class sblPlanner

This contains the implementation of the basic sblPlanner. The current planner uses a simple segment checker (class mpkSimpleSegmentChecker) for the collision tests.

Public Methods

[more] sblPlanner (mpkRobotCollection* robots, vector<mpkCollPair>* test_pairs, double epsilon=0.012 )
[more]bool Query ( const mpkConfig& q0, const mpkConfig& q1, list<mpkConfig> &genPath, double rho=0.15, int max_it=100000)
[more]void printStats (struct _timeb start, struct _timeb end, list<mpkConfig> &genPath)
[more]void printStats (struct tms start, struct tms end, list<mpkConfig> &genPath)
[more]void writePath (const list<mpkConfig>&, char* file_name)


This contains the implementation of the basic sblPlanner. The current planner uses a simple segment checker (class mpkSimpleSegmentChecker) for the collision tests.
o sblPlanner(mpkRobotCollection* robots, vector<mpkCollPair>* test_pairs, double epsilon=0.012 )
Takes a pointer robots to the robot collection, a set of collision test pairs (see mpkCollPairSet) and a c-space resolution for the mpkSimpleSegmentChecker.

obool Query( const mpkConfig& q0, const mpkConfig& q1, list<mpkConfig> &genPath, double rho=0.15, int max_it=100000)
This function is used to invoke the planner. rho is the initial neighborhood size for sampling around a milestone and max_it is the maximum number of iterations. If no path is found within this number of iterations, false is returned.

ovoid printStats(struct _timeb start, struct _timeb end, list<mpkConfig> &genPath)
Evaluates the planner time and outputs final Path (WIN32)

ovoid printStats(struct tms start, struct tms end, list<mpkConfig> &genPath)
Evaluates the planner time and outputs final Path (Unix)

ovoid writePath(const list<mpkConfig>&, char* file_name)
Writes the final path to a file

This class has no child classes.
See Also:

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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