it;
01702     const Cell::ItemList& edges = cell.getItemList();
01703     for (EdgeIterator jt = edges.begin(); jt != edges.end(); jt++) {
01704       const IntEdgeHandle e = *jt;
01705       const VertexHandle u = e->getPrevVertex();
01706       const VertexHandle v = e->getNextVertex();
01707       if (!cell.has_on_unbounded_side(u->point()) && // pre-filter
01708     !poly.has_on_unbounded_side(u->point()))
01709   return false;
01710       if (!cell.has_on_unbounded_side(v->point()) && // pre-filter
01711     !poly.has_on_unbounded_side(v->point()))
01712   return false;
01713     }
01714   }
01715   // The closure of the polygon is colored correctly.
01716   return true;
01717 #endif
01719   // Traverse all triangles of the triangulation that intersect the
01720   // polygon and ensure that they are all colored appropriately.
01721   assert(false); // TODO
01722 #endif 
01723 }
01725 void Coloring::addListener(Listener& listener) const {
01726   // Make sure not to add the same listener twice.
01727   if (std::find(listeners.begin(), listeners.end(), &listener) == 
01728       listeners.end())
01729     listeners.push_front(&listener);
01730 }
01732 void Coloring::recolored(const Geometry::Point& a,
01733        const Geometry::Point& b,
01734        const Geometry::Point& c) {
01735   queryPoints->recolor(a, b, c);
01736   typedef std::list<Listener*>::iterator ListenerIterator;
01737   for (ListenerIterator it = listeners.begin(); it != listeners.end(); it++) {
01738     Listener *listener = *it;
01739     listener->recolored(a, b, c);
01740   }
01741 }
01743 void Coloring::recolored(const Geometry::Point& a,
01744        const Geometry::Point& b,
01745        const Geometry::Point& c,
01746        const Geometry::Point& d) {
01747   queryPoints->recolor(a, b, c, d);
01748   typedef std::list<Listener*>::iterator ListenerIterator;
01749   for (ListenerIterator it = listeners.begin(); it != listeners.end(); it++) {
01750     Listener *listener = *it;
01751     listener->recolored(a, b, c, d);
01752   }
01753 }
01755 void Coloring::getPointWithColor(Geometry::Point& p, Color& c) const {
01756   const QueryPoint& q = queryPoints->point(0);
01757   p = q;
01758   c = q.color();
01759 }
01761 void Coloring::visualize(CGAL::Qt_widget& widget,
01762        bool drawEdges,
01763        bool drawVertices,
01764        bool drawRegions,
01765        bool drawQueries) const {
01766   using namespace CGAL;
01767   if (drawRegions) {
01768     // Compute a triangulation representation of the coloring.
01769     typedef TriangulationTraits<FaceColorInfo>::Triangulation Triangulation;
01770     Triangulation tri;
01771     this->toTriangulation(tri);
01772     // Draw the faces.
01773     widget << LineWidth(0);
01774     Triangulation::Finite_faces_iterator it = tri.finite_faces_begin();
01775     Triangulation::Finite_faces_iterator end = tri.finite_faces_end();
01776     while (it != end) {
01777       Geometry::Triangle triangle = tri.triangle(it);
01778       bool white = (it->info().color == Arak::WHITE);
01779       // widget << CGAL::GRAY; // Uncomment to show triangulation edges
01780       widget << (white ? CGAL::WHITE : CGAL::BLACK);
01781       widget << CGAL::FillColor(white ? CGAL::WHITE : CGAL::BLACK);
01782       widget << LineWidth(1) << triangle;
01783       it++;
01784     }
01785     // Draw the window.
01786     widget << CGAL::BLACK << noFill << LineWidth(1) << bd;
01787   }
01788   if (drawQueries) {
01789     // Draw the query points.
01790     widget << PointSize(4) << PointStyle(DISC);
01791     const QueryPointIndex& queryPoints = getQueryPoints();
01792     for (int i = 0; i < queryPoints.size(); i++) {
01793       if (queryPoints.point(i).color() == BLACK) 
01794   widget << CGAL::BLACK << queryPoints.point(i);
01795       else
01796   widget << CGAL::BLUE << queryPoints.point(i);
01797     }
01798   }
01799   if (drawEdges) {
01800     /*
01801      * Draw the edges.
01802      */
01803     // Draw the interior edges.
01804     widget << BLUE << LineWidth(2);
01805     for (int i = 0; i < numInteriorEdges(); i++) {
01806       const Coloring::IntEdgeHandle e = getInteriorEdge(i);
01807       widget << e->segment();
01808     }
01809     // Draw the boundary edges.
01810     widget << RED;
01811     for (int i = 0; i < numBoundaryEdges(); i++) {
01812       const Coloring::BdEdgeHandle e = getBoundaryEdge(i);
01813       widget << e->segment();
01814     }
01815   }
01816   if (drawVertices) {
01817     // Draw the interior vertices.
01818     widget << PointSize(6) << PointStyle(DISC) << BLUE;
01819     for (int i = 0; i < numVertices(Coloring::Vertex::INTERIOR); i++) {
01820       const Coloring::VertexHandle v = 
01821   getVertex(Coloring::Vertex::INTERIOR, i);
01822       widget << v->point();
01823     }
01824     // Draw the boundary vertices.
01825     widget << RED;
01826     for (int i = 0; i < numVertices(Coloring::Vertex::BOUNDARY); i++) {
01827       const Coloring::VertexHandle v = 
01828   getVertex(Coloring::Vertex::BOUNDARY, i);
01829       widget << v->point();
01830     }
01831   }
01832 }
01835 #define COLORING_HEADER "\
01836 #######################################################################\n\
01837 #                                                                      \n\
01838 # This file represents a binary polygonal coloring of a rectangular    \n\
01839 # subset of the plane.  It is described by its boundary, the           \n\
01840 # vertices and edges of the coloring, and the color of a point in the  \n\
01841 # interior of the coloring.                                            \n\
01842 #                                                                      \n\
01843 # The point coordinates are represented to 40 decimal places to        \n\
01844 # prevent truncation and rounding from causing vertices that are close \n\
01845 # to appear at the same location (and related problems).               \n\
01846 #                                                                      \n\
01847 #######################################################################\n"
01849 void Coloring::write(std::ostream& out) const {
01850   // Write the header.
01851   out << COLORING_HEADER << std::endl;
01852   // Write the boundary of the coloring.
01853   out << "# The coordinates of the boundary rectangle: xmin ymin xmax ymax" 
01854       << std::endl << bd << std::endl;
01855   // Write out the vertices.
01856   out << std::endl << "# Number of boundary vertices:" << std::endl;
01857   out << numVertices(Vertex::BOUNDARY) << std::endl;
01858   out << "# Boundary vertices [index x y]:" << std::endl;
01859   out << std::scientific << std::setprecision(40);
01860   for (int i = 0; i < numVertices(Vertex::BOUNDARY); i++) {
01861     VertexHandle v = getVertex(Vertex::BOUNDARY, i);
01862     out << v->index << " " 
01863   << CGAL::to_double(v->point().x()) << " " 
01864   << CGAL::to_double(v->point().y()) << std::endl;
01865   }
01866   out << std::endl << "# Number of interior vertices:" << std::endl;
01867   out << numVertices(Vertex::INTERIOR) << std::endl;
01868   out << "# Interior vertices [index x y]:" << std::endl;
01869   for (int i = 0; i < numVertices(Vertex::INTERIOR); i++) {
01870     VertexHandle v = getVertex(Vertex::INTERIOR, i);
01871     out << v->index << " " 
01872   << CGAL::to_double(v->point().x()) << " " 
01873   << CGAL::to_double(v->point().y()) << std::endl;
01874   }
01875   // Write out the boundary edges.
01876   out << std::endl << "# Number of boundary edges:" << std::endl;
01877   out << numBoundaryEdges() << std::endl;
01878   out << "# Boundary edges; each edge is specified by:" << std::endl;
01879   out << "# a. index " << std::endl;
01880   out << "# b. previous corner index (0-3, counter-clockwise from lower-left)"
01881       << std::endl;
01882   out << "# c. next corner index (0-3, counter-clockwise from lower-left)" 
01883       << std::endl;
01884   out << "# d. previous vertex type (1:boundary, 2:corner)" 
01885       << std::endl;
01886   out << "# e. previous vertex index" << std::endl;
01887   out << "# f. next vertex type (1:boundary, 2:corner)" 
01888       << std::endl;
01889   out << "# g. next vertex index" << std::endl;
01890   for (int i = 0; i < numBoundaryEdges(); i++) {
01891     BdEdgeHandle e = getBoundaryEdge(i);
01892     out << e->index << " " 
01893   << e->getPrevCornerVertex()->index << " "
01894   << e->getNextCornerVertex()->index << " "
01895   << e->getPrevVertex()->type() << " "
01896   << e->getPrevVertex()->index << " " 
01897   << e->getNextVertex()->type() << " "
01898   << e->getNextVertex()->index << std::endl;
01899   }
01900   out << std::endl << "# Number of interior edges:" << std::endl;
01901   out << numInteriorEdges() << std::endl;
01902   out << "# Interior edges; each edge is specified by:" << std::endl;
01903   out << "# a. index " << std::endl;
01904   out << "# b. previous vertex type (0:interior, 1:boundary)" 
01905       << std::endl;
01906   out << "# c. previous vertex index" << std::endl;
01907   out << "# d. next vertex type (0:interior, 1:boundary)" 
01908       << std::endl;
01909   out << "# e. next vertex index" << std::endl;
01910   for (int i = 0; i < numInteriorEdges(); i++) {
01911     IntEdgeHandle e = getInteriorEdge(i);
01912     out << e->index << " " 
01913   << e->getPrevVertex()->type() << " "
01914   << e->getPrevVertex()->index << " " 
01915   << e->getNextVertex()->type() << " "
01916   << e->getNextVertex()->index << std::endl;
01917   }
01918   // Write the colored point.
01919   out << std::endl << "# Location of query point:" << std::endl;
01920   Geometry::Point point;
01921   Color color;
01922   getPointWithColor(point, color);
01923   out << point << std::endl;
01924   out << std::endl << "# Color of query point (0:white, 1:black):" 
01925       << std::endl;
01926   out << color << std::endl;
01928   out << std::endl << "# End of coloring" << std::endl;
01929 }
01931 void Coloring::writeBinary(std::ostream& out) const {
01932   double d;
01933   unsigned short int n;
01934   unsigned char c;
01935   // Write the boundary of the coloring.
01936   d = CGAL::to_double(bd.xmin());
01937   out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&d), sizeof(d));
01938   d = CGAL::to_double(bd.ymin());
01939   out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&d), sizeof(d));
01940   d = CGAL::to_double(bd.xmax());
01941   out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&d), sizeof(d));
01942   d = CGAL::to_double(bd.ymax());
01943   out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&d), sizeof(d));
01944   // Write out the vertices.
01945   n = numVertices(Vertex::BOUNDARY);
01946   out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
01947   for (int i = 0; i < numVertices(Vertex::BOUNDARY); i++) {
01948     VertexHandle v = getVertex(Vertex::BOUNDARY, i);
01949     /*
01950     n = v->index;
01951     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
01952     */
01953     d = CGAL::to_double(v->point().x());
01954     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&d), sizeof(d));
01955     d = CGAL::to_double(v->point().y());
01956     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&d), sizeof(d));
01957   }
01958   n = numVertices(Vertex::INTERIOR);
01959   out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
01960   for (int i = 0; i < numVertices(Vertex::INTERIOR); i++) {
01961     VertexHandle v = getVertex(Vertex::INTERIOR, i);
01962     /*
01963     n = v->index;
01964     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
01965     */
01966     d = CGAL::to_double(v->point().x());
01967     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&d), sizeof(d));
01968     d = CGAL::to_double(v->point().y());
01969     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&d), sizeof(d));
01970   }
01971   // Write out the boundary edges.
01972   n = numBoundaryEdges();
01973   out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
01974   for (int i = 0; i < numBoundaryEdges(); i++) {
01975     BdEdgeHandle e = getBoundaryEdge(i);
01976     /*
01977     n = e->index;
01978     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
01979     */
01980     n = e->getPrevCornerVertex()->index;
01981     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
01982     n = e->getNextCornerVertex()->index;
01983     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
01984     c = e->getPrevVertex()->type();
01985     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&c), sizeof(c));
01986     n = e->getPrevVertex()->index;
01987     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
01988     c = e->getNextVertex()->type();
01989     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&c), sizeof(c));
01990     n = e->getNextVertex()->index;
01991     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
01992   }
01993   // Write out the interior edges.
01994   n = numInteriorEdges();
01995   out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
01996   for (int i = 0; i < numInteriorEdges(); i++) {
01997     IntEdgeHandle e = getInteriorEdge(i);
01998     /*
01999     n = e->index;
02000     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
02001     */
02002     c = e->getPrevVertex()->type();
02003     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&c), sizeof(c));
02004     n = e->getPrevVertex()->index;
02005     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
02006     c = e->getNextVertex()->type();
02007     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&c), sizeof(c));
02008     n = e->getNextVertex()->index;
02009     out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
02010   }
02011   // Write the colored point.
02012   Geometry::Point point;
02013   Color color;
02014   getPointWithColor(point, color);
02015   d = CGAL::to_double(point.x());
02016   out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&d), sizeof(d));
02017   d = CGAL::to_double(point.y());
02018   out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&d), sizeof(d));
02019   c = color;
02020   out.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&c), sizeof(c));
02021 }
02023 void Coloring::writeXfig(std::ostream& out) const {
02024   int xfigUnitsPerInch = 1200;
02025   double nativeUnitsPerInch = CGAL::to_double(bd.xmax() - bd.xmin()) / 7.5;
02026   double xfigUnitsPerNativeUnit = 
02027     double(xfigUnitsPerInch) / nativeUnitsPerInch;
02029   out << "#FIG 3.2" << std::endl;
02030   out << "Portrait" << std::endl;
02031   out << "Center" << std::endl;
02032   out << "Inches" << std::endl;
02033   out << "Letter" << std::endl;
02034   out << "100.00" << std::endl;
02035   out << "Single" << std::endl;
02036   out << "-2" << std::endl;
02037   out << xfigUnitsPerInch << " 2" << std::endl;
02039   // Write the window as a box.
02040   out << "2 " // object code (polyline)
02041       << "2 " // sub-type (box)
02042       << "0 " // line style
02043       << "1 " // thickness (1/80 inch)
02044       << "0 " // pen color (black)
02045       << "7 " // fill color (none)
02046       << "50 " // depth 
02047       << "-1 " // pen style (not used)
02048       << "-1 " // area fill (-1 = no fill)
02049       << "0.000 " // style (float)
02050       << "0 " // join style
02051       << "0 " // cap style
02052       << "-1 " // radius (of arc boxes)
02053       << "0 " // forwards arrow (0:off, 1:on)
02054       << "0 " // backwards arrow (0:off, 1:on)
02055       << "5 " // number of points
02056       << std::endl;
02057   // Each point is written as "x y ", and the first point is repeated
02058   // to close the box.  (The Y value is negated because FIG files place
02059   // the origin at the upper left corner.)
02060   out << "     ";
02061   for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) 
02062     out << int(CGAL::to_double(bd.vertex(i).x()) * xfigUnitsPerNativeUnit)
02063   << " "
02064   << -int(CGAL::to_double(bd.vertex(i).y()) * xfigUnitsPerNativeUnit)
02065   << " ";
02066   out << std::endl;
02068   // Compute a triangulation representation of the coloring.
02069   typedef TriangulationTraits<FaceColorInfo>::Triangulation Triangulation;
02070   Triangulation tri;
02071   this->toTriangulation(tri);
02072   // Draw the faces.
02073   Triangulation::Finite_faces_iterator it = tri.finite_faces_begin();
02074   Triangulation::Finite_faces_iterator end = tri.finite_faces_end();
02075   while (it != end) {
02076     Geometry::Triangle triangle = tri.triangle(it);
02077     bool white = (it->info().color == Arak::WHITE);
02078     if (!white) {
02079       // Write the triangle.
02080       out << "2 " // object code (polyline)
02081     << "1 " // sub-type (polyline)
02082     << "0 " // line style
02083     << "1 " // thickness (1/80 inch)
02084     << "0 " // pen color (black)
02085     << "-1 " // fill color (black)
02086     << "50 " // depth 
02087     << "-1 " // pen style (not used)
02088     << "20 " // area fill (-1 = no fill)
02089     << "0.000 " // style (float)
02090     << "0 " // join style
02091     << "0 " // cap style
02092     << "-1 " // radius (of arc boxes)
02093     << "0 " // forwards arrow (0:off, 1:on)
02094     << "0 " // backwards arrow (0:off, 1:on)
02095     << "4 " // number of points
02096     << std::endl;
02097       out << "     ";
02098       for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) 
02099     out << int(CGAL::to_double(triangle.vertex(i).x()) * 
02100          xfigUnitsPerNativeUnit)
02101   << " "
02102   << -int(CGAL::to_double(triangle.vertex(i).y()) * 
02103     xfigUnitsPerNativeUnit)
02104   << " ";
02105       out << std::endl;
02106     }
02107     it++;
02108   }
02109   out << std::endl;
02110 }
02112 bool Coloring::read(std::istream& in) {
02113   int rows = intEdgeIndex->numRows();
02114   int cols = intEdgeIndex->numCols();
02115   Geometry::Rectangle bd;
02116   in >> skipcomments;
02117   in >> bd;
02118   if (!in.good()) return false;
02119   initialize(bd, rows, cols);
02120   // Remove the boundary edges.
02121   while (numBoundaryEdges() > 0) {
02122     BdEdgeHandle e = getBoundaryEdge(0);
02123     freeEdge(e);
02124   }
02125   // Read the number of boundary vertices.
02126   int n;
02127   Geometry::Point p;
02128   in >> skipcomments;
02129   in >> n;
02130   in >> skipcomments;
02131   int index;
02132   if (!in.good()) return false;
02133   // Read the boundary vertices.
02134   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
02135     in >> index;
02136     assert(index == i);
02137     in >> p;
02138     if (!in.good()) return false;
02139     assert(newVertex(Vertex::BOUNDARY, p)->index == i);
02140   }
02141   // Read the number of interior vertices.
02142   in >> skipcomments;
02143   in >> n;
02144   in >> skipcomments;
02145   if (!in.good()) return false;
02146   // Read the interior vertices.
02147   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
02148     in >> index;
02149     assert(index == i);
02150     in >> p;
02151     if (!in.good()) return false;
02152     assert(newVertex(Vertex::INTERIOR, p)->index == i);
02153   }
02154   // Read the number of boundary edges.
02155   in >> skipcomments;
02156   in >> n;
02157   in >> skipcomments;
02158   if (!in.good()) return false;
02159   int prevTypeInt, nextTypeInt;
02160   Vertex::Type prevType, nextType;
02161   int prevIndex, nextIndex;
02162   int prevCornerIndex, nextCornerIndex;
02163   // Read the boundary edges.
02164   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
02165     in >> index;
02166     assert(index == i);
02167     in >> prevCornerIndex 
02168        >> nextCornerIndex 
02169        >> prevTypeInt
02170        >> prevIndex 
02171        >> nextTypeInt
02172        >> nextIndex;
02173     if (!in.good()) return false;
02174     switch (prevTypeInt) {
02175     case 1: prevType = Vertex::BOUNDARY; break;
02176     case 2: prevType = Vertex::CORNER; break;
02177     default: return false;
02178     };
02179     switch (nextTypeInt) {
02180     case 1: nextType = Vertex::BOUNDARY; break;
02181     case 2: nextType = Vertex::CORNER; break;
02182     default: return false;
02183     };
02184     newBoundaryEdge(getVertex(prevType, prevIndex),
02185         getVertex(nextType, nextIndex),
02186         getVertex(Vertex::CORNER, prevCornerIndex),
02187         getVertex(Vertex::CORNER, nextCornerIndex));
02188   }
02189   // Read the number of interior edges.
02190   in >> skipcomments;
02191   in >> n;
02192   in >> skipcomments;
02193   if (!in.good()) return false;
02194   // Read the interior edges.
02195   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
02196     in >> index;
02197     assert(index == i);
02198     in >> prevTypeInt >> prevIndex >> nextTypeInt >> nextIndex;
02199     if (!in.good()) return false;
02200     switch (prevTypeInt) {
02201     case 0: prevType = Vertex::INTERIOR; break;
02202     case 1: prevType = Vertex::BOUNDARY; break;
02203     default: return false;
02204     };
02205     switch (nextTypeInt) {
02206     case 0: nextType = Vertex::INTERIOR; break;
02207     case 1: nextType = Vertex::BOUNDARY; break;
02208     default: return false;
02209     };
02210     newInteriorEdge(getVertex(prevType, prevIndex),
02211         getVertex(nextType, nextIndex));
02212   }
02213   // Read the query point.
02214   int colorInt;
02215   Color c;
02216   in >> skipcomments >> p >> skipcomments >> colorInt;
02217   if (!in.good()) return false;
02218   switch (colorInt) {
02219   case 0: c = WHITE; break;
02220   case 1: c = BLACK; break;
02221   default: return false;
02222   }
02223   // If the current color of this point is wrong, invert the (only)
02224   // query point's color.
02225   assert(queryPoints->size() == 1);
02226   QueryPoint& q = queryPoints->point(0);
02227   if (color(p) != c) q.setColor(opposite(q.color()));
02228   // Check that the coloring is valid.
02229   test();
02230   return true;
02231 }
02233 bool Coloring::readBinary(std::istream& in) {
02234   // Read the boundary.
02235   double xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
02236<char*>(&xmin), sizeof(xmin));
02237<char*>(&ymin), sizeof(ymin));
02238<char*>(&xmax), sizeof(xmax));
02239<char*>(&ymax), sizeof(ymax));
02240   if (!in.good()) return false;
02241   bd = Geometry::Rectangle(Geometry::Kernel::FT(xmin),
02242          Geometry::Kernel::FT(ymin),
02243          Geometry::Kernel::FT(xmax),
02244          Geometry::Kernel::FT(ymax));
02245   int rows = intEdgeIndex->numRows();
02246   int cols = intEdgeIndex->numCols();
02247   initialize(bd, rows, cols);
02248   // Remove the boundary edges.
02249   while (numBoundaryEdges() > 0) {
02250     BdEdgeHandle e = getBoundaryEdge(0);
02251     freeEdge(e);
02252   }
02253   // Read the number of boundary vertices.
02254   unsigned short int n;
02255<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
02256   double x, y;
02257   if (!in.good()) return false;
02258   // Read the boundary vertices.
02259   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
02260     /*
02261<char*>(&index), sizeof(index));
02262     assert(index == i);
02263     */
02264<char*>(&x), sizeof(x));
02265<char*>(&y), sizeof(y));
02266     if (!in.good()) return false;
02267     Geometry::Point p(x, y);
02268     assert(newVertex(Vertex::BOUNDARY, p)->index == i);
02269   }
02270   // Read the number of interior vertices.
02271<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
02272   if (!in.good()) return false;
02273   // Read the interior vertices.
02274   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
02275     /*
02276<char*>(&index), sizeof(index));
02277     assert(index == i);
02278     */
02279<char*>(&x), sizeof(x));
02280<char*>(&y), sizeof(y));
02281     if (!in.good()) return false;
02282     Geometry::Point p(x, y);
02283     assert(newVertex(Vertex::INTERIOR, p)->index == i);
02284   }
02285   // Read the number of boundary edges.
02286<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
02287   if (!in.good()) return false;
02288   unsigned char prevTypeInt, nextTypeInt;
02289   Vertex::Type prevType, nextType;
02290   unsigned short int prevIndex, nextIndex;
02291   unsigned short int prevCornerIndex, nextCornerIndex;
02292   // Read the boundary edges.
02293   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
02294     /*
02295<char*>(&index), sizeof(index));
02296     assert(index == i);
02297     */
02299       sizeof(prevCornerIndex));
02301       sizeof(nextCornerIndex));
02302<char*>(&prevTypeInt), sizeof(prevTypeInt));
02303<char*>(&prevIndex), sizeof(prevIndex));
02304<char*>(&nextTypeInt), sizeof(nextTypeInt));
02305<char*>(&nextIndex), sizeof(nextIndex));
02306     if (!in.good()) return false;
02307     switch (prevTypeInt) {
02308     case 1: prevType = Vertex::BOUNDARY; break;
02309     case 2: prevType = Vertex::CORNER; break;
02310     default: return false;
02311     };
02312     switch (nextTypeInt) {
02313     case 1: nextType = Vertex::BOUNDARY; break;
02314     case 2: nextType = Vertex::CORNER; break;
02315     default: return false;
02316     };
02317     newBoundaryEdge(getVertex(prevType, prevIndex),
02318         getVertex(nextType, nextIndex),
02319         getVertex(Vertex::CORNER, prevCornerIndex),
02320         getVertex(Vertex::CORNER, nextCornerIndex));
02321   }
02322   // Read the number of interior edges.
02323<char*>(&n), sizeof(n));
02324   if (!in.good()) return false;
02325   // Read the interior edges.
02326   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
02327     /*
02328<char*>(&index), sizeof(index));
02329     assert(index == i);
02330     */
02331<char*>(&prevTypeInt), sizeof(prevTypeInt));
02332<char*>(&prevIndex), sizeof(prevIndex));
02333<char*>(&nextTypeInt), sizeof(nextTypeInt));
02334<char*>(&nextIndex), sizeof(nextIndex));
02335     if (!in.good()) return false;
02336     switch (prevTypeInt) {
02337     case 0: prevType = Vertex::INTERIOR; break;
02338     case 1: prevType = Vertex::BOUNDARY; break;
02339     default: return false;
02340     };
02341     switch (nextTypeInt) {
02342     case 0: nextType = Vertex::INTERIOR; break;
02343     case 1: nextType = Vertex::BOUNDARY; break;
02344     default: return false;
02345     };
02346     newInteriorEdge(getVertex(prevType, prevIndex),
02347         getVertex(nextType, nextIndex));
02348   }
02349   // Read the query point.
02350   unsigned char colorInt;
02351<char*>(&x), sizeof(x));
02352<char*>(&y), sizeof(y));
02353   Geometry::Point p(x, y);
02354<char*>(&colorInt), sizeof(colorInt));
02355   if (!in.good()) return false;
02356   Color c;
02357   switch (colorInt) {
02358   case 0: c = WHITE; break;
02359   case 1: c = BLACK; break;
02360   default: return false;
02361   }
02362   // If the current color of this point is wrong, invert the (only)
02363   // query point's color.
02364   assert(queryPoints->size() == 1);
02365   QueryPoint& q = queryPoints->point(0);
02366   if (color(p) != c) q.setColor(opposite(q.color()));
02367   // Check that the coloring is valid.
02368   test();
02369   return true;
02370 }

Generated on Wed May 25 14:39:16 2005 for Arak by doxygen 1.3.6