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coloring.cpp File Reference

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <assert.h>
#include "geometry.hpp"
#include "properties.hpp"
#include "coloring.hpp"
#include "query_point.hpp"
#include <CGAL/IO/Qt_widget.h>
#include <CGAL/IO/Qt_widget_Polygon_2.h>

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#define TEST_VALIDITY   if (Arak::Util::default_random.uniform(10000) == 0) test();
#define COLORING_HEADER   "\#######################################################################\n\# \n\# This file represents a binary polygonal coloring of a rectangular \n\# subset of the plane. It is described by its boundary, the \n\# vertices and edges of the coloring, and the color of a point in the \n\# interior of the coloring. \n\# \n\# The point coordinates are represented to 40 decimal places to \n\# prevent truncation and rounding from causing vertices that are close \n\# to appear at the same location (and related problems). \n\# \n\#######################################################################\n"

Define Documentation

#define COLORING_HEADER   "\#######################################################################\n\# \n\# This file represents a binary polygonal coloring of a rectangular \n\# subset of the plane. It is described by its boundary, the \n\# vertices and edges of the coloring, and the color of a point in the \n\# interior of the coloring. \n\# \n\# The point coordinates are represented to 40 decimal places to \n\# prevent truncation and rounding from causing vertices that are close \n\# to appear at the same location (and related problems). \n\# \n\#######################################################################\n"

Definition at line 1835 of file coloring.cpp.

Referenced by Arak::Coloring::write().

#define TEST_VALIDITY   if (Arak::Util::default_random.uniform(10000) == 0) test();

Definition at line 23 of file coloring.cpp.

Referenced by Arak::Coloring::addQueryPoints(), Arak::Coloring::deleteBdTriangle(), Arak::Coloring::deleteCornerTriangle(), Arak::Coloring::deleteIntTriangle(), Arak::Coloring::deleteVertex(), Arak::Coloring::initialize(), Arak::Coloring::moveBdVertexPastCorner(), Arak::Coloring::moveIntVertex(), Arak::Coloring::moveVertexAlongBd(), Arak::Coloring::newBoundaryTriangle(), Arak::Coloring::newCornerTriangle(), Arak::Coloring::newInteriorTriangle(), Arak::Coloring::recolorQuadrilateral(), and Arak::Coloring::splitEdge().

Generated on Wed May 25 14:39:25 2005 for Arak by doxygen 1.3.6