class mpkConfigChecker

Public Methods

[more] mpkConfigChecker (const vector<mpkCollPair>* test_pairs, mpkRobotCollection* robots)
[more]bool collision (const mpkConfig* q, mpk_idx model_id=0)
tells if the configuration q is colliding
odouble clearance (const mpkConfig* q, mpk_idx model_id=0, bool store_dist=true)
returns lower bound on clearance (0 if colliding or separation < delta for some pair)
[more]mpk_idx collpair_idx ()
the index (in test_pairs) of the colliding (or too close) pair (undef if no collision).


o mpkConfigChecker(const vector<mpkCollPair>* test_pairs, mpkRobotCollection* robots)

obool collision(const mpkConfig* q, mpk_idx model_id=0)
tells if the configuration q is colliding

ompk_idx collpair_idx()
the index (in test_pairs) of the colliding (or too close) pair (undef if no collision).

This class has no child classes.
class mpkSimpleSegmentChecker
class mpkDiscrSegmentChecker
class mpkAdaptSegmentChecker

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