Class LGSLAMFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
InformationSLAMFilter, KalmanSLAMFilter, TJTSLAMFilter

public abstract class LGSLAMFilter
extends AbstractSLAMFilter

A linear-Gaussian filter for the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javaslam.slam.AbstractSLAMFilter
id2lm, lm2id, x
Constructor Summary
LGSLAMFilter(int dim)
Method Summary
 double[] getLandmarkEstimate(int id)
          Returns the filtered estimate of a landmark's state.
abstract  Gaussian getLandmarkMarginal(int id)
          Returns the filtered marginal potential over a landmark's state (in the moment parameterization).
 Gaussian[] getLandmarkMarginals(int[] ids)
          Given a collection of landmark state variables, this method returns the set of filtered marginal potentials over each individual landmark's state.
 double[] getRobotEstimate()
          Returns the filtered estimate of the robot's state.
abstract  Gaussian getRobotLandmarkMarginal(int id)
          This method computes the joint filtered distribution over the states of the robot and a landmark.
 Gaussian[] getRobotLandmarkMarginals(int[] ids)
          Given a set of landmarks { l1, ..., lk}, this method computes a set of potentials over (x, l1), ..., (x, lk).
abstract  Gaussian getRobotMarginal()
          Returns the filtered marginal potential over the robot's state (in the moment parameterization).
abstract  void measurement(int id, double[] z0, double[][] C, double[][] D, double[][] R, double[] z)
          Performs a linear-Gaussian landmark measurement update.
abstract  void motion(double[] x0, double[][] A, double[][] Q)
          Performs a linear-Gaussian motion update.
abstract  void odometry(double[] y0, double[][] B, double[][] S, double[] y)
          Performs a linear-Gaussian odometry update.
Methods inherited from class javaslam.slam.AbstractSLAMFilter
addLandmark, contains, getLandmarkId, getLandmarkIds, getLandmarkVariable, getNumLandmarks, getRobotVariable
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LGSLAMFilter(int dim)

dim - the dimension of the robot state variable
Method Detail


public abstract void measurement(int id,
                                 double[] z0,
                                 double[][] C,
                                 double[][] D,
                                 double[][] R,
                                 double[] z)
Performs a linear-Gaussian landmark measurement update. The parameters z0, C, D, and R define the measurement equation as follows:
z=z0 + Cx + Dlm + w
where x is the robot state variable, lm is a landmark variable, and w is a white-noise variable with covariance R.

id - the identifier of the landmark that generated this observation; if it is not currently in the belief state, then it is first added with an uninformative prior.
z0 - a k-vector giving the constant term
C - a k by n matrix that defines the linear coefficient for the robot's state
D - a k by m matrix that defines the linear coefficient for the landmark's state
R - a k by k symmetric positive definite matrix giving the covariance of the measurement white noise
z - the measurement k-vector
IllegalArgumentException - if there are any dimension mismatches


public abstract void motion(double[] x0,
                            double[][] A,
                            double[][] Q)
Performs a linear-Gaussian motion update. The parameters A and Q define the state evolution equation as follows:
xt + 1 = x0 + Axt+v
where v is a white-noise variable with covariance Q.

x0 - an n-vector giving the constant term of the state evolution equation
A - an n by n evolution matrix that defines the linear evolution model
Q - an n by n symmetric positive definite matrix giving the covariance of the evolution white noise
IllegalArgumentException - if there are any dimension mismatches


public abstract void odometry(double[] y0,
                              double[][] B,
                              double[][] S,
                              double[] y)
Performs a linear-Gaussian odometry update. The parameters y0, B, and S define the odometry measurement equation as follows:
yt + 1=y0 + Bxt + 1+u
where u is a white-noise variable with covariance S.

y0 - an h-vector giving the constant term of the odometry equation
B - an h by n evolution matrix that is linear term of the odometry equation
S - an h by h symmetric positive definite matrix giving the covariance of the odometry white noise
y - an h-vector giving the odometry measurement
IllegalArgumentException - if there are any dimension mismatches


public abstract Gaussian getRobotMarginal()
Returns the filtered marginal potential over the robot's state (in the moment parameterization).

the filtered marginal potential over the robot's state.


public abstract Gaussian getLandmarkMarginal(int id)
Returns the filtered marginal potential over a landmark's state (in the moment parameterization).

the filtered marginal potential over a landmark's state


public Gaussian[] getLandmarkMarginals(int[] ids)
Given a collection of landmark state variables, this method returns the set of filtered marginal potentials over each individual landmark's state.

ids - an array of landmark identifiers (or null to indicate all landmarks)
a corresponding array of marginals in the moment parameterization


public abstract Gaussian getRobotLandmarkMarginal(int id)
This method computes the joint filtered distribution over the states of the robot and a landmark.

id - the landmark's identifier
the joint filtered distribution over the states of the robot and a landmark (in the moment parameterization)


public Gaussian[] getRobotLandmarkMarginals(int[] ids)
Given a set of landmarks { l1, ..., lk}, this method computes a set of potentials over (x, l1), ..., (x, lk). Each potential is either the filtered marginal over the robot and landmark states.

ids - an array of landmark identifiers (or null to indicate all landmarks)
an array of (perhaps approximate) marginal potentials over the corresponding landmark and robot state variables (in the moment parameterization)


public double[] getRobotEstimate()
Returns the filtered estimate of the robot's state.

Specified by:
getRobotEstimate in interface SLAMFilter
Specified by:
getRobotEstimate in class AbstractSLAMFilter
the filtered estimate of the robot's state


public double[] getLandmarkEstimate(int id)
Returns the filtered estimate of a landmark's state.

Specified by:
getLandmarkEstimate in interface SLAMFilter
Specified by:
getLandmarkEstimate in class AbstractSLAMFilter
id - the identifier of the landmark
the filtered estimate of the landmark's state